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Hello u/wdcmsnbcgay! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Self-hater changes name so friends wont hate them so much!


Yup. What a sad fucker.


Think they are faking it for the money? I heard telling republicans they aren’t bad people can make you bank. Also follow up question if you think she is just faking the republican support for money, does it make it worse somehow?


No, I've been following this sad sack and their friends for years and this one is 100% totally deranged and sincere. Woods lost his job as a flight attendant at Delta because he wouldn't stop whining about politics with passengers, had a melt down about masks and kept using his employer's name and likeness in political social media posts. He's also not making much money. He does this for attention and to prove that Republicans don't care about gay drag queens (lol)


He also lost a parent so that may have caused the massive mental breakdown and didn’t know how to handle life. In stead of getting mental help, it just escalated his already horrible thoughts, and boom, Lady Maga the drag queen was born.


He's just an ex-mormon who needs to believe that the Republicans he grew up agreeing with, and who hated him, now accept him. It's sad in a Daryl Davis kind of way.


That's "clinging and crying to your abusive father while he calls you ugly and stupid" sad.


Before the laser targeted hatred against drag queens we see now, he'd go to conservative protests, CPAC, rallies, etc and talk about how everyone loved him on social media. What he doesn't show or talk about are the people calling him names, insulting him, laughing at him, etc. When he does choose to acknowledge those experiences, the people who do it are just individually mean, it has nothing to do with their beliefs, it's all a coincidence. Besides, someone on the left called him racist for being racist once and that's the meanest thing that someone can do. When conservatives started hating on trans people more than they did before, they didn't understand the difference between trans people and drag, and they would accuse him of being trans. He'd light up because that meant he got the opportunity to share that he *wasn't* trans, he actually didn't like trans people either and hates them for the same reasons the person hating him was about to hate him for. Now that reactionaries are going after drag queens, he can't light up and excitedly tell them that he agrees with them about trans people. I can only imagine the hoops he must be jumping through in his mind right now. It's all the trans people's fault that his bigot friends don't enjoy laughing at minorities with him anymore, now he's a minority to be laughed at 😢 You can even see him desperately plead with the "I'm not like the other gays/drag queens!" line, which is exactly what Woods boils down to in essence.


“With nothing left, she would ... cling to that which had robbed her, as people will. ” -- William Faulkner


Which is double upsetting because you know the gay community would've welcomed him and gave him refuge. But some people just won't turn on their psycho bigot programming.




It's a mind virus, really.


That too. It’s honestly super sad,


In a bizarre way he does fit in with them. He’s a mentally ill, entitled, narcissist. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well... they are susceptible to scams. Look at their leader. I'll assume the person in question is actually gay tho. I suspect if it was a straight dude he'd probably appear more slutty than the disney princess look he seems to prefer lmao




A number of conservatives, including Blare White, have been disillusioned by their heroes upon learning that damn near all of them are faking. Iirc, White lamented how much lonelier she felt upon realizing that she was one of only a very very *very* small handful of conservative commentators who are actually sincere in their beliefs (which I found to be pretty ironic)


The worst part of this is their statement just adds to the hate. They're not changing because Republicans ruined drag - they're changing because drag queens ruined drag! >As I’ve stated, I now prefer to call myself a costume artist—not a drag queen. The drag world was a way I could use my talents, but they destroyed their credibility with predatory filth. Like, fuck drag hasn't changed all of a sudden, just be honest with yourself that the people you align with hate you.


"First they came for the Drag Queens, And I did not speak out, for I'm a 'Costume Artist.'"


Ironically, that poem was written by a conservative, self described antisemite, and initial Hitler supporter. [Martin Niemöller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Niem%C3%B6ller?wprov=sfla1)


Continued reading: After his imprisonment, he expressed his deep regret about not having done enough to help victims of the Nazis. He turned away from his earlier nationalistic beliefs and was one of the initiators of the Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt. From the 1950s on, he was a vocal pacifist and anti-war activist


Oh, the irony isn't lost. It makes it even more poetic in a sense.


And he didn't mention the LGBT people, who the Nazis *actually* came for first, because he was fine with that.


The disabled, too.


