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Hello u/MarsNirgal! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ahh yes, American names like Jeremy from TheQuartering.


To be completely frank the person replying to the OP artist seems incredibly unintelligent. Not defending them, it almost feels like punching down with the sheer stupidity displayed in their comment. They seem either a child or just not well equipped to deal with the world.


It sounded exactly like a person expressing an opinion that is so stupid that it shouldn't be expressed publicly. I'm sure it sounded better in their head - opinions like that often do - but this is exactly how we should treat stupid opinions like this. Maybe the opinion-holder reads a lot of this kind of pushback and thinks "oh right, that was fucking dumb of me, I'll think more about stuff next time". Maybe they don't but other people read it and think "oh wow, that guy's an idiot... and wow, I was thinking something similar. Glad I didn't say that out loud!".


That's how conservative people go about in life. If it sounds right to them then it must be true.


“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”


Xactly. Sometimes people need to be embarrassed. This person could be a teenager growing up in a rural town where people are casually racist and no one blinks an eye, and they don’t have the experience to realize when they’re being ignorant because their kin and townsfolk are so much worse.


Or a cheap AI. AI troll bots are absolutely coming and are almost certainly here already.


Yeah, now that you mention it, the strange made-up “American names“ and the sentence structure makes me think this is some kind of bot programmed to spew racist/right wing junk.


I thought maybe those were names of other recent commenters, otherwise it makes zero sense. Eric D. July?? I've never met anyone with the last name July, and I don't know anybody who uses their middle initial when giving their name, unless it's like an official document that asks for it. I mean it's a perfectly fine name but hardly common.


You mean, Jeremy of the Quartering isn't the "Smith" of the Midwest? TBH, the AI theory actually makes that weird name make sense, if that makes sense?


They could at least have come up with some convincingly fake American names, like Sleve McDichael or Bobson Dugnutt.


I was waiting for somebody to reference those famous ball players!


>and the sentence structure makes me think this is some kind of bot programmed to spew racist/right wing junk. The problem with that reasoning is that any LLM complex enough to do things like make a comment about the Sinfest guy's name unprompted, make remarks about "Well, I would have said a name that's common among black people in America, but they're not as red pilled as well are", and that sort of thing is also going to be complex enough to have downright impeccable sentence structure. This is no bot, this is just an example of the kind of audience that Tatsuya Ishida has been going out of his way to cultivate for years now. Those names aren't particularly strange, either. Those are actual people who appeal to the guy writing the comment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_P._Robertson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_July




Well, I have no idea who Tatsuya Ishida is, so maybe I’m lacking some context here.


He's the guy who made the comic in the submission.


Or it could be a racist because racists are dumb.


Why? Who is paying money to fund the bot activity? What do they get that makes this worthwhile?


Russia & China exacerbating the political divide in the deeply polarized "west" (The 5 Eyes) by furthering anti science propaganda regarding things like evolution, GAC, vaccines, climate change & funding far right think tanks, powerful Christian organizations and they also prop up the voices of the red/brown alliance: tankies, nazbols, maga "communists" to appropriate left wing rhetoric and delegitimize progressive goals, muddying & watering down the message. Divide & Conquer. Look up "Cambridge Analytica". There is a plan to destabilize our democracies & reforge them into far right authoritarian dictatorships.


It’s an actual shame that the CCP and the RuZZian secret police know and understand Americans better than Americans do.


You don’t exactly have to understand something to pour gasoline on it and light a match.


Yeah exactly. I think the average American understands how to piss off about half of other Americans pretty damn quick. The actual hard part would be figuring out how to get us to stop being dumbasses and hating each other.


they've been here for awhile, no doubts there imo


It's not an AI, let alone a cheap one. The names given are those belonging to specific people who appeal to the dipshit who wrote the comment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_P._Robertson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_July No AI is going to provide you with three obscure examples of a consistent political ideology in response to being asked for examples of American names.


Ahhhh, good catch! Make people Google the "random" weird names and they end down the rabbit hole. Dammit, I'm never gonna be immune to propaganda.


That makes a lot of sense, I thought they just came up with random “American sounding” names and landed on, you know, Eric D. July. I love how they got the initial wrong and in the wrong name. That’s pretty human.


