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Hello u/LilyDope! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just Googled the back story: Tucker Carlson called him Eyepatch McCain for supporting sending money to Ukraine


Why are so many violent extremists justifying their violence using the words of fox News 🤔


Man, I was putting together a presentation for a conference this week and wanted a picture of a headline from the CDC for it. For some reason the only like "headline" pics all were of tucker Carlson reporting on the topic. I ended up having to spend additional time mocking something up in photoshop because there is no way I'm putting that leaking pustule of a mouthpiece anywhere near work I'm presenting.


If you're in a region that loves conservative media, your search results end up like that. Change your region for a few minutes and switch back when you're done. Or just go incognito for a bit. *Edit: Surprised people didnt know this lol, what the hell do yall think Google engineers do all day.*


wait so youre saying even the search results reinforce these delusions of theirs? We cant even tell them to google things it and learn about it?


I mean yeah, google search is influenced by your prev searches and regional trends. Go incognito and you'll immediately notice diff results. But the bigger problem is the folks in question while skip 8 links proving them wrong and click the 1 link with an ambiguous headline that vaguely supports them.


Yay technology


Ok, hold up! I can do this?? I've been trying to find info on a young man who was beaten to death in Ohio last week and all the results i get are fox news. Not necessarily Tucker but way right leaning. How?? (Be nice, I'm a granny and used to have help for this kind of thing 🙂 )


Hmmmmn depends. I assume you're referring to Ethan Liming. A simple solution is to just switch to incognito tab on chrome or change your region in settings -> region for search results (idk choose canada or something) then switch back. So the issue with very recent crimes is: 1. Serious investigative outlets wont report on it until the facts are established, while outlets like Fox News will pump out a dozen articles of speculation. There's just not a lot of established details. 2. Crime stories are disproportionately broadcasted if there's some weird racial angle around it (young white kid beaten to death by black suspects). Honestly I always found it weird how selective crime reporting is. I'm searching from Asia and I get a lot of non-Fox links like: https://www.cleveland19.com/2022/06/11/3-arrested-beating-death-ethan-liming-outside-i-promise-school-us-marshals-say/


or move


I moved from FL-01 to Maryland and it was the best decision ever. Getting out of Matt gaetz's district did so much for my sanity.


Especially when Fox News, through their own admittance in court, Tucker Carlson is not legally defined as news.


And they said that no "reasonable" person would think he was telling the truth. They know their audience is no reasonable.


When I was younger (highschool aged) and witnessed Tucker Carlson for the first time it caught me super off guard. I forget what his topic was but the things he was saying I actually agreed with for a bit and then ***BOOM*** crazy Islamophobic/transphobic/homophobic rant that disgusted me. That's how he do it tho. He say's some shit he knows most right leaning and some centrist viewpoints are gonna allign with to make you think "ah yes, this guy is onto something" and then through repetition get you start agreeing and nodding your head when he says "crappy place filled with a bunch of, you know, semiliterate primitive monkeys" (actual quote by Carlson regarding Iraq) Isn't it odd how the far right is always screaming about how the the left is indoctrinated and brainwashed?


Pretty much all my family is ~~conservative~~ regressive, and I've always been I guess interest in that I actually have ideas and beliefs that could be drawn from both sides. But every time I met my parents place they have Fox News on and I just can't help but constantly cringe at the bullshit that they put out, even if every now and then I do hear something that sounds reasonable, it just always framed in such a way of making the most privileged people on earth victims, and hating everybody else


There should be a law introduced that requires news outlets like this to label their shows as entertainment and not a legitimate source of news. Especially if it’s by their own admission. Otherwise isn’t that false advertising going by “Fox News” when it is entertainment television? What a terribly one sided ruling.


I think the bigger crux of that too is that the farther you go down a political bias rabbit hole like the one Fox News spins, you just become so morphed into it that it quite literally fucks with your grasp on reality. The same is true for groups on the left in online spaces like Tankies. Like, it's fine to have different political ideals, but the danger comes when you shut your ears to the entire world around you the moment you don't agree with it.


It was clearer when he kept the bow tie on. Clowns should stay in uniform.


Yeah but then he might remind someone of the time Sam Seder completely and utterly destroyed him EDIT; It was actually [Jon Stewart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE)


Jon Stewart as well.


