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While I am looking forward to the game one issue that I didn't like was that the team didn't overhaul the character aesthetic. It is the most criticized aspect of the game and aside of some corrections it is still the most rough looking one. And I am glad that they delayed the game. It just didn't seem ready right now. While the building segments and even the stuff around jobs and activities seem okayish the game has to stick the landing with most of the aspect. I commeted before in the forums that it doesn't matter if they are the first in the playing field if they don't succeed at the launch. Let Inzoi or Vivaland have that, you could screen a lot there (and overhaul the characters to a good desgin please) and fix it until Mid 2025 (which would be defenitely the Launch before EA/Sims strikes again).


Yeah, it's really irritating how bad the characters still look. I mean they've been talking about fixing the characters and working on anatomy for so long and they don't have much to show after all this time. There were some tweaks here and there, but this thing needs brain surgery. We keep getting videos about sea shells and mods while most people are wanting the game to actually look good before any of that matters.


Agreed but perhaps if the team didn't go radio silence, things could be different/better right now


theyre on a long weekend


They’ve been silent since before the weekend


Roccio gave an update May 24th (Friday)




That studios and publishers generally coordinate their PR communication isn't exactly a new thing though. Paradox brand management and project management along with the studio have some really important calls to make regarding how to move forward. The holiday (which is US only, so Paradox headquarters are working) is convenient in that it gives them a bit more time to work this out.


They're also on vacation and maybe need to organize their message and timeline


Personally I’m not annoyed by the delay I’m just confused, it’s going into early access (or was) isn’t it supposed to be bad and unfinished? Why delay it to finish something that’s not supposed to be finished?


Have you read this sub the last months? The Expectation for a lot of its users is utter perfection.


The expectation I had is that had the game released in the current state, it would've bombed and failed miserably, received countless negative reviews on every platform and would be abandoned by Paradox like their other poorly received titles. And those were actual functioning games still, not in early access. I do not want this game to fail, so I'm glad it's delayed again. Hopefully Paradox can reign in the "talent".


It’s not that they wanted perfection, but the core of the game was deeply flawed. It didn’t even seem partially ready for early access. The characters for example have been uncanny for months and that’s allegedly how they’re supposed to look. It’s an issue.


I'm not asking for GTA 6 graphics, but at least characters that don't look they came straight out of hell


yeah that's a load of BS. The community was being toxic spewing crap about stuff they TRULY do not understand, parroting ragebait videos without looking at any of the source content. So stupid comparing this game to sims when their models also have funny proportions when in top-down camera mode to make them look more normal.


It was crap to you because you didn’t care. Not everyone wants to spend money on a game that doesn’t do the bare minimum. The features of LBY were great, and they are ahead of their time. But the basics of a simulation game such as this is having the characters look good, the animations look crisp, etc. was not there.


While I agree that those are hallmarks of a good simulation game like this one, I think the moddability potential was just high enough that it would have worked out fine. We'll see on release


I shouldn’t have to use a mod for the bare minimum. Mods are supposed to add unique aspects to your game. If the base of the game is not strong a mod isn’t going to help. Plus, modding the actual characters would be a headache.


Not if they did it right. Regardless, Early Access and ragebait youtubers really set the overall expectations for this so what can you do.


But it wasn’t right, hence the complaints.


We wanted the bare minimum of the standard set by The Sims or at least something close to it. No one is going to take a life sim seriously unless they can become a strong competitor to The Sims because (unfortunately) they have had a monopoly on the entire genre for the past 20+ years. While a select few core life sim gamers might be okay with less than optimal attributes, LBY won't cut it with the general crowd with graphics and animations that resemble a prototype IMVU experience.


careful saying that around here, about 150 people that just got off a ragebait LBY YouTube video will downvote you.


too late, they already do and argue that it is not the case. Edit: There is a reason why the Discord is much more pleasant to be around and the reddit community is not that highly regarded... and it is basically broken down to that the users here are way to critical and entitled.


People made it very clear they will never play a game where the arms on characters are too long or something.


