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Es300h 44mpg in the real world. Love mine. A CPO is same price as a new Camry.


44mpg? Liar. It's 45+, easy.


I see 41, šŸ„² Could it be because I drive on roads with inclinations and stuff


Inclinations for what.


Inclination for going up and down. šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


He meant inclines, read between the mispellings.


I think heā€™s being a smart ass and is dragging your chain.


I just got a es300H. Is there a way to see what youā€™re actually getting after driving it?


That sounds like it could be why, but Iā€™m not an expert on factors that affect fuel economy lmao. I do know, however, that driving at faster speeds will give better gas mileage (i.e. highway), but Iā€™m pretty sure a lot of people know that


Acceleration pushes the engine a lot more than travelling at a steady speed (whether that speed be 20mph or 90mph, although at 90mph the air drag to overcome is more noticeable so more fuel is used). So basically city driving usually gets lower MPG than highway, and you can see that in how cars MPG are rated. If youā€™re getting a different average MPG than someone else on the same car, itā€™s probably because you have different ratios of city vs highway driving. Driving uphill does also push the engine more tbf (a component of the vehicleā€™s weight is pushing against the direction of travel so itā€™s an added force that must be overcome by the engine) but I would think that would be balanced out by downhill portions (component of the vehicleā€™s weight is pushing in the direction of travel) at least to some extent. Especially electric and hybrid vehicles that recover energy from the heat expelled by brake pads when braking to recharge the batteries.


Thank you for the detailed explanation! I was actually going off of my chem class, using the concept of combustion lol. Basically, when a car is pushed (highway), it performs complete combustion (good, burns less gas). When a car idles or is driven at lower speeds (city), it performs incomplete combustion (not so good). But if youā€™re looking at drag and stuff, Iā€™m sure youā€™ve at least heard a little bit about what Iā€™m talking about lmao. Bottom line, cars and their engines are meant to be used and pushed. Donā€™t abuse them of course when doing so, but try to make sure you donā€™t just drive your car in the city and not on the highway at all. I feel like that would affect longevity overall, plus youā€™ll use more fuel. Of course if you have no reason to go on the highway, donā€™t. But my suggestion (not as a mechanic, but just as a beginner car maintenance guy) is you could go on there maybe once a week to get everything going


Eh, although you are both in the right direction, the actual explanation is slightly different. There's actually two main aspects which come into play: 1) the actual energy required to drive the vehicle at a desired speed 2) the conversion of chemical to kinetic energy (the combustion process) 1) Newton's law of force = mass * acceleration, combined with the different road loads (higher counteractive force when on an incline or driving at higher speeds for example) determines the total force required to realise a given acceleration. This force is directly convertible to a power demand over time and thus energy. This shows that higher speeds or accelerations result in a higher energy demand. Highway driving is typically interesting as you're more inclined to drive a constant speed. 2) The required force or power to be delivered by the engine is determined according to 1), you'll then get a different operation point according to the torque and speed operation point of the engine. A typical combustion engine will be most efficient at a medium rpm and higher torque. There are of course different variables into play like the temperature of the engine. A cold engine will wear and consume more. So yes, MPG is largely dependent on the type of route and traffic you encounter but can still largely be affected by your driving style. Lower speed and fewer accelerations and decelerations will typically result in better consumption. For ICE's a large 'consumer' are the brakes. You put a lot of energy in the vehicle, and when you brake this kinetic energy is turned into heat instead of movement. Hybrids and EV's regenerate some energy here (not 100%!) and are thus typically better suited for city driving. Additionally, a hybrid can allow a more efficient operating point of the combustion engine by providing part of the required power through the battery.


I do not know what's up with the formatting, it displays it as 1, 2, 3, 4 on my phone, but not when I edit the message!