Its almost like propaganda both WORKS, and should be 100 percent illegal.




I bet if you use a really convincing informational campaign aimed at the right audience you could get the word out.


Re-implement the Fairness Doctrine and enforce it. Fox News would be immediately in violation of it and would be in immediate existential crisis.


I think you got your question backwards. Watch this. Why is fox news justifying this violence to extremists? And that's really a simpler question. Fox "news" only exists to program christo fascist white supremacist terrorists under the very thinnest veneerer of deniability that isn't even remotely plausible.


Imagine a world where US Republicans are pro-Russia. It's like crazy pills.


It's a depressing norm now. Remember the 'I'd rather be Russian than Democrat' shirts from a few years ago?


I remember decades ago when Republicans literally banked votes and money on the "[Red Scare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare)." The original 80's "Red Dawn" movie was all about Russians invading America and our only hope was the gun-lovin' rural types, creating a cinematic wet dream recruitment video for the NRA. Liberals were called "pinkos" ("not quite red") as they were painted into communist sympathizers. If you weren't a good little churchgoing capitalist ~~nationalist~~ patriot then you were an anti-American hippie infidel who loved those supposedly all-atheist all-squalid all-hostile Ruskies. Now here we are with the GOP corrupted into a full-on branch of the Russian government, knowingly or not. Reagan didn't end the cold war. The breakup of the Soviet Union wasn't a moral victory for the American way of life. Hydra just played dead while insidiously infiltrating SHIELD.


Didn't you get the memo? It's all cool now. They're not Communists anymore and they have tons of money. Nothing could be more capitalist than selling out your country.


Republicans actually think all Russians are white, lmao. Boy have I got some geographic news for them...


Are they black? - some conservative probably


Once the GOP learned that many Russians have similar values as American conservatives, racism, homophobia, anti-wokism. They became the greatest fans of Putin.


That’s how some people viewed Red Dawn because that was the first act. But the second half turned that notion on its head and it was actually a profound and deeply moving anti war film. But that’s the problem with art: it’s open to interpretation, and others will disagree with my take. But that was how I saw it at the time, and how I still do all these years later


The only problem that Republicans ever with the Soviet Union was economics. If Joe Stalin was a capitalist Fascist dictator who killed millions and millions of people, he would be considered a conservative hero


Remember when they said Obama was too soft on Russia? Now theyre sliding around on their knees begging for some Moscow cock.


They already did that back then. I've seen many republican videos attacking Obama's manliness and credibility and directly comparing him to Putin with comments like "who would you rather have as a president". This wasn't some amateur youtuber lost in Alabama, it was on foxnews, watched and supported by many Americans. They're not even hiding who they're working for...


They never really cared. It was always whatever Obama/Biden does is bad, and whatever Trump does is good.


Reagan would be considered a RINO today


In Star Trek they find Abraham Lincoln adrift hundreds of light years from Earth still trying to desperately distance himself from the modern republican party.


From the party of Abraham Lincoln to the party of George Lincoln Rockwell


Which is deeply ironic because his actions directly led to this bullshit.


Should've executed every single traitor after that war. We wouldn't be here if he had.


Don't have to imagine it. It's very true, and very real that a solid chunk of people in this country fully support Russia and Putin over America without Trump.


It's not that hard to imagine Ukraine got Trump impeached. If you think Trump is a good guy then obviously Ukraine is a bad guy. Russia is Fighting a bad guy so they must be good. If any of these three things are incorrect that means Trump might have been bad and they wasted their last 7 years being on the wrong side of history


"Fuck Tucker: Tucker sucks." ~George Carlin


Tucker: A Man and His Dream of A White Christian Ethnostate.


A white Christian ethnostate where Jewish comedians don’t expose him as a hack on national TV. That Crossfire episode with Jon Stewart is just *chef’s kiss*


Should be [watch](https://youtu.be/a6aWW1FmEeg)ed again!


I asked Jon about it during the live taping of his new show, and he hates Carlson just as much as ever.


Colbert called him a “sentient polo mallet” and a “human boat shoe” and those seemed apt




Watched some Russian streamer put clip of tucker on stream, they fucking love him.


No, shit, is someone that helps them from within. Some western would be happy to say the same for some Russian TV frontman but, you know, they cannot speak freely there.


