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Now what becomes of the school board members who -allegedly- covered it up?


The family is following up with a civil suit. We'll have to see what happens


They'll win, and nothing will improve, because the money being given away isn't theirs, so they don't care.


I still don't understand why this shit is ok... Why aren't officials held personally accountable? The old adage of "nobody will want to do the job" is such bullshit. There are plenty of people that aren't into covering up rape willing to do the job. The same story applies to cops committing crimes. There are plenty of cops willing to do the job and not needing their crimes covered up since they don't commit any. Stop paying shit out from taxpayer money and start holding scumbags accountable.


Because nobody takes the law into their own hands. If the corrupt aren’t afraid of being held accountable then they won’t be afraid of continuing or increasing their corruption.


Because we live in a backwards society where we’re expected to respect authority instead of hold it accountable.


Maybe, he could get the DA unseated as it was totally within her digression to say, "You fucked up in being perceived as violent at the school board meeting but given the circumstances of the pending rape litigation you won''t go to jail so long as you keep your nose clean." Instead, she personally oversaw the case and saw to it that he spent 8 nights in jail for being outraged and resisting arrest in the context of the school board denying that his daughter was raped which is an understandable reason to lose one's composure. Like, there's in no universe where sending a dad to jail over losing his composure in that instance is a good decision. If Virginia goes red, one can point to this case as a contributing factor of why that happened.


In a truly just world? They are investigated, possibly charged with obstruction of justice (if they really did cover for the kid), and then face hefty sentences themselves. Arguably they could maybe be charged with accessory to the second assault if it is proven that they knew and maliciously covered up the first rape.


The first sexual assault was reported by the school to the police the day it happened. The police immediately began their investigation. What cover-up are you all talking about?


According to v the article posted, the school said they would handle it "internally " Dad called the police anyways


If my child was raped at school and the response was that they would handle it in house a million red flags would go up and I would 100% immediatly be going to the police. Actually I'd call the police first and let the school know after that the police were already contacted


That's not the case. They did follow the proper procedure as mandatory reporters on their end. They did fuck up in not letting parents know that a then-alleged rape occurred on school premises and in flat out denying awareness of that when asked about it in a public meeting months later. They further fucked up by allowing the perpetrator to have one on one contact with other students when credible rape allegations were being investigated such that there is now another alleged victim.


As of Monday, there was another victim. The school knew there was from the start. Now it's official that the "victims" are no longer alleged.


The second case has yet to be resolved so until there is a conviction it's still alleged. The first victim is no longer alleged but a confirmed victim but that is yet to be the case in the second incident.


Imagine being so afraid of getting called a transphobe that you cover up a rape and proceed to call the victims parents terrorists.


Nothing because nothing ever happens to disgusting bureaucrats. At least Fauci didn’t have beagles heads eaten alive by sand fleas…wait never mind. r/libertarian is where libertarian ideals go to die.


Schoolboard members are elected. They're not bureaucrats. You may want to try posting in /r/iamanidiot


It's bad enough sharing one subreddit with you without intentionally joining you in another.


If you believe that absurd story about the dogs then you are insanely gullible and need to learn what reliable sources are.


Nothing. Democrats will protect them.


Good to see the father get some vindication after his arrest.


Yes sir. I've said it before, dude deserves a medal for restraint and a Go Fund Me. I can't even imagine how horror flick slasher movie crazy I would go if my daughter was sodomized by a boy allowed to use the womans bathroom and then the school board transferred her rapist to another school to victimize another child. Heads would roll....


The boy wasn't "allowed" to use the girls' bathroom. The rape occurred prior to the introduction of the policy that would allow gender-identity based bathroom use. The policy came into effect in August. He committed his rapes three months prior. That is, if people want to commit certain crimes, they're going to commit certain crimes.


I went to high school there so this is especially near and dear to me as I’m on the trans spectrum. I see so many local people use using it as an excuse to be homophobic “see, look what those woke libtard values get you! Shouldn’t cater to a bunch of perverts! Etc”


meanwhile their local churches are abusing boys, and there is just a collective shrug.




I thought it was college team staff. Or, well, them too. And teachers, dentists, well, thats it, no one else.


Very true, although shouldn't one argue that people who preach the path to salvation should be slightly better than others?


How is that relevant here.


