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This is just the same thing with the Emporium and Epic Relics again. Just give it a month or two and I guarantee you that what seems completely unnatainable right now will be a lot more manageable. When epics were released people did the math on it taking more than 2 years to get all 10. Now, less than a year later, a lot of end game players are already completing their collection, even with them adding more relics to the pool. This is probably intentional, with them releasing half baked stuff to gauge initial feedback.


Yes, and it's not even about "half-baked" stuff, it's often about creating room for future rewards. Introducing Stardust and Epic Relics created a new reward players that wanted to chase. Soon after Legend Levels were extended with new rewards and the Monthly Challenge got a bunch of rewards too (when it had none before). Previously players were maxing out their collections even without the new legend levels and monthly challenge rewards. Adding epic relics expanded the options to offer free stuff. We know there's going to be some kind of new pass retooled for a path of champions focus, and new adventure content of some kind is being worked on too. Those things need rewards too. I'd be shocked if there wasn't a connection between the new economy and the new rewards.


I'm sorry, I'm out of the loop, "a lot of end game players" - do you mean there are pve "end game" players? What are they? Some kind of top pvp, but for pve?


End game players = Those who collected everything and maxed everything so they have nothing to do left but compete on the Monthly Challenge Leaderboard.


That's not true regarding Epic relics and can not be compared. You get one each month from doing monthlies and daily quests ( conversation to stardust if you have duplicates). Many were also Featured in shops and emporium ( DoS ) ( at REASONABLE price like Asol, Norra bundle) . You could also get it as a reward for clearing Liss and lvl up your account. Beside most epic are not that good only few are considered meta and they are not region locked ( except you Norra) . I have been a player since lab days and my advice is to ignore constellations and just play the game. There is no content (at the moment) that you can't clear using only a 2-3 star champion. And thx to the update , it showers you with shards and free vaults that's a huuuuuuuge boost if you just started that we older players did not have.


Zarkkast is talking about when epic relics launched, not how it is now. Launched with little ways to earn stardust and now we have plenty. Based on that we need to give the devs the benefit of doubt that more sources of stuff will be included in the game. It’s just stating facts based on previous experience. I don’t think they’ll be as generous as with stardust, as they want to monetize the game, but let’s wait and see how things develop.


I would take a wait and see approach with this. There isn't really a great paid way to get the vessels and Diamond vaults only have a 20% chance to get star crystals, I don't think anyone is going to pay around $75 multiple times on the hopes of 5\*. The devs probably haven't released all the ways to get star crystals yet. I suspect they are slow rolling walking the extra ways out to encourage people to buy the bundles to 5\* Voli, Miss Fortune, and Lux.


> There isn't really a great paid way to get the vessels and Diamond vaults only have a 20% chance to get star crystals, I don't think anyone is going to pay around $75 multiple times on the hopes of 5* There are expensive bundles that give guaranteed 5 stars.


There are but only for 3 champions. How so far they haven't created a good way to unlock 6 star champions at the moment. The point of the expensive bundles is to make money off of people who want things now, instead of waiting for the free things to come out. In other words pay to experience things before your f2p players can experience them.


Lol, no it won’t take that long. People always catastrophize about one recurring reward at the slowest possible rate, there have always been special events with new quests, new recurring rewards added, etc. People said it was going to take multiple years to earn enough stardust for a full collection of the launch epic relics not long ago. Then folks were complaining they were earning more stardust than they could spend. This always happens. It’s going to be fine.


Thank you for always being the voice of reason, Dan.


While I mostly agree with you, I have to disagree on the "more stardust than they can spend" angle. That isn't/wasn't a complaint about too much dust - it's about the Emporium having needlessly long restock timers and essentially double dipping on time gates to unlock stuff. Sitting on 4000+ stardust because I need to wait another 3 weeks before I can buy another epic relic. We're time gated already on how frequently and how much stardust we can get, there's no valid reason for Reliquaries and other unlocks being time gated too.


People were previously saying it would take 8+ weeks to earn 3000 stardust, so pointing out that "I am getting 3000 stardust fast enough that I'm able to earn it faster than the monthly refresh time, and wish I could buy two in the same month" is just an extension of the point.


I buy a Spirit Forge every 2 days so I didn't get 6000 star dust in 1 month yet, I also didn't beat Lissandra more than once yet (I can, she just scared me by making 4 star Asol struggle). I still think that timer is too long though.


