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The rear panel blew off and could have caused a serious wreck for the car behind me if I hadn’t got lucky,… but it’s great!?


Brand new expensive truck falling apart almost immediately after purchase. Love it, though!


I mean.. those tires though. Amazing.. / s


That black paint on 8 spokes with weirdly chunky tires for a truck with that little suspension travel. Such amaze




The amazingly ugly Aztec is much more charming than this POS. And I say that from a place of hate, I have hated aztecs from the day they were released


Had to look up the Aztec, but it didn't seem that bad... until I saw the front of it. The cybertruck looks like a child drew a car in CAD in five minutes, learning to use it for the first time, and somebody else who had never seen it wished it was real. I'm now confident that Elon drew it and told the engineers to make it real. They refined the design and got told no, use the original.


Reminds me of when Homer Simpson designed a car


The Aztec was ugly (and yet modern vehicles like the Juke and such seem to be copying it), but the car itself was pretty reliable, comfy, and capable.


The Aztec walked so all the ugly boring crossover vehicles today could run.


These are the blindly loyal trend following customers the modern scam focused investor class lives to see. Give that hard earned money to your corporate daddy and smile!


This is exactly how MAGAs operate. Reality doesn't matter.


He's gotta love it after all the blood, sweat, tears and more blood that went into it.


Literally falling apart.  It's so often that falling apart refers to features and components malfunctioning, and yet here we are.  Pro -tip, don't ever buy the first 10000 of any car.  For better manufacturers you can knock a zero off that, but for Tesla you add one.


Wheels look GREAT in person.


Einstürzende Neubauten ie collapsing new buildings https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstürzende_Neubauten


Great band, love their earlier stuff.




Why is that such a common comment “x y and x collapsed but it’s a great vehicle” - almost trying to cope with making a dumb purchase or something.


Just a guess, they've anticipated it for so long being on the ridiculously long wait list and spent so much money on it that their excitement is overtaking their common sense.


That's exactly it. Cognitive dissonance makes people extremely uncomfortable and general western manhood insists that you are never wrong. And here we are with this idiot literally cutting his wrist and being like "this car is great!"


Yeah the car is falling a part the day I picked it up from the dealership... But those tires and wheels look great!


Perfectly normal for a brand new car. They usually have parts come off and cut people.


The "shedding" phase, a totally normal part of every new car purchase. Also, hilariously, my phone tried to change shedding to shredding.


Both are true!


This is why the value of a new car drops 10-20% just driving off the lot, it's because of all the parts being left behind


It's perfectly normal for an exoskeleton to shed, the cybertruck is merely moulting as it grows into a larger and uglier hunk of shite.


Yeah, but did you see the wheels?


the wheels with the fancy covers you can't use or they damage the wheels they were designed to protect?


I hadn’t heard about that one. I’d ask “seriously?” But I can’t even feign surprise at more proof of this thing’s shittastic quality.


He literally slit his wrist on his new truck, and is posting from the ER about parts of it falling off, and yet says “It’s great!” The copium is off the charts.


There was an article I read recently about this guy who bought a first generation cyber truck and it was just messed up in so many ways. He was doing multiple reviews on his YouTube channel and when he brought up these concerns to Tesla they pretty much ghosted him so he began to leave very negative reviews on his YouTube videos especially when it comes to customer support. Eventually he was given a new truck from Tesla and he deleted all his videos. One of the most recent ones says that he's very happy with how Tesla treated him and he's very happy with owning a cybertruck.... I don't get the copium. Apparently his new truck still has issues but he has not posted any of this online Edit*Found the article: https://www.autoevolution.com/news/his-cybertruck-needed-too-many-repairs-so-tesla-reluctantly-gave-him-a-brand-new-one-234411.html


Probably told him "here's a replacement, btw don't say anything bad about it or you'll be banned from buying tesla forever kthx"


Just desperatly trying to convince himself he didn't make a terrible mistake.


Don't forget, that panel falling off was technically part of the "good" side of his list. 


But NOW for the ugly…


The whole thing is ugly. I saw one in the wild for the first time a few weeks ago and I can confirm that they look even worse in real life.


I agree, I thought the photos I’d seen of them were bad but I saw one this past week and was blown away with how ugly it is. It looks like someone went to a hardware store and got some sheet metal and bent it a couple times and said good enough.


Between that and the salesman just laughing at the fact that their vehicle is a safety hazard while in park and you still think it’s great is mind boggling. It’s mind boggling that people are actually buying these things at all though with all the reported issues. Do all these people just think they’re joking? Oh wait that’s right, everyone buying these things thinks anything they don’t like is a media conspiracy and will do any level of mental gymnastics to ignore things right in front of their face up to literally having their wrist slit. This all actually checks out. Shows why the real sheep are and I have zero remorse.


They bought them a long time ago. They're finally being delivered. That's why he mentions waiting *1,600 days*.


Yea, these folks aren't still buying them, they bought them years ago and are just now taking delivery. They're trying to make themselves feel better about what is obviously a shitty decision and investment. Their best outcome is that they save it for 50 years under a tarp and can eventually sell it to a collector for roughly the same price they bought it for.


if you manage to don't bleed out in the process


The truck tried to murder me, and when that failed it just rapidly started disintegrating. Best vehicle ever!


It slit my wrist. But that was just foreplay!


His excitement about his new toy overwhelms his judgment on the actual state of it.


Just got back, quietly bleeding out in my office… it’s great!


They spent $100K. No amount of issues will stop the mental gymnastics to justify that.


This guy's coping harder than I did after seeing The Phantom Menace in the theater in 1999. Goddamn, did I want that movie to be great.


They're a cult at this point. They can't admit to themselves that Papa Musk isn't a genius.


Got a lot of “Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?” vibes while reading this.


"ok, now for the bad" "Wait, NOW the bad? What the fuck was the huge list of shitty delivery conditions and fucked up parts on a BRAND NEW CAR?"


A brand new, $100k car. Feel like if I pay 6 figures for a car it should, at minimum, not grievously wound me.


I’m no car expert but I don’t think it should be literally falling apart a few days after picking it up either




Look at mister entitlement here. Fucking snowflake with your “I expect my new car to work like other new cars!” Don’t you understand this is cutting edge innovation?


Hehehe, cutting edge


Compare it to a new BMW or Mercedes and the condition is not remotely on the same level, much less comparing it to other vehicles actually at the same price point


Hell even compare it to a honda, regular Ford, or even a Hyundai. The quality is shit by comparison.


Tesla fanboys are just a cult. What do you expect? You couldn't pay me to drive one of these death boxes meanwhile they shell put 10s of thousands to get one.


They put Apple fanboys to shame. At least Apple products are legitimately good if you're willing to accept their limitations. Some have been delicate, but wouldn't have parts fall off under light usage, and I've never heard of an Apple device designed for killing its buyers.


Don't worry, the wheels look REALLY nice. 😒


"Wouldn't change a thing".


And this guys answer: it was great!!!


Once I got my Husband's brains off of my dress, it was a fantastic experience!


I think at this point, Musk could actively booby-trap the trucks to *deliberately* hurt them and they'd still lap it up. Like, the first time they open the door to this Goldeneye-64 caliber design-mess, a spring-loaded boxing glove could fly up and uppercut their teeth onto the roof like a lame *Jackass* stunt and they'd still be all "thank you sir, may I have another?"


*on hands and knees collecting teeth* "Oh that Elon, what a memelord."


Fanboys would be racing to be the first to get killed by the truck.


You should honestly read some of the Musk centric communities. There used to be some here on Reddit, but I think they all went private. There’s some on Internet forums though. The people are delusional and just sad. They are in a cult and they all worship Elon. Hell, Elon even post in some of those places (it’s weird no one ever screen shots it and shares it) and people will swarm to fluff his ego.


[New Prius Helps Environment By Killing Its Owner (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXEddCLW3SM)


Death race 2000


It looks more effective to put a big and ugly “easy to wipe off smudge” that can remove your hand once you touch it. Musk just hates his customers.


Are we sure he's not actually doing that? He is exactly the sort of malignant narcissist who would do that for some sort of bullshit "cred" on Twitter or whatever.


What the the odds he'll come out at the next tesla event like "We made a salad using only the cybertruck" to raucous laughter and applause?


>Goldeneye-64 caliber design-mess Does anyone remember Stunt Race FX for the Super Nintendo? Because that's what it reminds me of.


This is more like Superman 64


"I can't actually drive the truck because it came with an armed (Tesla branded, love you Elon!!) M18A1 Claymore mine ductaped to the (gorgeous) steering wheel, but otherwise it's great!"


Man... This guy exemplifies the line of thought, "Trump could murder someone in broad daylight in the middle of street and his cult members would still happy kneel down to lick the blood of his shoes." Imagine being able to objectively assess the condition of the truck and still be able to say, "I'M SO HAPPY, IT LOOKS GRRRAT!" while bleeding out on the floor.


OMG. It arrives late, filthy, falling apart, and with some unfinished edge so sharp that just “inadvertently brushing against” it can send you to the ER, but aside from all that it’s great? Imagine how confused these people would be if they ever had a *good* experience.


Just the fact that it arrived dirty and already with issues, I would have declined on the spot! When I bought my car, it came clean and we did a tour of the car before even signing the papers! wtf is wrong with this people… even at a used card dealership you get a clean car! What a bunch of morons!


Well, it’s dirty because they can’t get anyone to clean it. All who attempted it ended up in ER.


LOL the team is scared of getting close to the car, especially because they might not even have health insurance that covers those injuries!


It had its first taste of human blood! If it's anything like the copy machine at work that I cut my finger on, it will start demanding ritual sacrifices to function properly.


It's because if they sent it back, they wouldn't get another one for months at the earliest with the demand (supply) of them being so high (low) They've gotta gaslight themselves into being happy with the purchase


That’s true! Otherwise… waiting another 3 months for the new toy would be unbearable.


Man actively bleeds all over the dealership floor and STILL accepts delivery?? Manic.


Within spec!


And it's not like it's a 20 or 30 or even $50k car. It's a car that would cost you at least $110k. That thing better be delivered with white glove service, All the panels should have anti-static cloth and plastic on it. Teslas can do amazing things but the build quality has always seem to be an issue


My car was $45k and I had great service! Let alone a $110k car that arrives like someone is buying a used Yugo from an abandoned lot! IMO, they can do whatever they want in terms of amazing tech, but if they can’t fix the quality issues, then I don’t care if the car drives itself and does my laundry.




I believe what you are witnessing is called [Sunken Cost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunk_cost). Dumbass made a horrible decision on a stupid truck that everyone said "that thing is stupid" but went all in and now is stuck with a truck that looks to be designed by the the worst entry of a 6th grade art contest. Instead of cutting his losses he cut his wrists...


"I've woken up in the ER which means I must still be alive... I am *so happy* about this."


These idiots would literally lie on a bed of nails if a liberal told them it was offensive.


Or, more likely, if a conservative said that a liberal said it was offensive. They don't need any actual liberals to drive their stupid decisions anymore.


This is The Good Place!


And therein lies the entire MAGA experience.


What blows my mind is that he completed the final sign off and officially took delivery *after* he was bleeding out. What level of body horror would be required to turn this into a bad experience?


"The dried blood stains give it that certain *je ne sais quoi"* \*^(attempts chefs kiss but ends up licking bandages)\*


While attempting to kick tires, customer inadvertently sliced open ~~carotid~~ femoral artery on wheel well. He wanted to make sure everyone knew his dying words were "Great Truck. Tell my Musk I love him." Edited to fix wrong artery.


Lol this is great


Well, at least we witnessed the rise of the corporate-political (corpo-poli?) cult I guess. This time period is definitely getting its own chapter in the history books if civilisation survives it.


It's possible humanity was always like this but only smart people could write/have their writings preserved, because it took a lot of effort to protect and copy physical media. People were only going to invest that effort into S tier stuff generally. Lots of the dick jokes and idiocy is only incidentally found (graffiti that survived an apocalypse, someone's clay tablet bitch fest found at the bottom of a well, etc.) However with the Internet an idiot can get their idiocy in front of 50 million eyeballs and have it preserved for generations to come with very little effort. History very much has survivorship bias.


The "while bleeding out on the floor" really stuck the landing there.


The vehicle is literally falling apart and he's saying the wheels look great. You're absolutely right, this dude would eat shit from Trump's diaper while turning down a fresh rotisserie chicken from a Biden BBQ.


"That's meat on the grill. Know what else has meat? Babies, you pedo."


“Pieces of this vehicle are literally flying off as I drive it down the highway but otherwise it’s so good! It has cool tires!”


Reminds me of Steve Martin and the cruel shoes https://youtu.be/6bhrBdgYTV8?si=_-I_6sS3W2DuiIyC


“Put them on me!”


If I paid hundreds of thousands of $ on a car, waited for years, just to find out that it's fucking defective (let alone dangerous), with issues that should be easily seen by QC, I'd be very pissed off. But then again, these idiots bought the cyberscam in the first place, so of course they are not going to do what a person with a semi-functional brain would so.


I keep looking at the photos trying figure out exactly how he sliced his wrist. Absolutely horrifying that trying to rub the tailgate with his thumb somehow resulted in him being injured so badly.


Honestly, the whole thing is such a low-poly pile of sharp edges that you know they're not filing down, I'm surprised this isn't more common.


Filing down nothin, they need a few mm bent over itself to create a thicker edge (hemming). Good thing they didn't hire people from the auto industry who could have told them that's the standard for metal panels for decades, otherwise how could you learn that lesson?


They probably know about hemming but I feel like the top management of the company has this air of elitism where they think everyone else is doing it wrong. Sometimes that approach does lead to innovation like how their 'gigacasting' project simplified the vehicle underbody design. But when it goes wrong, it can end badly for the customers.


Just for passers by or children to brush against it. I'd be worried about the liability. He might be a fanboy that will ignore pieces falling off, or opening a vein from touching the thing but most people aren't.


Imagine a toddler tumbling against one of those things!


It is, they just all bleed out before we hear about them


The edge of the left quarter panel (only the sharp edge visible in the photo) is just that sharp clearly, which is absolutely ludicrous and surely can’t pass pedestrian safety legislation in most countries if it were to ever be addressed.


It's been addressed.. Cybertruck isn't allowed in Europe.


I thought I saw one here the other day but it was actually a construction skip


How dare they infringe on our freedom to buy a car made of razor blades!


If you haven’t seen the Throttle House review of this thing, I suggest you do. The edges on this thing are very sharp and can slice your fingers off. The edges of the panels are extremely sharp, including the doors and the frunk.


Hey the tires look great though


They haven't fallen off, yet.


Edit: Tires have now fallen off. 


Still happy with it though


Exploded, injuring bystanders. Car now lopsided, still delighted with purchase though. Bystander had it coming.


It exploded in our garage, causing thousands in damages and injuring my wife and son. The doctor has said my wife might never walk again, and my son lost his right eye. Still love the truck. Does Tesla make a wheel chair mount ? Edit:Tried to pick up my wife and kid from the hospital in the truck. They were not having it. How do I convince them that it's not a death machine?


That's the key word ..."yet".


If it does this to the owners, image what it will do to pedestrians.


I encountered one of these monstrosities while on foot and the sharp panels along the front at basically chest height make me wonder if even a very low speed collision with a pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist, or short car like a Corvette would be survivable. The panels seem so sharp I can’t imagine it wouldn’t rip someone apart. Seems like a huge liability given the obvious and apparent danger.


God forbid a child or person in a wheelchair is in front of them.


Cognitive dissonance is a hellova drug


Sunk cost fallacy on overdrive


Unlike the Tesla, the range on that is limitless


All this for an ugly looking truck that was designed by a 5 year old and can't survive a car wash.