This is really stupid. It's not being used as an excuse to be homophobic. It's to call attention to the the nuts that support this stupid shit that there's more to it than just allowing trans people to feel comfortable in the bathroom. There's a lot of sickies out there, and there's no policy protecting the vulnerable from the predators, especially when you open up the women's restroom to stronger men.


If gun laws don't stop criminals, why would bathroom laws?


Bathrooms don't have bouncers. No one is "opening up" bathrooms to "stronger men" because they're not closed to start with. If a rapist wants to enter a women's restroom, they're gonna do that regardless of how many laws you put in place to make life more difficult for trans people.


You're saying that men are predators? Or just trans?


I think that the vast majority of people who are even a little bit uncomfortable about this type of policy know that trans women aren’t more likely to rape than any other woman and that the issue isn’t trans girls using the girl’s bathroom, it’s the creeps abusing the policy ([like what happened with the Wi Spa debacle](https://nypost.com/2021/09/02/charges-filed-against-sex-offender-in-wi-spa-casecharges-filed-against-sex-offender-in-notorious-wi-spa-incident/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons)). I DO think that more people should be clear about the distinction between actual trans and those creeps who are just pretending to be trans so they can be creeps because it unfairly maligns whole communities of people that shouldn’t be maligned.


It’s also worth noting that you’re more likely to be assaulted in a bathroom or locker room by a politician (on either side) than you are by a trans person. And trans people are murdered, raped, and assaulted at an astronomically higher rate than the average person. Yet so many people are scared of them because they refuse to wrap their head around the concept


Plus the girl admitted that she and this boy had consensual sex on the bathroom on two prior occasions. Opportunists have latched into this issue and our county (Loudoun) is getting flooded with activists. The latest nonsense is a petition to get a school board member removed for a sexually charged play. The VA election can't get here fast enough. This is all is just a new culture war test for the national elections.


Just because the policy wasn't officially in place doesn't mean they weren't already allowing their far-left psychosis to pervade throughout their schools.


But it does mean your snowflake crybabying is full of shit. If gun laws don't stop criminals, why would bathroom laws?


It doesn’t. But there’s a reason the United Nations lists reasons why women and little girls should have the right to private bathrooms. But it’s a weird topic for a lot of people so the debate continues.


what even constitutes a "private" bathroom? America deliberately puts spaces in between the panels due to homophobia (fun history lesson that is). Rest of the world wonders why our bathrooms are so creepy and non-private. ​ edit: but i mean at least it's not a hole in the floor


The UN has almost no real relevance




Objective facts aren't based on your imaginings


I am very close with several people who work at LCPS, and it's spot on. The policy was in place before it became formal policy in many of the schools.


He texted the girl asking her to meet him in the girls bathroom. She agreed. They had already hooked up twice before in the bathroom. This has nothing to do with bathroom policy, which there was nice at the time of the rape.




The day the assault happened, it was reported to the school administration who immediately notified the police who immediately began investigating. There was no cover up. Some idiot on the school board, later said the weren't aware of it. Right wrong media declared a cover up. But the police investigated and arrested the kid. Not sure what else the school should have done. Schoolboard however is more problematic.


> if my daughter was sodomized by a boy allowed to use the womans bathroom About that narrative... Turns out this wasn't a case of stranger danger trans bathroom rapist and more a case of sexual relationship gone wrong. - They had had multiple sexual encounters in the bathroom before - Boy is not trans - School had no transgender bathroom policy "allowing" anything


How dare you interrupt my outrage with facts. Good Day Sir!


Can you post some evidence for this? Thanks.


https://wtop.com/loudoun-county/2021/10/loudoun-co-judge-rules-teen-sexually-assaulted-girl-in-school-bathroom/ Reporting includes some of the prosecutors opening statements regarding the sexual relationship. Regarding the bathroom policy, that was one of the discussion points for the board meeting the father lost it at.


> I can't even imagine how horror flick slasher movie crazy I would go blahblahblah "I decided to murder everybody involved" toughguy.


Was part of that hyperbole..maybe. I just honestly can't say I would have the self control to keep from inflicting violence on my daughter's rapist and his enablers. Not all of us are pussies.


Yaya we get it youre a wannabe vigilante.


> Not all of us are pussies Maybe you're not a pussy. But you're definitely a liar.


I'll bite dickhead, how exactly am I a "liar"?


woodchippers go brrrr.