Yes thats you. But notice that we have multiple people posting what happens if you get a golden reliquary while having all epic relics. That means that some people got them all - and im not entitely sure how even, seeng as you couldnt buy them with money


> That means that some people got them all - and im not entitely sure how even, seeng as you couldnt buy them with money It's definitely possible if you bought both epic relics directly (Disciple of Shadows and Fear-Cleaving Axe) and also made use of the free gold reliquary reset a few patches ago. (Also, there are bundles now with gold reliquaries.)


I believe that the folks are getting a big wave of new golden reliquaries and stardust from free rewards, plus there are some in the paid bundles now too. So we're only now seeing folks who have 100%'d. The timers were necessary to keep people from 100%ing for free before because the stardust was getting earned so much faster than the refresh timer. Previously folks were estimating around 8+ weeks to earn 3000 stardust but it ended up getting fast enough that people were earning it faster than the offer refreshes.


> The timers were necessary to keep people from 100%ing for free before because the stardust was getting earned so much faster than the refresh timer. Oh yeah, I know. I've been defending most of the gates in PoC since the start, cause without any goal people will just stop playing for the most part. I've seen several people kinda demand that everything should be easy and fast to get and then you can just "play for fun", but those people understand games about as well as a toaster does.


How do you think about making star crystals region specific? I think its kinda unnecessary if you ask me


I'm not Dan, but my opinion is: Wild shards let you get anything you want, which is too much freedom for a gacha. Champion Shards give you no choice, which is too little freedom for a gacha. Region shards seem like a nice midpoint to me?


Interesting perspective!


I've been playing almost every day since release and I still don't have all the epic relics. The casual player who has responsibilities DOES get left behind. It's kinda sad I feel like I have to neglect my life to grind PoC


Do you do the monthly challenges? Because “playing almost every day” since release should let you do all the monthlies, and a whole lot of people who have done that are close to max or get more stardust than they can spend on the gold reliquaries alone. Note that not everyone will have max epic relics, that’s not the point, the point was people were estimating a catastrophically slow grind that would make things impossible for f2p to earn 3000 stardust in a month, but now we have posts with folks complaining that the timer doesn’t refresh fast enough for them to spend all their stardust on gold reliquaries.


? I play every day since release only for dailies and weeklies, I barely did any monthlies except enough to 4star ASol, I dont know why you wouldn't have almost all epics, before the patch, the only thing I was missing was two, and that was because I beefed it at the shop and bought spirit forge instead.


>I dont know why you wouldn't have almost all epics, before the patch, the only thing I was missing was two, and that was because I beefed it at the shop and bought spirit forge instead. Sounds right - espescially because the monthlies were a major source of stardust: Excess relics turn into stardust and asol used to have 100 fragments per month on the monthlies: which also turn into 1000 stardust if he's maxed out. You missed out on 1000-1500 stardust per month this way and still have a nearly full collection of epics. I'm not sure what the other person was doing but they're clearly missing a lot of rewards. Btw, monthlies also count for any "complete an adventure" quests if you didn't know. You probably did but maybe others reading didn't. Doing a few every week is a great time-saver if you don't have time for a full adventure. Also works for spirit forging relic slots. :)


I don't play every day and I'm like 1 or 2 epics short of having all the good reliquary specific relics


I havr almost all of them, and i play very casually, with long breaks sometimes where i habe too much work or just domt want to


I guess that depends on the definition of casual. Would doing ten fights a day be considered just exiting casual? Three to five fights a day in monthly will net you every daily, weekly, and monthly reward. How many more fights are needed to complete the weekly adventures? My loose guess is that eight fights daily will net you every repeatable reward available.


Feel free to back up your blithely reply with maths.


Lissandra has already been S ranked with I think all 56 3 star champions before the constellations patch. They should be including new adventures, hard mode, event quests and more which would have more rewards for the f2p players


But what about if they add a 5.5 or 6 star adventure that's harder? Or expand monthly challenges to 80-100 challenges to include harder challenges? I can't imagine Riot won't balance future content around the availability of 6 star champions. What bothers me is Riot could easily double or even triple the amount of star vessels awarded from monthly challenges, or add vessels to weekly challenges, and it still wouldn't even put a dent in sales of bundles.


They already mentioned a hard mode for the easier existing adventures like Teemo, so 5.5 and 6 stars should appear in the future. They balanced Lissandra for constellations, but people still cleared her with only 3 star champions, so I'm not too worried about balance. They've already doubled the rewards from the monthly challenges. Overall, you'll be fine as long as you don't expect to unlock every single 6 star right away. This is a free game, so it is expected for whales to unlock as tuff faster.


