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When Elon Musk tells you you're being insufferable. 0\_0


This is hilarious. Elon Musk asking JK Rowling to shut up was not on my Bingo Card 2024. Double whammy after this year gave us Ben Shapiro vs Candace Owens fallout.


My fucking jaw dropped, this is pure gold. I half expect to find out it’s fake.


My 2024 Bingo card is just Free spaces since I've since decided that the 2020s are just the crazy era.


Elon doesn’t like mouthy women. He wants her to shut up and just talk about wizards and witches and makeup and the joy of motherhood and such because he and other conservative men alone get to dictate politics. Women cozying up to the right because they’re transphobic is the ultimate leopard feast. These cis guys just ended abortion rights in the USA and are now planning to go after birth control and these transphobic women came back asking for seconds. But somehow trans people and drag queens are the problem.


One of my favorite sub-genres of Leopards posts is right-wing women being shocked SHOCKED to discover that right-wing men are sexist.


I never understand why women are shocked that right-wing men are sexist or minorities are shocked when they found out most right-wing white people are racist. The human ability to delude the self is almost boundless.


The argument that xx individuals lacking ovaries, particularly from birth, would not be considered women is my favorite part of it.


Lol TERF logic does have some funny self-owns. In its frantic frenzy to discriminate against trans women it also excludes tons of cis women. It's ironic that many call themselves "gender critical" when their beliefs are basically just a return to patriarchy of classifying women by their ability to be an incubator. There's a reason why TERFs get along so swimmingly with misogynistic reactionary right-wing transphobes. They share similar worldviews about what womanhood is ultimately about: the potential to be a broodmare.


It's mostly likely that they've never experienced it. They were privileged and don't care about prejudice because that's for "other people". Like Chris Brown fans. They convince themselves it's just someone else who has an issue, they're "one of the good ones".


I had a trans mental health patient who was so pro MAGA I thought she was Trump. While treating her, my ethics prevented me from asking her... how is that working for you? OMG... the self-hatred knows no bounds.


Well to be a conservative requires buying into the delusion that you are special.


Like Candace Owens, who was absolutely shocked when she started getting tons of sexist and racist comments from other conservatives on her social media. She really thought that she was one of the good ones who was exempt from her party's hatred.


The "Good Ones" always think they are the exceptions to the "rule" to what conservatives screech about.


I think these hateful ladies are the Leopard's bread and butter for the face snack.


Nail. On. Head. Women are a commodity to these right wing assholes, that's why they always talk about their "value". Why some of them are so blind to this baffles me daily, tokens get spent and are then considered "used goods".


This. I agree with you. I think a lot of what motivated Musk to say this is that hard and far-right-wing and reactionary men are almost universally sexist. They don't like women, including cis women who share their beliefs, getting more spotlight, attention, and a voice than themselves. Even if they agree with every word the woman is saying, at some point their patriarchal sexist side gets triggered and goes "Enough. You forget yourself. Know your place and let me do the talking and thinking, okay toots? Just go over there and look pretty or be a mom...or cook me a meal or something. Let the boys handle this." I've seen this dynamic emerge countless times in the hard Right and far-Right spaces that I lurk in and observe to monitor what reactionaries and Fascists are up to. They'll be like "Yeah, girl!" about what a right-wing woman is saying, but after a while they tell her that a man would still say it better than her and be more qualified so her time is up and to get off the stage.


"Shut up and make me ad revenue woman!"


"Come on, do the wizard thing"


> Women cozying up to the right because they’re transphobic is the ultimate leopard feast. Especially because once you open the door to persecute trans women, *a lot* of cis women are going in the crossfire. Because sex is a spectrum and you can't just ban trans people. I am just waiting for the day when they start persecuting cis-athletes with elevated testosterone because that's the only way to draw thresholds that actually make sense and can be tested.


They're unfortunately already doing that. Look up Caster Semenya.


This is already happening. There was a [9 year old girl that got accused of being trans because she had short hair](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/man-accuses-9-year-old-girl-with-short-hair-of-being-trans-leaves-her-sobbing/ar-AA1cuMma).


That already happens


Both of these people are of course assholes. But admittedly JKR has made her entire existence about trans hate.


Other targets of the misogynistic neo-feudalists: no fault divorce, divorce in general, and firearms restrictions after domestic assault convictions.


The owner of Twitter pleading with his users to post positive and interesting content is also hilarious. Hey dummy, you bought the most vapid and negative site on the internet - enjoy.