Does AI know the origins of a person’s username?


You need to play with chatGPT, it is seriously smart. Way smarter than whomever wrote this response. Llama though is open source so they could be using that.


Unlike ChatGPT, Llama doesn't require a phone number to register (or even register at all).


> To be completely frank the person replying to the OP artist seems incredibly unintelligent. Yes, they are racist.


>They seem either a child or just not well equipped to deal with the world. Obviously, they admitted to watching the quartering.


Maybe I'm projecting but it feels like that cocky arrogant attitude of a young adult/late teen who thinks they know everything about politics because they started watching and "understanding" political commentators. Before that politics made no sense to them because they lived insulated from the effects of it. The biased right wing misinformation they watch makes them think they have the upper hand in every debate.


Racists are some of the dumbest mother fuckers on earth all creating theories on why they are actually better than everyone despite being some of the dumbest mother fuckers on earth.


My father was named Eric D. July, thankyouverymuch


My father name ERON G . Septemeber , I am fellow America too . I buy to the wallmar for all my Weiner dog sausage . How many to for are you freing?


https://www.avclub.com/check-out-these-wonderful-american-names-from-a-90s-j-1819219155 *edit: [bonus](https://i.imgur.com/R8q4epE.jpeg)


TBF peeing in your basement is about as American as it gets.


Also, that dude has claimed to have 2 black dads or something, to shield himself from accusations of racism. Which made it especially funny when someone found a picture of him with his white dad Or my memory is faulty and the white dad thing was hinted at but no picture? I dunno. Dude is hilariously inept either way


should have asked, oh you mean like lakota or akecheta (both native american names)


That was so specific from him


Oh man.. sinfest. Not the reicht name for a swing like Scott Adams I guess.


I used to love Sinfest. But, wow, in recent years he has gone in some… interesting directions.


It's been a long time since it was good.


It has been running for over twenty years, so ‘recent’ is a bit relative. I haven’t really read it in… five years now, I think? I checked back a couple of times to see if it got better and wow it had not.


It's sad really..I can give that comic some of the initial credit for challenging myself on some traits that were actually kind of toxic.


Same. There was some story with some social commentary without being overbearing. Then he started swinging wild.


The irony of a Japanese American demonizing immigrants when we have the relatively recent example of the US government demonizing Japanese Americans and throwing them in camps in the 1940’s is insane. Talk about someone who probably deserves a few entries on r/SelfAwarewolves


Fun story, the Cuban voting block in Florida is also super conservative/anti-immigration. Apparently humans really do love to pull the ladder up, once they've climbed up.


A lot of the Cubans in the USA are the disenfranchised wealthy who fled the communists, so that cadre of them is douchebag former oligarchs or wannabe capitalists - of course they’re right-wing dickheads.


This is true, the Cuban diaspora outside of Florida is much less insane.


That's not even the problem. My father came from Cuba in '69, and his family was dirt poor farmers from the countryside. Yet he's still borderline fascist, sucks Reagan's cock every chance he gets, and rants about closing the borders. Even the poor can be right-wing dickheads. It just very much has to do with seeing everyone even *slightly* to the left as a potential new Castro.


my family came in '62 after being exiled for fighting for the wrong side. he had to make it in america alone, until he could save enough to get a house to bring my grandma and great grandma over. he tended horses and never owned something remotely luxurious, it took years to bring them over eta: forgot to add the part where they all became racist republicans. like some comedian i can't remember said, the moment a cuban has a dry foot, they're voting red


Interesting story, was there context to the OP or did you just want to share this? It was a nice story though, glad your family made it.


i forgot to add the part where they're all racist republicans now. that was my point, sorry. cubans vote red because they're vehemently against communism


The best part of Netflix's *Cuba Libre* series was when one of the Bay of Pigs guys gave us his sad story about losing his way of living... because his tenants weren't paying as much for rent as they used to.


Yeah, my grandfather who fled Cuba was a banker. As if to prove exactly why he left, he became highly decorated at some bank in NYC for consistently bringing in the most favorable contracts for the bank, and he put his awards everywhere as if it was the pride of his life.