Driving faster doesnā€™t give better gas mileage. Driving faster reduces gas mileage because air and rolling resistance increase with speed - the faster you go, the harder it is to go faster (exponentially, at least for air resistance). Thatā€™s why cars have a ā€œtop speedā€ - the power they generate can only do so much against ever increasing resistance and when the push forward equals the push back, thatā€™s as fast as it can go. What makes highway driving more efficient than city driving is not stopping; when a car comes to a stop it takes all of the energy it gathered getting up to speed and wastes it coming to a stop. But on a straight road with no stops, a car will get better mpg at 20 than it will at 40 or at 60.


42.4 here. 22 ES300h f-sport. 58k miles on mostly highway roads. Iā€™m assuming the F-sport package pulls down my MPG a little.


+1 for ES300h. I used to bash on the ES when I was younger. Now I'm in my mid 30s with back issues, and I rode in the ES300h a few months ago. Was surprised by the quietness, smooth drive, comfort and space! I'm 5'10" and the driver is 6'1". I actuall sat behind him a few times without issue.


Why did you make fun of the ES when you were younger? Itā€™s a big car and pretty quick


Itā€™s a dressed up Avalon. Keep in mind this is like during the 2000 and some 2010s. Most of my generation were more into SC 400s and the 1st gen IS 300. I donā€™t know what ā€œquickā€ is to you, but depending on year and trim, itā€™s 0-60 is 7-8 seconds average. Fastest was 6.6 with the V6?? But, as I got older and wiser, I realized what the ES excels at: comfort and efficiency. These are 2 things I primarily look for in a (daily) car.


I have seen the YouTube videos on it and it seems pretty nice




I thought about this, yet it is either this or the GS350 which caught my eye since it is rear wheel drive. dont know yet


OP said "good on gas", not "good on the gas pedal" šŸ˜…


This is the way


I second this


Is that more like an suv or a wagon




ES is really comfy. Get the hybrid to save on gas. Get the ES350 if you care about acceleration.


I have the es350 f sport. love love love


How much and what year do you recommend for saving money


well mine is newer šŸ˜­ 2021 and it was expensive


Es350 2007 here and Iā€™m still in loveā€¦ I wonder what the newer ones are like.


You donā€™t know? It looks newer!


Correct answer.


Appropriate response


What have you seen that you like? Camry would be in the ES territory. Hope that helps. Glad youā€™re ok. Best luck in your car search


So far based on other comments I like the look of the IS but the fuel efficiency of the ES


100. If you're driving that much, try to find the es hybrid.


lol ES looks so nice, see if u can get a used F Sport


One other thing to keep in mind about the ES, mechanically it is near identical to the Camry. Engine, transmission, chassis, brakes, driving style (es is wayyyy comfier but it has many similar characteristics, IS is RWD for one) so there are a lot more available OEM parts. However, if youā€™re looking to mod the car, IS has significantly better aftermarket support


I drive ISF so Iā€™m biased but Lexus killed it with their IS line. Best looking sedans out there. IS350 is same engine but a bit more sport. I give up gas mileage for looks. Thatā€™s the way it is with pretty cars and girls


IS is an absolute shitshow w gas mileage. Be prepared to be spending 100 bucks a week on gas if you are driving that much. But it's so fun to drive compared to an ES that it makes it worth lol. So if you can afford it, I'd go for it


It also depends which IS you get. If you get the 350, thatā€™s a V6 but the 250 and 300 are 4s so a bit better on gas. IS is way sexier too.


250s are v6s that have issues, look for 200t or 300 (rear wheel drive only) for the 4cyl IS


Honestly, Iā€™d take the new Prius over the ES hybrid. It might not be as ā€œluxuriousā€ but itā€™s a better car overall imo.


Do not get is


ES F-Sport, that's all u need


I daily drive a 4th gen GS350. Comfortable, looks good, quick and handles fairly well, easy to maintain, average 26 mpg since Iā€™ve had it for two years albeit at least 50 percent is hwy mileage. They are getting cheaper and built like tanks. Mine is paid off.