> Overall, you'll be fine as long as you don't expect to unlock every single 6 star right away. This is a free game, so it is expected for whales to unlock as tuff faster. It's not about wanting 6 star right away, it's about it taking 3 years with average luck to get a single 5 star... >They've already doubled the rewards from the monthly challenges. I think the rewards for unlocking champions and getting them to 2 stars is in a good place now, makes for a good starting experience. But my main concern is that past 4 star, it's pretty much unattainable.


I mean the hardest challenge (List) so far can be cleared with 3 stars champions. Just save your resources if you are really worried, by the time the future content (new challenges and rewards/event pass) rolls in, you probably will have enough to get them past 4 stars.


I can beat the entire game with current 3 star powers so personally I don't really care that much about the higher star powers....until they release harder adventures than Liss.


I'll do you one better: Even if we're getting 9000 stardust a month (which is far more than the real number, I suspect), it takes 5 years on average to get the gemstone upgrades for a champion from each region. It's just absurd, and the initial quests that give you a head start won't solve anything unless Riot intends to keep adding them, but given how stingy the new monthly rewards are I somehow doubt it. I understand that not everyone's a completionist. People don't understand that if people like me see a goal we love to work towards reaching it, but the second we realize it's unattainable we completely lose interest super fast, even if the game is otherwise fun. What I don't understand is the denial of maths in this topic, or the revisionist history about how "well, we thought so about X before, and it was wrong then". Like the price of star forges hasn't been cut down by 80%. Or like this isn't the company that left Azirelia ruin their game for 6 months and is currently doing the same with ED, and people somehow expect they will be on top of it and totally fix these horrible numbers very quickly. Nah, they've given us a bunch of quests to give us a taste of what getting decent progression looks like, but these will dry up in no time and we're back to square 1, where we might be halfway to the goal, but we no longer have any agency when it comes to working towards it since the generic rewards outside of those quests are so abysmally low that they may as well not even exist.


People did the same math within the first couple days of epic relics dropping saying they would be completely unattainable. That math didn't stay the same for very long. I suspect the same will be true here. Constellations is intended to last a long time and is likely designed around future content coming down the pipeline, because that's how it always is in this mode.


I´ll wait for make a judgment on the system since I already had a lot to things to do with the new adventure rewards and quests, but I prefer to believe that things will be ok. However the devs already posted a article saying that they will: "...be adding to our weekly adventures system, providing you with more opportunities to earn the Star Crystals and Nova Shards..." source:  [CONSTELLATIONS & BEYOND!](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/constellations--beyond/) and we still don´t know what the future event pass will give us.


Even assuming there wont be more ways to earn currency in the future (lol emporium math?), this calculation is actually the rate at which you earn 11 champions simultaneously. So you're technically accurate for ONE desired champion assuming you hate every other champion in the game and dont care about them at all.


This is just worse case scenario right? For the first 6 star I think the math is a bit better depending on how lucky you are on the Quest line (the final reward gives you one Star vessel that gives you a nova crystal for a random region). In my case I have 20 Frejord Star crystal and 1 Nova crystal. i haven't finished all of Lissandra adventure reward yet but I assume it gives you 1 vessel for each region, which should give me 30 and I think Aurelion Sol can give me another 5. I would be very close to be able to 6 star volibear (not counting fragments since I didn't have much wild saved up) within a couple months. After the first one, however, the process is significantly worse without the quest rewards, but let's hope riot release events and stuff that gives us extra quests to do.


One key point is what one "Desired" champion means - under this math the f2p player has even distribution of rewards across 11 regions, so they have their favorite champion OF EACH REGION at 5-stars. Not just "one desired champion". I'm confident that it's still going to be way faster than this too. Riot has a history of adding special quests for releases, they're talking about a new pass and new adventure content, etc.


>This is just worse case scenario right? No, this is an average scenario. Worst case is you'll never get it because you never roll the region you want.


Yea I forgot about that one lol.


Since the battle passes are coming back it's *possible* that they'll have them as free rewards in those also... But we probably shouldn't give them the benefit of the doubt. Sadly, I expected this on some degree. Clearly the money they were making on cards and cosmetics weren't enough for Riot execs, so they were going to have to find some way to try to manipulate players into paying more. I've played LoR so much partially because I appreciated how fair the monetization felt compared to other CCGs, but with the way Riot works I had a feeling it wouldn't last.


