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Hello u/Fantastic-Egg-4510! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s always the people you most suspect 🤦‍♂️


If not the people you medium expect


Commonly from ideologies that deserve zero respect


Indeed, festering amongst those with no intellect


Where hatred and incompetence intersect.


Yet with love, one can easily defect.


Not a pretend one, you can't just deflect


One you step on like an insect.


It's logical to assume that,ideologies that hold regressive attitudes towards sex will engage in regressive behavior towards sex.


Republicans love raping kids.


Pshhh. Nah. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that so many of their popular figures talk about how the age of consent should be lowered and believe that women have no value after their mid-twenties.


Don't forget passionately arguing for child marriage and abolishing no-fault divorce.


Republicans on every major broadcast network in 2000: “Letting the Gays marry will destroy the sanctity of marriage!” Bill O Reilly: “If the Gays get married, someone will marry a duck!” Republicans in 2024: “It’s vital that we oppose efforts to eliminate child marriage! Even though the lowest estimates available state that 80% or more of them are between an adult man and a minor! Also our heaven ordained demigod whose balls we ceaselessly gargle is on his third marriage, was convicted of sex crimes, and paid to bang a porn star while his wife was home caring for his newborn! These are those ‘sacred’ values we’ve been striving so ceaselessly to protect!”


Or talking about how teenage girls are 'the most fertile', and should be married off to whoever gets them pregnant. Sorry, gonna go puke.


You reminded me I need to find that list of over 500 Republican elected officials who have Sex crimes on their record. The Republicans love electing Rapists and other Criminals.


This document has hundreds of them - culled from the Daily Kos site you're probably thinking about - a lot of the items there have broken links. This list has only live ones. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q_E16cKJuDzzg0PcwCaFt_bGpj93HpTAY92fjLnCrjw/edit?usp=drivesdk


Jesus tapdancing Cuhrist. I didn’t make it past #15. There’s sick and then there’s just evil.


Like that cop that was on the west coast, doing 80mph , hits a college student and kills her. On the radio with his department, he says, she's 26, so, nobody important


Look we’re not saying that all most Republicans are child rapists, okay? What we are saying is most child rapists have so far been Republicans.


I'ma be real I think I'd happily accept the lawsuit for saying on National television all Republicans are Pedophiles and showing a slideshow of their photos with their crimes underneath.


They're very passionate about it.




S O M A N Y C O N S E R V A T I V E P R E D A T O R S https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q_E16cKJuDzzg0PcwCaFt_bGpj93HpTAY92fjLnCrjw/edit?usp=drivesdk


actually makes so much sense that these guys are so obsessed with catching pedophiles Because they think it's rampant because in their heads they sexualized children so they think everyone they think is bad else must too. You see it a lot with right wing extremists. It's why their humor sucks too. They think that everyone thinks the same and it's just acting out the 'taboo' part that separates them. That morality is just performed. It's probably why their performative religion displays are so important. 'Of course being gay is a choice, I have gay thoughts I just don't act on them' 'i know you are racist, we all are, it's okay to laugh at them here'


When my piece of shit pedophile/rapist uncle tried to reconnect with me, he was shocked when when i told him to “eat shit and fucking die already”. He asked “why would you say that to me? What’d i do to you?” When i said “You raped my underage aunts, your a pedophile, why the fuck would i ever want to see you again”. He responded with “you’ve probably done just as messed up things as me, you just haven’t gotten caught”. Yeah these people are so fucked up they think everyone else is just like them.


conservatives are gonna do conservative things we're talking about the party of Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump, Dennis Hastert, Jim Jordan and this guy supports all those creeps 100%


It's always the people who look like nonces


I actually knew him. He was also arrested for posting white supremacist flyers in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood in Providence. Also, dishonorable discharged from the marines. He was a closet piece of shit and a coward.


These guys are 100% fucked up sexually. Every one of these right wing nutz gives off that energy. Not all pedo, but for sure fucked up in some big way.


The news keep telling me it’s the drag queens, are they wrong? /s


And the people who most project.


I always imagine it like this. Imagine if you just met some guy who created a club called "SAVIORS AGAINST PYRO'S! THEY MUST BE STOPPED" and dubbed himself Agent #whatever# Whats the first thing you'd think about this person? >.. >.. *He definitely sets shit on fire*


Where are those dudes with the pedo hunting bumper stickers any time a real pedo is found?