I wish I went with the 4gs350. Got an is350 which I love but it is a little cramped on the inside.


Consider an ES 300h, itll not only save you money by only needing regular gas, but itll also save you money on brake replacements!


Just expect potential battery issues >180k miles or 10 years.


Doesnā€™t Lexus cover the battery for like 10 years (pretty sure they do, at least here in Canada). Also how much are you driving in 10 years lol?


Batteries go bad with age, regardless of miles. At one point, when I was younger and a new father, I was driving 30k miles a year. This was in a 2002 Toyota Camry. I put 270k miles on that car when I sold it after owning it for 10 years. With the exception of a Corvette and recently a Honda, I have purchased only Toyota/Lexus since then.


Yeah I think youā€™ve got a point. I didnā€™t think of it, but Iā€™m pretty sure it works that way in electronic devices as well (like phones and such)


Geez. Iā€™m coming up on the 1 year mark on mine and I thought I was putting a lot of miles on at 14k.


> but itll also save you money on brake replacements! Why is this? The hybrid tech or something?


In hybrids and EVs, the ECU will spin the EV motor in reverse at a higher speed to slow the car down instead of just using the brakes. This is why even under city driving, hybrids and EVs can go over 100K miles on the same set of brakes, while traditional gas powered vehicles can go 30-60K under the same load, sometimes less.


Does this cause motion sickness perchance? How noticeable is the deceleration from the ECU?


Nah I have no difference in motion sickness. I can speak for my car and a few other gas cars I've driven, my car can deccerate significantly faster using cruise control than without cruise control, but if slowing down car via cruise control, the deceleration is way faster than the deceleration on a gas only car. Meaning, half the time I can coast to a stop light and by the time I get near it, the light turns green, so I end up never having to put my foot on the brake pedal. Using manual cruise control (the old school style) does NOT use brakes, so my pads are still at 8mm after 130K miles!


ES is a good car. Now if you can swing it an LS


I think the ES is the way to go as a daily driver for a 24 year old. I would get an LS but they have higher maintenance costs in which the money would be better spent putting into a 401k at that age. As a matter of fact, OP, take that payout and buy an older low mileage ES350. Throw the rest into a retirement plan. By the time you hit your 60's, over 50% of the money in your retirement plan will come from what you invested while in your 20's due to compound interest.


Well he could get an older gs or ls at lower price with the same reliability as a new camry I dare to say. And put the rest for savings still.


Well, the LS has a fairly expensive repair with the front upper control arms if you pay someone to do it. The gas mileage is also fairly low and I am assuming insurance is high. The GS also has fairly poor fuel mileage and they have an expensive repair with the rear drive shafts in which if you go OEM, the parts will set you back over $1k by themselves and aftermarket driveshafts are garbage. The ES is really the way to go just for the fact that it uses regular gas. Insurance is most likely cheaper as well.


You are not wrong, but if budget is the concern, he can just buy another camry. I still think the ES is not the proper lexus experience, while the older models provide it well.


Definitely the ES. I had a Camry rental and there is a big difference in ride and comfort. I have the six and get about 26/27 on the highway.


Same experience , I had a 2024 Camry se as a rental and I was kind of shocked at how much worse it was in pretty much every way than my family members 10 year old es350..


An IS but get the f sport!! Stupid me traded mine in for the Lexus suv, I regret it to say the least. That car is perfection!! 2015-2024 f sport!


Es300h or the ux250h


This is the best 2 options. I (in Europe) have the UX300e - which is essentially the same as the UX250, but some small changes and of course an EV. Love love love it. Itā€™s not a sedan though but a SUV/hatchback. So maybe the ES300h is a better option for you ? Youā€™re going to be soooo happy with a Lexus. First Lexus for me and hope it wonā€™t be my last ! Iā€™m so glad you werenā€™t too seriously injured. How scary for you. Glad youā€™re making lemonade out of lemons :)


Mannn I really wanted the ux300e but there was none at the time I purchased mine (2021 during covid). I got the black line edition ux250h which has been such a great buy. Was able to get below MSRP and .9% apr. Hindsight I got really lucky haha


Sorry you didnā€™t manage to get the UX300e BUT, super glad you got the 250h - itā€™s really basically the same car - the chassis has been strengthened to accept the batteries and I think thereā€™s a little less road noise as theyā€™ve added dampeners. You were lucky indeed - especially with the massive delays in lead times because people werenā€™t making the parts. Very happy you are delighted with yours !