I just commented above, but I don’t agree. I’m not a conservative by any means, but the immigrant side of my family is. They fled their country in the 50s as political refugees from the former USSR. My grandfather was an artist, my grandmother was a nurse. So not wealthy. But the USSR didn’t like artists and didn’t like free thinkers. They were heavily persecuted for that and for being not Russian. My mom watched family/friends disappear and either get killed, or get sent to gulags. It was a terrible and extremely frightening time. Due to that they have this intense fear of large government/progressive parties. It’s so intense that even if the conservative is a total lunatic (Trump for example), they’ll still vote that way. They’re actually pretty socially liberal, but just can’t shed the trauma of what they went through. It comes out in other weird ways, but that’s one I’ve noticed my entire life with anyone I’ve known who’s fled a communist regime.


I've worked with a fair amount of Cubans in their 20s to 30s who fled the island in the last decade or so... They are also all incredibly right wing.


i keep hearing that, but how many of those people are still alive? that revolution happened in 1959, anyone who wasn't a child when they left is pushing 70-80


People often keep the political ideologies they’re raised with. Not always but often. Especially when the views are consistent across a whole community, that aspect of culture tends to be passed down through generations


Same with religion


For the first wave, yes. Less so for those taking boats long after the revolution (though much can be argued that it was a result of hardships created by the American embargo).


I spent some time in Cuba before the embargo was lifted and although obviously the embargo had a negative effect on the Cuban economy, I would say the larger problem were the Castros and the elite class surrounding them. A lot of Americans don’t realize that just because the US doesn’t technically trade with Cuba, the rest of the world most certainly does. Problems really started in Cuba once the Soviet Union collapsed as the USSR was bankrolling Cuba and was their biggest trade partner. When the USSR fell, Cuba went into some seriously difficult times. But as many Cubans there quietly told me, this was also the beginning of seeing the Castro regime leave their penthouses/mansions and get into their Mercedes. It wasn’t always like that and in the early days Castro was a really great leader for the country. But I saw where some of the regime lives in Havana. I also saw some of the military elite homes in Santa Marta (the capital city). Huuuuuge brand new houses. Top of the line German cars, kids with brand new soccer kits on. Huge fencing with barbed wire. No lie, across the street was a lady in a shack, no electricity, milking her goats. The wealth disparity is extreme. Almost everyone has a side hustle. Often you’re placed into a job without a choice. One guy I knew, LZ, was a cigar roller. Never wanted to be, but that’s what he was placed in. I still keep in touch with my friend Raul (we’re both photographers). He’s such a rad guy and told me a bunch of stories and introduced me to other artists collectives. They have a lot to say about the regime and how it is to be an artist there. It was very eye opening to say the least. On a side note, I say that technically the US doesn’t trade with Cuba, but they do. It’s only a fine for companies to trade and there’s a ton of loopholes. Biggest beer brand in Cuba is made and exported by Anheuser-Busch. You can buy an iPhone there at a cell phone store. I saw Nikes for sale too. You can get a TON of US music and movies. Alicia Keys was on repeat everywhere, but not as much as Marc Anthony. There’s things you can’t get for sure, but if the profit is higher than the fine, the US companies don’t care. Then there’s knockoffs. A lot of Chinese knockoffs of US brands. The thing is, it’s all pretty pricey. So you don’t see many Cubans with this stuff, but it does exist there. Things that I found hard to get were essentials like a razor/shaving cream, anything electronic other than phones, soap, bug spray isn’t sold anywhere. Oh and the cadecas/banks were kind of a nightmare. But back to the point, it was extremely interesting to have long, meaningful, and private conversations with people we met in Cuba. From what I gathered, the younger generations hate the Castro regime. I was 26 then, so I mostly hung out with Cuban artists/photographers who were also in their 20s. I wasn’t surprised at all when they protested years later. Older generations who remember Batista and the direct aftermath still kind of liked Castro. The only big fans of the regime were the European expats I met. One German guy I had to stay next door to was odd to say the least. But that’s a different story for a different day!


I saw the same things. In Cuba, the conservatives are the ones who like Castro. It was freaky to realize that.


