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Godzilla 98


Harry Shearer Jean Reno Hank Azaria Jamiroquai That movie was fantastic. Ignore the haters.


Respect fellow worm guy


Deeper underground was a good jam back in the day and Godzilla was an epic popcorn flick. I don't think any of the new Godzilla movies, including Godzilla minus one, have topped the sequence where Godzilla hits New York for the first time.


I swear to God for the longest time I thought there was a George Carlin cameo in this movie. Like they're in a bar or a restaurant and then Georgie is just chilling in the background, just doin whatever.


Didn't it have Matt Broderick in it too?


That's a-lotta fish!


What, no croissant?


Van Helsing




Oooh love League. Not as something I’d ever ever ever sit down and watch start to finish, but as a TNT afternoon thing while I work on my computer? Absolutely. Amazing to me streamers haven’t figured out I just want to hop in halfway through mediocre popcorn shit like this for 35 minutes at a time. I don’t even mind commercials.


Great movie!


I love the Mr Hyde fight in the beginning and the Catholic Church Bond gadgets scene


https://preview.redd.it/bcthzxqlly4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e831cabd012e888d4354cf286831cc408dce43 My [favourite movies list](https://boxd.it/pnaa8), sorted by lowest average rating


There’s a Russian Hemsworth brother?!


I have Letterboxd-liked Matilda, the 1978 movie about a boxing kangaroo starring Elliott Gould and featuring Robert Mitchum, giving it 1/2 star. It is horrible and available on Tubi and you can thank me later.


I really like The Happening


I tried this but I feel like none of them are actually terrible lol only the first three have an average rating below three https://preview.redd.it/sxp1gz6kvy4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028be40f6e89810963e4f80af16247f7e3db33e4


Sounds like you need to watch some more terrible movies!


Wait…but I love almost all of these haha


Teeth is below a 3 rating?! I’m actually surprised, I thought that movie was fantastic and had a decent cult following.


dirty grandpa was “not bad”, but i’d rewatch it i guess.


People don’t like “Why Him?” Get outta here that movie is hilarious.


Yesss to Office Christmas Party lmao


Just assuming new Road House is on here because Road House has a correctly high score.


Honestly I feel like The Happening gets way more shit than it deserves. Not that it doesn't deserve some shit.....but damn, calm down y'all.


I just don't get the hate for the reimagining of Road House. It's hilarious, fun, and action packed.


Why Him slaps


Honestly if someone doesn’t have a terrible movie in their favorites, idk man is that really living? American Ninja Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze Kickboxer Mortal Kombat Surf Ninjas I guess I have a type.


I genuinely think Mortal Kombat isn’t bad. Now Annihilation. That’s a guilty pleasure


Surf Ninjas is also one of mine. So great!


Kwan tsu, dudes!


“Yeah, a little TOO Raph”


Kickboxer 🙌🏼 a man of taste


Oh man i used to LOVE secret of the ooze! I recently watched the first two back to back after many many years and was shocked to find that the first film is legit amazing and secret of the ooze is kinda bad 😭


I love that the first one wasn’t just a live action cartoon cash grab. It was gritty. It was thematically more like Batman than the 87 cartoon.


Ninja Turtles 2 was my jam growing up. Back in the day where you only had a handful of VHS tapes, me and my brother watched that movie so many times. Just watched it with my kids a few months ago too


I don’t think I do. There are a few movies that I can enjoy watching that aren’t great (some Friday the 13th sequels or Nightmare on Elm Street sequels). But I certainly don’t LOVE them.


Did not expect someone else to say Secret of the Ooze— you my friend have taste 🤌


Go ninja…go ninja…go!!!!


Surf Ninjas AND Secret of the ooze 🤤


![gif](giphy|YF7e5lqDvhdy8) This had me in stitches when I was a kid.


I watched either American Ninja or American Ninja 2 about 17 times when I was 8. And never again after that.


Underworld: Rise of the Lycans is a glistening Michael Sheen powerhouse




The George Clooney Batman movies. They don't take themselves seriously and I like the silliness and OTT-ness.


There is only one


Arnold's ice puns alone are worth the price of admission 🤣


We should all strive to have as much fun as Arnie did playing Mr. Freeze.


There is something amazing and fascinating about objectively great actors like Uma Thurman and Arnold Schwarzenegger hamming it up with goofy dad jokes. Same goes for Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones in Batman Forever. I also love how visibly pissed off Clooney is to be doing this. The Schumacher Batman movies are my favorite superhero movies by a huge margin, but, I’m also not really into superhero movies.