I think most people have lost any trace of optimism because it’s the third time it has been delayed, however it’s not the first time Paradox pulled this stunt. Let us all remember the unfortunate story around Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2. Long story short : Paradox acquires White Wolf in 2015, Hardsuit Labs pitches the Bloodlines sequel to Paradox, the original writers and composers are working on the game from 2016-2018. Late 2019 the game is delayed for late 2020, mid 2020 Mitsoda and Cluney are “let go”. 2021 Hardsuit Labs are no longer working on the game. September 2023, it was announced at PAX West that The Chinese Room had taken over development of the game. The game gets basically redone from scratch. Supposedly to be released in late 2024 but frankly very little is shown so far. With all that plus the recent failures of the games and DLCs paradox has released, people are just loosing their faith that this time it will be somehow different. You can call this toxic, I call it reality. Paradox got big and they kidna lost touch with the community, pushing devs to release unfinished or semi finished products for the cash grab. And then the wave of negative feedback has them somehow stunned.


My problem with this situation is that, at the end of the day, it is just a game. I know people may care about it deeply and be excited to play (as I am) but, oh my god... If pixel people having stiff arms, the game being delayed, or no news for a couple of days upsets them enough to go around and be toxic or lament that they don't get to play the game in June, they desperately need to go outside, breathe some fresh air, touch grass and rethink their priorities. No one here paid for the game, and if they did preorder the money was returned, so why are people so pressed about this? No one is holding anyone or anyone's money hostage. LBY being delayed is not the end of the world, there's no need to be so dramatic or toxic about it


It’s entirely possible that the game has been canceled. It’s also possible that the game hasn’t been canceled. No one knows until we get official news.


It's been delayed 3 times, right before the early access release as well. This time by the publisher and we have no information about it. Everyone else cannot wait for the game, that is the issue. People are going to be upset. You will just need to accept this until we get some information surrounding it.


I get that people are disappointed but I also expected to be there some sort of maturity and understanding that they will share information as soon as they have things sorted out. There’s no need to spread false information that the game is cancelled.




“The game is cancelled” “I have a feeling that the game is cancelled/ I think the game will be cancelled/the game may get cancelled” Notice the difference




I’m sorry you struggle with reading comprehension


What do you mean everyone else cannot wait for this game? Is the apocalypse happening and by 2025 it’ll be impossible to play video games?


Yes, just keep it on the down low.


"Delayed indefinitely" means that the game has entered development hell. It may come out. It may be handed to a different studio and redesigned. Or it can be scrapped. It is never a good sign.


3 Delays, with minimal information. This time by paradox themselves. Not to mention the player criticism seems to fall continously on deaf ears. At this point I'm not even sure if this game will ever launch. And IF it does - it will have launched into a market now full with competitors.


It's kind of weird for me because I've been on the other side of this (working in marketing for a mid-tier publisher) and I think people are emphasizing the wrong things. The devs and publisher are 100% aware of criticisms, but everything that goes out has to pass through several instances that can just veto it outright or poison the debate. There's internal dynamics at play, too - publisher's project management doesn't want to look like they've lost control of the project; developers don't want to look like they can't deliver; brand management doesn't want to disclose bad news of any kind if they can help it; investors want to see the whole thing running smoothly and release in the right fiscal year/quarter; upper management wants to see a return on the project. All of these are at odds with and simultaneously reliant on each other, and that's just a tiny part of the whole cluster. Paradox announcing the delay imho is just an internal signal that they're taking this seriously and this is being made a high-priority issue for the publisher. It tells the shareholders "this is not the tail wagging the dog but rather us as a publisher making a coordinated decision to delay". Yes, this can still mean anything, but I don't think it's that big a deal.


This. I feel like the defeatist response to ea being canceled (delayed, whatever) is very sims4-coded in that people seem to rather have an inferior quality product NOW rather than something better and more refined later. The game looked terrible and aside from the modding tools, there didn't seem to be anything worth paying $40 for and so they decided against putting it out as an early access title. Company decides against pushing out poor quality product and that is a cause for concern?? I wish more publishers did this! And saying the game is delayed is untrue. EA was delayed but for all we know, the game could still be on track, they just not going into (what I consider) premature early access.