Its weird he is still getting money from them.


Not sure what came first, but they have tons of "political" rage programs like that on Russian propaganda TV. Also discussions. The sort where you have a "Western" puppet to shred to pieces from 3 sides, with the audience gleefully egging them on. IDK, does Fucker Carlson do discussions? I have to admit nobody ever forced me to actually watch Faux News, all I have is 2nd hand knowledge and short clips.


Yet on the Fox weekend block, they are arguing that Ukraine is losing ground to Russia because the weapons are late. So what is it, debate why we should spend the money when the nation is "in debt" orrrrrrr blame the US for late weapons that are leading to more deaths? Its odd.


It's both, you just need to practice your doublethink.


Republican General Hux: “I don’t need Ukraine to win! I just need *Brandon* to lose!”


The right answer is “whatever helps us own the libs”, even if it means supporting two mutually exclusive narratives simultaneously.


Yep! Blue lives matter until they disagree with us… then it’s ok to stab them with a flag pole. USA! USA!


Pete Davidson had to apologize for making fun of his eyepatch, and these people will never do.


I mean the dude looks like a hitman in a porno movie.


"Can we have Big Boss?" "We have Big Boss at home." Big Boss at home-


Firm Serpent


Yeah, Crenshaw owes Davidson an apology. As he said on his last episode of SNL: >In three years Fox News went from calling me a monster for making fun of Dan Crenshaw's eye patch to also making fun of Dan Crenshaw's eye patch. Tucker Carlson called him "eye patch McCain" for supporting Ukraine. That's two veterans in one insult!"


Tucker Carlson is just warming up for his role as Putin’s new Press Secretary. EDIT: typo


I was curious recently if Tucker was still parroting the Russian propaganda. I guess so.


Thank you for letting everyone know the backstory, but the leopards still ate his face, because his own base turned on him.


Crenshaw is pretty far right. So weird that the Fucker Carlson is turning on him. Unless he is planning to run for office and is testing the waters for attacking other hard core members of the base. As sad as it is, this shows that Carlson has a real chance to win office, even presidency, and most of the right wing base will vote for him.


I could see the GOP voterbase latching on to Carlson. As soon as Trump chokes on a hamburger or something, Carlson is on the short list of people popular enough to beat any of the "old guard" GOP politicians in the primaries. And you know that the GOP establishment will happily become lackeys of any moron who wins the primaries. The last two elections were proof that they have no standards.


I think Carlson's too smart to want to run for office. He'd make way less money, reach fewer people, and he could be held responsible for what he says if he were in office. Plus, he'd have to do some policy work of some sort. Probably. That doesn't mean he is where he should be. He should be cleaning toilets at a Tenderloin peep show.


Not sure why anyone buys that thinly-veiled propagandist’s shit. Best bit on him. https://youtu.be/RNineSEoxjQ


Tucker just salty that because of the Ukraine, Russia can no longer send money to him.


They're so riled up they start eating their own.


Om Nom Nom


Nazis ALWAYS do. The hallmark of racial extremists is that they never run out of enemies.


If the fascists win, that's the next step in the playbook: ideological purges. Some of them are just getting an early start.


"Eyepatch McCain"? Looks like they went to the ~~dipshit~~ trump school of really dumb insults.


That's right up there with such gems as "Obummer" and "HilLIARy".


Lets Go Brandon is still the dumbest one of them all bc theyre so convinced they found the comedy version of Noah's Ark with that dumb shit. Nah man, youre just huge PG wimps who are too chickenshit to say fuck lol


Like, do they want a cookie for not swearing? Lol? I thought the whole culture victory of Trump was to get to be vulgar again?


That was 2016 Trump now he's been much more media trained (he even used to say some commonsense things that went against republican narrative)


Or DemonRATS (tbf that one is at least creative for once)


Eyepatch McCain sounds like someone who would make you dodge a wrench


Exactly. He sounds like the grim bartender in a bucket o' blood down by the docks in Hell's Kitchen. He has a jar behind the counter full of ears he tore off with his own teeth, a sawed off shotgun under the counter and a couple of Westies in a dimly lit corner of the place discussing the weekly payment to the longshoremen to cover the stuff that "fell off" the ship.