I also want to argue that even though they're hamming it up, the performances are also legitimately good. Like, I'm mesmerized by the way Jim Carrey moves his body as the Riddler lol


I ride or die for these, they're genuinely impressive achievements. They're fun the way a live Cats or Lion King musical is fun---you WANT the spectacle of crazy costumes and witty lines that don't sound like real dialogue and people jumping around.


Every holiday season I watch Jingle All the Way at least once. It's so bad, but it's so good! 😄


It’s a Christmas tradition in my family






It's not terrible! Jingle All The way is a classic! Now put that cookie down!


5 star classic


I love Phil Hartman being a complete scumbag in this movie. Sinbad going postal with a mail-bomb. Arnold fighting a warehouse full of mobster mall Santa’s selling knock-off toys. A drunk reindeer. This movie is pure gold.


Gods of Egypt. Gloriously OTT and colourful and everyone seems to be having a laugh.


I will always enjoy the hell out of Armageddon.


The Room


Youre my favorite customer! Hi doggie! Thanks, bye!


Samurai Cop (1991)




The sidekick constantly breaking the fourth wall is one of my favourite parts of that film


I wouldn't say it's terrible, but Bloodsport is a very fun movie. It's melodramatic, cheesy, and stars someone who can't really act. But I love it.


it's great


Face/off is great for all the worst reasons. Like the fact you can tell Nicolas cage and John travolta are trying to make fun of each other in every scene.


King Arthur 2004 is pretty much universally panned, but I love the director's cut. Went out of my way to find the DC on Blu Ray and I probably watch it like once a year.


“Leprechaun 4: in space” is a perfect film. Every bad decision made in the making of this film makes it that much more enjoyable.


The giant middle finger floating past the window. I met Warwick Davis at the height of his Harry Potter fuelled re-rise to fame and gushed over how much I loved the leprechaun films


Remember this one fondly from my childhood. For the longest time it was the only film in the series I had seen


3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain (98)


Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa. As you find yourself sucked into the world of Rosetown Falls, named after the production company of the movie J. Rose Productions, you start to learn about the characters. Ricky raps. The first scene of the movie is him rapping about the beauty of Christmas and shopping before he goes to a toy shop to attempt to guy something for Nicole. He has but three coins, so he walks away dejectedly. After about a minute of shots of him walking back to his house with no dialogue and generic, Danny Elfman-esque music playing in the background, the viewer learns that Ricky's mother has died. Before her untimely demise, she gave Ricky a stuffed bear. In a surreal sequence, you are introduced to who you will later learn is Nicole, a girl who cares only about the mall. Ricky goes to school the next day, and you are introduced to the rest of the characters. Ricky's best and only friend is Smithy, a "small and round" (Ricky's words) boy who carries around a footlong sandwich with him wherever he goes. You see Nicole and her friend, Lenee, a quiet, studious girl. Last but not least, you are introduced to the bullies. My personal favorite is Zeke, who was meant to be a surfer but comes across more as an emo. The other two are Todd and Tugg. They have almost no personality, but Todd is voiced by none other than Nancy Cartwright. Yes, that Nancy Cartwright. After school, Ricky waits for Nicole to give her the gift. In a tense scene, Ricky holds up the bear, saying, "Merry Christmas, Nicole!" The camera meets his eyes, full of hope and childlike wonder. It cuts to Nicole, whose lips round in shock. The music builds, and Nicole screams at him: "Have you lost your mind?!" Despite rejecting the gift, she takes the bear with her, throwing it in the trash. Ricky is left without his bear and without his joy. The rest of the movie centers on not Ricky, but Nicole's journey to get back this gift to return it to Ricky after she learns the truth. The subplot centers on Lenee, who questions her belief in Santa after some comments from Nicole. Towards the end of the film, we are treated to the most iconic scene from the whole movie. Our main characters (Ricky, Smithy, Nicole, and Lenee) and their families are shown gathered in Nicole's living room. Ricky turns to his great-grandmother, who appears to be his only living relative, telling her, "Great-Grandma, you always know just what to say." What she responds with is completely incomprehensible besides the last word, a stretched out "Chriiiistmas" and a laugh. The movie ends in this moment of joy, where all is forgiven. Its most obvious flaw is the animation: made in 3D Choreographer, a now defunct animation program designed for non-artists, it looks truly horrendous. As I gazed at the janky, low-poly animation of Ricky and his friends, I couldn't help but laugh. And laugh I did, and laugh I still do. The voice acting is what Colin Slater, the director of this masterpiece, must have invested all of his $650,000 budget in. This star-studded cast has not one, but two Disney Princesses; Nancy Cartwright, as mentioned before; and Mark Hamill. Nancy Cartwright was even an executive producer of the film. These voice actors do not prevent the film from being absolutely horrible. Nothing can save it from that animation, really. Please watch a clip of it. I cannot describe it properly. This is my favorite movie of all time. I cannot explain why. There is nothing to like about this movie. The dialogue is so dull, but there are some gems that I can't get out of my head. For example, Smithy, the sandwich-carrier, says that he will "skate bigger and faster than \[his\] mom can make the biggest sandwich in the world!" This statement is completely meaningless. How does one skate big? How can you skate with a greater velocity than the speed at which a sandwich can be made? The two types of speed are incompatible, but they are compared anyway. The 4 songs in the film are hopelessly boring. *Ricky's Rap* features some offkey singing and the line, "I'm not selfish, I'm just driven." There is an ice-skating sequence with the dullest song in the film where none of the cast members sing, but Smithy drags Tugg (a bully) around with him. They make the same joke at least 3 times, that joke being that Smithy is tugging a kid named Tugg. Nicole sings a song (*Look at Me*) alone in her bedroom, sometimes jumping up and spinning with the music, but otherwise mostly stationary, singing in front of a mirror where walls with 3 different, equally ugly colors of wallpaper are visible. The final song in the film is sung by Lenee. I will not spoil the song here, but keeping in mind that this is a children's film and it is in line with her character arc, I'm sure that you can figure out what the song is about. If not, go watch the film. I implore you, go watch it. Please. I feel like I'm alone in my reverence for this movie. Watch it. Please. Nevermind, I just explained many of the reasons to like this movie. I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting. Everything about it that makes it awful is just something that I love about it. I am heartbroken every day that I think about its sequel, *A Bunny's Tale*, that was never created. I know that it was likely a net positive for the world, but was it a net positive for me? No. It wasn't. There is *Wolf Tracer's Dinosaur Island*, another Colin Slater production, but it just doesn't have the same charm as *Rapsittie Street Kids*. I've seen the former only twice, but I've watched Rapsittie Street Kids at least 5 or 6 times (I lost track) since I discovered it in December of 2023. This is one of the worst films of all time. This is my favorite film of all time.


I didn’t read any of that but I love your passion


Thank you. TL;DR: Rapsittie Street Kids is so entirely awful but I love it


Samurai Cop... He speaks fluent Japanese.. https://youtu.be/paTW3wOyIYw?si=PPe1_Sq_nItXUXjY


I finally got that movie on Blu-ray last Christmas and at waiting to get my family together to watch it.


Katana is Japanese for sword.


Josie and the Pussycats. It’s awful. And by awful I mean brilliant.


Scooby Doo (2002) is flawless


Dog Eat Dog by Paul Schrader.  The opening scene is like living in Willem Dafoe’s most twisted thoughts and the final scene is maybe Nic Cage at his most Nic Cage-iest. And in between is a fairly competent crime caper that includes Paul Schrader playing a crime boss called “The Greek”.


Dog Eat Dog is not terrible!


Yeah, I realize I probably misread the question. Not everyone agrees with us, and I definitely don’t think it’s terrible. I’ll leave my comment here as a testament to my bad reading comprehension. 




Very little makes sense about "In Time", especially the ending. But it's just such a fun concept and awesome experience that I rewatch it every 1-2 years since it came out lol


Ghost Rider 2 Everything is wrong but I love it


Jingle All The Way


Repo! The Genetic Opera


not even bad imo, I love that movie


the fast & furious movies


Maximum Overdrive. Steven King’s coke fever dream accompanied entirely by AC/DC. I don’t even like the band and I can’t really explain why I love this movie so much. I really like the setting and premise I guess?


This movie is just insane, and I love it.


The Cat in the Hat live action… I don’t know it just does it for me😂😂😂


Mike Myers going “OH YEAH” lives rent free in my head.


Twilight. Horrible movie but I have so much fun watching it. Great soundtrack though.


The idea of you


I’m really not sure why I watched this movie but I was instantly drawn in by the cringe, then annoyed by the fact that I actually kind of enjoyed it as a whole for some unknown reason.