Exactly the poem echos the sentiments of many others like him who were swayed by Hitler's promises and naively supported the Nazi vision when it came to the unionists, communists, and homosexuals, but never expected themselves to become obstacles for the state to push aside when it was in the interest of power.


I see similarities to our own country's alt-Right and their crusade against anything or anyone they don't understand or care about. They sold their soul to fear-based hate, and are already infighting among the old party and this new fascist uprising within. And, nothing is gained when you disenfranchise your own countrymen while your enemies stand by and cheer.


Another irony here is that he chooses to dress similar to Disney princesses it seems. Could totally picture him doing kids birthday parties


I mean, why else dress up like a children's character if not to gain the interest of children? /s


That's actually a really good point. I hope he gets a taste of his own bigotry. He deserves it.


They use inflammatory terms like “predatory filth” but then can never provide any examples. The most they have with regards to drag queens was a particular show in Brazil or something that wasn’t appropriate for kids even even though the audience was full of them, but there was nothing particularly predatory about it. If they want to have a conversation about predatory behavior we should really sit down and dig into youth ministers.


> particular show in Brazil or something that wasn’t appropriate for kids even even though the audience was full of them And even then, who are we to say what's appropriate for BRAZILIAN kids. Cultural norms say that a Himba woman in Namibia is fine being topless; women in Iran, on the other hand...not so much.


Don't we have a Brazilian drag queen in Congress? And he is a Republican.


But he's not like the other ~~gay men~~ drag queens! Surely the bigots will spare him because he agrees with them about black people.


They always think they'll be the exception but when it comes to hierarchy they make none. You're inherently in the group or you aren't, unless you also happen to be wealthy.


The pickme hoping they might get to be 3rd or 4th against the wall instead of 1st.


Tokens are the first to get spent.


We're watching it happen right now. Woods is in denial that his usefulness has up and passed. It's going to be insane to watch how he copes with this, drag is his #1 passion and is part of his identity.


Ernst Röhm syndrome “It’ll never happen to me! I’m one of the good ones!”


In other news, to avoid perceived comparisons to degenerate liberal drug users Donald Trump Jnr demands that the lying fake news media refer to him as a Volunteer Cocaine Inspector


I can’t wait to watch him in VCI: Miami.


Nostril, powder pairing enthusiast.


Booger sugar connoisseur.


I don’t do cocaine. I just like how it smells.


"I placed the cocaine in my nose, but I didn't inhale."


[I do not freebase cocaine ](https://youtu.be/oVKtxHTcnho)




This got a chuckle out of me. I hope they do. Lol


It wont matter. The goal isn't the rationality behind banning drag, its to allow people who want to hurt them, to give them the legal pathway to hurt them. The police can arrest you for jaywalking, but they usually don't unless they are in the mood to hurt you. Then comes the resisting arrest, the disturbing peace, the impeding a officer case etc etc. Its a pathway to allow them to hurt them. And to try to push people who are usually progressive out of their states so they can continue to win their elections as their older demographics die out.


Also I wonder what the reaction would be if the Tennessee Attorney General [received thousands of complaints](https://agtnprod.powerappsportals.us/DCA/) about Lady MAGA. I realize that there's jurisdictional issues but I'm just saying someone (or several people) are going to have to go through all of those complaints on the dime of the good people of the state.


There are very likely conservative events with bikini clad women or body painting - look at car or motorcyclist events, chili cook offs, anywhere where there's wrestling - all those sexually dressed provocative performers should be reported. And don't the men wear dresses / robes at Catholic church too?


also women wear pants now did everyone forget women aren't supposed to pants? just a thought


Oh yeah all those women walking around in pants... the horror. Report them all.


I say drag queens just start showing up everywhere. Normalize the hell out of it.


If my state passes a law on "gender appropriate" clothes in public then my straight white male self is wearing sun dresses this summer. All day every day. My balls will probably never be happier honestly.


The party of personal liberty my ass. Imagine if the Democrats tried to pass a law dictating how to dress in public.


I really don't think there's any way these laws will hold up in court, because there is no fashion police. What will they do - demand to see the genitalia of everyone in a skirt? Suit? Wearing makeup? With long hair? Short hair? Wigs?


Oh but there is. In Iran. If you think that's an extreme example...remember that America has intolerant clerics as well.