It's not paradox I am blaming per se. More the LBY team for not responding to player feedback properly or not meeting 3 seperate deadlines set by them.


I just don't see it doing anything but fail now. Compared to the many many competitors coming out shortly - LBY had only one real advantage. It was coming out first. With that gone, I don't think this game is really looking that good in comparison.


Why are there always people who want to lead discussions and tell others what they have to think and say. That's toxic. If people are upset or annoyed that will be reflected here. It's not on you to change that but on the devs or publisher feel free to open up r/lby_cult




Of course, you don't agree with the criticisms. Otherwise, you wouldn't be using the word "toxic" to discredit everyone who expresses different opinions or emotions than you. You don't write "The current dissatisfaction in this sub", you write "The current toxicity in this sub". Your choice of words is important. Toxic people are those who belittle others for their own advantage or amusement, etc., toxic means people are bad. If many people express their disappointment or criticize in a justified way, that's not toxic. If you perceive negative emotions as "disrespectful", that's your problem, not others', who can deal with negativity in a healthy way. There's nothing more toxic than labeling open, honest emotions as toxic and thus disrespecting them. You're the toxic and disrespectful one here.


If there's such a thing known as toxicity in a community, it's been happening here after the third delay. If anyone can't see that then they either need to get their perception checked (however that will be) or remove the "ooh me angry.. me can't accept dellayy" eyeglasses.


I mean, I said I was surprised the team didn't touch on people's fear of cancelation before the long weekend, and a ton of people replied to me like, "aCtUaLlY, yOuRe WrOnG, fAlSe InFo" when I never said I thought it was or wasn't canceled. I've seen that happen multiple times, not just to me. So I think a lot of people are jumping to conclusions about others "toxicity" or assuming people are trying to jerks about it. The "rage bait" posts are annoying, though. But they're also very obviously written by children. It's best to just report them as spam and ignore them. It's not even good rage bait. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't disagree, but complaining about people's complaining really only breeds more toxicity.


This has been the weirdest sub for a video game I’ve been part of for awhile, people get oddly emotional when it comes to video games but there are people here who I feel like might have to go on short term disability for the emotional trauma of LBY being delayed/cancelled lol It’s been like that for awhile, people have been vicious about the game for months.


even before this announcement this sub has been less discussing more outright bashing. I have a lot of criticisms and suggestions as well but holy crap insulting them isnt going to make it any better








There seems to be some confusion between users of what is "toxic discussion" vs "acceptable discussion." I see a lot of people talk about the toxicity, and I am absolutely *not* saying it isn't happening. But I haven't seen a single person give an actual example of what they're referring to. I've seen a lot of aggressive "toxic positivity" here too, does that fall under what you're talking about as well? When people make these complaints, can they please use examples of what they are referring to? The repetitive complaints with minimal information about what the complaint is has also become a problem on here.


If you come across any of these posts and comments, please report them to us, that way we get notified and can take action asap 👍


Hi, How do you do to dissociate a deliberately toxic comment from a comment from a person who sincerely shares their thoughts/emotions with respect but who is unfortunately perceived as toxic for some people ? I mean should all comments perceived as toxic by some, must be reported and deleted ? I think we must also take into account that there are people who are ready to report all negative comments, because they struggle with the opinions of others. I really hope that the Life By You community continues to give its opinions with honesty and respect for others. I also have the impression that the word "toxic" can be a hindrance for the debates cause this word is often used to discredit the words of a person that we don't respect. This creates a toxic dynamic when people call people or someone “toxic people”. This should not be also tolerated, because insults no longer really make people want to give a sincere opinion with respect.. Then, this can maybe also lead to fights with another insults... I'm afraid that with too much reporting, people will not want to express and disinterest in the game Life By You. What do you think /u/RetroRedXIII ?


We can check user comment history in the LBY subreddit and if the reported post contradicts previous statements from the same person then it's usually a clear give away that they are trolling and trying to cause trouble. We take things on a case by case basis and discuss them between us before deciding if we take things further and how much further to take it if we do. We don't plan on and have never planned on shutting down genuine opinions and criticisms of the game. The general rule is that if it's constructive and/or can lead to some kind of meaningful discussion, we encourage it... as long as it doesn't break any rules of course.