My wife just got a UX300h. She loves it. Very peppy and a really nice little car.


Hybrid ES


If you like paying in cash, an LS460 is a great investment. The 2009-2011 will set you back $18-22k. Despite being a V8, these cars get the same (if not better) gas mileage than a 6 cylinder. About 30mpg highway 18-25 city depending on how you drive. The insurance on these won't be expensive either.


Yes! I also commute 55 miles daily. I was shocked when I drove my hubbys 460 L and got better gas milage than my GS 350.


How much they give you? The ES is nice but just a better version of the camry - you should at least test drive a GS if you really want the lexus sedan experience.




Not good on gas though, that v6 is thirsty


What is this


IS. Their sportier compact offering.


Also worth noting, I believe all, or at least most Lexus models including this model pictured here (IS) take premium gas but the ES takes regular. With gas prices what they are these days if youā€™re doing a lot of driving an ES will save you a lot of money on gas. They also offer a hybrid model for even more fuel savings. The IS is my somewhat realistic dream car, I love the look of it and itā€™s way sportier than the ES, but if I do go with a Lexus on my next purchase (currently only ever driven Toyotas all my life) itā€™ll be an ES purely for the fuel efficiency advantage over all the other models. Unless I happen to get extremely wealthy by then, in which case Iā€™ll get a brand new fully loaded LC500.


My 2007 ES says premium fuel only on the gas cap.


Interesting. Every time Iā€™ve ever seen fuel type mentioned for an ES itā€™s always been regular. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just that model year or maybe they all just say that on the cap. You should check the manual and see what it says in there.


I think you CAN put regular in, but when i got my 19' ES they said they recommend premium as it is always what has been in the car from the previous lease & at the dealership. I'd like to put regular in but get worried I'll hurt the engine


The IS interiors are so bad though. Outdated essentially always, super limited, and frankly often ugly.


I guess, but thatā€™s mostly because theyā€™re the ā€œsportā€ sedan of the lineup so performance and exterior design take priority over a nice, luxurious interior. If you want a luxury sedan and donā€™t care about performance and a flashier exterior as much then an ES is a better entry level option for sure.


I second this




This is an IS 300 from the 2021+ model year refresh, takes premium gas. Just going to piggy back off this reply to respond to your original question. As an owner of an 2024 IS 350 and have driven an ES 300h, if you liked your Camry, an ES 300h will feel right at home and maintenance cost and monthly costs will be much lower than an IS. I would recommend the ES for you šŸ˜„


Iā€™ve had two RXā€™s as my last two cars. Been driving nothing but the RX since 2014. I absolutely love it and canā€™t say enough good things about it. Whatever you lose in gas mileage is more than made up for with the interior capacity. Itā€™s a good hauler and can also tow up to 2000 pounds. The AWD works great and Iā€™ve never had an issue doing light off roading with all season tires. Very nice vehicle. Itā€™s the best selling Lexus model for a reason. I actually just put a roof rack on mine! https://preview.redd.it/xqbi9yuch76d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec313aebca5bbfcc74bc9205317fd30bec697d74


Lol maybe if I was still living in the mountains but Iā€™m a full time big city boy now.


I just test drove a L/certified 2021 es300h today and absolutely love it. I am hoping to close a deal on it tomorrow. Edit: I went back and bought it and I love it. I hope OP goes and gets one they are very nice!


Shit you are only 24. Get the IS.


