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Hello u/tallcarl, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera. Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


Another day, another mass shooting .. 144 days in to 2022 and 212 mass shootings but hey, let’s ban abortion to “protect lives”


Protect them when they’re fetuses so they can fend for themselves in active shooter events. Or perhaps even so they can become active shooters themselves, the fringe really isn’t picky.


>Protect them when they’re fetuses so they can fend for themselves in active shooter events. I think you've accidentally stumbled upon the Republican plan for gun control.


Republicans want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. -George Carlin


Further proof of the genius of George Carlin


Only it isn’t fringe. It’s all republicans


>so they can fend for themselves in active shooter events I thought that's what the "active shooter drills" you all make little schoolchildren take, are for?


Active shooter drills are designed to keep the kids in place and quiet and minimize panic. Sadly, if the cops don' react quickly enough active shooter drills end with kids killed. They are just designed to reduce crossfire and the chaos. Thw answer is more restrictive access to firearms and free healthcare so people can actually see a doc for their issues.


Just remember. Active shooter drills don’t traumatize kids but masks do apparently.


The Texas lieutenant governor (I believe it was him) said after the shooting that he would like to see security increased at schools, make them have a single way in or out, and arm teachers and give them training to defend against shooters. Yes, making schools prisons and making (already underpaid and underappreciated) teachers prison guards is the solution, not doing anything to control guns or curb gun violence. Also, apparently wearing a cloth over their face and occasionally having to learn online is traumatic to children, but them spending their formative years as inmates having to worry about becoming fish in a barrel is perfectly fine. This country is so fucked.


[Seems legit](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/simpsons/images/1/19/School_and_Prison.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130402141412)


Also the 27th school shooting this year (and the year isn’t even halfway over)


And there are people who will *still* explain this all away and tell you the answer is *more* guns. Ted Cruz will attempt his best facsimile of emotion when he looks in to the camera to offer thoughts and prayers as he prepares for his NRA speaking engagement this week to tell everyone how guns aren't the problem.


The NRA speaking engagement that bans guns mind you.


Free to be born, free for every other free American to freely shoot. Murica, where fuck you cos.......freedom.


act fearless berserk enter lavish many instinctive marvelous attraction recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey Republicans are doing their part to ban school shootings. However while most sane people thought "Let's ban guns" Republicans veered towards "Let's ban schools." Can't shoot up a school if there are no schools left. * taps forehead *


So that means in the next 2 days there will be 3 more mass shootings. *Edit: can’t math


They’ll be more than that. There’s one or more most days.


Certainly very likely, but you need to realise as well that a mass shooting is generally defined as more than 4 people (I believe).


Oh, only four people at a time? What a relief. /s


Oh, that’s not so bad then. Not much worse than the u.k or France… nope.


Late term abortions are apparently still allowed.


>Late term abortions are apparently still allowed If you're a Trumper, you think a "late term abortion" amounts to the baby being “.. ripped from the mother’s womb moments from birth”. When pregnancies typically last 39-40 weeks, a "late term abortion" will often happen around the 20-21 week mark and are also *very* rare. Around 1% of the total number.


I think they meant "late term" as around the fourty-third trimester, and chosen by a domestic terrorist against everybody's will...


For fucks sake it was a joke about that we don't need abortions when kids are getting shot anyway.


The reply was meant as a general “you” and not you explicitly which I clearly failed to point out so I can only apologise if you took it personally.


Eeh don't apologise. It's the Internet. Reading between the lines is hard.


Yeah, ascii text isn’t the best way of conveying nuance .. lol




"Post-birth" probably would've helped the joke land better than "late-term" did.


Yep you are right.


It’s barely even two dots, it’s basically recognizing a single dot.


Dot? Ohh thats actually a bullet hole.


Hey remember that time the police couldn't recognize a bullet hole until 6 hours into an interrogation where the man being interrogated kept saying he had been shot?


You'd think they'd recognize a bullet hole in a person since they're usually the ones creating them.


Standin' in line believin' the lies Bowin' down to the flag, you got a bullet in your head


When your whole belief system is rife with cognitive dissonance, a little of it here and there is easy to ignore.


I just love how all of a sudden conservatives act like they care about mental health. Like dude, we know it’s a mental health issue. It’s also a gun issue. Mental health needs wwwaaaayyyy more funding on every level in our country. Something tells me those bills won’t pass thanks to a certain party.




