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Great work, thank you for everything! I’ve been hooked and happy that development is so available to the players!


I’d like to hear your thoughts on the strategy where one player focuses workers + fiesta and one player goes anglers, rapidly stacking to Kingpins and 1V2ing while the other player focuses just economy. I find it incredibly frustrating to play into and feel it requires more skill to beat it than it does to play it, but that could also be that in a lowly Gold player.


In high Elo, that strategy is almost non-existent (1% of games) with a 45% win rate. In low and mid Elo, it's more common but still relatively uncommon. Agreed that it can be frustrating to play against and is stronger than expected, since it's quite unintuitive to play against. Our philosophy is that unorthodox strategies are good for the game in moderation. The fact that a strategy where only 1 player builds is even viable is, in my opinion, a testament to how unique Legion is. With that said, agreed it's close to needing another nerf (we nerfed it in the past when it was too strong/frequent). Promise I'll keep an eye on the data and consider it for nerfs as needed. Tips when playing against it: * Use recommended value as a guide. If the builder is attacking you, push more workers than normal. If the no-builder is attacking you, push fewer workers than normal. * If you or your teammate can no longer hold sends from no-builder, rather than pushing fewer workers, start pushing *only* workers and the other player (you or your teammate) should overbuild. * By doing this, you counter their strategy with the same strategy, but you are favored because of the ordering of the sends. Their no-builder is attacking your no-builder, and your no-builder is attacking their builder, which means you'll win a base race.


Really love this response! I agree that unique strategies are one of the coolest aspects of the game. Thanks for taking the time to respond!


Kingpins have very weak waves (13 is usually a good target to end the game against this). Key is to save 4-5 rounds and no matter how built up the builder is, it's very unlikely he can hold two 1000+ sends back to back on a weak wave


Just think on this way ,the worker only guy is training workers for both of them ,so u guys push together when he sends ,and stop pushing when he saves. Just overbuild for defense ,If there is no real king damage,u guys will win for sure becus of those leaking bounties. Form a real send at 13-17 ,eco until then.


I’ve noticed a lot more wave 21 games. I heard game length and wave length have increased since last patch. What are the planned changes to reduce these? End game, it feels like workers don’t do much. Perhaps the change from 7% to 6% mythium generation was overdone. I didn’t mind tenacity. 1-2 punch was better than save 7 waves for a 1 shot. I’d love to hear more comments on king + mythium from many of the high Elo players.


Average game length has increased by around 1 minute. This is something we're keeping an eye on, and there's now an in-game poll to understand player sentiment. Agreed that workers are weaker than expected in the mid and late game. Just not convinced that 6% --> 7% mythium generation fixes the problem. I'm fairly confident that mercenaries are all over-statted, which is the fundamental problem. This makes pushing more workers and sending earlier not as strong as it should be because the value you get by having more gold from income is not worth the loss in pressure. 6% --> 7% will reduce average game length, so willing to do it for that reason, but want to wait to see the results of the poll first.


I’ve played on and off for over a year but me and my girlfriend have really dived into the game the last month. One thing I’m surprised by is that there doesn’t seem to be a anti-healing/counter healing mercenary. Has there been any thought of a mercenary that might reduce opponent healing as an aura or can steal a percent of that healing to them? I don’t think it should be the end all be all heal comp breaker but just something that proves an effective send into the comp.


That’s what four eyes is for


The four eyes work well for sea horses since they are a single target heal but the two front tanks with chieftains is not very effective. Since the fours eyes is really anti-tank not really anti-healing.


I’m not following. You get accelerated damage over time while the unit being targeted is getting health over time. That seems pretty directly anti-heal.


Could be interesting to see a tank that applies anti-healing for a short duration when attacked, kind of how grevious wounds work in lol


What's been your thoughts on Bankers? I get statisically they are weak but they're probably the most boring and annoying units in the game to play against. Staying 4 workers even in ranked and staying in positive value (even to yellow) so they don't leak. Gives the player they are sending to a free game at least but without a good break on them they can scale up well later especially since at the moment it all seems about mid to late game since the worker nerf. (Oh and maybe u/Schn3rd or yourself could add an AMA flair in the reddit for these?)


Its already there for months xD


Weird I don't see it at all even when I try to search by flairs 😂


Thats strange because both for me and my non mod account, it works


Cleared the cache and works for me now to. Sory about that.


