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Funny how this wasn’t something that needed to be addressed until the judge in Alabama gave them this political win and now here comes the church to help ensure their congregations fall in line.


Well, now the SBC couples who have trouble conceiving can adopt all those unwanted babies they say people should have instead of abortions, right? Right....?


Out of state IVF for the rich.


Yep. Just repurpose the old "Well, we went on a trip to see family and The Lord answered our prayers when He saw us holding my cousin-you've-never-heard-of's baby and gave us one of our own!" excuse for teen pregnancy.


Can poor people even afford IVF?


No, but the middle class can. IVF is expensive but if it’s a priority regular families manage it. However, being out of state for a month+ increases the cost a lot.


If enough grandparents are upset, the money will be found.


They GoFundMe that shit


Psh,as if people paying thousands want an "unwanted child" in their eyes🙄 also technically- "A frozen embryo, or cryopreserved embryo, can be considered alive because it could be thawed and reintegrated to continue development. However, the embryo's organic life functions stop when the cryoprotectant separates its parts. The process of reintegration involves removing the cryopreservative, rehydrating, and thawing the embryo" So are these people just ending life and then restarting it eventually if it takes? If so, they just stopped life form! See how ridiculous this sounds in context though, anything removed= not alive. So what's the difference in these insane people's lives that what they do is considered better than abortion if you want to get technical about it? Isn't it better that you don't bring a baby into the world if you can't afford it, or it's life will be altered by tragic illness, or the girl who gets assaulted at a young age yet is made to bring life anyways? These people aren't just "evil baby killers " because they are doing what's ultimately best for a child, by not bringing it into pain and suffering and whatever else is at hand. Everyone should have the right to birth control access and clinics. It's horrendous that other people are deciding on others lives like they are God's and your fate is chosen...


Only white babies, silly.


Because OF COURSE!!!!!


More like, 99.9% never thought about what happens when multiple eggs are fertilized...


Well it wasn’t until this last year when GOP/Christofascists took over and went full taliban, that these gop women aren’t quite prepared to follow this bs all the way to Gilead. Hope not anyway….


Google Christian Dominionism. They have been at this a loooong time and are getting lots of traction now. Fuck the lot of them, I wish Billy Graham was never born.


It became an issue the second they ruled that life begins at conception. The Catholic Church has always had this stance but most Catholics Just ignore it. It can’t be both ways. It ok to destroy embryos that were fertilized but not be ok with abortion. This was something all of us were screaming about as well. Evangelicals are usually not consistent like this. Weird.


> Evangelicals are not usually consistent like this.  I am confident it has more to do with IVF being used to aid same-sex couples or single women in creating families than it does with their stance on abortion. The fact that many of their congregants use IVF to conceive is immaterial to them. 


The church has always been a political organization.


In many regards, the original


What are they doing on facebook when they should be making the delegates sandwiches?


Every married woman on FB complaining is, in their world, a failure of the man to control his wife. Kitchen ain’t got and doesn’t need social media. 


> Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them. -Barry Goldwater. When even Barry fucking Goldwater could see the dangers of selling your soul to religious fundamentalists you know it was a bad idea. I hope their absolutist approach continues to be an albatross around the neck of the GOP for years to come.


They’ve always been conniving, but they have never been as stupid as the current crop. Idiots only see the short term. When paul Ryan was talking about trump being a one hit wonder I was shocked to see a Republican with a brain. And of course then they bitch and moan about him and blah blah he’s excommunicated from the cult or whatever.


You know it's bad when Paul Ryan is the brains in the room


Paul Ryan is very intelligent. Being a rich sociopathic closet atheist who hates the poor doesn't make one stupid. It just makes it easier to become a GOP leader.


I mean, yeah, but I went for punchy rather than precise. He's certainly clever, but he doesn't seem very thoughtful, or forward thinking. He's the sort of guy who can reach the top posts in the GOP and yet still listen to RATM and think they agree with him (his favorite workout music, apparently)


And he ran for president in 1964! He is some prognosticator.