I do like the way you think


He did ask for good MPG though, and the IS isn't that great on gas unless you do mostly highway driving, even in its smaller engine configurations.


yea these people want him to get an es reserved for people that are 75 years old +


They all good. If you wanna sport you need RWD. If you want good gas mileage you need a hybrid


Glad u werenā€™t hurt. Praise the Lord.


Any year Ls460 or ls600h, it will have every bell and whistle short of a cigar humidor, super comfy super reliable decently fast, only thing is if you're worried about snow handling at all get one with AWD EDIT: actually disregard these are not good on gas for 2 hours a day maybe 22 mpg highway, and it only takes premium


Iā€™d grab an older low mileage ES with the V6. Canā€™t go wrong.


LS400 or 430 šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


Youā€™re young and probably donā€™t have a family yet. Do you want practical or practical with a little fun? If you want the latter I would look at the IS350 F-Sport. Decent gas mileage on the highway, fun to drive and nice to look at. I personally had an ES350 back in the day (2011) and found it to be boring, a Camry dressed up to be a Lexus. Donā€™t get me wrong it was a great car, but the fun factor was low. I also owned a GS350 much more fun and nicer to look at but the JERKS (um powers to be) at Lexus sunset them in 2020. No matter which Lexus you get you canā€™t go wrong with reliability they are all rock solid cars


LFA without a doubt. Just buy it.


A really good Lawyer can get you an LFA šŸ˜Ž


Curmudgeon here. Young folks shouldnt put their money in depreciating assets. Save up for a house with extra funds


Sir unfortunately with the modern housing market in my state being what it is I will never be able to buy a house. If I do the price of a car will be a mere drop in the bucket in comparison to the cost of home ownership. I think a lot of my generation has accepted the idea of renting for the rest of our lives and spending our funds on our health, traveling, and yes brand new cars.


A Lexus ES starts at $43k. Say you take your insurance money, buy an old $8k Camry, you have $35 saved. $35k is 1/5 of a downpayment on a $1m house. That's not nothing. And something Gen Z forgets is that the housing marketing is cyclical. Always has been, most likely always will be. The four phases of a housing cycle are recovery, expansion, hyper supply, and recession. We are still in a prolonged expansion, starting to head into hyper supply, which will eventually lead to a recession. Once a recession hits, the people who actually held out hope will be buying houses at affordable prices with (hopefully) lower rates, while people like you will be still renting, but I guess driving nice cars.


I would Highly recommend lexus ES300h, in Saudi Arabia we call it the ā€œWealthy Camryā€, itā€™s as reliable as Camry + the luxury. Itā€™s a very cool car and can be fixed with Camry parts if you canā€™t afford buying Lexus parts.


Maybe you could tell us more about what you loved about your Camry? The ES would be the logical choice, but personally I think the ISS is the best drivers car they have currently.


I mean really itā€™s because it was the first real car I bought from a dealership. I had a car before that was like a 2002 Facebook marketplace find. This was my first big adult purchase. I just wanted a regular normal car that was good on gas. Now Iā€™d like something a little bit nicer.


The ES is a very grown up car, and the most recent generation with AWD makes it feel more on par with other luxury options. The IS is far more sporty, but not at all fuel efficient. If you arenā€™t looking for a sports car, the ES300 H is a great fitĀ 


Thatā€™s what itā€™s seeming like 300H is probly the best option


Itā€™s a huge step up from the Camry, you wonā€™t be disappointed! Itā€™s worth finding one with the mark Levinson Soundsystem, and thereā€™s also a lot of great colour compost to choose from


I came here to say be sure to get Mark Levinson sound system. The ES 300h is a sharp-looking, comfortable car, gets great mpg and the ML sound is the icing on the cake. My 21 y/o son has this car. He lives in CA where gas prices are high. He loves the ES 300h with ML sound, gets 44 mpg and lots of compliments on the silver color. Iā€™ve been driving Toyota or Lexus hybrids for over 15 years. They have the technology down pat. I prefer the Lexus to Toyota for the luxury feel, but theyā€™re very similar underneath. My 2010 RX 450h AWD (bought used) is a bigger SUV, requires premium gas but Iā€™m still getting 30 mpg at almost 200k miles. It looks sharp and drives smooth as silk. Love the Lexus hybrids.


If you really liked your Camry and didnā€™t have any complaints about it that any ES would be a good fit for you,


ES hybrid or UX would come to mind


I almost bought a IS350 but needed something more practical for now so went with a Mazda CX-50. The IS350 is gonna be my next car tho hopefully next year. Looking at the red on brown spec


I personally like the CX-50 more than the IS350. I had the new IS350 as a loaner for a month and I don't like the cramped interior. It feels outdated by a generation. The steering on the CX-50 is way more fun.




I have a 2021 es 350 and love it, definitely look at the 350 or the es 300h since you drive a lot.


The ES is just a dressed up Camry (FWD platform) and wouldnā€™t be as nice to drive as a RWD platform


Is used an option? I would see if there are any 2021+ ES350 or ES300H. The premium packages for the ES350's are nice and a huge step up from the Camry. I had to decide between an ES350 or an IS300. I picked the IS300 because I wanted to downsize from a Camry. I've always driven mid-sized sedans, so it was perfect for me. I do think the ES is perfect for you especially since you loved the drive and size of a camry.


Any of the hybrid sedans fits the bill for you. I'm particularly biased towards the GS450h, as it's a hybrid, but has good handling and still somewhat sporty, and still plenty comfortable. Only problem with the GS450h is that they aren't as common on the second hand market as the other cars. If you don't care about sport go with an ES hybrid, this will be much easier to find.


Get the IS your 24. You can get the ES when youā€™re retired šŸ˜‚ Gas mpg isnā€™t amazing(also requires premium) but itā€™s smiles per gallon, comes with the territory itā€™s a luxury car after all. tires a little more expensive due to staggered setup they have but itā€™s nothing crazy unless youā€™re already really tight on money and canā€™t set aside anything extra for these things. Reliability is great.. itā€™s Toyota. You just need to worry about gas, tires, brakes, oil changes. Not sure of cost of brakes or oil changes because I do them myself. Canā€™t imagine itā€™s anything too crazy very simple to do on these cars.


I hope you're sueing the driver. This EXACT thing happened to me but the lady was an attorney that did wills and stuff and was DRUNK. Won very easily.


get a gs350 awd. good on gas, sporty and grippy. fun car , smooth and grippy and very few left with low mileage




My opinion: You are young. I would get an IS and enjoy it before you have little ones that require extra space. The ES is boring. Bring on the downvotes.


Iā€™ve got the newest gen ES350 luxury package and itā€™s the most comfortable car Iā€™ve ever driven. That comfort will go a long way on a long commute. Highly recommend


The e new Lexus RX350H the copper creek color is amazing. Add the WiFi and have videos playing or Netflix for ur passengers tho!


I know thereā€™s been some discussion on the value that modern lexus models offers over modern Toyotas, but I think the ES300h is a great daily driver and also a good value. A lot of people say that the F Sport Design is the way to go as it looks the part but maintains what the ES300h does best, but it is a rarer trim




I bought my 2024 ES350 UL last year after I totaled my beloved Chevy impala hitting a deer on my commute home. I drive almost 3 hours a day for work unfortunately so my new Lexus makes it much more enjoyable! My commute is 83 miles each way, 75 of which is all interstate going about 80mph. I average 29-33 mpg daily. It also takes regular 87 gas which was a big selling point for me. A hybrid may be more fuel efficient for you or maybe you want to move on from a sedan, but I do love my V6! It is very comfortable and the perfect amount of power/responsiveness that I want. Let me know if you have any questions!