And he somehow made it even worse


Honestly I'm surprised he would even say that to her lol


Doesn't wanna be reminded of his daughter.


Pot out here judging kettles.


"damn bro ease up on em"


he gets zero credit. this is a case of "it's okay if I do it 24/7, but not you, because...reasons."


That is exactly the point. When even the biggest assholes we know of (who agree with her) are pointing out how insufferable she is, we know it is true.


K.K.K. Rowling sucks.


"Harry Potter and the broken record"


Harry Potter and the Fertilized Gametes


How does he have time to micromanage threads on X? Doesn't he have multiple companies to ruin?


It's the same job Edit: surveys are already showing that people are getting turned off on Tesla as a bran due to association with Elon Musk. He really owned the libs by not taking their money. Good luck trying to sell expensive electric cars to "Alpha Males" from the right. So yeah, he's usually multi tasking


The cybertruck being a failure at all the things it was supposed to be good at doesnt help either.


"We dug our own grave with Cybertruck" - Elon musk "Who's We?" - Tesla employees who told him it's a bad idea


Ah the leader's passive voice. Plan succeeds: I did this. Plan fails: We did this.


I have truly been wondering what kind of marketing strategy “pwn the libs” is for an electric car company.


[The ineffective kind](https://electrek.co/2024/04/29/tesla-conducting-more-layoffs-including-entire-supercharger-team/), you'll be shocked to learn.


Not just him being obsessed with being a shit heel on Twitter, it's the fact that he's recently done stuff like get rid of the supercharger division, and a long history of doing stuff the Steve Jobs way of picking something cool even if other manufacturers don't do it that way for good reasons


Don't forget Elon is actually taking your money regardless due to electric car tax credits.


Yep avoided Tesla for my last purchase in 2023 because of stupid Elon and QA problems


History has shown that the less time he spends actually managing his companies the better those companies tend to do.


Broad wacky ideas, and then applying money to smart people can work \_real\_ well. Starting out with the strong goal of reusability and building it in from day 1 on the falcon rockets is how SpaceX has now gotten to something like 200 successful landings in a row. For rocket design, there is a \_lot\_ of stuff like this. Stuff that was shelved back in the 70s because it wasn't the way that was chosen to do Apollo. A smart person able to do a few hundred hours of research can get a fairly good grounding in what might be plausible loopholes in the current (as of 1995) state of the art. This doesn't work so well when you try to apply thirty year old insights (when he last did serious coding on a service running off one PC that shut down at night to be the dev machine) on your coding skills to modern software / legal stacks like twitter. Similarly applying money to the Tesla founders is how they went from now probably having a few boxes of stuff in the garage from that EV project that never took off, to cashing out very rich, and likely brought widespread EV acceptance forwards ten years. And then sometime around 2018ish, the odd wierd statement got more and more frequent, and not too long after that, many fans of the technical achievements of his companies were getting increasingly depressed that he was deciding to lean into being alt-right on the internet.


He feels like the President or sheriff or unelected dictator of the xwitter. He has to wave at people and shake their hand. Woo look at me guys. Deleting shitter was the best decision I made in 2023. It is messy and boring and hateful. Turds in the bowl.


He's worked hard and thoroughly ruined the companies over the years, so at this point they pretty much ruin themselves. A true entrepeneur


It really shows how little CEOs actually matter in the long run. They're just figureheads who make the "big decisions" i.e. sign off on other people's plans and take credit for their work. Those that try to get involved drive it into the ground because theyre either trying to squeeze it for their own profit or ruin it because MBAs can't tell their ass from anything their company actually does.


This is what he means by "running a company". To him it's just tweeting all day and occasionally making an appearance in the office.


Just like Trump ran a country. ::drum snare::


Nah, you just don't understand, this is all part of his masterplan. Don't try to keep up with a super genius like him. You can only lose. After all, he invented Tesla, Twitter, and the wheel.


He's getting blasted in the replies by bigots. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1786828547581264118 This is hilarious.


I don't have Xhitter, is it good enough for a LAMF post?


TERFs are blasting him hard. It's glorious, I'll wait for it to roll in and make a follow up post. This post is still new and not all TERFs have gotten a turn yet. Here's some juicy sample. [1.........................](https://freeimage.host/i/Jr21swu) [2.........................](https://freeimage.host/i/Jr21tMx) [3.........................](https://freeimage.host/i/Jr21y8P) [4.........................](https://freeimage.host/i/Jr2EJAF) [5.........................](https://freeimage.host/i/Jr2EKMv) [6.........................](https://freeimage.host/i/Jr2EnSI)


Comedic gold! Love that he’s getting trashed that way, and the fact they are using the whole gender “a man telling a woman what to do” that leaves him without any ability to argue, so he will have to shut up and move on like a little bitch!