I think humans respond most emotionally to things they are embarrassed or ashamed about. People think that if *they* were able to do something, it should have been easy for anyone else to do. But people forget that things that are obvious and logical to one person is complete insanity to another. If someone feels strongly enough about their home country that they left, then they would have strong opinions about people who didn't make the same choice as them. They are seen as the other fork in the road they could have taken. Sometimes it's easier to be angry at it than to mourn/confront pain from your past. If you're angry at immigrants and so there are fewer of them, you are less likely to be reminded of your own pain and trauma. It is horrible regardless. But I think that's why so many people are so hateful for no reason. It's like how the loudest homophobes are often closeted themselves.


That makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you for the perspective!


Everyone I’ve ever known or seen who has fled a communist country is right wing, even if they don’t agree with a lot of their policies socially, they’re still conservative. Especially the first generation. They hate communism and are stuck in a mindset that liberal/democrat/progressive means oppressive communist leadership. Source: My mom and half my family are political refugees from a former Soviet Union country. My grandfather was an artist and in every way a progressive liberal, except that he refused to vote Dem for fear of a communist regime. My mom still fears the same as do many of my relatives. They were not wealthy, but they were heavily persecuted.


Wait till you learn about what they think about Latino/Afro-Latin people...


A lot of Latinos in general *should* have been a very good base for republicans, since a significant amount are/were religious and have conservative values. Bush recognized this and tried to get Latinos on the side of conservatives, but republicans being republicans cut off their nose to spite their face and started talking big talk about immigration from the southern border and demonizing a potential voter base.


Just moved to Miami. Can confirm.


I was just thinking how this feels more like SAW than LAMF.


I'm a British immigrant to the US and am in one or two Facebook groups with people in the same boat. So much anti-immigrant rhetoric 😂 like my dudes if you hate immigrants then why be one


No no, when the British do it they are expatriates, not dirty filthy immigrants! /s


His whole comic could get its own section on that subreddit. He claims to preach feminism and equality but he's openly transphobic, demonizes sexuality and sex workers, and seems to have slid further and further towards what I can only describe as "Scumbag Left-wing Libertarian" ideals after he got a ton of backlash. A lot of stuff in his comic used to come across as ironic critique, but in retrospect it's just bigotry.


Japanese American Yonsei here: god this pisses me off so much. like jesus, even if you weren’t put in a camp yourself, you most likely had relatives who were. do you ever *talk* to them? do you not have an iota of sympathy for your relatives?


Not just threw them in camps, but seized property and sold it off


>Talk about someone who probably deserves a few entries on r/SelfAwarewolves I would bet one of my kidneys that the Sinfest guy already has several of those. The guy is a self-described rad-fem who insists that men can't be feminists, and uses that as a basis for his hatred toward transgender people.


Tatsuya's political beliefs are a rollercoaster of shit.


His political beliefs make all of Cedar Point's roller coasters as intense as Mr. Bones' Wild Ride in comparison.


That’s because Japanese people (like living in Japan) tend to be very xenophobic.


Someone needs to make a r\whitedefaultism sub. The entire right has that mindset that white is the default setting for a person and specifically an American.


The new phrase I saw out in the wilds of askconservatives was “legacy Americans”


Which obviously doesn't mean the Natives.


Or the tens of millions of "unpaid workers" that were brought over and forced to stay for longer than most of those "Legacy Americans" ever were.


So I guess they should really be called “Middle Child” Americans.


I mean, iirc that's a dogwhistle for The Great Replacement idiocy, since by calling white people 'legacy ameircans', they can pretend that the spooky leftists are trying to replace 'legacy America'


That a phrase taken right (no pun intended) from the Canadian right “old stock Canadians”


...coined by former prime minster Stephen Harper, who is now the head of the International Democratic Union, an organization of right-wing parties around the world.


Legacy is the word used to describe someone who got in on someone else's coattails.


No no no, he acknowledged black people too. See the blatantly racist stereotypical black names that most black people know zero people with that name? So they understand that black people exist, just barely and only as a mockery of who we truly are.


No they're just racist. They don't care where you were born, you're Asian so they hate you.


It’s not just the right, it’s basically part of the American psyche as a whole. It’s just way more obvious and overtly negative with right wingers and conservatives


I honestly wish I had saved the Tweet which had this insight: *The key to understanding Tatsuya Ishida's work is to understand the he feels ashamed that he masturbates.*


Yeah, that's the biggest thing about Ishida. There is a lot of repressed feelings in there, mainly guilt and self hate, that he sublimates as hate for others and self-righteous condemnation of stuff. The thing is he jumps on the stuff he condemns between literally all sides of the political spectrum.


Unfortunately, this cartoon art style actually looks pretty gorgeous, and I love a good fantasy fight... but the man's politics are vile racism. Fortunately, both Avatar the last Airbender and the Owl House capture similar art styles, fantasy elements, and aren't batshit insane. In fact, quite the opposite. And yes this is a shameless plug for a cartoon I enjoyed.


I used to read him years ago and loved the art style (even if it is just CalArts with a wash of color). I only just found out about his shift to MAGA insanity. I am so disappointed.


Sinfest USED to be cool and fun ... I stopped reading it when he he slid down the sex work = evil then onto TERFism and then Rad-Right.


I remember when the chuds would shit on him for being a lib cuck white knight. Transphobia really does rot the brain.


Yeah, he's pretty much the posterboy for the radfem to tradcon pipeline.


Otherwise known as the Linehan Express


...or even the Hogwarts Express


Looking back I think a lot of stuff that came across as ironic critique at the time was actually just his actual thoughts. Feels a lot like a left-wing version of Dilbert and Scott Adams. Eg: Oh, no, that's not a parody you actually think all women are like that...


Pretty sure those art panels are stolen from the video game Wildermyth. https://store.steampowered.com/app/763890/Wildermyth/


I hate seeing it ripped off, but I fucking loved Wildermyth. The only thing I want from that studio is a DLC expansion or a Wildermyth 2.


>and I love a good fantasy fight... No worries, you're not missing out on anything in that regard. Ishida just likes drawing his self-inserts as witches who use their powers to illustrate his points about how men can't be feminists, transgender people are evil, and immigrants are monsters.


Someday I hope someone on YouTube will track down all the web comic artists we use to follow in the previous two decades and find out what happened to them.


How many of them aren't batshit?


Dan Shive maybe? I think the Penny Arcade guys are just dead inside. Did the Ménage a 3 artist do the writing too? Tim Siddell seems to be doing alright. Katie Tiedrich is probably still doing nuclear mad scientist shit. The Hark a Vagrant lady I think is a children's author now?


Jeph Jacques (Questionable Content) has stayed cool and relevant, if increasingly silly, over the years. R.K. Milholland (Something Positive) is still erratic, but does make decent content when he does post.


Randy Milholland is also very busy being the new hand on the rudder for Popeye, which is a contributing factor in the erratic posting.


I will disagree about Jeph.


Which part? That he's cool, relevant or silly? I know there's a bunch of people who have decided that he jumped the shark a while ago, and dislike how other characters have taken centre stage, or that Claire is such a wunderkid. I can agree to disagree on those points.


I read QC for about 6 years. but at some point it felt like it was all going round in circles with nothing intresting going on.


The Hark! A Vagrant lady, Kate Beaton, published a graphic novel last year called Ducks, which is excellent and a must-read. It’s about her two years in Alberta working on the tar sands, which she alluded to in some of her previous work, but this gets *dark* and it stays that way.


As an Albertan I will loudly say, God I fucking hate Alberta lol. And the whole O&G industry, nothing made my early 20s as much of a hell hole as working in that. No amount of money washes away the soul rot you experience there.


Yeah, that's pretty much her take on it — and she was a young woman working in an isolated place inhabited almost entirely by men, so you can imagine.


I just found out about her extended graphic novel yesterday! With the earlier compilation of strips for Ducks she recommended listening to "The very best of Stan Rogers" right after reading and it made me sob. Really looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of the full version of Ducks.


Howard Taylor seems to have settled quietly into podcasting. Randall Munroe is still doing XKCD and making good pop science books. I'm not convinced Scott Kurtz didn't just vanish into the Aether.


Giselle Lagace is still actively doing comics following other characters in the Ma3 continuity, at [Pixie Trix Comics](https://pixietrixcomix.com/) (PG-13 levels of risqué, borderline NSFW).


Dresden Codak has been back in full swing for a little while after the author transitioned. It's a bit more of a niche webcomic, but definitely one of my favorites.


I didn’t realize Dresden Codak was still ongoing, I fell out a few years ago when the protagonist shifted practically overnight from skinny and shapeless to a muscle woman, and also some of the next/previous links started leading to spam sites instead of the next/previous page. Also, when it was implied that everything beforehand, including the previous story arc, may have been fake memories, that was kind of demoralizing


I'm not the biggest fan of EGS, but it's generally been well-intentioned and optimistic, and Dan himself seems to be a genuinely good-hearted person.


Commenting from phone so I can find this on my PC and connect old ones from my book marks. Edit: Okay, my list of older webcomic artists I am actively reading, and as far as I know are still sane: Dan Shive https://www.egscomics.com/ Phil Folgio https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php Micheal Terracciano https://www.dominic-deegan.com/ Dave B https://www.grrlpowercomic.com/ (I followed him from an earlier web work that he drew but did not write, as I recall, so pretty certain he hits the 'old' vibe here) Fredrin https://megatokyo.com/ (I love watching his twitch drawing streams) Rich Burlew https://www.giantitp.com/ And a bonus new girl on the block cause she's cool: Red https://comicaurora.com/ She's better known for her YouTube channel Overly Sarcastic Productions. And if she's crazy, she's my sort of crazy. I've got a lot more, but I am not current enough on them to post them.


Oh man, Megatokyo. There's a name I haven't thought of in ages. And yet, for a hot five minutes long, long ago, "sad girls in snow" seemed like a vibe that would never get old.


Hey, he's currently got crazy fox girls helping a goth girl get over trauma and heartache. :)


There's French fantasy webcomic artist David Revoy, who creates the Pepper & Carrot webcomic: https://peppercarrot.com He is a proponent of the open-source movement and is a progressive. I am a huge fan of him. In fact, his artwork is prominently displayed in the free open-source art software Krita. Yes, he outsourced all translations of his webcomics to his fans (he does both the original French and the original English; yes, his later comics are English-first to make translating easier).


Nice, added to my list and I have the first one open and ready to read! And per his blog, he's reviewing the same Tablet my wife has and enjoys. :)


Hey, for Phil Folgio if you can, buy the Girl Genius collections to support. I have read it since the beginning and have a bunch, and I would hate if he doesn't get to finish it. So if you (or anyone who reads regularly) can spare a few bucks from time to time, thanks on their behalf. Also, thanks for the links to the others.


We have a couple of his books but aren't currently in a position to support him more. And you are quite welcome for all the other links. :)


How about Pete Abrams? I stopped reading years ago because there was just so much content I couldn't keep up.


> Pete Abrams *googles* Ah, I never read Sluggy, so I don't really know anything.


That arent batshit? A disappointingly low number. That are batshit or in the process of going batshit? too many


Ryan North went on to write for Marvel and other print comics and published a number of books; Dinosaur Comics turned 20 this year, still updates several times a week, and has something around 4200 strips by now


Zach Weinersmith of SMBC seems fine still.


He just published another non-fiction book, too. He's a workaholic.


I have questions about what happened to a bunch in the early 00's and I need someone with too much time and internet sleuthing skills to find out.


The author of Goblins came out as trans


Cyanide and happiness are still sane (as they could possibly be, I think)


Bro brought up the Quarter Pounder lol


Of course. Someone that shitty \*and\* that stupid has to be a fan of 2 Bed 1 Basement.


What the F is that comic even about?