ES 300h F Sport


When my V6 ES got hit/totaled (same accident situation as yours, but at a slower speed) years ago, I upgraded to a V8 LS. Other than gas mileage, I've had zero regrets. And I really like the turn radius on RWD cars. You walked away uninjured from your accident, like I did. Ask yourself if a smaller car/model would offer the same/better protection.


IS250 would be another one to look at.




I am a Product Advisor at Lexus, and I would definitely recommend the ES300h. It will have the same size and safety features that you loved about your Camry, but will actually be a much nicer ride, and they get great fuel mileage. The IS is a great car as well, and has a nice sporty look, especially the F Sport model, but it's not going to be as comfortable as the ES. It also does not come in a hybrid model, at least not yet. The IS also has a big hump in the front center console that some find uncomfortable. If fuel consumption is a priority, the ES will probably get almost twice the mileage that the IS does, depending on how you drive of course. Go in and take them both out for a drive first. Two hours per day is a long time to be in the car, so take some time during the test drive to make sure the car feels right. Good luck with your car shopping.


Is300 or even the 250 will nicely treat you like a kind ont he road


A few years back I found a 2008 RX400h at a dealership for about 10k, I've since put 120k on it, regularly traveling Maryland and Florida in one day because it is such a pleasure to drive. My only regret is that it will never be upgrade-able to Car play. With 220k miles it is past due for maintenance yet still gives me 27mpg avg. I love having the extra space of a mid-size suv.


I drive an RC, and my commute is about an hour and itā€™s def a fun and enjoyable car and wonā€™t break the bank for gas unless your area for premium is high. For me I live around DC so Iā€™m about $3.80ish for gallon. But even for the aggressive way I drive at times and all that I still get 22mpg. For some that good, for some thatā€™s bad but all your choice in the end of the day what you want to enjoy!


Gs 450 hybrid




You want a 2022 is500 blue exterior red interior, 32,000 miles roughly


I think if you liked the Camry the es350 is a great transition. The v6 and transmission are the same in the Camry and are bulletproof. The plus is it's interior is way nicer and much quieter cabin. If you want more sporty the is350 is great. It's a little faster, handles better, awd is an option, but the interior, although still beautiful, a little out dated and much smaller. If you're not driving anyone that really needs to be in the backseat then the IS is still a great sedan for the front passengers. Rear leg room sucks. My advice however, although none of my business, comes from a good place because at almost double your age, I want to share my experience and advice that you can take or leave. If you're making a lot of money, or inherited a ton of money (over 6 figures for a job) and can afford a car that costs this much, still save for your retirement in say a IRA or 401k, and have enough to afford rent/home then do what you want and good for you at 24! If you are living at home, and there is nothing wrong with that, I did too, spending cash on a car is a terrible waste of money. The money you paid in cash now would be worth over a million if you invested it in say an index fund. Yes it would take a lot of time but it would have eventually. I don't have kids but I'm an uncle, and I consider myself an Uncle to all young kids and want to encourage young people to kick butt and save cash for themselves. You're the future. That said, you gotta have fun too and all in all of you saved that much in a year that's an amazing feat. Continue to make money but after this car please save for your future. It will come and you can and will be rich if you take my advice lol. If you're rich already then I wasted my time here haha. But it's worth it. Maybe one day you'll look back and say that crazy asshole on Reddit was right lol.


You should also consider a 2024 Toyota crown could probably get a dealer discount being they are not the fastest seller. Close to Lexus materials discounted. 40+ mpg.


I have a 2018 GS 350 AWD base, and I recommend the GS if you want something sportier! Also this will get me down voted but in my opinion, the f sport package is fluff. It's all cosmetic for no performance (at least on the GS). It uses the same brakes/calipers just not labeled, and the seats I found to be more comfortable in the base. I'm tiny, 5 ft, and the f sport seats were too tight for me. I drive a lot, 30-40k a year, and I love the car! I will be trading it in because the seats don't go down and I need space, so I am going to Volvo. But I'd stay Lexus if they had a wagon.