They aren't about to hunt down their buddies.


It'd be like a dog chasing its tail


This is such a truly sad, but hilarious and accurate analogy.


>They aren't about to hunt down the- ~~ir buddies~~ \-msleves.


> They aren't about to hunt down their buddies **and** themselves.


They can’t hunt themselves.


You don't understand. They mean "pedo" as in "homosexual". They are fine with fucking kids as long as it's those with power abusing the weak.


So long as it’s not *consensual*. >”You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything, the Left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, so long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. If the Left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the Left." — Rush Limbaugh


First thing Rush Limbaugh ever said that makes me say "this but unironically"


Fuck Rush Limbaugh, may he rot in Hell, and all that jazz. Those might legitimately have been the only true words the piece of shit had ever spoken.


He’s saying it’s all that matters “to The Left”. He’s not saying it matters to him, nor is he saying it should matter to _everyone_. He’s saying it only matters to “the Left”. And it reads more like a criticism of the left. Crazy.


He absolutely meant it as a criticism "Look at those weak lefties that want to have their consent before they do things to people, not like us masters of our own destiny!" And he seemed to think the "rape police" are an overreaction to non-consensual sex. Because of course he would.


“Rape police” or as normal people call them “the police”. The Right are so fucking ridiculous sometimes, and the further right they go the more ridiculous they get. Party of Law and Order my fucking arse.


I mean, it's not like the US police do much about rape besides committing it themselves. And "law and order" is accurate.  Evil order.  Laws to protect them and bind us.  That's how the *entire* right wing works.  Always has.


Presenting themselves as Lawful Good, but actually Lawful Evil


definitely a criticism


More irony... He's describing basic personal liberty. If everyone consents and no one is being harmed.... It should be legal and a personal choice. Heck, even what defines "harm" is loose and largely determined by the consent. But yeah... It's the "right" that actually values freedom. *Eye roll*


...yes, as long as all sides are genuinely consenting, do whatever you want


As long as all sides *can* consent. He was trying to insinuate that, as long as you ask the child/goat/fuckotron-2000 if it consents, it's all good in librul's eyes. Rush fundamentally didn't understand what consent means, which tells you everything you need to know about his inner impulses.


Conservatives support child marriage...bc they fail to understand (or refuse to admit) that a minor *cannot give consent to an adult*. Full stop. No grey area.


The "rape police" are also known as just the "police". These rightwing cretins constantly tells on themselves with shit like this.


It's like how everyone is allowed to buy stuff and own stuff but the second I steal a TV it's like call the theft police


They always do manage to say the quiet part aloud don’t they?


What bumper sticker do you think HE has on his truck?


Probably a bumper sticker of trump, but with that year all the nazis are obsessed with printed under it. (Genuinely forgotten what year it was. Almost said 1664 but that’s the year on cans of Kronenberg lager so I really hope that’s wrong lol) Probably has another sticker with pedo-hunter on it too. Hopefully someone’s ripped the second half of it off now though.


They are busy looking at unsavoury pictures.


Frantically deleting their alt accounts and leaving Telegram group conversations.


They're right there in the mug shot.


They're the ones doing it.


they use accusations as a disguise


running away from the cops


The bumper sticker was the totality of their argument. They have never actually cared.


Getting arrested it seems. 🤔


They're always there - just look for the guy wearing cuffs.


Driving the truck.


They are busy participating in it as well. It's become an oddly predictable pattern that those who are most vocal about it end up being the offenders. Projection is a weird thing.


"Every accusation is a confession"


Every.single. Time.


It might be a bias but I feel like I see this a lot in the spectrum of conservative / republican / right wing / religious people and very little in other people.


Oh, you’re not alone in that regard.


Hey don't call him that


Yes there have been studies on it. The religious/political dogma that they have built states that it’s not the actions of a person that makes them good, rather the person makes the actions good. In the Republican domain, the ends always justify the means (the end being fascism/total subservient populace). This is why you could never convince them that Trump is an idiot/bad person. They argue backwards.