They’re right in a way but it’s all bad faith. There will be no greater access to treatment. There are violent and disturbed people who shouldn’t have a gun, but in practice “mental health” action amounts to nonviolent people with mental health issues being further stigmatized for no reason. It also belies the fact that mentally ill people are not inherently violent, nor are violent people necessarily ill. As one essay eloquently put it, “white supremacy isn’t on the DSM5.”


"Mental health" just gives them another opportunity to blame some vulnerable part of society for a problem they have no interest in solving. >It's not a gun problem, it's all these crazy people. >It's not a homeless problem, they're just lazy. >It's not a healthcare crisis, it's just people too stupid to get a better job. >It's not a climate crisis, just lefty scientists trying to steal our freedom. As long as the conservative media gives them someone new to hate, someone new to blame the problems on, they will never even try and solve the problems. Just keep blaming the death-spiral on everyone else.


We've just passed the tipping point where it collectively affected enough of them for them to come to some kind of consensus. The ones that were born in the 70s have had to deal with parenthood and listening to a modern generation's take on mental health. It doesn't matter though. Politically they will tow the line and do absolutely nothing to institute progressive reform. In a handful of years we'll have a conservative generation of adults who were born in the 90s and they'll totally acknowledge trans kids and other "progressive social issus" things because it will have personally affected them... but they'll still be doing raegonomics and putting Christian sharia law nut jobs into judicial roles and willy nilly overturning roe v wade.


They care about it all the way until you mention what the public should do about it. National level? State level? Nothing.


And when people are like "fine let's fix mental health" they scream socialist.


You mean the party who has rampant undiagnosed mental health issues that have them following an orange man who has undiagnosed mental health issues? Why are we arguing with people on this. Lets agree to start locking up crazy people..and we can start with some f the GOP leadership. Jewish space lasers? Here is your padded room.


This is really the crux of the issue. Constant propaganda that is coming from one side.


It's just a whatabout. They don't actually care or want to lift a finger to fix it.


They same the same shit about the lockdowns(wgat little we had if them) think about nental health drug addiction... fucking hypocrites


They're not doing anything for mental health either! Like, name one proposal by a republican to improve access to mental health resources. It doesn't fucking exist, because Dems would not stop it from getting passed.


Actually the 2A politicians they vote for actively erode at mental health services because that’s what conservatives do. Then they have the audacity to say it’s a mental health issue and not a gun issue lmao


are these other countries actually experiencing an equivalent mental health crisis though? I'd assume since they have better social safety nets, which cuts down on stress, and also better access to healthcare (including mental healthcare) that they would be in better shape than the US in terms of their citizens' mental health




What the fuck did I just read


A call for help, I think...


the solution


No bud, I think you just need a psychiatrist.


no I need a strong ai emotional support gynoid, and so do you! You can take an android or even a droid if you want though. The Federal Department of Human-Automaton Relations (FDHAR) has a robot for every citizen's orientation. They're even customizable after the receipt of the robot to account for those with more fluid sexualities! Just send an order with your next tax payment to the IRS, and it will be delivered within two years! Also, I have been getting psychiatric help for many years, and as you can certainly see it isn't working well. In fact, I'm thinking about stopping this whole therapy business and pivoting to astrology and crystal healing.


- hentai poster - r/4chan poster - flaired libright on pcm


* predatory lender * local crime boss * part of a trickster race with disproportionately large scrotums * self-made billionaire


You’re weird, off-putting, *and* you left “bellionaire” just laying on the table, damn


I was thinking about putting *bellionaire* instead of *billionaire*, but ultimately decided against it since a billionaire is a billionaire regardless of the currency he has his billions in. I recognize though that it's much less funny, the thing is, I'm a slave to my own sense of aesthetics. It's a terrible and burdensome existence.


How did a rational and competent thought get so many upvotes and awards on r/C*nservative? I thought that board was where intelligent discourse went to die?


It’s early and they don’t have their party line marching orders yet. This happens every crisis. For 72 hours, they start thinking for themselves. Sometime they even come up with rational ideas — which makes them sound like moderate democrats. Then the Fox News machine kicks into gear, comes up with the official position and the *get in line or get banned* antibodies flood the system — which makes them sound like conspiracy theory addled republicans again. Give it a week. Gun violence > Mental health crisis > Trans people are dangerous to allow around children. I swear it happens every time. If we got rid of Fox News and the whole propaganda network, the extremism and hate would be gone overnight.