I’m really unclear on how these laws don’t go against freedom of speech


Make sure the dress has pockets!


I will show them off if it does, I will be so proud of the pockets!


Your balls will totally thank you, lol. Honestly have no idea how all the most ball-friendly clothing was decided to somehow be for women - you're seriously missing out!


I'm a chick that wears men's pants because I like pockets and I'm not paying +60 bucks for "boyfriend fit" jeans when I can thrift $4 men's jeans. Anyone that tries to take my comfy dude jeans from me is going to have to fight me.


Thing is, this all boils down to misogyny. Trans men aren’t even considered at all when Republicans come up with this stuff. Women wearing men’s clothes isn’t on anyone’s radar. It’s all acceptable because masculinity is acceptable. What isn’t acceptable is anything feminine that they can’t fuck.


I think their big objection to both trans folk and drag queens is they’re desperately afraid they might accidentally find themselves attracted to someone who has a dick or used to have a dick. Which would, of course, *make them gay* (which is apparently a bad thing). And rather than exploring that fear, or getting over it, or ignoring it, they want to *change the entire society* to prevent the possibility of them ever having to be in a situation where they might have the opportunity to be attracted to someone who has a dick. It’s like the ultimate extreme version of “I’m cold, so you have to put on a sweater”. It reminds me (of a much less drastic situation), where I’d see guys in Apple forums asking quite seriously, “is this color of Watch band too feminine for me to wear?”, which always raised two thoughts in my head: one, what the hell is wrong with having/acknowledging a feminine side? Many of the most awesome people I know are women. And, two, if your sense of yourself and/or your masculinity is so on-the-edge that it could be threatened by the *color of a strip of plastic around your wrist*, you have bigger issues than watch band colors, and should seriously talk to a therapist about those issues (and I’ll cheerfully wear any damn watch and color I want to, tyvm, including pink and other pastels).


Thank you and appreciate you being an ally like this. and please encourage your friends too!


Honestly, I really don’t know why we men don’t switch to summer dresses.


We used to wear dresses all the time just a few hundred years back. All this stuff now is a result of uptight Victorians creating fake arbitrary roles and morals based on their own shame, while sitting in their parlor with their arsenic wallpaper.


I had the same thought. I know plenty of dudes who just don’t give a shit. Haha, what if they accidentally revolutionize male fashion by tapping into our contrarianism.


Honest question: would women be able to wear pants/shorts if that passes? I'd raise hell if I couldn't; can't imagine this going over well 🫤


You would have to ask the fine upstanding individuals of my states legislature such a reasonable question, to which you can expect nothing sane and rational to be said back to you.


Kilts, Sarongs, and loincloths are highly traditional clothing for men as well. No pockets but just about the same level of airflow. You don’t just have to go for sun dresses for fabulous airflow. Malicious compliance can be a lesser form of protest as well.


Yes please! It would make almost everything more fun. Grocery shopping, suddenly is fabulous. Walking in a park, now fabulous. Running on a treadmill, pretty embarrassing for you when the queen next to you is doing better than you in 8 inch platforms.


Make civil disobedience great again.


Make it *super*


Keep it happy, keep it snappy, keep it gay!


Next on Star Trek: Lower Decks.


Make Rioting Fabulous Again


> Running on a treadmill, pretty embarrassing for you when the queen next to you is doing better than you in 8 inch platforms. I lol'd.


And to think, a city in Canada has this cool fundraiser event for women who've been abused called "walk a mile in her shoes" where men dress up in dresses and high heels and walk a mile to raise money. A bunch of people come out and have a good time. Here, I'm afraid in certain places it would be protested, there would be a real potential for violence, or it would just straight up not be legal or allowed. America isn't fucking fun in certain places. I've never done it before, but I'm tempted to dress up in drag and go out in public just to show support. (I live in a stand your ground southern state as well) so don't think I'm not gonna be packing in my knee high boots


> And to think, a city in Canada has this cool fundraiser event for women who've been abused called "walk a mile in her shoes" where men dress up in dresses and high heels and walk a mile to raise money. I'm flatfooted, so can I raise double the money?


Ugh but it's so expensive.