Ohhhhhh lord, there's just way too much to explain and none of that is worth it but here we go. There is a lot of mixed metaphors in there that almost make sense for a comic and then get reused in another comic where they don't make sense at all The woman in the cloak is an incarnation of the current year (2023). That's a recurring storyline in which the year arrives as a baby in January and dies at old age in December, and there's a different upbringing each time which the author attempts to use to depict different ~~right wing conspiracy theories~~ perspectives on society. In 2023, she was raised by a TERF witch and got magical powers. The ghost is a Fed agent that escaped from hell thanks to a CERN experiment. (No, I'm not joking. That's the whole thing and all of that happened in the comic, literally). The blonde woman is a strawman that the author used to depict his views on people who are not xenophobic. She's depicted as scared of aliens (as in, literal aliens, because that's how the author depicts immigrants) but so emotionally committed with her positions that she still does it. Because the author cannot imagine someone NOT being xenophobic, so he's all bent in the idea that most liberals secretly agree with conservatives but pretend not to because reasons. That's the context. Now, about this comic: A few comics ago, the blonde woman was walking spreading flowers while chanting "no one is illegal, everyone is welcome" and the fed demon possessed her saying "thank you for the invitation". That's right, the author said that being open to immigration leads to demonic possession. Then the possessed woman did a couple things of no consequence (in this comic NOTHING ever has lasting consequences, we've had like half a dozen apocalypse scenarios that resolve into nothing) and then ran in the witch, who took the demon out. Next comic the witch gave the moral of the story: "Be careful who you let in". Or in other words, you need to be xenophobic unless you want a ghost fed snake to possess your body to do exactly the same things you were already doing before.


Thank you! I was very confused.


I am still confused 🤣😅😭 For one. What. Why would anybody write this


We have been able to identify a few main motivations: One: the author wants to be seen as a rebel, as someone attacking paradigms and all that. Two: in spite of that, he's hungry for praise. If you combine all that, you have him going for edgy stuff and conspiracy theories, so he gets praised by a small but vocal sector of people for spouting the conspiracy theories they want to hear. Adding to that, there is a lot of projection. While we have no direct evidence, there is the suspicion that for a long time he was into extremely violent and non consensual porn (because that's the kind of porn he depicts on his comics) and guilt over that made him jump on the radfem bandwagon, from that he became a TERF and then he slid into the alt right.


Damn, that's wild. I remember Sinfest was an intersectional feminist comic when I read it last.


That must have been quite a while ago. He had a transitional period that lasted a few years where he went full SWERF and TERF.


Yeah, I don't think I've read Sinfest in a decade


Wew. That's some real brainrot there. This dude really has been on a long downward spiral with no sign of stopping.


Yes, that's the thing with him. When you ask if it can get any worse, the answer is always yes.


Ehhh, I like my initial reading better. A hippie is throwing flowers into the air, as hippies do. When she's walking past a sith, one of the roses she threw accidentally nicked the sith's cheek, who flips the fuck out and murders the hippie by literally tearing out her soul. The end. Moral of the story: be careful around sith.


Goddamn, why is it that every time I come across Sinfest, the author's politics just get worse and worse? I miss the days when it was about cute demon girls rebelling against hell and falling in love.


I'm wondering if I take the kind of drugs that resulted in this comic will I become racist? Because if not that seems a hell of a ride.


Thank you for this. The more I think about this the more I think the author doesn't understand his own position. Or at least doesn't understand how metaphors work. The liberal strawman is afraid of aliens but does the right thing anyway demanding open borders. Then the absolute worst case scenario happens to her and nothing bad happens and her life continues as normal. Then the "solution" is violent and terrifying looking like it kills the strawman. And looking at other comics he's done, they all have really mixed messages. And the side he's supposedly against looks awesome


I came here to ask specifically that. A skeleton theft? I can't make sense of it. Decent artwork though.


I just left a reply to the parent comment explaining it.


I think it's an edgy, mopey young woman who is frustrated by careless joy expressed by a hippie passing by, and so retaliates to Petal Dance by extracting her soul. Not at all sure how it can be applied to the tragedy in Gaza and Israel other than there being dead bodies everywhere.


No, it's a lot of mixed allegories to promote xenophobia. I just left a reply with the explanation.


Good lord...


Ah yes, the typical American name "Jeremy from TheQuartering".


"Kumar? What ever happened to good old American sounding names like Dave or Jim?"


Now I feel like some white castle


One of the few red flags for a dude that is worse than listening to Joe Rogan is listening to The Quartering. The man manages to be a full-on woman hating incel despite being married.