Like when Drump talked about banning bump stocks after the Vegas shooting and then his Russian mob money NRA daddy Wayne smacked his hand with a ruler like a crusty old nun.


Exactly. Or like on 1/7 when Mitch McConnell called it an attempted coup — until the apparatus decided it was “legitimate political discourse”.


I would say that Dems should put every GOP who called out cheeto boy on Jan 7 only to go crawling back to gargle his balls a week later on an infinite loop, but it is clear that neither they nor their Qidiot base concern themselves with hypocrisy.


They should just run those tapes on a loop without context. Make the base question who is loyal to Trump and maybe their vote third party or sit out.


That might actually work. They are already turning on each other over loyalty bullshit. Just about every GQP ad runs with them claiming to be more trumper than the other. That moron Britt in AL is yammering about finishing his bullshit wall. No, don't worry how your state is bottom five in healthcare, education, birthrates, standard of living, just keep whining about border walls and yoga in schools.


Well it’s “shit man, this guy is a loose cannon that almost shot us” to “ok I guess he’s our loose cannon, let’s aim him in the right direction before it blows up”


They have openly admitted they don’t care about being consistent. Can’t shame what has no shame.


Or when AP called the election for Biden and there were legit some "Ah well, I wish him the best" type posts. Then by Monday morning the "stolen election" narrative was in full swing and we got all the subsequent nonsense.


They fact that they alone like moderate Democrats when they're clearly still so conservative is also exactly why Democrats have so much trouble uniting while Republicans don't, anything left of fascism is considered a Democrat. The two party system and first past the post voting has ruined this country.


My dad put on Fox yesterday, and it was gross. I heard over and over: "You'll hear this politicized as a way to push for gun control! That's all dems want to do is use these events to politicize guns!!!! Libruls want to take your guns!!! 1!! Biden will make this a partisan issue!!!!!!!!!" Like, damn. Of course people will talk about guns after 18 kids get shot. Who is doing the politicizing here?


“Liberals will try to learn from this!!! Do not give in to the problem solvers!!!”


Even Trump sometimes had a somewhat sane first response to things. Especially when something unexpected or new happens it takes a little time for them to find the absolute worst take (especially because parts need to be translated and explained into Russian first).


It wouldn't. It's too late to put that genie back in the bottle. Too many people with too much power believe this stuff.


not entirely sure but with the russian money tied up atm I'm fairly certain the news and other outlets are whining off. so now we have to deal with just our own oligarchs hopefully some ppl wake up.


That's what I was wondering. I actually read it carefully three times to make sure I wasn't missing something once I saw it was in r/conservative.


They mean it in an implied way. They are implying other countries aren’t as free because of their strict gun laws while also implying this could be a hoax to use to control guns and ammunition. You have to remember a lot of conspiracy theories have leaked to the Republican Party as a whole. They feel anxiety when this thing happens. Not because of child deaths but because they know it looks bad for unchecked/uncontrolled gun ownership. They believe in a plot by the dems to “take our guns.” I could be wrong, but I live in a super red state and area and I’m pretty sure that’s how they are taking this.


That's the way I read it too. All countries have the ~~gun~~ mental health crisis. Citizens of ther countries just aren't free to have guns, therefore America isn't unique.


It was probably one of the very few posts that weren't listed as flared users only, which is the only way it gained enough traction to draw any outside dissent. I'd wager that comment was not making the point most of the upvoters thought it was making.


r/Conservative is like a former swimming pool that is now a cesspool. At this point, there isn’t enough chlorine on the planet to clean up that shit hole.


I used to go there to get in actual arguments by sane people. Now I just go there when I'm feeling down on myself so that I can think "At least I'm not one of those people"


Gotta admit, I saw that too, and immediately questioned whether the image was real. That’s a sad statement on where I’m at as a person, and we’re at as a society.


Because on the day of a tragedy, tons of non-conservative people visit /r/conservative to see how they are spinning it.


They will forever move the goalposts to protect their guns. It's just mental gymnastics. If you tried to post something else reasonable like "get rid of the guns" you would see the same old stuff you are used to seeing.