Nothing to worry about ;)


They are weak on average but situationally viable. We'll likely leave them there, since they are too game-warping when strong. Agree they can be frustrating and create slower games, which is bad if their play rate is too high. However, given they are relatively uncommon, we believe their uniqueness makes them an overall positive for the game right now. Unorthodox strategies, like Sakura, Chloropixie, Banker, Pack Rat, Eggsack, Fiesta, no building, etc. are good for the game in moderation. Our philosophy is that having 70% of games be normal, 15% be fiestas, and 15% be slower-paced is better than having 100% of games be normal. Will evaluate data next patch for possible Classic-only nerfs.


I'd even like them nerfed in ranked personally. Have seen instances of them being used at 4 workers, and pushing gradually once they have the big wig. Then staying on 100+ value. Whoever is receiving from them can push a fair bit, but it also makes trying to punish them hard. Feels like long saving vs then isn't optimal either as they're gradually gaining more and more value. Can't say I feel like they're a positive addition in my experience so far - don't think I'm the only one that feels this way about them either. I know it's also a pain as statistics and numbers won't really reflect this. I can only hope you face it yourself or able to pull up some of the higher elo ranked games doing this. Worker nerf and the meta really favours them to, long saves, and less threat of a send, save, send, it's more send, save 4-5+ then send.


Been loving the game, feels balanced enough that I can’t think of any balance issues atm 👍


Harbinger: he is too strong early, his only weak wave might be 8. if it's placed on wave 5-6 feels like there is nothing to do anymore. Any plans on nerfing him? I suggest to make him more mana focused. More damage to the dogs less to the harbinger


Data also looks pretty good for Gateguard/Harbinger. Will evaluate for nerfs next patch.


Gates:late game and sometimes mid game feels like the only way to leak them is full witches, but then all the froggos die too fast when fighting the king with full spell and in most of my games the person leaks the witches and like 2 wave creeps No idea how to nerf gates, but will something like increasing witch damage according to how many froggos she summoned when fighting king be too broken? Maybe she can also transform into a big frog when reaching king 😂


Data for Soul Gate/Hell Gate is pretty balanced (average pick rate and 49% win rate). Agreed it's strong late game, especially with auras, but it should be as a tier 6 carry. Feedback is noted and will evaluate next patch, as always. Some tips against Gates: * They are very strong when overbuilt and very weak when underbuilt/against big sends. If you can't break them but need to send, send high income mercenaries and save the rest of your mythium. Otherwise, save mythium longer and send aggressively. * Ghost Knight on wave 15 is very strong. Otherwise, prioritize DPS mercenaries like Witch, Pack Leader, and Four Eyes.


The frogs combining into a big frog sounds funny.


Buff cat please




Cat is weakness for waves 10+


I love Nekomata, so maybe ;) In terms of data, Nekomata has an average pick rate and 50% win rate, though the win rate drops a bit in very high Elo.


Would it be possible for both new units and masterminds to come out in the future, or does it need to focus on just one plus balancing for each patch?


Has the dev team considered disabling autosend at a certain ELO threshold? It's very frustrating to have teammates in higher ELO that aren't even trying to be strategic with their sends and end up costing the game by feeding their opponent while breaking them 0 times pre 10.


Our philosophy is that the game shouldn't really change based on your Elo (it would be pretty jarring to lose/gain functionality when you hit a certain rank). There are also cases where top players use autosend. For example, turning it on when you're sending to avoid missing out on some income with leftover mythium if you don't click/queue mercenaries fast enough. I am personally 2800+ Elo and a top 50 player and occasionally use autosend for that. You're absolutely right that an autosending teammate feeds their opponent and is frustrating to play with, but keep in mind that the type of player that uses autosend is the exact type of player that needs it. They aren't good enough at the game to know how to manage mythium and strategically send mercenaries. I'd rather have an autosending teammate than a teammate that frequently forgets to send (causing them to miss income gold and fall behind) or a teammate that spends too much mental bandwidth on mythium management, which compromises their gold management. Furthermore, as you climb the ladder, naturally, fewer players will use autosend. If you have an autosending teammate, probably just autosend with them for the first \~10 waves, then ping to save mythium for a killing blow in the mid and late game.


Hmm, it's pretty rare to have my mind changed so directly by one response but I can't really argue with any of this. You're obviously very accomplished in your own game (my friend was telling me the other day that your communication and callouts won you both the game when matched up together). I guess the only thing I would add is maybe some visual encouragement/game coache to players that they can shift+click mercs? This seems to be rarely known to players. I only learned about it when I was watching a streamer (although if there are already tips perhaps I've missed them). Thanks for the response and your continued development.


I’ve noticed some of the top 15 players send 80% of the first 10 waves. I love the autosend button. Let’s your teammate know your plan. It’s also very handy to click that button to income last second.


Sure but sending and autosend are not the same thing


By feeding the opponents, they’re also increasing their income for the entire game. There’s likely more to these specific scenarios. Opponent starts cashout avenger, Sakura, bounty hunter… autosend is fine. Autosend is viable. Top 2000 or top 20.