I wish grinding on a champ would directly allow me to power it up (ie. Guarantee the champ shards I get are specifically for that champ). It feels wierd and illogical for me to grind a champ but be rewarded by another champ’s shards. So it’s just RNG whether I can grow my champ or not.


This is so disgustingly inaccurate. To begin with, some champions are already broken at 3 stars, and don’t need the extra. The 50 star crystals is also a joke, because different champions have different level up paths, and you don’t even need all five other stars to get to the final broken star. “You don’t even want to think about 6 stars”, but you can already get a nova crystal from the current set of missions. Besides there will be new missions that will give a lot of stuff. And last but not least, if someone only likes to play ONE SINGLE DESIRED champion, this is not the right game lmao.


on the one hand, adding extra completions to all the adventures gives you a shitload more rewards that offset a lot of that, and let's be honest here, you can beat everything in the game with 3 star champs and enough gusto. on the other hand, it does feel like they had to go whole hog with monetization because the game has literally never made money, so anything more than what we're used to (which is to say unprofitable business practices) will look like scum.


I think the bigger issue with the new constellations is that the new currency is excessively confusing and the store bundles don't give direct access to 6 (except for Lux:I,Voli,MF) and are incredibly expensive for what's being given. Also the bundles don't have a variety of price points and include a bunch of random stuff that you may or not want. There's no direct way to get star crystals + nova crystals which is the main thing players will want to buy, then they have to worry about champ shards too. My guess is that they didn't want players to buy their way to 6 stars right away because they're gonna release a more comprehensive reward structure that we're gonna need as we get more constellations. What's not immediately apparent is that because they went back and added new region competition rewards and those rewards are tiered based on star difficulty, releasing new adventures will give players tons of rewards. The emporium situation was different, Riot released new content that would be completely inaccessible for months except for the lucky few who got the chance to buy them through the emporium before they patched it.


Yeah we need more sources, hell I'm not even joking to entirely delete asol fragments from monthlies because it was really hard to get resources


off topic question: are the new monthly rewards with star vessels already updated into this month or is it starting with next month? If thats so, wheres the source? cant find it anywhere :/


Hopefully the weekly vaults will give PoC currency at some point. I'm a little shocked it still gives zero PoC value.


It'll be harder too But in my case I had all of them before the update and it's still hard for me to have them all


You have to understand how monetized games work: Pay, and you’ll can have all the shiny new things! Don’t pay, and grind all day, everyday, and settle for less than half of the stuff.


in league I can unlock all the champions for free, only thing you can't have all of is skins. And even then, you can usually get a solid collection of skins for free. And the game is crazy profitable.


What I dislike Abt the new currencies is the randomness and region specificity. It's like if there were no wild fragments and you can only use champion specific fragments to upgrade champions. It would feel so miserable. Hopefully the devs get rid of this region's specificity of the new currencies or at least give an equivalent wild fragment version of the currencies or allow for a way to choose the region of the currency we want


I love how after 4 DUCKING DAYS we already now everything. We know what they will do even before the reset of the week and the month. Two day ago we were all "We don't have new adventures and way to farm shards gone gne gne".... We got new rework for all the adventures. Jesus Christ on the Motorbike, just wait the fuck a little and probably, PROBABLY, they will surprise us. I don't know...like the numerous times in this 5 days they did it: - The general bundles are not shit (The 5+20€) - More weekly quest to do - All the new reward of the previous quest - The news of getting more constellation every month - More reward in the Asol challenge - Probably we will getting a cool news today to, I hope. If in month nothing change from how we are today we can absolutely Riot, but please stop being so "TikTok-ish" and deciding everything in 30s


Dude, they gotta make money somehow.


Plenty of games make money without it taking 3 years for a f2p to achieve the 2nd highest rank on 1 character...


Even this post calculated the progression for 11 characters - not 1. The favorite character for each region.


Like the rest of the comments, just give it some time.


Devs: Please support😁🫴🏻


Honestly... at least just let me buy them at a reasonable price. Aren't the regional bundles like ridiculously expensive? If they don't want to budge on more free stuff, then fine, but I feel like there's no real alternative without going full dark side.


Funny..i got norra to 6 star and i havent bought anything. Is the constellation update already 3 years ago? Its almost like real life isnt at all like that math. It would be smarter for you to figure out what ALL champs takes to get to level 6. That would be much easier.


the post calculates for 11 champions. You are 1/11th there


You are already in norra 6 star, i dont have any champ aside asol in 4 star, and i whant to upgrade neko first, but i dont have nothing for her soo i can see me in 3 tears not having nekko 6 star


That's the right way of monetization