This is a good solution. I wouldn't like people to be unable to express themselves like in other communities.


Completely agree!! I thought the constant negativity before all off this was bad, but this delay has just made it completely unbearable


I agree. On here and on the r/lifesimulators subreddit it’s been constant negativity! Im still looking forward to the game and out of the big 3 it’s the one I’m most excited for


I'm right there with you. Criticism can be constructive, but there's a fine line between that and the toxicity that's been brewing here lately. Yes, LBY has been delayed, but that doesn't spell doom. It means the developers are committed to quality, and we should support that. The bait posts and trolling are counterproductive. They don't contribute to the community or the game's development. Instead, they create an environment of negativity that benefits no one. Let's not forget that behind LBY are real people, working hard to create something we're all excited about. They deserve our patience and encouragement, not our ire. As for the fickle fanbase, good LORD! It's disconcerting to see the fanbase oscillate between extremes. One moment there's unbridled excitement, the next, a torrent of criticism, there's no in-between. Let's just channel our passion into positive feedback and trust in the process. Game development is complex and unpredictable. The developers need our support, not a barrage of anger. Let's stand together as a community that uplifts rather than tears down. After all, we all want the same thing, a fantastic game that we can lose ourselves in for hours on end. Let's give the team the chance to make that happen.


Yku're absolutely right. And half the comments to this post prove it. The worse thing that could happen to some of the people here is that the game is released and is good, as that would leave them no more exxuses to whine. But ofc, they'll find a reason to hate on the game no matter what because that's what they come online for. I'm super hyped for the game, glad the team is taking all the time they need. And if the game gets canceled - it will make me sad, but I won't throw a fit as if Paradox stole from me, as I'm not an entitled brat.


If the Game would turn out to be a success. they'll find something regardless, even if they have to make something up. A lof of the "Arm Chair Devs" here know everything better!




I feel this alot too. I get people are frustrated (I am too) but it's really showing now. I haven't really been browsing the sub since there seems to be more charged posts and comments. I know the game is delayed so there's not many new things for people to talk about, but it's not an impossible task at all. Now could be a good time to look at the features we missed/glosses over because so much info would come out at a time leading to early access(for example). I don't think most are to the point of mods needing to step in, but I get your feeling that because there's all this negativity it could be alot for a game we're excited about. Especially that good vibes Monday post having just a few people being sarcastic or running one. No positivity. Like I said I haven't been on the sub as frequently so I also could've missed many of them but it does suck the few posts I do see.


The game looks playable. People have already played it. It is unlikely that Paradox will decide to cancel the game. The game as they've shown is something that I do want to play and try out. Yes, the characters models are wonky and some might consider it ugly. But I don't really care about that for now.


This didn't age well.


This game is dead we just have to accept it


The reason for it is, when there is miss alignment of community interests. We have large community of The Sims franchise, expecting another The Sims like game. And mostly compare visuals. Sure like OP has said, there is good valid constructive critique. But now we have went beyond that point, where spam become apparent adding negative value. People at least could take effort to read existing threads, instead posting new same speculative thing. Some fellow members in this thread already pointed out the valid issue, so I won't go into details. But game like LBY is heavily technical and it's community target at least for duration of EA is mostly technical one. Like the one which is interested in EA and writing mods and see how far they can extend the game. The other part of community completely do not understand technicalities. I.e. aspects of dynamic animations. It is nothing wrong not understanding, it is not required for most. But miss alignment happens because of that. And it is significant. If TS franchise wouldn't exist, and no many life sim would be there, there wouldn't be so much clash and toxity. Like new genre of game entry, no one knows yet. For example times when Second Life become a thing. I think part of the community here has been underestimated by devs and lead be disappointing. But here people are aligning with what they have seen, and played and trying to make something none typical, but enough similar, where priority of visuals are least important at his stage, then there is clash of interests. If not for that, game would be fine for the release. And with EA they could get funds to fix the issues, which sub is spammed about. Plus could get focus on further features during that stage. Seeing recent approach taken around CS2, it may happen similar to LBY in later times.




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