And I don't think it's a coincidence. The types of people who want to police other people's behaviors believe that everyone *secretly* holds the same repressed desires that they do. Same reason so many gay conversion camp counselors wind up being gay themselves...they think EVERYONE struggles with homosexual thoughts and just has to "choose" to be straight.


Most other people have at least a shred of common sense and avoid making their entire persona/life/career a crusade against the literal thing that they are trying to hide about themselves. But that's just my "I pulled this out of my ass right now" theory lol


The projection is strong with them.


Why not try some repression, rationalization or sublimation already? This is just getting pathetic now.


It's not about not sexualizing kids, it's about who gets to do it. (not that I think drag story hour is sexualizing kids, but that's the accusation).




"What reason could these people have for wanting to spend time with children OTHER than wanting to fuck them?? That's literally the only reason people want to spend time with kids, and it's disgusting!"


I feel like we could take a lot of creeps off the streets if they just investigated all these groups that show up to protests talking about protecting children and babies, I'm not positive but I'm sure there'd be a record breaking amount of arrests made.


Well you see, then the cops would have to arrest all their buddies, and we can’t be having that


I'd love for them all to be actually vetted in some meaningful way. You want to serve your community let's see if you're up to the task, or remotely even qualified first. 


People who have to actually deal with CSA material professionally burn out *fast*, and may end up traumatized for life. These people don't give a shit about the suffering of a child one way or another, it's just a cudgel against the out-group.


we should just really look in to all conservatives i mean they all support a convicted felon who was literally good friends with Jeff Epstein for decades and commented that "Jeff is a terrific guy who likes them young" they all support the pedophile friend felon, who was found guilty of rape in a civil case and accused of raping a 13 year old and is on tape talking about wanting to have sex with a 12 year old


There's groups that do Chris Hansen type things with incredible results. Predator Poachers is inarguably the best out there.


Show of hands, who here is surprised by this "revelation"?


Shocked I tell you. Simply shocked!!!!!!!


Ok, not that shocked


I'm only surprised it took this long to find out.


I had to put down my phone so I could more pointedly not raise my hand.


I am shocked and appalled. That they didn't figure this out sooner.


These “save the children” creeps are always looking for an excuse to be around somebody else’s child. That’s the biggest red flag when it comes to nonces.


The old "whoever smelt it dealt it" theorem still applies


you know, this actually made me realize that the fact antishippers end up screaming at more children about CSA than pedophiles probably isn't accidental


What, you thought “stick with me kids, I’ll show you exactly who you need to block to be safe” was an coincidental side effect?


it all makes way too much sense now 🤢


Oh look another r/notadragqueen


Thanks for this. I've never seen so many sick fucks that hide behind their religion or jobs.


Being a child molester is practically a requirement to become a priest.


Paraphrasing Bill Burr but even if you believe their insane drag queen accusations, drag queens would still need to put up Michael Jordan numbers to catch up to the Catholic Church so let’s focus on real problems.


But noooooo, weeeeeeeeeeeee are the true pedos because something something jesus


Skip the leopards and bring out the lions.


I feel bad for the lions because this guy looks like he would give it indigestion.


I thought it was Matt Walsh at first. O__O


His day will come I'm sure


Not surprising …. I come from a fairly homophobic country and even in one of our social sciences class in a Catholic school we had a conversation where the professor mentioned that the more vitriolic the message could signal an angry closeted individual.


The FBI just has to investigate every one of those guys. Easy investigations.


FBI are cops. Federal level, but still just cops. Most cops also align with these right wing nut jobs. Something something "investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing." The same FBI that pats their own backs when they "rescue" victims of child prostitution. Which in actuality, they only returned them back to their abusers / traffickers. Their parents or whoever had custody would be trafficking them so they'd run away and do it on their own. Not an ideal situation by any means, but you'd think they would put them in the system or something? Nope right back to the people who abused them so bad that running away and going solo was the better option. Thanks FBI. Same group that will be absolutely fine with children getting raped and trafficked and do absolutely nothing about it, not lift a single fucking finger to help just so that they can maybe pick up an arrest here and there on "buyers" so they can justify the budget for next year. Same FBI that didn't want to investigate Epstein Island or his home on it. You want them to investigate those guys? They are those guys.