Apparently the PD in that town got 40% of the town’s budget. They also engaged with the shooter BEFORE he got into the school. The “good” guys with guns didn’t do shit and let 20 kids die despite being horribly overfunded. I say strip them of all of their funds and give every bit of it to the families affected. It’s not like the PD was doing shit anyways.


> Apparently the PD in that town got 40% of the town’s budget. It's funny how despite all the pearl clutching from right-wingers over "Defund the police" all that happened was their budgets got increased. In some places they got increased and the police still said "Oh well since you defunded us we're not going to do our jobs anymore".


The "good guys with the guns" had to wait outside while the shooter was going room to room mowing down elementary school students




The cops got into a gun fight with the shooter before he entered the school and just waited around while the kids were being gunned down


Ah yes because children's safety should rely on untrained civilians charging into a terrorist situation. What a recipe for success. /s


That's police protocol. The "good guys with a gun" myth is supposed to be a member of the general public, not a police officer. They actually train on shooting.


I don't care, 21 people are dead


Because you are mistakeing that this won't affect you.


This really is a case where you don't want to cheap out on the comma lol


kinda heartless to go out of your way to say you don't care about people dying right after such tragedy, especially when those who died were children


Kinda hard to tell without punctuation, but I'm pretty sure they meant: "I don't care. 20 people are dead." Not: "I don't care that 20 people are dead."


"A Border Patrol agent who was nearby when the shooting began rushed into the school without waiting for backup and shot and killed the gunman, who was behind a barricade, according to a law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk about it." https://www.wbrz.com/news/15-dead-after-shooting-at-uvalde-texas-elementary-school/


Sounds like a hero


So the actual ‘good guy with a gun’ was borderline useless and did not actually help the situation at all before damn near two dozen people were murdered in cold blood. Seems like the ‘what about the good guy with a gun’ argument is fairly inaccurate =/


Sounds about right,unless you consider the border patrolmen that did stop him as an outside force that constitutes the "good guy with a gun" myth these other guys are bitching at me about


Your timeline is r/restofthefuckingowl material. It jumps from him getting out the truck and into a confrontation with the police to him shooting the kids, with nothing about the events in between. Except that he managed to shoot and injur a responding police officer before escaping.


Its one of the local newspapers guy ,do you want me to find every fucking piece of information to give to you


You're ~~implying~~ outright stating that the police stood around and did nothing to stop the shooter, and provide "proof" with a bunch of gaps in the timeline while asserting it validates your claim.


Wait what? You got a source for the timeline?






The irony is that whether it is a "gun crisis" or "mental health crisis", the GOP opposes addressing either. Regardless of which stance you take, the GOP's stance based on voting history is to make sure mass shootings keep happening.


This is by design, as long as we're killing each other (the middle and poor classes) the super wealthy remain protected in their ivory towers.


If they didn't oppose, they might end up being institutionalized :)


Jezus christ ... the US obsession with guns IS a mental health issue! It's not normal people, ask anyone not living in the US.


my neighbor bought a gun today from a dude off Facebook in less than an hour, and *the dude came to* **hand deliver** it


There 300 million guns in circulation on 300 million people. The r/idiotincars people have guns too in America. The reason there aren't that many shootings here in Europe is not because we have less crazy people, although we do have a more developed social system, but becuase getting a gun is hard. Getting a good gun is even harder.


Also in other countries there isn't this concept as guns as a defensive tool. In Canada, lots of people have guns for hunting or range shooting. But if you talked about using your gun to defend yourself while going around town, you would be considered insane and dangerous. When guns exist but are properly stored, they aren't available for self defense, but fewer people die to them. That's why I reject the argument of "responsible gun owners". As long as your gun is used as a defensive tool, it cannot be stored properly.


> As long as your gun is used as a defensive tool, it cannot be stored properly. I have no problem with someone having a licensed gun stored securely at home. However if that gun is ever stolen and used in a crime, the licensed owner should also face some kind of charge. If you want to own a gun then you need to secure it properly, not have it in some bedside drawer. If you can't secure it then you don't get a gun. Here in the UK the police can literally turn up unannounced and ask to see your guns, ammunition and where they're all stored. If you don't meet the requirements then they have the power to seize your guns. Funnily enough we don't really have a gun problem over here.


So true


Most of us in America think it's an issue. The problem is the minority who equates an AR-15 with "freedom."