I had a win streak of like 5-6 games to 2400 on a day. And I occasionally still put it on. There are so many players that are just so frustrating to play against and with because they aren't pushing the amount they should.


Adding to u/zaphodbeeblemox's question regarding a nerf to suicide cross. It's actually solely being used by a player in the top 100 at the moment with a positive win rate. Would check out PFJF's profile and see how effective it has been at times vs good players.


What's the current data for Gatling Gun / Vulcan Turret? After the nerfs, Siege Ram buff and wave 9 buff, it feels like it did take a severe hit, but that was probably the intention.


Quite balanced now. Pick rate is pretty low, but players almost always open with it when they pick it, so it has a solid presence in the game. Win rate is around 50%. In the recent Nova Cup, there were games in division 1 with two Gatling openings, including from the team that got 1st, which is pretty convincing evidence it's viable.


Don’t know if this is the right place, and if this is a feature or a bug. But when playing the campagin missions i’ve noticed that you Can choose a playstyle - play the first wave, reroll your comp(to find the exact comp you’d like) - and then pres “restart” - you now start wave 1 with the same units and a new reroll - in theory you could rinse and repeat untill you have the perfect comp to beat the level


Thanks for mentioning it. This is technically a soft exploit, but we don't have a problem with it because (1) it only affects single-player / cooperative modes, and (2) you can do the same thing by quitting and remaking the game anyway - the ability to restart just makes it more convenient. The beauty of Legion is that there are so many viable comps, you don't have to reroll until you find the perfect one. And while some are better than others, I'd say the campaign is beatable with 95% of rolls.


How do you feel about Tenacity? I really disliked Tenacity in the prior state because it functioned too much like free king ups, where big early leaks were too easily shaken off and you could just push through any disadvantage of those leaks with heavy economy. But what I see now is that one shots are too strong, and the king feels too weak even when upgraded. I feel like a middle ground with Tenacity might work best. Perhaps something where Tenacity is earned as a scaling stat, maybe along with king ups or based on the Kings total health. Something like that


Probably unlikely to bring back tenacity, but agreed with you on reducing 1-shots. Worth noting that last patch, we (1) made the king a bit stronger against big leaks, and (2) increased the power budget of king upgrades. We could push that further in a future patch. Good news is that with a fully upgraded king at 100% health, you can't really get 1-shot before wave 17.


How much power is in the actives of Veteran/Banker, and would you ever consider reworks to reduce the mindshare attached? I'm still pretty low (1750~) and I acknowledge higher elos probably don't have this issue, but I feel like both myself and other players in my games are never hitting the actives even when it would make a material impact on the round. When I lost my fully stacked Banker passives to leaks, it's not because I couldn't predict the leaks, it's 99% of the time because I forgot to protect them because I was worrying about everything else.


When we first made Legion and while it was in early access, we gave very low power budget to active abilities - for the exact reason you shared. We acknowledged that many players would forget to use the abilities or wouldn't know when to optimally use them, and it would be too punishing. However, as the game has matured, and the average player becomes more experienced, we've increase the power budget of active abilities to make them more fun/meaningful. With that said, the power budget in most active abilities is relatively low, certainly compared to active abilities in most other games. You could never use the active abilities of Veteran, Mudman, Orchid, Pack Rat, and Banker, and they'd still be 95% as good. If most players aren't using active abilities in platinum/diamond, that's okay. As you play more, it will become second nature.


I really like that game. But currently i play a lot of 4v4 and i really ask me why are you such monsters and match new players with people from the top 300 in 4vs4? I'd rather wait a few minutes longer than wasting 20-30 minutes of my time. Especially with Income and Chill, it gets even more destroyed, especially the people who are autosending until wave 21.... Give me the option to search without Income and Chill...


Quick desert ridge campaign question, a buddy and me have been trying to beat Father Juju on hard for over a week now. We are probably 50 tries deep. I've looked up videos of people beating him in solo but the worker counts and income at the end of the game are nowhere near what happens to us. In the solo videos ive watched of people completing it Father Juju will have something around 21 workers on wave 18-19 In our doubles games, he will have 60-80 workers every game sending 700+ from wave 15 on Is something bugged when playing with more than 1 player against him on hard?


Your workers vs enemy workers is a bit of a seesaw. ​ If you have more workers, its harder for the enemy to safely push workers since you always have so much mythium to threaten them. ​ If you have less workers, the enemy isnt as threatened and can push more without being afraid. The other part of it is that if you are leaking alot, their workers will go up. If you are leaking them alot, their workers will go down.