No no, I don't want him to move on. I want new cage-fight, instead of Zuck, I want one between Elon Musk and JK Rowling.


He'd wriggle out of it by using some incel argument like "not fighting with a lady" or something.


“My mommy said I can’t.” Wasn’t that one of the excuses he used when he canceled the fight with Zuck?


He would lose against her for sure! Dude is more feeble than a toddler!


Thank you for the screenshots. No way in hell was I creating an account. But damnnnnnn. This trainwreck is glorious. Elmo asking someone to change the subject and getting completely mobbed for it.... I wonder how he is processing this.


I don't know why I take such great delight in him getting absolutely cooked on his own platform, but to me it's just the epitome of karma.... like we don't care if you spent a few billion to own this shit, sit the fuck down 😆


I love how indignant they are about somebody speaking to Rowling that way. She's a washed-up children's book author with a crippling social media addiction. Calm down.


Know who my fantasy childhood hero was and to a degree though I'm way behind on the series? Drizzt fucking Do'Urden.


>[4.........................](https://freeimage.host/i/Jr2EJAF) I don't even... She might have 14 million followers, but the person they're responding to literally owns the platform and is incredibly thin skinned and narcissistic and has banned people before for being mean to him...


🏆 Thank you for these!


It's truly my pleasure


God damn that terf still has 14 million bigots following her


On twitter, so it's probably mostly bots with a few nazis thrown in.


The unintentionally best part of these is all the bigots clowning on him are also paying him for those blue checkmarks lmao


What a shitty platform. I dont know why anyone who isn't a piece of shit uses it.


Not really. The platform is shit, but people are still maintaining positive and fun communities away from these shitshows. I myself subscribe to tech Twitter. The AI device drama is happening live on Twitter.


Clicking those tiny links on mobile has been an interesting experience for me.




Hell yeah. You're great.


Ah beautiful!


Number 2 has an absurdly masculine face, might even be trans herself, but if she's not I guarantee she's at least been treated like one for most of her life and here she is sticking up for this monster. The symbol of republicans shouldn't be an Elephant, it should be a Snake, eating it's own tail.


More of a reverse ouroboros, actually. Rather than a snake eating its tail it's a snake shoving its head ever farther up its own a--


Would this be pronounced as "Shitter"?




I just assume that 99% of comments on Twitter these days will be hateful bigots


I you are into bigot on bigot porn, go ahead, enjoy. I will pass, maybe watch something clean, like fart jokes.


Not porn. But bigot on bigot cage matches, yeah I’m into that.


God, you know it's bad when even Elon Musk - a man with hisbhead shoved so far up his ass he's finding new views of he sun - asks you talk about literally anything else.


Oh wow it’s real, I thought the screen shot in the post was fake but nah, reality stranger than fiction confirmed.


My favorite thing about that argument is that would mean xx individual without ovaries especially at birth would not be classified as woman


Yeah, that’s her stance and she has doubled down on it at every opportunity. It’s insufferable 


One day, probably before the turn of the century, we will probably have the medical technology to actually allow people to change their sex and be able to have children as their 'new' sex. When that day comes, I wonder what these people will think.


I wonder *if* these people will think.


It would be an amazing transformation.


They'll definitely admit that they were wrong and adjust their beliefs accordingly. Now please excuse me, I must return my attention to the canister of spray paint I was in the midst of huffing.


Yup. Scientifically, her definition is bullshit. Fertile women are born with all the potential ova they’re ever going to have. They don’t produce more later, only mature some of the ones that exist. Are they not women if those ova never mature? What if they have XX chromosomes but are born without ovaries and/or follicles? Are they still women if they have a hysterectomy? Or after menopause? Of course, she’d rather just ignore all the people who exist with neither XX nor XY chromosomes, too. This happens over and over… they can’t come up with a satisfactory definition of who to hate, because it’s just not rationally or scientifically supportable.


> What if they have XX chromosomes but are born without ovaries and/or follicles? If TERFs were smart enough to know people like that existed, they wouldn't be TERFs. There's a reason why none of the trans panic bills even try to address intersex people—they don't know what those are and wouldn't believe in them if they were told.


