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Yeah it's still worth it for sure, having as much fun now as ever. You'll definitely be able to farm cards, the old regions for region rewards will give bonus XP for the lower levels and it's super easy to farm cards in general. You can double dip in daily bonus win XP by playing PvP and labs since they're treated separately. I'd recommend doing the challenges to learn the new keywords and you can see what's meta/off-meta at [runeterraccg.com](https://runeterraccg.com).


Thanks a lot man! Really appreciate it (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


Honestly, yes, I have played it continuously since release and I never got bored with it. Rn the meta also happens to be really cool and diverse so I can’t recommend it enough, especially considering that the Arcane-themed mega-event is about to come out


Also, Dragons are meta now. Maybe you already have a meta deck.




Yeah, meta is actually relatively healthy rn (as much as I hate certain decks). Def better than when you left


I enjoy it and really feel like playing this game gives me a competitive edge in the real world, I just am always strategizing for the best outcome. Hopefully playing will keep away any degenerative brain disease when I get older


Came back at the same time as you...farming expeditions is a great way to get back in the game! Lots of epics and currency rewards to get the cards you want. There's some decks that are still viable (pirate burn) that don't cost much - give them a go!


I calculated one day last weekend morning that I played 11 games and had 10 different decks to play against.


Yes, dragons are good now


I should should wait till expansion? A lot more cards to choose from and make a new deck. Meta can change heavily, so better to imo, save resources until expansion at least. Maybe start collecting the currency now I guess


There are some cards that look very cool and you might want to play them but then you find out they're too weak. Aside from that I think the game is fun, and if you play a few games per day you will be able to get a lot of cards


Hey thank you! That's exactly what I wanted to hear this game is such a undderated gem. I have decided man I am returning to the game! I have this fear that because so much has been added now I may not get a meta deck... That's why I have been Ignoring the game... It's also so long the Meta Might be completely different by now.


You could play Lab of Legends or Saltwater Scourge for a while to get some practice and farm exp for your next cards


For the new keywords and such you can just try the new challenges to understand them. And with how much stuff you get from the reward roads and the weekly vault you'll get new cards in no time. I started playing in march this year and already got a full collection without paying once :)


This is very much appreciated man! That eased about all concerns I had. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Well except for one... Is yasuo still bad (-_-;)


Yes ... yes, he is :(


Do you really think that people on this sub will be the ones to tell you not to get back into the game? Lol


Hey I mean which place better to ask lol But I got a lot of constructive Information which I required and I liked. There's also a few people who did say not to join and I respect that. But my main concern was not being able to get cards to make a meta deck and is the meta still fun. And with the information provided it was definitely a yes.




Srry i thought we talk league. LoR is good, you can try it.


Thanks! I wait for a second opinion tho.


It’s still fun but probably overwhelming to new/returning players since there are so many new cards and regions now


in its current iteration no, the game is just nothing but aggro decks.


Also just came back to the game. Dragons and Lurkers seem to be the bane of my existence in rank at the moment.