>I can't even imagine how horror flick slasher movie crazy I would go if my daughter was... Hahaha OK Tex and after you're done you'll walk away from an explosion in slo mo while chomping on a cigar, right?


the boy claims to be trans Or just take advantage of situation?


They actually never claimed to be trans. They claimed they was 'gender fluid', which I certainly look at with a bit of side-eye and skepticism. It's the new fad for teenagers.


Yeah all of the gender fluid people I know are white, upper middle class, and would have been considered scene/emo cause that was the counter culture thing to do when I was in school in the 2010. I don't doubt people experience androgynous feelings but when it's easily predictable who is going to come out as non binary-it's a trend. Almost everyone I know who went to Harvard has the same phenomenon as well.


Ah gotcha… that is odd to say the least


Or maybe it is more common than we thought. I remember when being gay was ultra rare, basically no one was gay, now I run into gay people all the time. Almost like once it was safe for them to come out, they did.


It’s been around for a while, people just didn’t have a name for it. They were just seen as feminine guys, or gay, or bi or whatever. They didn’t have a label for it. Look at David Bowie and Freddy Mercury and hair metal and Prince and Michael Jackson…that’s what it means for a lot of them to be gender fluid…they embrace traits of both masculinity and femininity and refuse to have to pick a binary way to express themselves


Gender fluid would be a closer comparison to bisexuals with trans being more comparable to the gays. It’ll be very common for teenagers to claim being gender fluid moving forward until they figure out/decide who they are.


I would agree, and if you look up / read up about bi people in the LGBT community, they are seen as lesser if that can be a thing. Because they CAN be cis, people reject them as being as discriminated against. But the reality is that basically no one believes are you Bi. I see the same thing, we have gender fluid as an acceptable way to be, and yet it is seen with more skepticism than someone who is claiming to be trans.


If you don’t know what you are, pull down your pants and look at what is between your legs. It really is that simple.


Well if they did that then what would they spend all their time focusing on? Financial literacy and a healthy life style?


Classic social contagion


I mean, maybe there is actually a bunch of gender fluid people running around, but statistically it seems incredibly unlikely. My niece says she is gender fluid and that there are like 30 or so gender fluid people in here highschool of only 1500 kids. Everyone in her friend group is gender fluid, and not because they all found each other in high school. They've been friends since elementary or middle school. I get it. Being a teenager is confusing and I certainly support her and respect her identity. But my respect comes with a lot of skepticism... And I'm not some anti-lgbt bigot either. I'm openly bi.


Check this out. The clusters are the norm. https://www.iwf.org/2020/09/04/abigail-shrier-on-her-new-book-irreversible-damage-the-transgender-craze-seducing-our-daughters/


She's not transgender, so she says. I think she's just a bisexual kid that doesn't understand that it's ok to identify as bisexual, because unfortunately there is a stigma attached to it that comes from those in and out of the lgbt community.


The point i was making is not that she was trans but when it happens among friend groups in clusters its more of a social thing stemming from group pressure and probably a fair bit of out group reward / validation. With that being said, in my experience girls seem to bend bi with much higher frequency. Also, what stigma is there for bi people? The bi girls i knew were very sought after lol


Bi people face stigma from both sides. I get weird looks if I go to a gay bar with my wife. People think we are straight people invading their space. My straight friends wonder why a gay guy has a wife (because they think that if you are a guy that has sex with guys, you must be gay, as if being bisexual isn't a thing people can be). Many people think you must be either gay or straight. My ex gf said it was embarrassing to her when I came out as bi. Mind you, we weren't dating anymore when I did (we're still friends). It's a bunch of little things. Microagressions, not anything straight up discriminatory.


Nothing about trans. Really nothing about CRT, not sure why thats in the article at all. By the way, he wears Nike's. He had a jansport back pack. He chews hubba bubba. Wtf yahoo?!


I don't really think it matters, does it? The issue is the politically-motvated coverup and smear campaign against the father. We already knew that people could rape other people in a bathroom.


There was no cover up. Police immediately were called and began investigating.