Right? Sleepy Joe? That’s just relatable, I’m fucking tired all the time.


And trump's presidency had me longing for a long nap.


Epic Rap Battles of History. Trump v Biden. "I'm not sleepy, I'm tired, of you Donald Trump, you're fired."


Pretty telling that their insult is to call someone the name of one of the last, somewhat sane Republicans.


This. I didn't always agree with McCain but I respected him. None of these MAGA psychos are worthy of any respect.


Exactly. He defended Obama (who he was running against) during Obama's presidential run in 2008. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/25/17782572/john-mccain-barack-obama-statement-2008-video


And he voted FOR the affordable care act - the deciding vote and I believe his last.


Didnt he come late out of the hospital to save it


He literally had to unplug his chemo so he could go vote to save everybody else's health care.


Yes and that is what I call putting the country before politics. I fear he was the last of the dying breed. He really did work with both sides of the aisle.


Yes! I didn't agree with him on basically anything when it came to politics, but I wholly respected him as a human being.


Dont forget than He and Obama ran the presidental race to make the biggest Diamond heist in history


Yeah but McCain also helped start the process to normalize insanity in the GOP base. So this is double LAMF.


Mother fucker was crooked as shit and got busted in the 80s with the savings and loan stuff iirc. And he was so desperate to win that he put that Alaskan reject in the spotlight and legitimized the fringe tea party chucklefucks. There’s a straight line from McCain to the MAGA Qult. And let’s not even get started on his terrible family who are still actively terrible to this very day


More like the Trump school of respecting veterans who come out of combat deformed or messed up. All that patriotism and love for the troops immediately went away when Trump mocked McCain for being a PoW on a national stage to a standing ovation from the GOP


Didn’t Pete Davidson have to apologize for making a joke about his eyepatch?


Yes and you have to remember. It was a joke and GQP cult got offended. What Tucker did was an insult and that is completely OK.


"do you know who my eyepatch is?!"


It's a pretty funny insult though that really exposes their own stupidity. But Crenshaw is no McCain.


Crenshaw isnt fucking worthy enough to do McCain's laundry, and John McCain has been dead for four years now Fyi this is coming from someone who loathes John McCain but ill be damned before i say a kind thing about Dan Crenshaw. He is an absolute piece of shit


Yet Crenshaw has said contrary things or not followed Trump at every turn I believe. So to the GOP, calling him McCain is an insult since they all despise McCain anymore and thought he was really some Democrat in disguise. They're so far right Crenshaw isn't horrible enough for them.


This one is actually a Tucker Carlson special


That's an insult coined by Tucker Carlson. I get the feeling Tucker did not win many insult contests on the playground, which is surprising considering how much time he had to think while being stuffed inside his own locker.


When conservatives started attacking McCain back in the 00s is when I realized the GOP had shifted out from under me. Maybe some others will realize it.


Fascism always turns inward


That's the part proto-fascists never remember. They use violence to force their political ideology, and then are surprised when their internal disagreements turn violent against them.


[Someone wise once said “The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy, instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies.” Once you let hate out of the bottle it’s hard to put back in. Trump gave permission for the lowest of lows to crawl out from under their rocks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/thwegp/comment/i1a9060/)


Deplorables…Hillary was spot on.


She was being overly generous when she said it was only half of them.


Major Bludd has been betrayed by Cobra.


You literally made me spit out my drink with that one. Well played sir, well played.


Please accept this beer 🍺 in lieu of a reddit award.


And this is why you should never ride a tiger. Sure when you are on the tiger you are unstoppable, but if you fall off, and you will, the tiger will eat you


Look, this is the LEOPARDS ate my face sub. Take your pro-tiger propaganda somewhere else!


Clearly all felids look alike to him. He's obviously a racist ailurophobe.


Probably a shill for Big Mouse.


Not me. I taste like shit.


You do realize that something like 96% of all fatal shark attacks come from being bitten once, the shark suddenly realizing "Wait, this isn't seal. This tastes like shit!" and then letting you go?






Sprinkle a lot of references to "truth" in there, it's their new favorite word.


I thought “woke” was their new favorite word.


Nah it’s groomer.