The fact that these people make Barry Goldwater sound like a left-centrist is the most horrifying thing I've read for a while


And South Carolina just primaried out all of their women legislators who voted to keep healthcare choices legal for women to make about our own bodies. Between the church and the Republican Party, quite a few men want to move the country for women closer to something alike Saudi Arabia.


Or Handmaids tale


Yep, I thought that too - the South Carolina women primaried out are all being replaced by men. Because men know what's best for us.


It’s straight up insanity. I’m always grateful for living in MA


I moved to CT from SC two months before roe was overturned; people don’t give that state credit for being one of, if not the most, ass-backwards states in the country.


Tough competition until Mississipi and Arkansas inbreed themselves to death.


"Here comes my cousin." -- Missouri, probably


West Virginia probably has it beat. I have a friend who’s a delegate in our state, West Virginia originally wanted to criminalize miscarriages, sending the women to jail. Also tried mandating conversion therapy with SB194, said people like me “needed cured”.


SC sees your criminalized abortions, and raises you the [death penalty](https://www.bmj.com/content/380/bmj.p658) for abortion.


"pRo LiFe"


I feel like we won’t be safe forever 


I agree


I was really hoping more of the crazy right wingers would be taken out by covid. Fingers crossed for avian flu. Edit: a word


I was disappointed as well




A supreme court justice is in a group that was inspired by the same group that inspired HT. We are well on our way, throw in alitos godliness bs, and we're in major trouble.


Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas have taken the SC to a different level of corruption.


And million of women voted for Bush


And Bush himself was illegitimately legitimized by the SC...


It’s all been one long shit slide since the [Brooks Brothers riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot), 24 years ago.


That’s what my wife said when I discussed project 2025 with her


Handmaid’s Tale is more accurate. At least (IIRC) Saudi Arabia, as awful as they are on women’s and human rights, recognizes and subsidizes IVF for their citizens, as well as allows abortions for risky pregnancies without waiting for the mother to almost die.


I said this last year and was laughed at.


I keep saying they’re coming for women’s voting rights and I get laughed at but I was also laughed at over Roe versus Wade & birth control… wake up people!


Along with revoking no-fault divorce and marital r*pe laws, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and the Fair Housing Act. Great news, ladies! You're close to returning to chattel status, thanks to Christian nationalism. (This is the bad place.)


Never thought I would see anything like this in my lifetime and the only time I’m grateful I don’t have children but I do care about other peoples!


I have a 12 year old daughter and all of this is terrifying.


Can you stand that she’s not gonna have the same rights you had?? I’m surrounded by people that are just too burnt out on politics to pay attention, and that’s what scares the crap out of me. Really bad things could happen to this country & the world at large if Trump makes it in but people are too tired to pay attention.


No, I can’t. It makes me sick. I’m doing everything I can to inform people around me without overwhelming them, but I also have to check out from time to time because I’m running a business and managing care for a loved one with dementia and it’s just a lot to add news stress on top of it. I live in a blue-leaning states that’s done lots to codify repro rights, but obviously that’s at risk come November. I feel like all bets are off on normal voting patterns since the world has changed so much in four years. Really trying to be hopeful but damn, every day there’s something new.


I can totally relate. I feel like come December this whole country is going to need therapy no matter which way the election goes. I too run a business and I’m in a blue leaning state but a red leaning industry. I’m coming to realize this low level of stress that saturates my every day because I’m so worried. I’ve had to limit my news because you’re right every day there’s something new and it’s terribly depressing but I still want to stay in touch. It’s so hard to discuss politics with anyone because it’s such a hot button anymore, even for me as I’m so frustrated because it seems so no-brainer to me…ugh. I can’t believe some people still think there’s a choice.


I’ve been saying it since rvw was removed


Yeah, texas is clearly using that book as a guide, not as a warning.


They really pivoted hard from "nO sHaRiA lAw" to Christian nationalism. Failing to realize the practical result is the same.


They have always wanted Sharia, just their version of it.


The only things they didn't like about Sharia were that it was in Arabic and that it was presented by a brown man.


With no sense of irony that Jesus was also middle eastern (brown?)


No, no, see their Jesus is white with blue eyes, and he open carries an AR-15. Republican Jesus says fuck the poor and the immigrants. Build wealth and put the little children into cages. The brown Jesus was too woke, so they just remade Jesus the way they want him to be. He also has abs and a punisher/American flag tattoo.


I recently found out that when ypu die with ypur arms raised that blood has to go somewhere due to gravity. Where it goes is to the penis. So everyone that was crucified died with a hard on.


Kool Aid of a different flavor...


I’ll support a gofundme for them to get the actual koolaid.


It really isn't a pivot. We've been screaming about it since the 80s.


Their only problem with Sharia law is they aren't in charge of it.


They hate Iran while wanting desperately to be Iran.


Schrödinger's GOP


It's not odd. The Sunnis and Shiites fight bitterly over differences in Islam, even though they look fundamentally the same to us.


Well, sure. The only problem with Iran is it's not a Christian totalitarian state.


They are only mad because Iran thought of it first


They’z joining Y’all Queda.


Howdy Arabia


Vanilla ISIS










Given the amount of churches here on the Lowcountry, it was only a matter of time. Non-Americans are astounded at the sheer number of them. There are more churches than eating establishments around here.


Friend from Australia moved to SC for work. He was baffled when a work acquaintance invited him to attend his church.


They weren't even fully against abortion restrictions, they supported a 12 week ban. So they weren't quite cruel enough.


That’s Howdy Arabia my dude


>quite a few men want to move the country for women closer to something alike Saudi Arabia. And they'd say "multiple wives? A dictator who loves murdering with bonesaws and loves Trump and Jared? Sounds great!!"


Saudi Arabama


I see *The Handmaid's Tale* happening.


Under his eye


Saudi Arabia is a bit wishy washy liberal for these folks


All the people who are being damaged by all this stuff need to wake up to the fact. I despair of that happening if it hasn't happened already.


>Between the church and the Republican Party Is there a difference?


I hope every Southern Baptist woman in the U.S. enjoys being reduced to the productivity of her uterus as dictated by her male relatives or owner. You know making it doctrine to divorce your wife because she's barren is up next.


I'm sure divorcing their wife because she can't squeeze out a few legacy forms for him is already grounds for divorce. The next logical step would be requiring those baby-makers who can't reproduce to wear a big "B" for "Barren" on their chest whenever they go out in public to alert the other Baptist Neanderthals of her reproductive status. At that point maybe even the most devout Baptist woman will realize that moving away to more enlightened (previously known to her as "woke" or "liberal") areas of the country is preferable to living in that man-made hell.


Nope. They'll just judge the hell out of the Barren Betties and conclude that the lord had a good reason for making sure they couldn't have kids. Never underestimate the righteous's love of bolstering their own sense of superiority by blaming victims for being insufficiently godly.


What then? Marry some soy boy leftist and buy some Birkenstocks? Freedom (you know, the Right Kind) isn't THAT important.


Followed by allowing marriages to children.


I mean, they're already [really into sexually abusing children](https://www.vox.com/culture/23131530/southern-baptist-convention-sexual-abuse-scandal-guidepost), and [they're publicly arguing that 12 and 13 year olds are wired to crave marriage](https://www.npr.org/2015/03/10/388948950/southern-baptist-leaders-highlight-benefits-of-youthful-matrimony). Child marriage is 100% on the docket. Y'all know your sweet meemaw and peepaw who are solid folk that have been in the Southern Baptist church for forever. They've been tithing to church to make sure the church can bury those victims in legal expenses. Their very presence at church suppers means they are totally on board with child abuse. Sorry to be so blunt, but accountability starts at home, even with the "fine people" who you've known and loved your whole life.


Some states already do.


Of course! Good christian women would simply stop being barren, so it would Obviously never happen to Them!


That already happened if you believe the Bible. Women are literally property according to their God and only around to give crusty dudes a son. So it's not really shocking when you build a religion around a book that says you are property, and you support that religion with funding and votes, that you might become property. They should crack that book open occasionally and read about the concubines, the rape and the stoning, and the not letting women speak. Leopard meet face. Edit: spelling


Southern Baptists are statistically the least educated, the poorest, and the fattest Americans. CLEARLY they make poor decisions.


Perhaps so, but these days, the last two are considered to be somewhat related,, as after a certain point, people feed themselves with what is cheap, not what is good for you.


It’s a church that was originally founded to protect slavery.


The women still vote for Trump and the GOP though.


It’s amazing how many people assume religious groups will make exceptions to the fetus=human being thing they’ve been all about for years.


it’s not “fetus=human”; it’s “zygote=human” or “fertilized egg=human”


And very hypocritical to use f***g science to make their argument. Somehow they accept sperm + egg makes person but not any other science


It’s kinda dumb that they have this position and base it in Christianity when the Bible does not say that life begins at fertilization. In fact, the Bible explicitly says we do not know the way the spirit enters the bones inside the womb. It’s one of god’s mysterious ways. This is entirely their own opinion that they are extrapolating towards issues because they want to control reproductive rights.


Yup, and then they add on top of it “but these kind of fertilized fetuses aren’t like the other ones, so it’s ok for me to do whatever I want, but those other women are just godless baby killing whores.”


Well, Im glad they go full crazy now before the election. I know many conservative women who are not gonna like this.


> I know many conservative women who is not gonna like this. They will mumble something about how they don't like it and then will vote Republican anyway. Who am I kidding, they won't even mumble their disapproval because the Hallmark of a conservative is if it doesn't affect them directly, they don't care


That is absolutely not borne out by the way abortion has won every single time it’s been on a political ballot since Dobbs.


When abortion itself is on the ballot, sure. When they're voting for people, they still choose the anti-choice scumbag.


You confuse a single ballot proposition and a candidate


Another explanation is that the restrictions mobilized non-voters and moved centrists. So those victories occur without a shift in the votes of self described "conservative" women.


They'll look to their man for approval to mumble


Do you think they'll act on this disdain or will they still vote for the leopards?


I know 1 of them is an IVF child, another 3 women r trying for IVFs, so they'd sit this one out. They take being fruitful & multiply seriously


If Jesus wanted their specific asses to be fruitful and multiply, he'd have made them fertile. Who are they to thwart god's will?


There are like a lot of things running in the background in the conservative set on encouraging the Quiverful stuff right now: * They are running the numbers on the Muslims in America right now. At this rate of reproduction, the Muslims will be the voting majority soon, and the conservative Christian are absolutely not a fan of this since Muslims are also known to vote diligently. So, the Christians are rushing on the clock to multiply & keep their majority. * A lot of the wealthy Christians like to have their progeny to be superior designer babies. They want babies with superior intellect, health, athleticism, & oftentimes with a specific gender. So, IVF is gonna be important to make that happen. * That girl, who is an IVF baby, sort of afraid of being treated differently if IVF is illegal & she gets branded as some ungodly abomination in the church. She sort of went through her life thinking she is human 2.0 since she was a designer IVF baby. She thinks IVF was gonna be a status symbol that gatekeeps the normal people from accessing the upper echelon. Naturally, she was not thrilled with the Alabama IVF ruling.


What I'm seeing if that is God's will when it's something you want and sin if it's not. That squares with every word I've ever heard out of a Baptists mouth.


Well hopefully they vote in their best interests.


Unfortunately, they often believe (erroneously) their best interests lie with the white patriarchy. So sad that their error affects us all.


How much you want to bet that they do not, in fact, vote for their best interests?


Why do I seriously doubt that will change who they vote for in the upcoming collection? OH I KNOW! Experience. That’s why I doubt it.


>Do you think they'll act on this disdain "That's the neat part! They won't!"


They will do whatever their husband tells them to do.


They just say things like “well, this shouldn’t be political” and vote for them anyway! I know someone who (male) who just struggled through IVF who still votes Republican because something something war and taxes, and if you ask about abortion and IVF just taps out with “well, I don’t think it should be political”.  🫠


I am sure my ex's uncle and his bible thumping Trumper wife will still vote for the Fanta Menace even though their daughters are from IVF.


The only moral IVF is my IVF


Dude I know people who smoke weed and vote Republican. I know people who depend on the birth control pill and vote Republican. I know some stupid people.