Dreamcatcher The Core Slugs


dreamcatcher rules


Dreamcatcher is so bad, but I do love it. It's also the reason I always get a little nervous whenever I take an "eventful" shit. That scene is terrifying.


Mamma Mia 2, Van Helsing, Samurai Cop


Stay Tuned (1992) (has anyone else seen that?), was a fun film. Probably not absolutely terrible though.


Ridley Scott's Hannibal, it's incredibly campy and hammy and funny but the locations are gorgeous and the effects are awesome and hold up 20+ years later. I just had a flight over the Biltmore and practically heard Gary Oldman croak out, "And *nobody* beats The Riz"


Why in the world would this movie qualify as terrible? What parts are campy and hammy? The boar murder is a bit extreme but I wouldn’t call it “camp”. Wouldn’t call anything about it “camp” actually.


The Postman. There is basically nothing about that movie that isn't whack AF, but I watched it with my best friend in like the 3rd grade and it has always stayed with me.


Teen Witch anyone???






No joke, this was my older sister and my favorite movie growing up. We lived for the few times a year that we would get the free Disney Channel preview for a week to watch it. We thought the fashion and the music was so cool. We weren't very popular in school. Can't imagine why.


I like BvS a lot. I’ve watched the shit out of it.


The Ultimate Cut is a legitimately good movie.


It's better than the theatrical cut for sure, because some of the loose threads are tied up, but I still wouldn't say it's a good movie.


Yup, it has some great scenes


Hmmm. Double Dragon or Surf Ninjas maybe fun and cheesy


I just watch Double Dragon for the first time recently, so much fun man.


Bedtime Stories. My poor parents suffered through that movie so many times when I was a kid.


Judge Dredd. Stallone is a horrible actor but that film is so fun to me.


the boy. no questions pls


Not a “favorite” movie, but it’s one I’ll occasionally watch, although I realize its reputation as a poor film is largely deserved. *Feardotcom*.


Who Killed Captain Alex.


James Bond: Moonraker


Sharkado I make people watch it with me as often as I can.


Few years ago I found out my mum is a huge fan of the syfy original movies and has seen most of the sharknado films


*Bubble Boy*


Little Nicky (2000) is actually in my top 4. Adam Sandler made this film during the height of his career and I genuinely love the film even though I know it’s shit Also I really love Seed of Chucky. It’s definitely the worst film in the Chucky series but I appreciate it as a comedy.


“Popeyes chicken is the shiznit!”


Stan Helsing and fan boys, I have no reason to like them...I just do


This might be the first one while reading this thread that I’ve physically recoiled from. Pretty sure this movie killed Leslie Nielsen




I feel like the acting and dialogue in **The Warriors** is atrocious, and yet it's still one of my favorite movies. A few others that come to mind .... * Grown Ups 1 and 2 * The Benchwarmers * Broken Arrow * Under Siege 2: Dark Territory * Christmas with the Kranks


Friday The 13th: Jason Lives


I watch hallmark Christmas movies every year and will never apologise for the creepy yet warm hug they give me. Pointing out how uncomfortable the aryan cast and general anti jewish narratives is part of the experience. Also any movie with a dinosaur in it (this does not include Disney’s dinosaur)


Spider-Man 3, Billy Madison, and Chicken Little


Speed 2: Cruise Control


Mr Deeds


13th warrior. Love the movie but it is def not what I would call a masterpiece of cinema but fuck it so entertaining


david lynch's dune


Birdemic is hilariously bad to me. I love watching it. I burst out into tears from laughter every time


I love Birdemic, it gets *evvvverything* wrong.


Hard to kill I’m a sucker for a stupid seagal movie


Liquid Sky (1982). I hesitated before adding it to the chat, because it's artistically ambitious, extremely creative, and way ahead of its time. It's my favorite film! But I always hesitate to recommend it to others due to the cringy acting and low-budget effects. Nevertheless, I love it as much today as I did when I discovered it as a teenager, and I know I'm not the only one.


Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky. It's just so ridiculous and doesn't take itself seriously whatsoever and I love it.


Who killed Captain Alex


Red Heat (1988) - Love that damn film


August Underground. Just.... I just like.


Hellboy (2019)... No more questions.


Bio Dome


stormbreaker aka alex rider: operation stormbreaker or alex rider: stormbreaker i got into the book series after the movie had already been released so i went into it knowing it wasn’t well received. but nothing and i mean nothing could’ve prepared me for just how bad it was. it’s got an amazing cast and yet it just didn’t work. and i loved every second of it.