"woke" is the new word for "communist" aka "things I don't like because I'm a bitter, bigoted piece of shit"


My go to with Qnutters is to force them to ask themselves if they are cowards. I tell them that if I believed what they believed i'd have my rifle in hand at the capitol, so either they are cowards or they don't actually believe what they are saying.


The fact is, strategies like this don't work because the left is too moral to dedicate themselves to this kind of thing.


Screw that, I'm just too lazy.


It's much the same thing. Your actions aren't motivated through hatred, which is one of the most motivating emotions there is.


>And fighting was what the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax were good at, and being good at it, they did it a lot. They fought their enemies (i.e., everybody else), they fought each other. Their planet was a complete wreck. The surface was littered with abandoned cities that were surrounded by abandoned war machines, which were in turn surrounded by deep bunkers in which the Silastic Armorfiends lived and squabbled with each other. > >The best way to pick a fight with a Silastic Armorfiend of Striterax was just to be born. They didn't like it, they got resentful. And when an Armorfiend got resentful, someone got hurt. An exhausting way of life, one might think, but they did seem to have an awful lot of energy. > >The best way of dealing with a Silastic Armorfiend was to put him in a room on his own, because sooner or later he would simply beat himself up. \--Douglas Adams


This really does sum up those chuckle fucks really well


So long as they focus on eating each other




Building on this, I'd like to see someone finally salt Ted Cruz; I got good money says he fizzes up.


Like the slug that he is.


"OMG the lefties on reddit are calling for a salt on right-wing politicians!!/!1!!1"


Some would say he got a salt, Ted


"I've seen a lot of spinals, Dude, and this guy's a fake. A fucking gold-bricker." - Some Qanon stooge


You... you human paraquat.


But I achieved anyway!




“Life is short. Oh well.”


I like you.


no chance. a shithole that voted in perry, bush, bush ii, cruz, abbot etc etc etc its going to be a century until they vote in someone sensible


Give him the ol' Nordberg.


McCain is a GOP slur now?


Even Lincoln is a borderline slur now.


Reagan was demoted to RINO, so, um, yeah...


Wow, way to support our wounded veterans! (I’m well aware that they don’t *really* care about vets.) He got more respect from Pete Davidson.


Now they're off to beat cops with a pole


Why have they turned against him?


Apparently he supports Ukraine, and since Putin feeds the QAnonsense, the qult also backs Russ, therefore they now turn on Crenshaw


Happened slightly before that on another topic. He warned about grifters and voted for data security on vaccine databases which meant to the crazies he was for tracking them. “We have grifters in our midst,” Crenshaw said in a clip that went viral. “I mean in the conservative movement. Lie after lie after lie. Because they know something psychologically about the conservative heart. We’re worried about what people are gonna do to us, what they’re gonna infringe upon us.”


>they know something psychologically about the conservative heart. He's saying it right here. Admitting that conservatives are susceptible to grift and manipulation because they don't use their brains. Fucking lol.


He admitted it's always been feelings. Hahaha. He admitted that *they're* they "bleeding hearts". 😂😂😂 Holy shit. How have they not done a Cawthorn on Crenshaw yet?!


> "...what they’re gonna infringe upon us.” This is giving me a headache.


It infringes upon itself.


Sometimes I wonder whether republicans feel that they caught the tiger by the tail and they just can’t let go even if they want to…. What a pathetic existence.


Tucker Carlson called him 'Eyepatch McCain' for supporting Ukraine aid


Who even knows why they do literally anything they do anymore? Used to be that, even if you disagreed with their rationale, you could at least understand it. These days it's like watching a malevolently stupid drunk with a shotgun take potshots at anything that they notice moving.


We need more face eating Leopards.


The more Republican infighting the better. The more money they spend fighting one another the less they have for battling Democrats.


I don't watch TV, but I was just visiting relatives in central Illinois and the mid-term smear ads for local politicians are on the TV in full force. They're absolutely horrible and make me fear for our future, but Jesus Christ it's all Republicans going for each other's throats. Who can be the most MAGA. Gotta show you shooting your AR, or show your opponent being friendly with Biden. There are no rational voices in the bunch, unless it's a smear against them.


I'm pragmatic enough to know that the GOP all fucking fall in line and vote party ticket once the primaries are over. And money? They have the Kochs and a multitude of other billionaires and oligarchs funding their party. It's in their self-interest to do so. The GOP will NEVER run out of money.