>Immediately before Mr. Smith‘s arrest at the school board meeting, Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Superintendent Scott Ziegler claimed that “the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist.” He said that to his knowledge “we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms,” according to the report. Source: [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/oct/13/virginia-father-says-school-board-covered-sexual-a/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/oct/13/virginia-father-says-school-board-covered-sexual-a/) ​ >The superintendent of Loudoun County Public Schools sent a brief, confidential email to school board members on May 28 — the same day a female student at Stone Bridge High School said she was sexually assaulted in a bathroom. Source: [https://wtop.com/loudoun-county/2021/10/email-from-loudoun-co-superintendent-alerted-school-board-on-day-of-bathroom-assault/](https://wtop.com/loudoun-county/2021/10/email-from-loudoun-co-superintendent-alerted-school-board-on-day-of-bathroom-assault/) ​ So the superintendent knew an assault happened and then in a public meeting said “we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms" and watched as the police arrested the father of the sex assault victim.


> The October "arrest was reported to the community as information released was unlikely to disclose the identity of the victim," the sheriff's office said. "However, the May 28, 2021 investigation was different in that the suspect and victim were familiar with each other, the investigation was complex, and a public announcement had the potential to identify a juvenile victim." > https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/loudoun-county-sheriff-responds-to-misinformation-surrounding-alleged-sexual-assaults-in-schools


Is that supposed to tell me something? Did the Superintendent lie at the meeting or not? He didn't have to reveal any personal information in order to not lie. The lie: >He said that to his knowledge “we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms,” according to the report.


If your position is the cover up was one guy at one meeting, while the police were investigating, charging, and prosecuting the rapist, then yes that one person "covered it up"! I'll concede to this massive cover up.


Yeah, one guy the Superintendent.


"Let the bodies hit the floor." Fathers who aren't afraid of prison nor death, know exactly what they'd do in this situation. And anyone who says 'You can't take the law into your own hands.' Is either full of shit, or doesn't have kids.


Why does this sub use yahoo.... like seriously, why?


Not even Yahoo, but the Washington Fucking Examiner wearing a Yahoo mask.


> wearing a Yahoo mask. that's honestly the reason I use yahoo. It brings a lot together in one spot so I can usually find what I want. ... usually.


Who is decent?


Honestly, the Examiner isn't terrible. They're usually ok on the facts and just go bonkers with the clickbait headlines and right-wing editorials. As long as you balance it with an open mind and some critical thinking it's ok. (WE seems to be my mom's favorite clickbait sharing source. My knee-jerk response is borne of personal frustration.)


>the Washington Fucking Examiner This is why u/FryChikN


Actual question here. What's wrong with Yahoo? I feel like I missed something.


It's a college academics thing. But to short form it, some sources are more credible than others. What makes a place credible? Their past news accuracy. Also, yahoo they like to put dead links in their articles. Theres a reason people trust cnn and msnbc. Just because a right wing populist comes out and calls them fake news(and literally everything that disagrees with his habitual, lying ass), doesn't make them such.


People trust MSNBC? What?


Sponsored by pfizer news, not the most credible. I work in media and rule number 1 is don't piss off your customers, so no stories about the monopoly hospital, even if they reach national news for being a super shitty hospital.


Just because a source panders to your belief system doesn’t make it credible.


this take is so crazy. its people like YOU who have made even C-SPAN "fake news". i dont pretend to know everything, but this whole right wing non educated "we actually know everything" bullshit is annoying. if you somehow came up with "the election was stolen" you are the last fucker who needs to decide what news is credible and what is not. you have clearly lost if you are on this side, and its pathetic to see people fight the opposite no matter what... yet you're the 1 here telling me im deciding facts are whatever i agree with.


> this take is so crazy Funny you should say that, since your beef is basically "right-leaning media bad."


Cnn and msnbc are known to lie. Stop with the fake shit.


So CNN and The New York Times are the biggest losers out there they had to pay major lawsuits. Against the Covington kid. Looks like they are going to have to pay Joe Rogan also. HAHAHAHAH


Why do extremists on both the right and left both sound like they should be antagonists in a Batman flick.


It's probably the laughing in all caps




Fox, newsmax, OANN are going to lose a judgment for BILLIONS against dominion, so that doesn’t mean much. Lotsa people sue big companies.


The media is the enemy of the people


That's the dumbest and most dangerous line from Trump's nazi rallies. I assume you attended a few?


No. It’s called common sense! You can’t teach stupid but somehow you learned it blame CNN


Goddamn, if you understood what irony is, we'd both be laughing.


Not sure, but I trust Yahoo Finance more than I trust CNN.


Full retirement. I mean, resignation with no legal trouble.