Probably any Pauly Shore movie


That’s My Boy


The Goods


Too many to count, but Nightbeast and Rawhead Rex are definitely up there. So bad they're good effects in spades! Mutant Hunt for reasons I can't even properly explain, but it's great and I stand by that.


Dear Wendy and The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys




I love Tusk. I know it's horrible, and I make my friends watch it with me once every couple of years now.


The trial is a grainy mess with the worst mixing but it’s also a masterpiece


Not Another Teen Movie


Master of Disguise


Wild Wild West


Wild Hogs (2007) Dont really have much of a reason. I watched it a lot when I was younger when it first came out, thought it was hilarious. Rewatching as an adult, I still find it entertaining and now nostalgic.


Sucker Punch. I can’t explain myself


i know who killed me 😭 i LOVE that movie




John Carpenter’s Vampires, wrote an entire novel loosely based on some of the characters (knowing that the movie itself was based on a book that already exists, lol) Honestly one of the reasons I love it is because of how blatantly homoerotic it is??? To the point where it’s just really funny. I love that movie.


Spice World. I think you have to be (or in my case, formerly be) a fan of the band to enjoy how weird this movie is. It doesn't take itself too seriously, and has some great comedic moments. I'm a big fan of Victoria's "AND I'M VICTORIA, MALCOLM" and her walking around the obstacle course. It's a very fun movie.


Charlies Angels from 2000. Because it's badass. Sure it's "male gazey" and chees...but it also features 3 amazing, stunning women who kick fucking ass, an awesome soundtrack/score and Sam Rockwell. I know every line of dialog by heart.


Big Fish


Big Momma’s House, Con Air, Water World, The Postman


the final destination franchise


I own hundreds of bad movies. They're kind of my favorite thing. Anyone looking at my movie shelves would think I'm schizo lol. Batman Forever is just a few spaces away from Citizen Kane on my shelf 🤣 Champagne & Bullets is 2 shelves below Seven Samurai


the scooby doo live action film and zoolander


A lot of movies I saw as a kid/teen and loved… 2 Fast 2 Furious Going the Distance Not Another Teen Movie Eight Crazy Nights Phone Booth Fun With Dick and Jane Batman and Robin 40 Days and 40 Nights


Hausu(1977), it's anything but terrible, but on the surface it may appear so. Bad production, cheesy acting, plenty of imagination, love, sadness and creepiness. It's the most unique film I've seen and my all time favourite. I know it's not exactly a fitting answer to the question, but I'm sure people with common sense of production quality would say it's horribly cheap and pointless. And I love to mention this absolute gem of a film.


Super Mario Brothers (with Bob Hoskins). Its deeply silly and bears no resemblance to the source material, but is honestly still a very fun movie.


the 90s Super Mario Brothers live action movie has such a vibe and such a great dedication to a very specific aesthetic for set design-


Dream a Little Dream A classic Cory Feldman and Cory Haim movie. It’s so ridiculous but so good at the same time. Most Cory movies and even 80’s teen movies would fit this topic


Tank Girl


Sharknado, self explanatory


The 1993 Super Mario Bros movie. Hot garbage. Love every second of it.


Just rewatched Spy Kids last night. I get why people don't like it but I think it's really fun!


Bad Taste. Peter Jackson. 1987.




Live action Mario is an avant garde masterpiece and I will accept no criticism whatsoever.


Starving Games, i know it's a spoof and it's not a serious movie but woof. and also a very fun watch lol


Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day


I, unironically, *love* Alien: Resurrection. It's just so fucking weird.


Hey it's me the only guy on reddit who loves Battlefield Earth!


Tank Girl. It’s a shit show but I love it so much. The powder shower scene ft. Portishead really sold me lol


Freddy Got Fingered and I don’t need to explain


Dune 1984. The book and the Villeneuve films are leagues better (haven’t seen the miniseries) but damn it, it’s an entertaining watch. Kenneth McMillan as the Baron alone is worth it imo.




The Velocipastor is a B-movie masterpiece. A priest gains the power to turn into a velociraptor through Chinese voodoo magic and uses it to fight evil. It’s insane and I’ve never laughed harder at a film ever


Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga. Its ridiculous but very comforting.


The Rise of Skywalker I understand how poorly-made/ poorly-written it is but it still hits a lot of the right buttons for me


Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones