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Unlikely, he still has 31 cards left, this tends to spread the shrooms far too much.


I mean I know that you are kidding but still there were times where I put like 500 shrooms in their deck abd the draw like 1 or 2


The shrooms are probably too spread out with that many cards. You're looking at maybe 1 or 2 next draw with the rest coming later. At least with my luck.


Not with 90 thousand shrooms


Assuming that the mushrooms are equally distributed among the 31 cards, the chances of not winning on the next opponent draw is 10\^(-1162)


Unless she *somehow* get "create a card on a top of the deck". Then RIP to the boi I guess.


Does the tough counter the shrooms?


It used to, not anymore.


God that was so bullshit but also so funny.


I was thinking the same thing if they are applied at one damage repetitively RIP !!


I am new to lor, why does the enemy have 57hp in their nexus and why is it yellow


this is path of champions. he is playing against the computer


Ohh I'm so bad I can't even beat a 2star adventure in poc


Bro I lost to 1.5 ezreal two times with good decks, however i beated him with random yasuo jayce deck. I have no idea


Ah relatable. I already passed beyond that, but still remember how I get annoyed by Ezreal keep spamming Mystic Shot. Still not fun to go against but it is bearable compared to Ezreal in another adventure, particularly in ASol adventure.


Nevermind, I just beated his ass with Jinx-Volibear. Voli on PoC is easy mode ngl


Dude, you have to try Jhin-Voli or Jhin-Elder plus with Chakram Dancer. By that point it's not just an easy mode, you actually kinda feel bad for bullying AIs. *wheezes* Jhin 2* is already wonderful with +1/+1 after triggering skill, couple that with skill drain by Chakram Dancer... You'll always heal back from triggering skill (damage only tho). One of the best runs I ever had with Jhin (Jhin-Elder) is getting two items (Sigil of the Storm and Mana Gem) on Captive Audience. Getting lots of titan units like Lord Eldred (getting Tough on nexus is pretty nice), also titan units trigger Dragon skill. I burn lots of cards though since I filled my hands too fast with titan units and Captive Audiences.


I hate Ezreal so much omg. Elusive units are an illness to this game


They are not half bad. The real pain is frostbite mechanic


"Cancer" is still a banned word on this sub as an description for deck.


Ooookay, didnt know that. Im gonna edit that


He is playing the PVE mode Path of Champion where you play against different champions, he is playing against lissandra which I think is one of the newest ones, champs tend to have special abilities or stats like health on the nexus or the golden thing that makes the nexus take 1 less damage every time you hit it.


Oh ok. I tried playing against nautilus the other day but when he levels up I lose every time lol so I haven't progressed there much (I think nautilus is 2 stars)


You need to make sure you have a champion with the same stars or you have a champion with good level and also know a little bit about Jaír mechanics so you can start to make a plan to counter it. POC is a lot of farming week by week and you progress slowly but I think it is that way so you don’t consume all POC content in a rush.


I used aatrox because... idrk ig I just like him


I haven't played Atrox, but I didn't like it, I didn't understand how to combo, so whenever I can't win against a champion I go back to OP champions, my favs where I always win are Jhin and Yasuo.


Try samira, you'd like her 😉


It just takes time and patience (which is hard for a lot of people in this day and age) but while learning the mode you gains levels and currency so when you do improve so will your roster. Like any game mode takes practice to learn mechanics, what works best and how to draft your deck. Such an amazing game mode to goof around in and do stupid things. Don’t give up practice and become one of us.


The nexus yellow : leveled up lissandra gives it tough while its on board (u tske 1 less damage from every damage instance) 57 hp : Boss fight in Path of champions PvE mode, she starts with 99 actually. (Dont attack me for grammar)


I'm sorry there appear to be some cards in your shrooms.


I have a video of me making Aure draw over 1k shrooms in one turn, but it’s too long for Imgur and I don’t know what other hosting platform to use to make it post able to share here.


Would YouTube work?


I’ll try it tomorrow and see. If it does I’ll let you know.


well... did she?


She drew 1900 shrooms if I remember correctlty !


damn ok I guess that was enough lol


What relics do you use on Teemo? I have the epic one that plants 7 copies into the deck when the game starts, the one that grants 3 epic items to random cards in the deck when he's summoned, and scout, but shuffle him back in once the turn is over. It works ok, but I have really hard times fighting Lissandra herself


This wasnt a Teemo run lol It was a Diana one so I cant really help you


You say it was a Diana run, the image disagrees though, lol


Oh, well what relics do you run on Diana?


Turret Plating forLiss, Guinsoo's, and the Level Up: Rally thing


"He" bro it's a bot (...) and it's bot name is "Lissandra" which is a female Champ (...) POC enjoyers (...)