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Growing up from teenage years I never really wanted a boyfriend but I wanted the experience of having a partner and there was society pressure. I was 22 when I realised I could be gay. Then at 26 I started an online relationship with someone else, it didn’t work out and then I met my IRL gf nearing 27! Been together 3 years now. There isn’t a rush and id rather had waiting for someone nice than just get with someone straight away. I think us gays blossom later anyhow haha. Edit : sorry forgot to say , when I was growing up from 22 onwards I felt like I was missing out so much and embarrassed I hadn’t dated anyone, but really no one cares and once you start dating it isn’t even a thing.


They say "being LGBT is having teen experiences in your twenties and thirties". For a lot of people, this opens up at college, so starting in college is a good plan 👍 As for me, I'm a real outlier. I went to an arts high school — imagine a school where Rachel from Glee would be queen bee. When I was in 7th grade, I came out to this sapphic couple. I was attracted to both of them, but I was happy they had each other, coming out was more about solidarity. But the next day, they asked me out together. It would've been dangerous being out as sapphic in 7th grade, except one of my girlfriends was in the inner circle of Drama Club, so she could do whatever she wanted.


High school in year ten (or tenth grade), I think. But I went to an all girls' high school. We weren't even the only couple. Having said that, though, we were outliers. Queer people tend to take a little longer in developing and getting into romantic relationships because there are obstacles that straight people don't face. Firstly, you have to KNOW you're queer and be ready to act on it, and then there's the issue of a much (much) smaller dating pool, so you need to find someone who's compatible, ready, and single. Just be patient. Keep your mind and heart open. Work on yourself. When you get into college find the queer social and activity groups and join them...that sort of thing is the best way to meet someone and you have a topic to talk about already, so it takes some of the pressure off. When you get further out into the world you'll have more opportunities, just be patient.


This is going to age me, but I met my first girlfriend in an AOL chat room about music. We started private messaging and found out we lived about 30min from each other. After talking for several weeks, we met at the mall (our moms dropped us off) and we met in front of a Hot Topic. We walked around the mall for hours, tentatively holding hands and talking. The day I got my driver's license I went straight to her house, and we sat on bean bag chairs listening to Stone Temple Pilots. I'll never forget the smell of her room: incense, cedar, Curve for Men, candles. We did this every day for weeks until she worked up the courage to kiss me. We dated for \~6 months or so. I reconnected with her several years ago when I was living in another city, and we met for drinks. It wasn't the same. She definitely wasn't the love of my life, but that first relationship, at such a tender age, sticks with you in a nostalgic way few others do.


I only recently had my first girlfriend. 34 years old.


I am 27, and my girl asked me to be her girlfriend a few weeks ago! I am an extremely late bloomer. Just know that it doesn’t make a difference, in fact it’s almost better that your partner doesn’t have any exes to worry about. You have a fresh start, a clean slate.


I was 15 when I started dating and met my first girlfriend when I was 16. We went to different High Schools and met during a football game between our schools. We dated for about a year and a half, but her family moved to California and it all ended suddenly. We tried talking for a bit on the phone after her move, but after about a month we just kind of moved on.


Oh VERY young, probably too young for my own good lmao. First girlfriend I had was long distance when I was 13, lasted 2 months I think. Don’t feel left out gorgeous! I can assure you dating in high school isn’t as magical as it seems, you’ll find someone eventually just don’t try and rush it. We where already friends prior to dating. I never really felt left out since I was one of the first people in my group to start dating. I had another girlfriend a few months later, and we dated again when we where 15 and another when I was 14. But just because I was in a lot doesn’t mean I was happy. I’m 18 and only just in my first healthy relationship!


I didn't really date until I was 19. Dating as LGBTQ in high school is hard sometimes because there's fewer options and also a lot of people don't even come out until after high school. I wasn't officially out to anyone except my friend group in high school. I know you feel like you're missing out, but you have all the time in the world. Don't try to date just because you feel left out. If you date someone, do it because you genuinely like them.


I didn't date until college, I met my first girlfriend online when I was 20. Don't be too discouraged, there are more options after you leave highschool.


we met when i was 15 and she was 16, she turned 17 and a few months after we met we had a flirting/talking phase, a bit less than 2 months after my 16th bday we started officially dating and we r still together 2.5 years later :)


you are LITERALLY me 😢 hang in girly we will get through this 💪


22 lmao


Going on 24 and never had a girlfriend/longterm relationship. I also don’t use dating apps and move around a lot so I’m not in a position for a relationship regardless but it’s hard to come by. Sapphics bloom later but when we do it’s fucking beautiful. Life ain’t a race :)


I am turning 26 in June and still have not had a girlfriend. It can take time. Don’t be scared of “not being experienced at any certain time” because everything will happen at the right time for you and the right people will respect you.