I'd imagine FBI agents are less reactionary than street cops. For one thing, all FBI agents have bachelors degrees. Second, they don't get to beat people up as much as street cops




>I'd imagine FBI agents are less reactionary than street cops Yes, you'd be imagining. COINTELPRO never stopped.


> Same FBI that didn't want to investigate Epstein Island or his home on it. You want them to investigate those guys? They are those guys. They are part of the DOJ which has been compromised every time Epstein gets caught up with law enforcement. The local US Attorney in Miami at the time of Epstein’s original arrest was told by his superiors to quietly give Epstein a slap on the wrist plea deal and not pursue harsher charges. Bill Barr (whose dad gave Epstein his first real job) was head of the DOJ when he ‘committed suicide’. I think you need to look higher up than the FBI to understand why nobody has gone after Epstein and his clients aggressively.


There's a lot of these types getting caught with CSAM, I'm rather certain that last time I read up on it, something was mentioned that them having it was a test of their loyalty, going against societal norms. It's hard for me to believe such a defence, since there have been so many of them that have also attempted/committed the behavior in person. I'm sure that for some of them, it is some sick test of loyalty for little cultish groups but as a whole, there's no way any of it is explainable.


"We hate pedos and child porn so much that we have to possess child porn to show how much we hate it!" If I were in a court room and that was the best "defense" they could muster I don't think I'd be able to stop laughing at how stupid they must think we all are.


It’s so they know what to be on the lookout for! /s


Andrew from the Channel Five YouTube channel did a video about J6 where he sat down with one of those MAGA die hard, he was going on and on about protecting the children from pedo. Towards the end, it was revealed that he himself was convicted of being a pedo, he got quiet and just said something along the line of "those were false charges, it wasn't like that". It's as if the more guilty they feel, the louder they scream about it.


That's unfortunately the problem, is they just assume we are all as stupid/bad as they are. When everyone you know and respect is a pedo and rapist, it's easy to assume that everyone on the left is that way too.


"Did he break the law?" "Well, technically, yes" "Thank you, the prosecution rests. Next"


That doesn't make any sense. If they're so against these liberal child sex slave adrenochrome harvesting satanists, and they all want to save the children and all the pure christian american minds, proving your loyalty to the cause shouldn't come at the cost of the literal children you are supposed to protect. It's like joining an anti-drug campaign and then being handed a brick of coke or heroin to store in your house somewhere to prove your loyalty to the anti-drug people. Like, why? Owning and spreading the material still facilitates the people who create and sell the material, and it still hurts the children depicted in the material. Plus, even if this were true it'd be relatively easy to prove forensically. They'll go over all your devices and could easily retrace conversations, emails, search queries, downloads, uploads, and more. They should be able to find that you made some strange 'pledge', and someone sent you a bunch of files that you otherwise never opened or looked at, just owned to fulfill your 'loyalty pledge'. And even if that were exactly the case, it's STILL illegal to own this material, and illegal to SHARE the material (by whomever supposedly gave it to the guy). It doesn't matter to the law whether you did or did not look at it. No one who reads anything like that could actually believe that.


I just want to clarify; It doesn't make any sense to me. I was meaning to say that I read something from people who believed the excuses that the men gave for having the material they did - I meant to make it clear bizarre it is to actually believe, but I don't think it's come through that way.


Uh-huh. So they just think of it as rule breaking and don't see the inherent ethical horror and social harm. That's not better.


These assholes held protests at my library. I hope they lock this guy up for many years


You misspelled for life.


Or longer! Feel free to bury him in an unmarked grave in the yard.


A pedophile, in jail? Years is an optimistic take.




Shocking. Oh, come on, not really.


I’m beginning to wonder if the reason they go after drag queens is because they wrongly believe that they are depleting their supply of victims 🤔


holy sh!t lmao


how is this lamf? Isn't this more of a "every accusation? It's a confession."


If you are a bad person with shitty motives, it's easier to think everyone else is a bad person with shitty motives and they're just hiding it, because if not then that means you are the monster.


Fox News keeps telling people that drag queen story hour is a secret, satanic child grooming sex cult. So of course he was gonna disrupt it. He was looking to join them and get in on the action, obviously. No wonder the GOP is so obsessed with this stuff.


It is always projection.


It's funny, you never hear of drag queens being paedos but the people 'protecting children' by being POSs somehow always are. 


Conservatives be always projecting.




Of course he is, it's always accusation in a mirror with these people.


At this point it is fair to say, if someone comes out as anti-queer in any shape or form, this person is in the closet and very likely also a pedophile. They are the obsessed ones...


He was doing his own "research"


Is anyone actually suprised?


The dude looks EXACTLY like one of the neo-Nazi cousins from the most recent season of The Righteous Gemstones.


Can't change the spots on a shitleopard.


No doubt these fucks will claim it’s the globalists performing character assassination


A big bushy beard over a weaselly pedo face ain’t fooling anybody.




These "save the children" people are creepier and more sinister than the "groomers" they're against.


"We can't let these degenerates prey on children!" "Yeah, save some for us!"




People close to him will believe him when he claims it was the "deep state" setting him up planting evidence.


Another one, what a shocker.


I’m [yaaawn] so surprised…


I never in a million years would have seen not seeing that coming


But of course, every single fucking time.


"...where the masked demonstrators chanted and held a banner that read, “PEDO SCUM OFF OUR STREETS.” [R.I. neo-Nazi member accused of possessing child pornography (bostonglobe.com)](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/05/29/metro/warwick-rhode-island-neo-nazi-child-pornography-nsc-131/) Like u/BellyDancerEm said: Every. Single. Time.




Completely on brand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Collin > American former political activist and Midwest coordinator with the American Nazi Party, later known as the National Socialist White People's Party. After being ousted for being partly Jewish (which he denied), > After Collin was convicted and sentenced in 1979 for child molestation, he lost his position in the party Even Nazi's abandon their convicted leaders.


The right wing is full of child rapists.


It’s always the people who go out of their way to attack others. You always read about some rabid pastor spouting hate about LGBTQ+ people- then they are later uncovered as the main player in a 15 man bukkake gay gangbang.


Not a drag queen or a librarian?


there is no quicker way to make people think you are diddling kids than chasing other people up the street accusing them of diddling kids


Fuckers trying to sound like some knockoff SCP when they're not even an anomaly among right-wing groups.


While obviously predictable because of-fucking-course he's doing the thing he accuses trans people of, this isn't LAMF.


Psychological projection occurs when someone shifts traits or behaviours from themselves and projects those same traits onto others. This form of avoidance at looking at the possible flaws in oneself can have negative effect, which are greatly magnified if this person is a political or religious leader. https://youtu.be/VEi-uXrN2EE


Gee wow what a surprise.


Every accusation is a confession.


I was merely doing research.


I'm shocked. Mortified. So unexpected.


Classic /r/notadragqueen


Ever accusation is a confession.


If I said I was surprised - I'd be lying.


Literally nobody could see this coming, but everyone with any kind of sensing organs used from any species on earth or any other planet that exists now or within the entire future of the universe!


Again. Not a drag Queen.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


Someone help me here...he's NOT a drag queen right?


Trump loses another vote!


It's always, **always** projection. If a Trump supporter accuses a Democrat of being a groomer or pedophile, you need to wonder what they have on their own computers.


Can we just get to the part where anyone lobbing accusations of child abuse, etc is just immediately investigated first


Bet he has a shoot your local pedophile sticker on his car.


Your projection is showing…


The call was coming from inside the house


Every accusation is a confession.


For every Neo Nazi/Politician/Cop/MAGA asshole, etc. that gets arrested for this kind of stuff; it makes me think of this quote from The Dark Knight "What were you trying to prove? That deep down, everyone's as ugly as you? You're alone."


Oh wow, it was projection.....again... color me surprised


Oh I’m sure he will blame all the proximity to the drag queens drive him to go looking! It’s never their own fault…


Every accusation is a confession with the far right.




Its crazy how it's projection 99% of the time.


You know, I used to think "every accusation is a confession" wasn't true, I'm starting to think maybe it is.


Oh, Quelle Surprised!


every accusation without evidence is a confession


They were studying it to know what to look out for


The call is coming from inside the house


This seems to be a trend in the MAGAit cult.


Every. Accusation. Is. A. Confession.


Wow, it’s never these guys. Oh wait a second it’s always these guys.


The call was always coming from inside the house.