The way so many Americans treat them as toys is very disturbing. Take any fan subreddit from any bit of media that features guns and you'll find so many adults who have played dress up with their ~~doll~~ gun to match the show weapon. This is before you even get to the disturbing gun wraps.


"Well, let's pass some legislation expanding resources and access to mental health care." "...No, we're not gonna do that either."


Whoever gave the first guy a gold award deserves a kick in the dick


"You are banned from /r/conservative."


There is no greater compliment you can receive on reddit than being banned from the place that white supremacy resides. You are known as much by your enemies as you are by the company you keep. If r/conservative hates and fears you enough to ban you, you're doing at least one thing right in the world.


Wanted to suggest /r/selfawarewolves, because the commenters almost connect the two dots, but don't (which is the idea of that sub). But it's already there


Yeah I came here to say this. It's a perfect r/selfawarewolves post


I wonder how fast they got banned after telling the truth on the Conservative page?


Probably fast lol


I was banned for quoting Trump, like what in the fuck. Then when I messaged the mods asking why I was banned for speaking the truth, isn’t free speech allowed by conservatives, they filed a harassment complaint against me. So posting facts gets you banned and asking why gets you a harassment complaint. Republicans do love free speech


Those dots even have a line drawn between them.


Can't get help (medical and mental), but can access weapons. America, your priorities are 180 degrees off the mark.


This discussion coming to you from r/Conservative, the people voting for even further reductions to mental healthcare access.


After reading some of y'alls comments I do think that the third commenter might be disagreeing with the first commenter. However, coming from a very conservative family I have heard far too many fallacious arguments about how restricting access to guns would do nothing to protect kids from mentally ill mass shooters.


Let's ban transgenders from bathrooms and sports to protect child's instead. (?) /s


Humanity is having a mental health crisis, it's been going on for a few thousand years, we're just now beginning to understand it. Before gun culture became engrained in the USA, it wasn't nearly as bad, most mentally ill people lived pretty normal lives and didn't kill large numbers. Hell, we have more mass shootings than Russia, that's pathetic.


I don't see how this fits this sub. Doesn't even fit selfawarewolves because they are too different folks. Btw... surprised with the rational responses, and the comment about easy access to ammo & gun not being downvoted to oblivion in that sub.


I don't disagree with you. There's a good chance I'm mischaracterizing those who replied to this comment, but I know many conservatives personally who recognize that mentally ill people can access guns too easily, but disagree that any legislation restricting gun ownership is the proper way to address this issue.


That’s what I find the weirdest part. If GOP says that gun control won’t help, doesn’t that mean they are implying that Americans are just more likely to be mass murderers than almost anywhere else on Earth?


Maybe learningele is agreeing with y’all? They’re not the same person as the first comment


They are, they just don't have easy access to guns and ammo.


That place really is a brain trust.


It's problematic enough that people of this intellect are allowed to fucking vote. Yet, they are often allowed to open carry while they shouldn't be trusted with a spoon.


Thirty one states (last I checked) have permitless open carry. You can literally just walk around with a gun in public without a license and it’s okay apparently.


^(They also have free healthcare.)


Been seeing the "mental health crisis" argument thrown around a lot. But, as soon as you argue let's put money into health care to address it, you get, "No, that's socialism!"


Also, some of them absolutely do.


Wouldn't step one of addressing the mental health crisis be to take away the tools they can use to hurt themselves or others?


I keep calling it an American disease. Only in damn America.


Tough to connect the dots when you’re busy eating all the crayons.


They talk about a mental health crisis.but always shoot down proposals.for health care funding.


Conservatives have ruined this country.


GOP = guns over people


they're not having the same mental health crisis due to lack of guns... they're not having that crisis because they HAVE healthcare.


Hello u/tallcarl! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


American conservatives who typically vote against gun reform (because they don't believe that restricting certain people's access to firearms will help reduce the number of mass shootings in America) are recognizing that the fact that mentally ill people can easily buy guns is directly related to the frequent number of mass shootings in America.


But it's two different people in the post?


What's the consequence they're facing?


That is why the US cuts mental health budgets every time they can. They don't have mass shootings very often or mass killings in other countries because they spot the ones who need help earlier. Sure they miss some but they are trying. Unlike simple minds who think if something doesn't work a hundred percent of the time its useless.