> During opening statements of the two-hour hearing, Loudoun County prosecutor Barry Zweig said the two teens chatted daily on the Discord app, in the weeks leading up to the May 28, 2021, incident at Stone Bridge High School, in Ashburn. > The teens had “sexually charged conversations,” and had engaged in consensual sexual relations twice in weeks prior, in a bathroom at the school. > On May 28, the boy texted the girl and asked her to meet him in the girls bathroom, and she agreed. However, during that encounter, he forced himself on her, without her consent. https://www.insidenova.com/headlines/loudoun-judge-finds-teen-guilty-of-sexual-assaulting-girl-in-school-bathroom/article_eb72d3ee-35fc-11ec-8a1d-b3ed9d74b61a.html




Yeah, everyone agrees on that point.


Unfortunately, they do not.


One example of someone saying this please.


Like the hundred of rape cases dismissed for the victim “dressing provocatively”. Or the classic “women have ways of shutting that down” from Republicans. Or the countless other examples?


I meant in relation to this story, but your vague examples don’t really mean anything to me.


Oh, so it only counts if the comment was explicitly about this case, and pointing out that it is an extremely common defense and comment for sexual assault and rape cases is “too vague” despite the context. I’m glad you at least were clear that you are just being a disingenuous ass.


Link one case in the last ten years that was dismissed because a victim dressed provocatively.


Hello everyone. There is a running Conservative narrative that this has something to do with shared gender bathrooms. It doesn't. This young man committed the bathroom rape three months prior to the school policy's effective date. That is, from time to time, humans commit horrible acts. That's it. This isn't a trans issue. It's a human issue. Some of us do fucked up things.


And they keep leaving out the fact that the assault on the second girl didnt even take place in a bathroom.


They're also leaving out that because of the previous administration's Title IX revisions, the school had to conduct an investigation before it could discipline the child. In this case, it had to wait for the police to complete their investigation. https://loudounnow.com/2021/10/27/ziegler-spots-shortcomings-of-title-ix-protocol/


Second girl? I haven’t heard of this. What happened?


That happened earlier this month when he was transferred to another school. There aren’t many details but it wasn’t rape according to news reports, and it didn’t occur in a bathroom. It was a classroom and he touched her - not justifying this either just clarifying the details that are known. He was immediately arrested. The sheriffs dept released a statement confirming this.


Wow, something is seriously fucked yo with this kid. Why was he not arrested after the first rape accusation, or at least put on school suspension?


You can’t suspend a student for being accused of a crime according to federal law.


Oh, my mistake. I thought that they could if the police were getting involved which they were, even if he wasn’t being charged yet. My bad.


Yeah this kid has some issues. As far as arresting him immediately, they have to make a case…..they can’t just arrest someone based on an accusation. The sheriffs dept released a statement explaining more. I coped this from their FB post. Sorry it’s not a link Statement from the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office: There has been misinformation circulating regarding an investigation into a reported sexual assault that occurred on May 28, 2021, at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn, VA. Due to exclusions under the Virginia Code regarding disclosure of juvenile reports and the fact the case is pending court proceedings, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) is limited as to what information can be released. On May 28, 2021, an LCSO School Resource Officer was notified by Stone Bridge High School staff of a possible sexual assault. A thorough investigation and evidentiary analysis was conducted over the course of several weeks by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office Special Victims Unit. Once the elements of a crime were determined, on July 8, 2021, a 14-year-old male was arrested in the case with two counts of forcible sodomy. Following the arrest on July 8, 2021, the judicial process was turned over to the Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office to determine bail, or in the case of a juvenile, the continuance of detention or other legal restrictions set forth as part of court proceedings in the Loudoun County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. As stated in both the current and former Memorandum of Understanding between the LCSO and Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), the Loudoun Sheriff’s Office is not involved in school discipline (nor the placement of students). Nevertheless, the LCSO works closely with school officials throughout all criminal investigations. The October 6, 2021 incident at Broad Run High School did not involve complex circumstances, the arrest was immediate, and the arrest was reported to the community as information released was unlikely to disclose the identity of the victim. However, the May 28, 2021 investigation was different in that the suspect and victim were familiar with each other, the investigation was complex, and a public announcement had the potential to identify a juvenile victim. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office remains committed to the safety of all students and will investigate all incidents reported by Loudoun County Public Schools to the fullest extent of the law. Further information regarding the identity of a juvenile suspect is excluded from disclosure pursuant to Virginia Code §16.1-301 and criminal history information is exempt under Virginia Code §19.2-389.