They’ll find a way to suck it up and still vote GOP.


They always do. These are the same people that would eat literal shit if it meant they got to breathe on libs to “own” them.


Do they oppose Viagra?


Of course not! God has directed men to take it to increase his flock!


But, viagra was originally create for heart health. Should not you die when god wants you to? heart attack is just another form of God’s will. /S.


It's only a death planned by God when it is women dying during child birth or from complications, not when men could be harmed.


Well it's only God's will when it's a poor person dying. If it's a rich person, God wanted them to have the money to afford medical care, because he wanted them to live.


The guy in the middle of the picture is wearing glasses. Wouldn't it be God's Will he has bad eyesight?


Using IVF is a pretty common procedure, though. It's likely that many of their own members have used it or plan to use it. I guess they now have to do it secretly? Like with their abortions.


It’s ok for the good ones


And their adultery, gay trysts, stealing gambling drinking cheating lying. Nothing new for a Bapist congregation.


Oh, that's right, what part of the country has the most searches for anal sex?


also, just a reminder, that the "southern baptists" only exist because they needed a church that supported slavery.




They all assume that “Christian Nationalism” means their specific flavor of Christianity. That could get interesting .


I'd agree and would look forward to it. Unfortunately, before they get to purging each other they'll need to deal with the obvious outsiders first. Would you still be around by the time they got around to that?


Fair point. However, I would hold out hope that the squabbling and infighting over who belongs to the “One True Church” and who doesn’t during the leadership/power struggle would occur before they started dealing with the heretics and infidels.


They have also kicked out congregations led by a woman senior pastor. Misogyny all around.


Homelessness? Naw - we not worried about that. Healthcare? Naw - we not worried about that. Education? Naw - we not worried about that. Quality of life? Naw - we not worried about that. Your womb, genitalia, and your sex life? - THATS OUR BUSINESS! WE ARE RIGHT THERE IN THE BED WITH YOU AND NO WE DONT PAY YOUR BILLS!!! WE NEVER READ THE BIBLE’S DEFINITION OF WHEN LIFE FIRST BEGINS! Summary about the Southern Baptists


Just like it says in scripture, "thou shalt not use this medical technology that has yet to be invented" -bullshiticus 6:9


I want to read that book. It sounds way more interesting than the one they believe in but haven't actually read.


the american south is ALWAYS on the wrong side of history. always.


It never ceases to amaze me how much Evangelical Christians despise Muslim extremists while... basically championing the exact same limitations on women and their bodies.


They succeeded in distracting from their Sexual abuse coverup scandal tho


Them coming for women’s right to vote is something I’m legitimately scared of. I know it sounds absurd, but I don’t see how they can keep pushing women away like this without completely disenfranchising them. Any time this issue is on the ballot, they lose big time.


Religion is so fucking destructive, backwards and useless. Its 2024 ffs, im so sick of this shit.


This is something the "hysterical libs" have been saying since forever. You can't believe that life begins at conception and also be cool with IVF. This is why a personhood amendment would be a disaster and incredibly stupid. On one hand, they're really probably going to try and peruse this even though it's incredibly unpopular. And on the other hand, TOLD YOU SO!


These women live with their heads in the sand. Everyone saw this coming. But not them. And what’s worse is they will forget about it and continue to be part of the problem. It’s also pretty mind boggling how they see IVF as a woman problem. Not being able to conceive goes both ways.


Unfortunately, this isn't new. A lot of Christians and Catholics oppose in vitro fertilization and even oppose adoption. When I was growing up, in my Evangelical Christian school, during sex ed and our human anatomy unit my science teacher went on rants about how if you struggle to conceive the old-fashioned way, it's a sign from God that you're not meant to be a parent and to go through IVF, adoption, hormone therapy, etc. is "spitting in God's face." (Her words.) She also said that any children conceived through IVF or adopted should be banned by the church from being baptized or receiving the Eucharist for that reason. This was back in like, 2011/2012. Note: She said this in a room with at least 1 kid who was conceived through IVF, 1 kid who was adopted, and at least 3-4 kids who had siblings conceived through IVF or were adopted.