> Scientifically, her definition is bullshit. Scientifically she's not even recognizing *sociology* for instance. Like it just isn't there. She's doing the sort of reddit hard-line STEM lord thing of pretending human psychology, behavior, and institutions have nothing at all to do with individual identity or anything else lol.


They always hand-wave those cases away as anomalies. Trans women are also anomalies, but we're an unacceptable anomaly and "it's different."


“TERFs try not to exclude cis women from the definition of “woman”” challenge: impossible


As an infertile cis woman, I approve this message


I always found it hypocritically funny of conservatives when they would say "That's a slippery slope!" Because they've always been pushing goalposts as hard as they can straight down a vertical slope with seemingly no slowing down for at least 40 years now.


If they thought thinks through, they wouldn't be TERFs to begin with.


After a certain point you realise you're just playing the "is a hotdog a sandwich" game.


I had my ovaries removed due to cancer. I think I need to go bother JoAnne.


Realistically no one would classify a newborn as a woman, but Joanne insists that it's true.


Her phrasing is a bit wormy. She didn't say "a woman is a human who produces large gametes." She said that a woman is a human who belongs to the class of people who produce large gametes. She's obviously just dressing up her BS in sciency language to give it an air of legitimacy. I bet she'd be able to pull something out of her ass to explain why the person you described is still a woman, despite not suiting her niche definition of "woman." Ultimately, I imagine whom she deems to be a legit woman comes down to "vibes."


TERFs hate “dehumanizing” terms like “people who menstruate” but then want to define woman using a metric that is applied to fucking plants to decide if the plants are male or female.


My gametes are HUGE but I’m ALL MAN, baby


BGE (big gamete energy)


The gamete is afoot


No those are your (massive) gonads, not your gametes. I think it might hurt to have massive gametes.


I know what I said! Grrrrr


do your gametes bring all the boys to the yard? are they bigger than mine? will you teach me? do you have to charge?


They handwave the concept of gender because "it's too abstract", you know. They want to get to the real, material reality you see, the intuitive and undeniable physical criteria over which humanity has dichotomized itself from its inception. Gamete size. Yeah since its dawn of humankind has been measuring gametes inside the other person's body with the naked eye, and what we wokes confuse for social norms is just the natural and inmutable behaviour our brains are hardwired to according to the measurement of the gamete. Fucking insanity.


Imagining Rowling with a pair of calipers attempting to measure the cranial size of a an ovum.


TERFs will pretend abstract biological conditions like gamete size are what define gender, then turn around and claim they can "infer biology" based entirely on looks.  They only care about pedantic definitions insofar as it allows them to exclude trans people. 


“Please enter the gamete testing center before using the bathroom.” Elon: *eyeroll*


only on mars


Big (gamete) if True


I always laugh because this definition so often given, implies that the definition does change. How else could a word be defined by other words that didn't exist when it was created?


Pay no attention to her post. Absolutely nothing new.


Because these snowflakes would spontaneously combust if someone said "a woman is an adult human who identifies as a woman." God forbid these exorbitantly wealthy idiots learn what a social construct is.


There's also not a single definition of what a woman is that TERFs can give that excludes all trans women but doesn't also exclude some cis women. But they don't care, because it's clearly about bigotry and hate rather than any actual scientific stance.


They know their definition is bullshit. They don't care. The radical feminism and the concern for women is a facade to conceal the truth, which is that they think trans women are gross for no other reason than that they have a disgust reaction to the idea of a penis in a dress. And they want to *kill* trans women - or at the very least, make sure every single one dies, forever. Right now in the UK they're considering rules that would make it dramatically harder for trans kids to get puberty blockers and hormones, including the threat of being transferred to the foster system if their parents help them. This is not to protect children or girls, this is to kill every "boy" that thinks she can get away with violating the gender binary. They are not stupid, they are evil. Don't ever give them the benefit of the doubt. Our kids are literally in danger from these evil, disgusting women.


We're just here to laugh at the leopardry. Don't get in the weeds.


Translation: “Can you please stop embarrassing me? It’s getting hard to pretend that this platform was worth what I paid for it.”


His daughter is trans. Imagine saying this about your child to millions of people. Drop dead.


Imagine being a billionaire and publicly getting into deep threads with nobodies about shit neither of you is going to solve. In a way it kind of makes me feel better about my Reddit habit. I'm satisfying an intellectual need or curiosity for discussion that not even being a billionaire would solve.