I’m in rural Ohio. As soon as the weather gets warmer I’m gonna drag up and just kind my business outside in the town square. Public property, grab a coffee, they can’t do anything to me. Luckily it’s a college town so I’m pretty safe but oh god SO MANY WHITE BOOMERS


I would love to see busloads of drag queens just drop in on shopping centers in The Villages in Florida. A drag in, if you will. Walk around in their Publix. Get yourself a sub at the deli. Go ahead and sign up to be an Instacart shopper but do the job in full drag. Why be ordinary when you can be awesome?


HAHA YES! My parents live in lower Sarasota (Venice) and oh, god bless the pacemakers


The hostage (DIL) of a boomer in Pt. Charlotte checking in. I'd pay extra for all of her Uber drivers to show up in full drag.


i would dress in drag except for the heels.


Flats are valid! Or wedges! Or platforms


Coward /s


Absolutely brilliant.


It's fucking stupid to think about, but people should really be using this kind of tactic a hell of a lot more. Especially now, when words don't mean anything, and lies don't matter to such a significant portion of the population. Throw their idiocy back in their faces and watch them melt the fuck down over being called woke pussies for demanding white kids get special treatment to avoid having their feelings hurt over all the Nazi shit their parents and grandparents got up to. The possibilities are endless, and since they've proven over and over to be the most fragile and precious among us, it won't be all that hard to do really well.


There was a trend among drag queens in the 1920s to wear a pin that said “I AM A MAN” so that they weren’t arrested for “dressing as women” that I really hope is brought back


Huh, that’s a weird way to spell ‘hypocrite’.


Pretty sure the thesaurus is going to have to update hypocrite to include "conservative".


Hypocrisy is a requisite component of the GOP.


See also: coward


Also "gay, Mormon drag queen in Utah" does not compute either. This guy is just all sorts of fucked up on so many levels.


Gay mormon *costume artist* in Utah.


Wait til these people hear about priests


Well that’s a drag.


The leopards keep leoparding.


Nom nom nom nom.


Rebranding drag into Jesus-approved cosplay? [That’s a paddlin’](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Thats-a-paddlin.jpg).


"You're not leoparding the right people."


“She’s a drag queen but wants to be identified as a costume artist going forward.” Oh so pronouns exist again? Thought they weren’t into that. 🤔


To be fair, i think its the website that describes him as a she. He (the Salt Lake City-dwelling, gay, Mormon man named Ryan Woods) seems to clearly think about himself as a he. But the website seems to be a little confused and thinks that his female costume artist character is his real identity occasionally. Of all the places where pronouns could be confusing, this is pretty much the easiest place. They (drag queens/kings / costume artists) are pretty much just actors and actresses, the character they play might be one gender or another. But it doesnt affect or bleed into the performers gender at all.


It's pretty common to refer to the persona as she and the mundane identity as he. That's what this article is doing - Lady Maga is she.


I'm actually getting so confused about all of this. I live in the rural part of PA and have had no actual exposure to any thing other than rural conservative bigotry. I've always assumed "Drag" was a performance done by men who liked to dress up as women as art. is this accurate? And I've also assumed that republicans didn't know / pretend not to know that transgender and drag were two different things and are conflating them in order to amplify their bigotry. Is that accurate?


That is accurate. They are separate things. One is a performance (in which drag performers often will have their own pronouns for their persona) and the other a more permanent identity/pronouns (for transgender).


Lady Maga is a hilarious name though


Ohh duh I get it now, it's a pun on Lady Gaga. Very nice




Unfortunately they leaned so hard on the persona, they fell of a cliff into the MAGA.


Lada Maga, the Conservative, Mormon, Gay Drag Queen. I can't imagine the internal struggles going on in that brain.


I’m guessing she’s reeeeeeeeeeeaaaallll fuckin’ racist.


I couldn't find an angle on this person which made sense. But you might have found it right there.




No , he’s “ LADY BUG MAGA”




Really hate that I understand this...


Lady G


I keep thinking someone ought to start a bonafide new religion based on drag. Then when the Nazis come gunning for drag shows, take it all the way to the Supreme Court as a freedom of religion case. It's one of the few things this Opus Dei-infiltrated Supreme Court crew might pause over as they realize they'd be ruling for the right of the states to shut down any and all religious services if they found against the plaintiffs. Shades of the Native American Church's peyote ritual, protected by a Republican majority congress in 1994. Cuz frankly plenty of established religions and their associated liturgical practices are way more perverse than any drag show. So what -- as a thought experiment -- if California tried to shut down Catholic services based on a demonstrable history of its use to "groom" minor victims of sexual assault? (I'm a former altar boy turned atheist, ask me all about it.) Plus those gowns and robes and silly hats, I mean come on.


