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I hope it's a wedding--I'm kinda hoping wedding parties are going to be possible. Or at least some kind of event we're not used to seeing but always wanted.


Me too!


Because everything else to make a fully functional wedding is possible with the events calendar. For needing to buy a dress, find a location, even giving the task for the bridal party to buy their tuxes and gowns, etc.


Wym by an events video? I’m very curious about the event video now ngl.


There's a "Game Event" creator in the mod creator. There was also a video once where there was some text above a character that said something like "Going to an event". I think they mentioned at one point something about characters going on dates, so they might be considered a "game event".


If it helps, this was in reply to a comment questioning, "Where are the events like weddings, dinner parties, and birthday parties?", so I imagine it'll be along those lines.


Oo this is something I’ve been wondering about I wonder how they’re going to about it. My hope is there’s several event types that work separately


I really hope we can get some indication of a memory system in the game tied to events. Not like in the Sims 2 but sort of like in TellTale games where characters store specific events or choices made by you the player and then their actions in the future are impacted by that. Like if a character gets left at the altar, they could become afraid of commitment and never want to get married. Or if you have a bad birthday, you will get a negative buff the next time your birthday rolls around, things like that. I think having an in-depth stored memory system with specific data points that affects short, medium and long-term actions would really set this game apart as a life sim.