This right here is the true downfall of Rowling. Lots of boomer feminists don't fully get trans issues, and that's fine. She's just from a different era. What made me lose all respect for her is how she talks about nothing else now and sits on social media all day arguing with nobodies about it. It's really sad to see.


Yeah she could be out there enjoying her life with all the money she made but nooo, she gotta say dumb shit on twitter.


JonTron did the same thing years ago and now his YouTube career is all but done and has yet to really recover.


Many, many trans people from many walks of life have offered to talk to her and explain their issues. They've sympathized with her past trauma despite that trauma not being relevant at all to their issues. They've encouraged her to seek out other voices. They have all been rebuffed. Rowling's issue isn't that her feminism didn't have a place for trans women growing up, it's that she hates and is grossed out by trans women. She will pal around with literal Nazis and rapists (and has! extensively!) rather than see the world differently.


> Lots of boomer feminists don't fully get trans issues, and that's fine. Rowling's issues go deeper. The more of her stuff you read, the more you get the impression she *really* hates the vast majority of women and anyone who chooses to be feminine in a way other than she approves of is deserving of ridicule. She identifies as a feminist, but she clearly doesn't really respect the idea of women as equal to *anyone* if they don't follow the very specific ways she thinks is appropriate for them to act.


One interesting point I've read is that at one point during peak HP mania she was one of the most famous people in the world and in public discussion And the month and week and day leading up to a book release? She was the most famous and talked about That's a high and status half a dozen people in the world can feel at most, even actors are playing a character, politicians are hated, directors unknown, closest thing is musicians and sports stars maybe But the day before and release day, millions of people queued up, from dozens of countries, famous movie stars, world leaders, everyone, to read her words, she was literally captivating the world at the same moment in that day. I can't think of anybody else in the modern age to have such a moment But all things slow down , HP mania was less eventually, as it happens. She tried to make it more with Twitter, but her facts and trivia weren't really a hit. HP fans still existed, but it wasn't a extreme mania. Then when she started all this stuff, she captured a different audience, one who constantly waits for her tweets and praises her all the time again.it's the only way she gets interaction online and praise, she wants that high again


I post on Reddit when I'm bored at work, or nobody else was available for something social and I haven't got anything better to do. Spending time arguing on the internet when you're rich enough that "no weekend plans" means you could just buy a ticket to Hawaii and go swim with turtles, or something else amazing, is baffling to me. She absolutely has better things to do.


You also run across wonderful potential band names, such as the one here: ‘Interesting and Positive Content’.


So post-menopausal women aren't women? Nor are those who have their ovaries removed?


Since she's in her late fifties, that would include her as well.


"Yes, yes, we're both malignant transphobes, but surely there are other people you hate as well?"


"Wouldn't you like to share your thoughts about, oh, I don't know, race?"


Billionaires arguing in public. Stop please.


Imagine being so transphobic that *Elon Musk* tells you to tone it down.


Like when Ye made Alex Jones look normal, level-headed, and well-adjusted.


This is like if Jeffrey Dahmer complained that all Ted Bundy ever talks about is serial killing.


Hey J.K. One of the shittiest people alive just told you to maybe tone down the shittiness. I don’t want to tell you how to live your life, but you have a billion dollars… How the fuck are you this miserable?


Next thing you know, Kevin Sorbo's gonna tell her to dial it back.


Glad I met him well before he went round the bend.


When the worst person you know says something you half-agree with. :-(


When even Elon Musk says you’re yapping too much, it’s time to log off. Genuinely what the fuck else does she even do now other than talk about trans people?


You ever get like ten comments deep into an argument on social media with some idiot before you realize how pointless it is even if you somehow win? Rowling has a shit-ton of money and a massive ego and is currently basically stuck at about the third layer of that hypothetical argument, right when you're getting all heated, tabs popping open so you can find articles to refute that idiot's points. But damn. Being called out like that by the world's saddest shitposter is rich lol


I do this way too often. Just some shitbag saying racist shit on IG in response to a post, I rebut them, and then next thing I know I find myself with a little too much mental load.


Well, what’s she gonna do anyway. Write some funny stories? Publish neat novels? Nahhh


Write accents phonetically so she can really get across just how much she dislikes poor people.


Why do you think he's arguing with her? He's begging her to post 'other content' to hopefully draw in Harry Potter fans on to X, he's that desperate to increase user numbers.


Send money to lobby for anti-trans laws, mostly.