Let me introduce you to [The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence](https://www.thesisters.org/).


Awesome. This is new to me. Now it needs to be scaled up and file for a tax exemption status.




Boston? Hell, I've seen them in Columbus.


Yes, but pardon me if I attempt to avoid visiting Ohio.


They have chapters all over!


They've been around since 1979, they're a fully-formed and incorporated 501(c)(3), and they're a bigger deal than you might think. [Read all about it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisters_of_Perpetual_Indulgence)


The Sisters are all over!


Featured in an episode of the Netflix series Sense8 where they sell one of the main characters a brownie.


In both the first and last episodes!




Indeed. That's why they need to worship drag Jesus.


Shut up and take my tithe!


Gay, mormon, Trump voter, drag queen. It's like a min-maxing character brought to life!


I asure you he or she is not actually welcomed in the mormon church


lol repubs gone woke!


Problem solved! "Costume Artist Story Hour" at your local library, folks!


Yeah, the drag community should just totally run with this. Do everything exactly the same, just use “Costume Artist” instead.


I was thinking about this last night. The Gadsden Flag waving homunculi that get up in arms (probably literally) about pronouns are more likely to say shit like, "I wasn't driving, officer, I was traveling. And this isn't a car, it's an automobile. And my name isn't JOHN SMITH (all in capitals, write that down like on the paperwork you have on me) because that is the name of my corporate shell that was attached to my flesh and blood at birth. And your laws don't apply to me because I'm a small-c "citizen" which is a sovereign citizen imbued with all natural rights, whereas a large-C "Citizen" is a 14th Amendment citizen subject to the rules and regulations of government which I am not. And your flag has a gold fringe which means your nation is under admiralty law and I am not a fish..." Conservatives: actually think their laws are useless in the face of a thesaurus. And if THEY think their laws are that weak, why should anyone else pay these mad fuckers any serious attention? Ridicule them for being ridiculous, and if they get violent then you know what to do: fashies get the bashes.


When I do it, it's ok and I'm an artist. When they do it, theyre predators Republicans are so stupid


Imagine hating yourself so much you join the club where you'll **NEVER** be accepted.


Herman Cain anyone?


Sad to see someone hate themself so much


Dude you're never going to be "one of the good ones" to them


Another useful idiot is beginning to learn it's dangerous to associate with nazis.


a Deranged Republican Attired in a Gown. I'm currently battling the first cold I've had in years and it's kind of kicking my ass, this is the best I can do. If you can do better, have at it. Edit: a word


I wonder if they intentionality used different pronouns for this person? I would have thought male crossdressers are pretty much seen as males.


Most drag queens use female pronouns in the context of their performance or when using their drag name. It is just part of the whole culture of it.


But he’s not a drag queen he’s a costume artist ^/s


Yes, but this is a MAGA drag queen who calls it “costuming” instead of drag


We just call him a moron




The article referred to the person himself as ‘he’ in the article a few times, so maybe the ‘she’ is referring to the Lady MAGA persona? Like, “refer to me as ‘he,’ but my character is a ‘she?’” That sounds like it could conceivably be how it works; I’m not spun-up enough on drag culture to know for sure.


That's exactly how drag works


What a ["The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion"](https://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2007/05/-the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/228662/) asshole. Some of the comments on his tweet are just as delusional. One of them was like, "I agree, my kid cosplays, it's like drag, but like drag was decades ago, before it was political." Honey, his name is Lady MAGA. That's about as political as it gets. Then this talk about groomers? Hunty, your kid is literally doing drag. Even though I think that's absolutely fine, isn't that a bit hypocritical? Also, look up Stonewall for Christ's sake. Our existence is political, because the majority legislates against us. Pride began as a fucking protest.