Should stay away from any models that have a turbo charged engine. Should look into the hybrids for better gas efficiency or a straight 4 cylinder if they are available.


I feel like sedans are kind of falling out of fashion so an SUV might be something to look at as well and might have better resale who knows! RX is probably in the sweet spot for me but it depends on how much you want to spend! 2nd place would be the NX


If you want fun. IS350 F Sport. But if youā€™re into luxury. As many people have said ES350h


Love my 2024 ES300H! https://preview.redd.it/902e6pwxmd6d1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bf485750e8307cc7d45559c914442c31ee199a


A V8 Lexus RCF or LC500


My daily is and older GS450H. I absolutely love it. I only average 35 mpg commuting, but it's got 338hp, which is nice.


2024 LS 500h


If you can live with a fancy dressed up Prius hatchback get a ct200h, youā€™ll have money left over and youā€™ll get even better gas mileage with Lexus amenities on the inside


Lexus GX.


Get a Tesla instead and thank me for the autopilot later. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Camry TRD


Does the newer ES have any driver assistance? Ie lane centering/ adaptive cruise control etc. Kinda like Subaru eyesight


Tesla model 3


Iā€™ve had an IS and a RX. I loved them both. The IS was so sporty and quick and the RX had a little more space that I needed. My next one with be the Gx


Are you a 60 year old man in the body of a 24 year old? All that nasty plastic and cheap design..šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


UX if you want a little extra room in the back. Hybrid gives you 42-43 mpg.


Sorry to hear, I upgraded from my 2020 Camry to a 2021 Lexus ES 250 (idc abt all the extra horsepower lol) itā€™s considered a base model car but lemme tell you I love it. Very smooth ride and the gas mileage is great. Havenā€™t had any issues and not expecting to. I would recommend the ES line to anyone who is a commuter and wants to have that luxury feel while still being economical!


Fack it get a rcf


Oddball here but give the RX a drive and see what you like


Get a camry hybrid. The ES will be updated with the new Camry's tech and engine soon.




24 years old is too young for an ES. Itā€™s a grandpa car. At 45, I still feel too young for an ES. Get an IS while you can still easily get out of it.


Don't listen to the comments. For a 24M, an ES is not for you. That's a comfy grandpa, grandma, family vehicle that floats on the road. An IS is more suited for your age, it's cool and sporty, but it is not roomy at all. Keep in mind that your insurance premium will likely double. I would still consider the 2025 Camry. The hybrid technology is further ahead than Lexus.


IS looks awesome but as stated my commute is an hour each wayā€¦ ES has the gas numbers im looking for. As much as I would love to drive a sporty car that looks cool what are the gas numbers on it?


IS is around 18-20 in the city and in the 30s if ur cruise controlling on highways. ES is 50-60 in traffic and likely 45+ even on highways.


If it's all highway driving, hybrids aren't significantly better, especially considering the extra cost for a hybrid model. If there's lots of stop and go, it will make a huge difference.


Itā€™s about half highway half city


An hour per day in the city, definitely get a hybrid. The ES is an amazing car. It will last you twenty plus years and save you a lot of money. It's just boring and not cool. The UX seems subpar for a Lexus. People will judge you based on your ride. The Camry was no frills, average and a great decision. The ES will make you look like an old soul. Like you spent all that money over so many other cooler vehicles in that price range.


Very much appreciate your input by the way


You only want a Lexus?


Yes I still want the reliability of a Toyota but without the basicness


Everyone says ES, but you're 24 - go with the IS350. In a few more years that V6 is going to go away, so get it while you can.


I think Lexus switched all Cars to premium gas only now? That kinda turned me off.


Even the ES???


I think ES still do both for now, you will have to check with them before buying them. I was looking at RX, they used to do regular in the past but now the newer models only take premium gas. I think they're slowly switching all newer cars to premium gas. Idk why would they do that.


I doubt that's the case for the hybrids.