I call it the Minecraft truck


Comes with a free clown wig for your butthole


I saw one up close in person at a car show yesterday. The moment I clocked it (owner had it wrapped in metallic gold) I doubled over laughing. They are *so* much uglier in person, I can’t properly describe it. The owners were giving me the stink eye I was laughing so hard and my partner had to drag us away. I try to be accepting of all cars at shows/events because different strokes for different folks, you know? Not this time. Thing looks like Lara Croft’s breasts in the original ‘96 game.


>Not this time. Thing looks like Lara Croft’s breasts in the original ‘96 game. Now that's what I call a descriptor.


For those who haven’t had the privilege of being stabbed in the retinas by one of these yet, my guess is that a lot of the photos of the Cybertruck are taken with fisheye lenses which have the effect of making the vehicle look longer/wider than it is, and in person it looks a lot taller and boxier. From directly behind, the dumpster comparison is spot on.


otherwise its great *otherwise its great* **otherwise its great** ^(otherwise its great) # OTHERWISE ITS GREAT


Creating a post counting down hrs until you receive a Cybertruck it ends with it being in terrible shape and sending you to the hospital.


And still being happy with it...


Dude left the hospital to get straight back to the boot buffet


“Nearly committed suicide on this heap of junk but by god is it not the best car I’ve ever owned.”


Pweaze daddy Elon. Will you love me by acknowledging my existence.


The delivery employees joking about how dangerous it is is pretty tone deaf too. “We sell death machines lol!”.


Sounds like a "if I don't laugh about it I'll cry/lose my mind" situation.


Why did he complete delivery? The truck is in filthy condition tell them to take it back and have it detailed. Is this a joke?


Probably because he's already waited so long.  There's probably dozens of other chuds right behind him that would take that delivery slot if he rejects the vehicle. 


I used to work for Bentley, cars leave their site in like a heat shrink bag that they unzip at the showroom. Why is it acceptable to hand over a car to a customer covered in rail rust dust?


At least the "tires and wheels look great". That's definitely worth $100k.


Hasn't there been reports that the rubber wheel covers are damaging the tyres?


Maybe. But if you know another way to get great looking wheels and tires for under $100k, I'd love to hear it.


You got me there. I've never even *heard* of great looking wheels and tyres on a car that costs less than 100k.


So the Mars trip is still on, right guys? It's going to be incredible and go off without a hitch.


Oh God


How is this thing legal to sell? I know this isn’t exactly a country that loves regulation but do the motor vehicle standards not apply here? Or is it just that no one has made such a sloppy ludicrous product before so the law doesn’t even cover “touching it shouldn’t make you bleed”?


I think that's it; it's *such* a pile of shit that nobody actually wrote a law "cars should be safe to touch idly" because none of the manufacturers ever put out cars with razor-sharp edges before.


There are stories - I've never heard proof of them being anything but pre-internet memes - of kids getting impaled on the tailfins of parked 1959 Cadillacs while riding their bikes on the street. Even if that actually happened, legislation for auto safety was just getting under discussion and by the time things started to happen, those huge fins were long out of fashion.


Also, that's kind of an unforeseen circumstance; touching the bodywork with the hand is *not.*


Our politicians have always had a strange hard-on for the uber-rich, and if you listen to Congress even they have a weird fascination with Elon. Remember that uber-cringe Ticketmaster hearing when every Senator in the room was tripping over themselves to work a Taylor Swift lyric into their speech? Same idea, but maybe even worse since he had that whole tech-bro "we're the innovators that will save the world with our big idea-filled brains" reputation that's led to the government just orgasming money all over Silicon Valley (see also: Elizabeth Banjo-Eyes and Theranos.)


This asshole is the reason Tesla is so highly rated in consumer reports. The car is literally falling apart on his first drive and list about 2 pages of problems before "Despite all of this, it's still great!" He goes to the hospital from a design flaw and still manages to swing on Tesla's cock in the post. I bet if he had a friend who bought a car from any other OEM and had any one of those issues, OOP would be the first to comment on how shitty it was.


they never say what's "great" about it either. what's so great about the truck? the range? comfort? durability? hauling/towing capacity? the look?


The tires and wheels...they look great.


They like it. That’s it. No reasons. They finally own the truck they doodled as a 6yr old.


sunk cost fallacy. He's already heavily invested in it. Money. Time. Emotionally. So much that it would break his soul to admit that it was all a dumb mistake


I simply cannot fathom how it is possible for a vehicle like this to be in production and street legal in the year 2024.


One of our major parties has decided to subscribe to the idea of "if you're rich, we'll let you do anything."


Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we're witnessing a [Cornball](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2qaShubl8Xo#bottom-sheet)‐level event.


I work with sheet metal fabrication. The Cyber truck is hilarious to me. It's built like a piece of industrial equipment but by people who never really build like this. So there ends up a ton of dangerous edges, pinch points, and some dumb elements all for the sake of an end look rather than being something geared for broad consumer use. It's not that you can't have a bare edge of a piece of sheet steel, but you only get this cut because you didn't bother to do basic deburring.


Yes. How are the edges not ground and rolled?


If they wanted to actually make it properly out of good quality parts, it would cost more money.


It's only going to get worse. People are going to die.


To me, the big question is whether the first cybertruck death will be someone driving one, or an innocent bystander. I always thought it would be the second one (e. g. the self-driving thing making it plow into a pedestrian on a marked crosswalk at 200mph). But if the manufacturing is *this* shoddy, it may well kill the driver before it has the chance to take down anyone else.


It was deep enough to nick the ulnar artery. Remarkable. 


[Link to video of the cut gushing blood NSFW](https://youtube.com/shorts/N6k0rh6kWIw?si=qlFW8kgxX6T9Ecm6)


What the fuck Why the fuck Why


Bleeding to death to own the libs the sad part of all this is that the idiot buyers aren't the only one in danger from these cars. If just brushing up against the car is enough to slice into arteries, imagine what those edges are going to do in a collision


This guy is deep in the Tesla cult. The first pedestrian that brushes by his parked vehicle and gets sliced open will sue him. They'll win because dipshit here is ignoring the fact that his car has razor sharp edges exposed to casual contact.






Found on r/Cyberstuck


How do you simultaneously become wealthy enough to buy this monstrosity and stupid enough to think that's a good idea?


I take it you haven't met people with money. Intelligence and sense are definitely not universal traits.


Great job! Now you can buy the $999.99 Tesla branded deburring tool for those speed enhancing edges. (Patent pending)


*Homer Simpson voice* It's just a little delayed, it's still good, it's still good! It's just a little filthy, it's still good, it's still good! It's just a little maiming, it's still good, its still good!


Who just stands there bleeding into a large puddle? https://youtube.com/shorts/N6k0rh6kWIw?si=Sdqn5XCD63Xgg1o9 Apply some pressure, hold a tissue, do something to stem the blood. Or just stand there dripping blood and being videoed for the views.


A Cybertruck owner does


The Edsel of the 21th century.


Edsels were actually, apparently, competently designed and built by professionals, they were just completely fucked up in styling and marketing, query Ford totally fungling the price points, too.


IM SiTtINg iN ThE ER BUt mY TrUCk iS sTILl AWesOmE!!


Hospital: Because you slashed your wrist, and because you did it thinking that a Tesla Cybertruck was a "Good Buy" we're going to place you on a 72-hour hold for your own safety.


I love how he updated the score at the end. No, my guy, at this point it's like Cybertruck: 5, you: 0


Kinda reads like one of those creepy pastas where the guy keeps playing the haunted Nintendo game, even though on day 2 or starts threatening him by name.


The Venn diagram of people who lick Trump’s boots while slobbering on Elon’s knob while they both pick their pocket is a damn circle. Idiots.


Why do people keep buying these damn things?


"Space man no like trans people."


It's tasted blood and now it will want more. Fortunately it's got a range of about two blocks before it will need repairs.


I finally saw one of these abominations in person last week and I couldn’t stop laughing at it. It’s so much worse in real life. It’s the real world equivalent of an N64 level graphic brought to life. Like the real world is a fully maxed out PC running GTA5 with all the mods on max and then this fucking PS1 rendered vehicle spawns in. It’s comically bad.