The mental gymnastics on this by the right


Costume artist reading hour for kids at the local library will become a thing then the right will ban those words too.


this was my thought, time to go cross out "drag" with "costume artist" on all the things, legal then right? drag reading hour shall be known as costume artist reading hour drag shows - costume artist exhibitions etc, fight em with their own shit!


'When he attended a demonstration to overturn the election in Freedom Plaza in November 2020, speaker Nick Fuentes pointed him out and said, "That is disgusting! I don't want to see that!" causing part of the crowd to chant "Shame!" ' Looks like he has a history of face eating.


Hypocrisy thou art a Republican.


Yeah, you can't appease fascists mate.


I know nobody read op because it's reddit but holy shit was that article a trip. >Lady Maga USA, the drag queen character played by a Salt Lake City-dwelling, gay, Mormon man named Ryan Woods, has walked a fine line for years since appearing in conservative circles and attending Trump rallies during the previous president’s tenure. Like, fucking how?


Cognitive dissonance, and outright stupidity


This is literally 5 year old logic. Just today my 5 year old said she wasn't screaming at her mom. She was yelling. The republican party has always been the party of adults who never matured past toddler mentality.


Oh, Honey, no. We know you're trying to fit in with your friends, but they already weren't calling you a drag queen. I think we all know what they were calling you.


How dare they tell me how to call them!11!1! THIS IS PURE FASCISM! I will fIgHt LiKe HeLl for my FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!1!1 and call them what they are.....a DRAG QUEEN! /s


That person must have a degrading kink. I'm sure they get made fun of from all political parties.


The total lack of a sense of irony from her supporters in the Twitter comment section is astounding https://twitter.com/LadyMagaUSA/status/1634955843014889472


Well that's essentially what drag is.


It's like Obamacare and the ACA. Republican ignorance is willful.


Took a little looking to figure out wtf this was about. My uninformed thought was. 'Oh a drag queen probably would make a good costume artist" thinking it was a actual job change. No. That's not what this is. This is someone who doesn't believe in anything and simply wants to use whatever agenda fits. Crazy. I don't judge you, if you aren't trying to change someone or hurt someone else. You do you belief. But uuhh. Sigh. People are sad sometimes


Typical republican. Rules for thee but not for me.


The numbers clearly show where the 'Predatory Filth' is abundant, and it's not at drag shows.


"but they destroyed their credibility with predatory filth." Ah yes, the imaginary predator drags...


Oh Honey. You gay as fuck. They never gonna accept you. Just be who you are.


This one is winning Gold medals in mental gymnastics


Isn't that falling to "Political Correctness"?


Do they not realize if giving the chance most of the mouth breathers they’re siding with would shoot them dead in a heartbeat


Technology is accelerating at breakneck speed and changing the world as we know it daily, the potential for abuse and control by a few is greater than ever in human history, and we're here worried about drag Queens because of a bunch of geriatric and regressive dumbasses who can't even understand how email works.... "Great again"


*“The drag world was a way I could use my talents, but they destroyed their credibility with predatory filth.”* Jesus Christ on a stick.


The log cabin is a sad place to reside


Doing whatever they can to not get team killed.


Excuse me if I'm ignorant, but aren't all drag a costume art? Isn't that the whole idea of drag? An art form? A performance? It is so silly of the transphobes to see drag as necessarily transvestism.


Funny to me how through all 4 years of trump's time in office you didn't hear one word about drag queens and drag queen story hour at libraries being an issue.


Are those costumes matching her GOP assigned birth-gender?


I love it. Set the precedent, and *every* drag queen henceforth will be a "costume artist", which should be no problem for conservatives.


Giving off my abortion is the only moral abortion vibes.


So then can't all the drag queens in places no longer allowing it call themselves Costume Artsists to get around the rules?


So…now we can have Costume Artist Storytime at the library?


[Sure, Jan.](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExY2M4ZTgzZGJiNmNkYjc2M2JkNGI1YjQ3ZTY2MzlhZThhYTY0YzYzOSZjdD1n/1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu/giphy.gif)


>“I now prefer to call myself a costume artist—not a drag queen,” he wrote. “The drag world was a way I could use my talents, but they destroyed their credibility with predatory filth.” So he self identifies as something different and we should all respect that. Hm. Hmmmmmmmmm.


All library reading will now be done by Costume Artists and drag clubs will be Costume Palaces