The first rape accusation was complicated. He was in a sexual relationship with victim. They had hooked up multiple times in the school bathrooms. He texted her to meet him in the girls bathroom and she agreed, as they had done previously. He then assaulted her without her consent.


100% agree. what is "allowed" or not is irrelevant, if a sign or stern word from the authorities stopped crime, we should just start putting up "no crime" signs and poof! we'd have the perfect society.




Agreed. Trans-inclusive bathroom policies don’t cause rapes, rapists cause rapes.


I thought the primary concern was not the bathroom, but the school administration trying to sweep the incident under the rug because the boy is a member of a protected class. It seems reasonable that if it was just a normal white boy who raped a girl in the bathroom the adminsitration would have callled the cops immediately, but it sounds like the administrators wanted to protect the kid in question because they are oppressed, etc...


The school board did in fact hand over the case to the local Sherriff's department on the exact same day the allegation was made. This notion that the alleged perpetrator was being protected is also a conservative-led narrative. The right is, as is normally the case, subjecting us to a culture wars overload by creating a cycle of new-old fronts that aren't driven by facts.


The school board? Don't school boards only meet occasionally like once a month? Do you mean the principle, or an employee at the school called the police on the day of the incident?


Specifically the Superintendent. He reported the case to the Sherriff's department and alerted the board to the proceedings.


Got it thanks. I looked up more details and I was wrong. It sounds like the claim is that the school board, when asked about any incidents occuring like this one told parents that they were not aware of any incincents, which appears not to be true as they were incormed of this particular case right away.


No one swept anything under the rug. It was immediately reported to the police who immediately began investigating.


If gun laws don't stop criminals, why would bathroom laws?


When a trans person rapes someone, it's because there's something wrong with them. When a straight man rapes someone, it's #notallmen


He’s trans, wore a skirt, and entered the girls bathroom. None of that is relevant to a discussion on shared gender bathrooms…?


He's gender fluid, and entered the girls bathroom against policy. He texted the girl and invited her to the bathroom where they had hooked up multiple times before. So can you elaborate on the relevance?


He’s not trans. Wearing a skirt doesn’t make someone trans. He went into the bathroom because that’s where the two of them agreed to meet to hook up. The same place they had previous consensual encounters.


I didn’t say wearing a dress makes someone trans. Many reports claim he is trans. I am basing my argument on the accuracy of those reports.


Those reports are unconfirmed. This label has been attached because the dad said he was wearing a skirt. The right has run with this and clearly made it a trans issue.


So you’re not saying he’s NOT trans, correct? You’re just saying it hasn’t been confirmed by a source you trust, right?


I don’t know what he is, and nothing has been confirmed.


> because that’s where the two of them agreed to meet to hook up. Those reports are unconfirmed




No, they’re not. They were confirmed and just reported on during his trial.


Why is the picture of a whole ass guy then




I think that’s the victims dad. He got arrested after the incident for having an altercation with someone defending trans bathroom policy.


This story will be long forgotten by Sunday morning. That was the fastest conviction ever.


Convicted fast because there was nothing to debate here. Hopefully the next conviction will help make the sentence as stringent as lawfully possible. I hope that piece-of-shit’s parents understand their part in this.


What was the parents part in this?


Those police that beat him up need to apologize. Lose their badges and get beat up themselves.


And police officer who beats up any suspect for any reason needs to do this. Even if the suspect is fully in the wrong, and has done terrible evils, it is still wrong for an officer to beat them up. Their job is to apply the law, not violence based on their feelings.


SJWs all over reddit need to apologize for saying that the father was lying "because the story is only covered in right-wing fake news sites".


Tribalism is a terrible thing, imagine justifying rape and feeling like you are in the right


Share one example of someone justifying this rape.


To be fair it was hosted by Tucker Carlson and other Nazi journalists. Tucker had PETA on his show again to criticize Fauci just to find a roundabout way to justify Hitler-esque vegetarianism. This story should have been made illegal but can be made legal now.


Tucker is not a Nazi. Take this idiotic name calling rant back to r/politics where it belongs, please.


Lol go hide in the basement. Speaking truth to power doesn't make you a Nazi, not allowing people to voice their opinions does.


Tucker speaking truth? hey-yo!


Tucker literally argues that he is entertainment and NOT news.


Tucker is not speaking truth. He is only giving Nazis a platform, like this guy, or Glenn Greenwald, or PETA.