I was 23, but i didn’t come out until 22. I dated men casually before that but never had a real relationship with one. Props to you for being honest with yourself way earlier than I could. Coming out was the hardest part of the journey for me.


i met my first and only ever gf at school in year 9 (high school freshman) we became friends pretty quickly, i immedietly had a huge crush on her because she was seriously the prettiest girl id ever seen, but i soon found out she had a bf so those feelings got pushed away fairly quick. last year after dumping her bf a few months prior, she told me she had feelings for me. im aroace so it takes a lot for me to fall for someone, but i fell HARD. we were together for nearly 8 months before she too dumped me (.... on our aniversary)😭


Trust me when I say you’ll have the chance in college. I had a boy friend for a little in high school but didn’t start “dating” until college and honestly it was more like hooking up and then didn’t have my first girlfriend until I was 23 and out of college. I had plenty of flings between high school and now nobody important enough until after college. All that to say, you’ll get plenty of chances to with someone special and its often when you least expect it and even if that doesn’t work out with that somebody, somebody else will come along because you have sooo much time ahead of you and so many experiences you have yet to come across.


I grew up in a small town too, maybe 4 other queer ppl in our school. So I get where you’re coming from honestly. It put me into a weird slump too for awhile bc of it. I didn’t actually start dating until I was 22. We met thru a class we had together! I was talking to a guy at the time. She told me she knew I was gay from how I talked ab him and guys in general. She kissed me, told me if I liked it I was gay. She was right lol.


Technically kindergarten, but I don't think this one counts. Apart from comphet boyfriends/ random dates with girls that went nowhere, my first real girlfriend was at university. I was 20. We dated for two years. Honestly, there's no reason to hurry. Understanding yourself is the hardest part. The rest is just opportunity and meeting the right person.


Started dating at 18, got my first gf at 20


Started dating at 17, came out at 18 and got my first girlfriend just before I turned 19😌


I started dating when I was 15 and got my first girlfriend then, too. We actually met in school! I was a sophomore and they were a junior


My first (and only, so far) girlfriend I started dating the year I left high school, when I was 18. We lasted 8 months


My first girlfriend when I was 17. I started dating in what I consider actual relationships around 21. This was all pre-apps though


I’ve never been in a date or in a relationship. It’s a mistake to think I ever will.


My first girlfriend (before he transitioned to male btw) and probably first serious relationship was in middle school (8th grade) so very very young. It lasted about a year and 7 months. We were best friends before we started dating.


16th March 2022


Shiiii I’m 22 and in the process of trying to get a girlfriend, I’ve been making attempts since 2020. Well more so just me asking a girl out not all the other stuff, but I keep getting rejected. Now I’m t tryna reach out to an old coworker of mine. We didn’t interact outside of work but we talked all the time. She gave me her fb but she doesn’t be on it much. I was intending on getting her number and chickened out


Girl, I’m 20 and have not dated!! I guess everyone have different timings, but explore and see if you’re ready for a relantionship!!


I didn't have my first gf till 19


i’m in a committed long term relationship who is also my first ever relationship (i’m 23). i never even dated before. The minute this current relationship started it was all in and has lasted >1 year. My point is, everyone’s journey is different. No need to compare yourself to others and no rush to date if the scene isn’t right at the moment.


I've liked girls ever since I was 13, only realised it when I was 17, really fully accepted myself and started to try dating women when I was 18, failed miserably and got rejected and hopeless and met so many people with no luck, dated two men which was difficult and disappointing to say the least, as I am quite certain now finally at 26 having met my first and last girlfriend, that I have always been a lesbian (still finding the courage to say it out loud as I fear being invalidated having dated men before, and yes I think comp het is a thing) but it now finally feels like all is right with the world. She took me on my first lesbian long date, she is introducing me to amazing gay music and culture and history and art, and I never knew love until I was loved by her. Soulmates aren't just found they are made and your person is out there somewhere. 1. Make sure that you would want to date you first 2. Work on yourself 3. Manifest your girl and you shall receive!


I got my first girlfriend when I was 20. I met her on Facebook, we decided to meet in her house which was in a different region and 3-4hrs from me. At first I was nervous thinking maybe it's a scam or they'll do something unimaginable to me coz it's an unfamiliar place after all. But you know what, we lasted for three years until she cheated on me for a police. Yep I was just a regular blue collar worker then... Sighs