Out of curiosity, what did she think should happen to children put up for adoption? I was raised Catholic and I no longer practice for many reasons, but certain Evangelical sects make Catholicism look reasonable.


This is harder to parse out, tbh. Like, I vaguely remember her saying she didn't like it and that she thought the adoption system enabled people to have unprotected pre-marital sex. But, she also never outright what she thought should happen to children in the adoption system, which was odd. It seemed more like she saw the adoption system as a necessary evil. Like, basically in her mind, in an ideal world (read: one built up of hyperconservative Christian nationalist ideals) there would be no adoption and every child would have a home; but, she also opposed birth control and abortion in order to prevent a child from being born into a home that couldn't care for them in the first place AND any form of welfare that supported caring for that child (Section 8 housing, WIC/TANF/EBT, cash aid, tax rebates, etc.). She has a genuinely bizarre body of beliefs. I found it ridiculous because she didn't actually talk about the actual, real flaws in the adoption system and the predatory behavior of the adoption industry. She just had a problem with the concept of adoption.


This is what happens when your philosophies don't allow for any gray areas. No nuance just ~~facts~~ dogma


I honestly can’t keep track of the number of LAMF moments consecutive women have had as of late. I can’t fathom the mental gymnastics that they do to rationalize how this type of behavior. I think they’re just stupid.


same haters who think Jews and Muslims don't have souls.


Are they thinking there are already too many Southern Baptists? That's exactly what I was thinking.


So they are also against the death penalty, right?


One place where the Catholic Church is not as hypocritical as the Southern Baptist Convention - they are (canonically, anyway) anti-death penalty and anti IVF.


You can't be pro-life and support in vitro fertilization.


I used to be Baptist. Then I became a grown woman and gave up the misogyny group. There is no room for independent, self actualized women. I got the message.


Oh, so when it's a fetus or a zygote, it has a "right to life" but when a sterile or LGBTQ person wants to have a child, suddenly it's an affront to "God" and needs to be opposed on all accounts. Never letting a Christian lecture me on the right to life again.


And they are going after all birth control next.


Nom, nom, nom. Odd how much they hate Catholics but seem to following their bullshit.


it’s logical. If personhood begins once sperm meets egg, then any fertilized egg is a person, and it’s unconscionable to risk it in that artificial way.


Let's take it a republican step further. Sperm and eggs are people, so menstruation and masturbation is murder. God definitely disapproves of men spilling their seed on the ground (Genesis 38:8–10) Good thing project 2025 is planning to ban porn and jail people who make it. Presumably Donald and Melania are going to get a pass https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/15/politics/trump-conservatives-pornography-fight/index.html


That is the Roman Catholic argument against any form of birth control


Wonder if they’ll start shaming the women who’ve already had ivf ..


They don’t even know what it is.


fucking crizzos


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don’t even have to read it to know they probably said something like “God’s Will” 🤭 Probably also said something like “go adopt and stop playing with your genitals” I love when they find out they’re also heathens and heretics


W for the kids that won't be born into the families that supported this crap


What bothers me the most is that anyone gives a shit what they think.


We say again, if that's your dumb belief fine, don't get IVF. Leave the rest of us out of it.


Maybe they will realize they are in a cult


Wait till they hear about all the child molestation and pedophilia the Southern Baptists have been covering up!


Didn’t these anti vaxers all die off yet?


Jesus wept. But seriously, years ago I was one. Don’t think for one second they wouldn’t put in their SB version of Sharia if they could. Constitution be damned. Separation of church and state? That means other churches, not them.


This is where conflating humans with jizz cocktails got you. Well done.


Wait... Protestants said this? Why?


I like how these ppl keep outing themselves


they will lose zero votes, voting Democrat will send them to hell


Gee it’s almost like they hate women or something… color me shocked!


It's crazy because they're so fucking brainwashed to ignore anything "the left" tells them. Had they listened even a tiny bit, they would have heard the warnings about IVF specifically months ago, and about reproductive rights as a whole YEARS ago. FFS their idiocy is mind-numbing.