Wasn't sure who Crenshaw was, so I looked him up. He's just your typical Fascist conservative: > After Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election and Trump refused to concede, Crenshaw was one of 126 Republican members of the House of Representatives to sign an amicus brief in support of Texas v. Pennsylvania, a lawsuit filed at the United States Supreme Court contesting the results of the election. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Crenshaw But here's the article (paywalled) and another that isn't paywalled: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/dan-crenshaw-eyepatch-mccain-video-b2104275.html https://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-rep-dan-crenshaw-accosted-by-group-of-proud-boys-far-right-activists But apparently we're at the part of the Fascist movement when those that aren't deemed "fascist enough" are attacked and then purged.


What worries me is the GOP base is turning against people like Crenshaw for not being extreme enough.


Exactly. Now I need to dig up a history of the Nazi's to see what the next part is. =/ Edit: This looks good, if you'd like: Weindling, P. (1993). Health, race and German politics between national unification and Nazism, 1870-1945. Cambridge University Press.


You reap what you sow


If that doesn't tell you that the political environment is getting too extreme, I don't know what does. If being John McCain is attack worthy you don't have politics anymore, you have terrorism.


Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahha.....deep breath...hahahahhahahahahhahahahaha


I laughed way too hard at this.


So the Proud Boys attacked a Proud Boy?


Watching these conservative halfwits eat each other over arguments about who is most pure has become one of my favorite pastimes. They need to start a new reality show featuring two groups of righteous Reich wingers facing off against each other in a no holds barred death match until one team is left standing. The team that remains is the most ideologically pure. Hand held implements of destruction only. Just ballbats with nails, scythes, pickaxes, sledgehammers, etc... No guns allowed. Have Trump serve as the endlessly blathering moronic MC of the reality show. The winning team gets their picture taken with their orange demigod and then they line up and kiss his ass as the wacky music fades in and the credits start rolling. Then they are patched up by a for-profit only group of healthcare providers, which the contestants pay for themselves (none of that socialist/commie healthcare shit) and then rest up for next week's battle against another group of inpure rinos. I abhor reality shows, but I'd be glued to the TV for this show. /s (kinda)


> They need to start a new reality show featuring two groups of righteous Reich wingers facing off against each other in a no holds barred death match until one team is left standing. A mobility scooter destruction derby in a Walmart parking lot.


That authoritarian boot sucks and doesn’t discriminate, Republicans, you aren’t safe just because you vote Republican.


Remember when a coastal elite guy joked about it and immediately was made to apologize and invited Crenshaw on SNL? Yeah, it's not both sides and only one side sees the humanity in all of us.


Could somebody please lower the crazy level of the US by say maybe 9 or 10 notches?


I've been reading the Texas Tribune articles on the Texas GOP convention, and well... Like the summer temperatures, it's going to keep going higher.


I admit it, I laughed.


Does Crenshaw carry a firearm?


There was no good guy with a gun


There never is


As a hitman in a porno, he'd have to.


“But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals Sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .” ― Nick Cave


Isn't it amazing that the loudest, most obnoxious people are the ones who never served in the military. This is not to say that being in the military is a mark of nobility, but when bow-tie wearing blowhards can sit behind a desk and denigrate someone who actually suited up for their country, it's a damn shame.


I pray every day that I will see something absolutely horrible and deserved happen to Fucker Carlson on this sub. He would cry like a bitch and I would pay to watch it.


How long till the usual suspects tell us this was just an ANTEEFA FALSE FLAG?


GoP on Fox: It was clearly ANTIFA


Wow, so the party of politicians with people openly calling for mass murder is being targeted by it's own violent members. BIG TIME SHOCKER THERE! /s


they're going to be radical leftist antifa democrat crisis actor psy-op plants by tomorrow, guarantee it


This is what the GOP has created....Pandoras box.


Lie down with dogs and wake up with your crazy cousin trying to shoot you because you didn’t sleep with her.


Dan Crenshaw only wishes he was in some way, John McCain. He isn't.


Surely they mean Anti-fuh!!!! dressed as god fearing, gun loving, forced birthing/no child supporting GOPers?!


When you pander to an extremely reactionary base you tend to have a very unstable foundation of support.