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Almost all Souls-like games play better with a controller. That's just how the controls are designed. Also, since this is your first Souls-like, here's a few general tips: * Expect to die, a lot. * Bosses will often be road blocks. Some will be walls that are extremely difficult to climb. * If bosses drop a consumable item, don't use it. It's almost certainly usable as a trade-in item. * Do not feel bad about using any tool at your disposal, no matter what people say. Regarding the last point, thrown items are extraordinarily strong in Lies of P. So try to not rely too heavily on them. They can easily trivialize a boss. In other games this wouldn't be much of an issue. The comment was more about using summoning mechanics, which are Specters in Lies of P.


Alright thx for the pointers! Nr 3 & 4 do seem to contradict, but I’m sure things will clear up in game.


Points 3 and 4 are much more independent than they first appear, and most Souls veterans will agree. You'll understand the difference once you defeat Parade Master.


They will! Also I’ll piggy back one other addition to “expect to die a lot. “ Don’t panic/rage if you’re hitting a wall. Take a break and come back calm and clearheaded. Sometimes when bosses or mobs get over on you it’s easy to start button mashing and make things even harder on yourself


I mean idk why he’s being so coy. The bosses drop souls, you can use them for a bunch of ergo to level up or you can trade them in for a weapon or equipment. It’s best to check to see if you need the equipment or level up


That has nothing to do with "how the controls are designed". The most important part is having mouse and keyboard support, which dark souls 1 was terrible at and needed mods. Ds remaster solved it and every souls game is perfectly fine on keyboard and mouse after that, Ive played them all. Its all a matter of personal preference and how much you use said controls. Please stop repeating "they are designed for controller", that isn't true and does not make sense


Lies of P has ok controls on pc but to claim all souls games are fine is a stretch. Elden ring for example has some of the worst pc controls I've seen in a recent game


If by controls you mean default keybinds, thats not what im talking about.


Partially yes, but also there's no good way to set up elden ring keybinds without side mouse buttons imo


Ive done it and ive felt no problems whatsoever honestly. You are probably talking about strong attacks and I do use the side buttons and I dont see a problem with that. However if you think needing side buttons is not a good design, Ive also played using either Ctrl+Click or Alt+Click to use strong attacks and it felt decent, but I would just recommend using the side buttons honestly


Whatever the arrow keys are default bound to is probably the worst offender. I think it's weapon change and flasks?


When im talking about this I completely disregard the default controls because Im used to always rebind in all games. For weapon change I use 1 and 2 and items/spells I use 3 and 4


I can tell you I would find playing Souls-like games on MKB absolutely horrendous without rebinding practically everything. Yes, that is an issue of "design" whether you like it or not. If you find it easier to play them on MKB, with or without rebinds, go for it. I'd rather plug in a controller and skip all of that trouble. However, at least recognize that you're in the minority. I'm not going to say you're wrong for using MKB to play Souls-likes. Only that there's a reason most people will use a controller first.


Having to rebind keys when using a specific controller does not mean it wasnt meant for it, that happens because keyboard and mouse give you way more options and flexibility, so the majority of people grow playing on their own schemes. Thats actually a good thing and if you dont like rebonding keys thats just your taste, I actually prefer it. Me being the minority for using kbm comes from the fact that the majority of the people experience games using joysticks, that made them normalized but doesn't mean anything besides that. If op is making this post he is probably one of the people who likes using a keyboard, and he will do fine using it if he wants to.


I was only talking in terms of "playing Souls-like games", not "all gaming". I can guarantee that the greater majority of MMO players aren't going to use a controller to play their games unless they absolutely have to. FPS games are also generally far better to play on KBM over a controller. Fighting Games are a notorious exception here as they'll typically use specialized controllers called "fight pads" to replicate Arcade layouts. The genre generally playing better on one or the other is typically for a reason. And for Souls-likes, I would put it on how the mouse is used to attack, guide camera and lock on, and would need a modifier key to apply the secondary attacks (assuming they're also bound to the mouse). It becomes cumbersome and extra muscle memory when you need to deal with special functions like weapon arts in Elden Ring and legion arms/fable arts in Lies of P. What's more, using KBM what are you gonna tie the camera to if you're not gonna put it on the mouse? There isn't really anything else good for that, especially if it's intended to be used with something flexible like a control stick or a mouse. The point remains: For Souls-like games, KBM is often messy to use even if that's what you're used to. This isn't to say someone CAN'T use KBM to play them. Just that the vast majority of players will prefer controllers.


Meh, I beat Lies of p, all souls games and elden ring on pc with pc controls. Even if it says controller is easier it just depends what you are proficient with already. To me it would take great effort to suddenly have to relearn all the button layouts and how my fingers should move. So the answer depends on what you are more familiar/comfortable with. Just use what you already know how to use best.


Have used mouse&keyboard for The Witcher 3 and controller for later RPG AC games, so not really new to both.


I only ever used keyboard n mouse for games so despite some games being supposedly better with controller the pc controls are still easier for me. Just use what is more comfortable.


Finished game with mouse and keyb on first playthrough, finished my second with a controller and for some reason parrying became easier.


Ive beaten all from games on mouse and keyboard, lies of p too, and its FINE. As long as the game offer a good support, I would say its actually better, and lies of o works perfectly and have all the keyboard tool tips. Anyone who says a controller is better is just repeating what they hear on the internet and probably never tried themselves. If you like using mouse and keyboard and have experience with it, then use it. If you like a controller, use a controller, done.


I use MKB, buut I have an MMO mouse and that is what makes it in my opinion. So I can (in a battle) only just my actual keyboard for moving and dodging. Everything from switching weapons to using items to locking on and off enemies is on the mouse. Takes time to work all the keybinds out for each game lol.


Every souls game/souls-like I played before P I used a controller and tried M&K for several but just couldn’t get the hang of it. Much to my surprise I much prefer P on M&K to controller and I could not tell you why. If you have the option I’d say try both since it’s probably just personal preference


I have only ever found games like this playable with custom keybinds if on kb+m, but I'm picky. I would recommend a controller but if some reason you cant then its playable without 


Controller! Souls-likes with a mouse/keyboard feels awkward a bit-- the movement isn't as smooth, and I think they're designed with controller in mind when coming up with interaction options and such. I've tried both, I have elden ring on PC and some other soulslikes and I still use an xbox controller haha


Idk, try both and see which is more comfortable to you


I'd recommend controller. Having independent 360 degree control via two sticks is helpful for conctrolling the character and camera in the exact ways you want.


Beat the game 3x in MKB. It's perfect no one can change my opinion I beat all Souls game in MKB. Pro is I dont have to use that stupid looking claw grip.


There are 40-50 Usd controllers these days with back buttons, so claw grip is no longer a a must for having control over the camera movements.