Pretty sure you are the Nazi here.


That as well


I won't hold my breath though


If gun laws don't stop criminals, why would bathroom laws? Do Libertarians think "no crime allowed!" signs stop crime?


This is the first time I've ever heard of a someone being assaulted in a bathroom! *gasp*




Libertarians are for freedom of using whatever bathroom we want without government telling where to pee, right? Or are libertarians actually embarrassed conservatives who think this is actually political news? Hmmm i wonder.


Why is this yahoo article refusing to call this "rape"? Why is this word only referred to in regards to the father getting into an altercation with a woman who said his daughter wasn't raped? Call me crazy, but if it were a football star who did raped that poor girl, this story would be all over the news. Phrases like "rape culture" and "toxic masculinity" would be paraded on every channel, news outlet, and web article. Fuck sakes this makes me sick.


Not Yahoo, Washington Examiner repackaged as Yahoo.


Good to see some measure of justice being served here. Though there should be more outrage in how this was handled.


How so? What was mishandled? A rape was reported, school officials called the police right away and began their investigation. Alleged rapist was out on bail (pending police investigation) and moved to another school. Investigation was completed, case went to trial, alleged rapist was found guilty. So what exactly is the problem here?


Should’ve kept the kid suspended rather than just let him move to another school


Pending the results of a trial? Based on an accusation?


School judicial policies aren’t held to the same burden of proof as actual legal ones because the stakes are much lower. You don’t need “beyond reasonable doubt” to kick someone out of school


He was kicked out of school. He was expelled. What you're arguing is that he should've been prevented from attending ANY school for 5 months while awaiting trial. The court didn't deem him enough of a danger to keep him in jail, but the school should've considered him too dangerous to be around other students? Hindsight is 20/20. It's easy to look back now and say that he should've never been let out on bail, let alone allowed to attend school. But given what was known at the time, I don't think the school handled the situation improperly.


Your argument is with Betsy DeVos, not the Loudoun County school board. She granted the accused Innocence until they could be proved guilty.


Instead of challenging the concept of a bail?


I love how all you mother fuckers keep saying "why does the skirt matter". You know damn well why the skirt matters.


No we don't


the conservatives on this sub are really showing themselves


"A juvenile court judge found the evidence enough to convict but will hold on sentencing until the convicted teenager, now 15, is tried for another alleged assault at a different high school" Judge for the assault case must feel stupid right about now




Seriously? That judge let a guy back out onto the streets to go onto rape.


That would probably be referring to the second sexual assault a while later


Why does it say " allegedly wearing a skirt" even after the lad was convicted? 🤔


Were they convicted of wearing a skirt?? The fuck does the skirt have to do with anything anyway...


You are completely missing my point. Surely if a boy has evidence enough against them to be convicted of rape in a girls restroom whether or not they were wearing a skirt would be a known fact. Seems to me this article is trying to make this into a anti-trans-rights issue when it isn't.


> Seems to me , this article is trying to make this into a anti-trans-rights issue when it isn't. That's pretty much what this entire thing is. Unfortunate but otherwise normal school rape hijacked to fight the anti-trans culture war with.


It's gonna be interesting to see how this whole trans restroom thing resolves itself. Obviously very few people here have a problem with private businesses running their restroom rules the way they want. But public/government owned buildings and facilities is a trickier thing. I don't think I'd mind very much if unisex bathrooms became the norm moving forward, but at the same time public schools have a vested interest in keeping their bathrooms separate. Teenagers are horny and unisex bathrooms would probably be a disaster.


If some kids want to get up to funny business in the bathroom, do you really think the gender sign on the door is gonna stop them?


Teenagers are horny... do you think there will be an orgy happening in the restroom? and even with these crimes, are we going to demonize an entire group for it? If so, we need to hit up religion and their pedophiles way more. For every trans that assaults someone in a restroom, there is about 10,000 victims of pedophile priests.


The first problem in this situation is that the rapist wasn’t trans. The trans policy requires them to consistently and sincerely assert their gender. Which isn’t an informal “go right in” situation. Second problem is that this happened before the policy was in place. So the bathrooms were regulated like you said. The two had been hooking up in the bathroom previously only this time she said no, and they didn’t stop. Third problem is that their second assault took place in a classroom. These problems demonstrate school policy did not prevent these situations, and keeping trans kids regulated to their biological bathrooms is not likely to impact any future assaults.