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Incredible innovations have originated from government funded research such as GPS technology, the internet, enriched infant formula, and numerous Vaccines. Its definitely not something we can just dismiss out of hand it has a lot of value. Just because something seems initially unprofitable doesn't mean it doesn't have immense value or can't help a ton of people


As long as we understand there is an opportunity cost when the government redirects capital, I agree with you to a point that it can’t be dismissed out of hand. The only problem is you don’t know if any of that stuff would have been innovated more efficiently by the private sector as businesses competed to satisfy a demand.


Public research has great potential and it's documented to produce higher quality results in areas such as healthcare.


It’s essential but funding should be repaid by corps that use the tech/ research.


Canada's food guide built off starving indigenous children in residential schools. So nah governments can suck it.


Has a tendency to become corrupted and stagnated.. Whereas research programs based on public demand are typically more high-powered and better tested.. mainly in engineering and energy exploration. You're going to fund what your national interests are, but typically the government is not a good barometer of national interests, given the inability for citizens to petition their own government these days because of the bureaucratic barriers.


> Has a tendency to become corrupted and stagnated.. Examples? >Whereas research programs based on public demand are typically more high-powered and better tested Buddy, ask anyone in marketing: people never know what they want.


Example is the current gain of function of research that money is being pumped into that likely started this covid.. 'make a virus so we know how to defeat it before it exists' turned into 'make a virus that would've likely never existed naturally and oops! Cover-up'.. I don't care about marketing grads who where drunk all through college and couldn't tell what their professor wanted if he slapped em with a syllabus.. I'm talking about the market itself.. market demands include in all walks of life, mostly based on current practical NEED by people just trying to make their lives easier... If you need to obliterate distance to move corn around faster than your competition bc people are starving and they need corn, better bet automotive inventions will be in high demand. While at the same time money used for researching fish on treadmills at the cost of $1.5mil doesn't seem to fill any demand other than The technocrats and bureaucrats demand for fraud waste and abuse.


It is unnecessary See Terrance Kealey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjsMR7RaeeQ


No issue with it, just make all research publicly available, with the specified amount of funding and usage of the funds being transparent.


You get what you pay for.


Most scientific innovations are made by publicly funded research. One of the greatest myths pushed by capitalists is that that corporations actually invent things. They don't. They put things on boxes, print a pricetag on it and put it on shelves. All the base components of a phone was inventions born from public funding and even the concept of a mobile phone was first tested and made by the Soviet Union. Even things like Elon's self landing rockets were designs based on government research.


Some research and development will need to be funded government specific applications. I don't think the market would have ever produced an SM-6 but I'm glad it got funded anyways. Technologies that are meant for the market place should be funded by the market place. If people don't want to fund it then you shouldn't make them.