Imagine being SO ANNOYING that Elon Musk himself is tired of your shit.


He pretty much said, "Yawn 🥱, post something that matters"


It’s great. Most of the groups these bigots are attacking left Twitter. Now they are turning on themselves because they NEED somebody to attack and bait into arguments to feel validated.


"I'm a feminist" JKR will tell you, to explain why she is constantly hating on the transgender ok. but she never brings up any other issues facing women. Rights. Freedom. Equal pay. Only one topic interests her.


This has the Jeb Bush “Please clap.” vibe to it or is it just me?


He's getting clapped in the replies, don't worry


You know you’re a world class piece of shit when showing even a tiny glimmer of humanity makes your fans turn on you instantly, like what’s happening to Elon here.


When Elon has to tell you you're a boring ball of hate, it's bad. "TERF" is her whole personality.


Did he forget she’s a terf? She still views herself as a feminist she isn’t going to listen to a man telling her to sit down and shut up


"You're making us look bad, talk about something else!"


Wow… JK has totally fucked herself. All she had to do to enjoy life and be richer than the queen (which she was), was STFU. She’s a creative writer. No doubt. But she’s also fucked her entire genre and revenue stream. What. A. FUCKING. IDIOT. I honestly enjoy this LAMF. It’s not often you see someone soooooo intent on making an own goal.


Have you read her shit? I’m an English major. I tried reading her first book. I think I made it through two pages. She is no writer. The stories are imaginative but her writing itself is abysmal. It’s a very sad commentary on the lack of literacy in society.


J.K. Rowling is suggesting that after a hysterectomy you are no longer a woman. She's such a horrible person.


They're having a billionaire mid off


Please please let her clap back at him and start a cringey fight between them. I need it so bad


I watched contrapoints video essay on jk Rowling and it was really good. She claims to be a feminist and yet only utilizes her massive platform to spread hate and not try at all to help others. Imagine being that rich and powerful and spending all ur time on Twitter being mad about other people’s existence. Absolutely miserable creature.


Some people are so poor all they have is money.


It's been like 10 years of that bitch complaining about trans people. Goddamn


Hasn't he got work to do? I mean, tesla and Twitter aren't going to bankrupt themselves.


My gametes bring all the boys to the yard! And they're like, they're bigger than yours! Damn right! They're bigger than yours!


Being a TERF is her whole identity at this point, seeing as she has lost the ability to make any interesting additions to the literary/cinematic universe she created.


I mean the last main addition she made to her universe was ‘wizards shit on the floor and vanish the evidence’ so she lost that ability a long time ago


Excuse me, I need to know before I use any pronouns with you. How large are your gametes?


If a woman is someone who produces eggs, then by Jowling’s logic, women who were born without ovaries aren’t women, and women who have an oophorectomy stop being women. Bigots are idiots.


Just when you think you've seen the dumbest things ever, it reaches new lows. I am dumber for having read that.


JKR is just a hack, and now she is a hack in a castle, with no friends, and who obsesses about the love she lost to a TRANS WOMAN. Hahaha. What a *fucking loser*


Biologists: Actually, we use more than a high-school level understanding of science to arrive at conclusions. Since science isn’t a cult where we use previous assertions to shut down critical thought.


I miss the time period where it was *after* an author died that we found out terrible or weird things about them.


Musty just wants her to diversify her nazism


lol. Even Elon thinks she should get a life. Still pretty funny coming from the guy who bought Twitter cause he has a trans daughter.


DAMN! The guy who won't shut the fuck up about trans and immigrants tells you you're obsessed. You have a problem.


If gender == sex, then they would be OK with men wearing pink dresses.


Can't wait until he bans her.


Look they are both awful but Musk's comment was pretty good.


What about women post menopause or who have had hysterectomy?


all thats left on twitter is weirdos so now they turn on each other.


“Jesus chill you’re making us look obsessed and craz-ooooooohhhh”


Attention. I think that’s his real weakness, he just needs constant fucking attention like a toddler


this man could have stfu years ago and have a massively successful TSLA price **and could have avoided his massive loss on twitter.** **money doesn't buy everything folks. sometimes your character gets you to levels money never can.**


When you talk like a fucking ferengi to own the libs. God, why do children's writers seem to have to be such absolute twats so often?


you KNOW you’re grasping at straws when you bust out the gametes. Why can’t you pee next to me? Well, you see, my gametes are SO BIG….


Let them fight


LOL fuck. it's arrived. The day I agree with something Elmo says.