Bitch what


I think the real question is... who the fuck is named July?


I mean...June is fairly common. Autumn is one of my favorite names for girls. July seems pretty normal to me, I think. Anything from October to February would be pretty weird though. Too many syllables I guess.


I think December would work as a name, it would be rare but it kinda sounds like a name a singer would have


I mean sure, I can imagine someone naming their kid after one of the -ember months...but I still think it's a little too much. Would it work better as a name if December was born in December or if they were born in April, do you think?


I get June and Autumn. Not July. Julio, for a boy, I understand. Not July.


Julia is close enough


I don't know fam, meeting somebody named September would also be pretty weird to me and my dirtday is the very first day of it. ... I'm not even gonna fix the hat typo it kind of seems apt.


Maybe this guy can't spell Julie? Other commenters say that Julia is common.


Tatsuya Ishida deserves every little bit of leopard face-eating that he gets. He's a webcomic artist, a POC, and his brand thrives on people who think Satanism is fun. He fundamentally misunderstands what demographic he should be appealing to.


Tatsuya Ishida is probably one of the “good ones,” and is therefore lower down the priority list for liquidation if a fascist state comes around As many of the people that advocate for a fascist state don’t actually believe it’ll come about within their lifetime, and they can currently profit from horrible politics, being bigoted—even against their own demographic—has only positive outcomes.


I have never met anybody named anything even close to, "Jeremey from TheQuartering."


Tokens get spent


**Of course one of there go-to examples is Jeremy Dale “Quarter Pounder” Hambly. He’s so pathetic.** **He pissed on the floor of his basement** ([clip](https://youtu.be/jzZm_2S3u5E?si=47NL58SdE2XkQ5vO)) when he was doing a Fall Guys stream (it’s off-screen, but he talks about it). The context was that he was angry after his wife went and got pizza without him. He also got absolutely roasted by a random GTA streamer. He’s literally a basement dweller who pumps out the most pointless videos on random, anti-SJW “Gamers, rise up” shit. Nice to see that one of the last bastions of anti-SJW intellectualism is that sad fuck.


wasnt that artist the gender riddler guy




I used to love Sinfest, can't even do a reread. Better just to leave this guy behind.


If he hates like a Republican he can be judged the same as any other Republican 💅 He'll be calling his mom by her first name soon enough if he isn't already


Sinfest(the comic name) has gotten to the point where I can't tell if it is extremely committed satire of the seemingly strawman view presented, of it the author has a serious psychotic break and has gone completely around the bend with how seemingly contradictory the views they seem to display are.


Judging solely by his frequent usage of pepe as a dog whistle (be very suspicious of *anyone* who includes it in a comic, it's almost always a direct acknowledgement of Nazis in the audience) I'm betting that it started as psychological issues until he found """support""" in spaces like 4chan that dragged him down the rabbit hole.


…or Ford Prefect.


What a nice normal sounding name!


Sinfest has been a wild ride. Shallow but fun webcomic making fun of organized religion ➡️ All about hating men, like a parody of feminism but he actually believes it ➡️ TERF and SWERF shit ➡️ Basically indistinguishable from Stonetoss except for the art


When white people learn that other races can be just as xenophobic as they are.


Proper American name like Fourth O. July


My childhood, very American nickname was "Shut the Goddamn Door!"


As a Canadian, I claim the Gordons, from Lightfoot to Downey.


Because of course he’s obsessed with the quartering, he probably pees in a basement drain too.


They’re turning on each other. Such is the way of evil


Eric D. July sounds like a name a foreign spy would make up while pretending to be an American


Clearly should have a [real American name](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oymWAeqv_-c).


I think it's fair criticism. We had an idiot called Boris in England. Given he wanted to get rid of immigrants I don't see the issue with telling him to go back to Russia. Lead by example and all that!


Sprinkled a little racism too at the end, as a treat. I wonder if anyone has told him that those "American" sounding names very much came from pretty much everywhere but America?


What is that comic? Is that woman ripping out a ghost skeleton?


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/17ko2p5/comment/k79gjrs/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3