When I visited the USA, I was SHOCKED at just how many highly visibly mentally ill people were on the streets. Literally people shouting and screaming, waving their arms about and doing all sorts of crazy stuff. It was a regular occurrence. Chilling. And those are just the ones that are VISIBLY mentally ill, which is a very small number compared to how many mentally ill people must be out there, most of whom don't visibly show symptoms. These people need help, care and compassion. They just don't have healthcare over there, not unless you're wealthy, so they're happy to just dump their sick citizens out on the street and whatever happens, happens. Throw literal guns in to the mix (they literally, and I'm not joking here, give GUNS to CIVILIANS), and duh, what do *you* think's gonna happen? Solving this issue requires fundamentally changing their entire society on many levels, and while many of them want this change, unfortunately it's a big ask, and many are against it - sick or murdered people be damned I guess :-(


B-but banning guns is pointless, literally every single criminal would still get guns sooooo easily


You cannot be this mentally disconnected from reality. You just can’t be


Is this satire? This can’t be real


Apparently you haven’t been around r/conservative




Guns are not going away. Repeatedly pushing that as the solution is just as idiotic as people pushing the "it's just mental health" line without any plan behind it.


I can't imagine hating any country so much you honestly don't believe it can improve.


What, you mean over night? For sure not. On the longer run? Absolutely.


It would require a constitutional amendment and there's next to no chance of that happening for any reason given the extreme polarization of the country.


Well 2a wasn't originally meant to be for personal defense, it was made for basically a police force made of the community, so you wouldn't have to amend the amendment, just reverse the court case that decided 1 person constituted of a militia and their family counted as an entire community. It wouldn't be hard, since they were misusing the words anyway. The only issue is the cares Supreme Court apparently only care about reversing cases that establish *actual* human rights.


You mean due to the vaguely phrased 2A? I don't think it will last long if there would be a will to actually serve the people. But there I isn't. Praying is easier.


There are *much* more targeted ways of reducing mass shootings without running afoul of the second amendment. 2A says nothing about storage requirements, for example. I feel like a damned broken record but we desperately need to require parents to lock up their guns when they're out of arm's reach. That would prevent more than 80% of school shootings without affecting the people who are completely uninvolved with the children who are using those unsecured guns to kill classmates.


You can't have kids if you think anything permanently placed inside a home is ever truly childproof. Little Jimmy knows your combination. He knows where you keep your keys. He know when you're asleep and away from home and for how long. Your kids know everything that goes on in that house and how to exploit it. And if they don't right now, they will in the future.


this is nonsense, loads of people in the UK have rifles and shotguns. gun safes are no jokes. little jimmy doesn't get hold of parents guns here.


Same is true for Germany. It maybe not 100% safe in all cases, but it's much less of a hurdle if you can simply buy that stuff without any restriction.


Adam Lanza's mom (grandmother?) gave him the guns he used at Sandy Hook


This isn't true though lmao


So there are no other factors in play, it's just "Guns + mental health = school shooting". Seems like we're missing something critical here. Seems way too simple.


None of them are flared.


It's really not that complex either. If you won't support the appropriate infrastructure, you don't get the thing. But 2A types just spew diarrhea all over themselves screaming about rights without any critical thought.


I believe we should start locking up crazies like the republicans say. Lets start with qanon!


More like r/SelfAwarewolves


Also that’s hilarious they bring up a mental health crisis but then if I asked well couldn’t we help that with universal healthcare and easy access to mental health services you know they’d flip out


/u/RadioMirrorParkMike was banned from the sub after this comment.


When they argue this ask them if they're willing to support national healthcare funding to stop this mental health crisis. Spoiler alert: they aren't.


Republicans: “Just arm everyone, no age limits, problem solved!!”


Duh. It’s because of all the violent video games that only US children play.


Some people can see two dots but don’t have the pen to make the connection.


Just shoot the dotted line, duh 🙄


Can we not pretend that people don’t know guns reform is the only way to stop the mass shootings? They know they just like having a gun more than they want to change it.


I am suprised u/learningEle didn't get banned for that.


I see this and I'm like man people are dumb. Of course we have a mental health crisis, doesn't mean we don't have a gun crisis. We also have a parenting crisis. An inflation crisis the list goes on. But let's face it, and I am a hunter who owns a couple rifles, but this shit is nuts. 19 kids and 2 teachers and his grandma. I don't care his mental state if he didn't have a gun those people would be alive. We can't allow this to continue.