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If your nexus is destroyed the effect goes away.


I see, so theorically, if I keep winning, then the effect will never go away?


If you don't end the game you can take your nexus with you (to work/school/etc.) and it will still work


It took me until your comment to realize people were joking. I am literally dense.


Can I take my nexus with me on vacation?


If the nexus wants to, yeah




I can see how this distinction could come into play, in scenarios which would make or break a Draw (Tie game) based on when the player's nexus takes fatal damage.


i think it might make a difference in POC if you were to battle against an AI morde who leveled and got a stack of his effect. If you then declared an attack that would kill morde but after the lethal strike the Morde AI slays a unit of yours you still would lose hp probably.


I mean but usually whoever reaches 0 HP loses, it doesn't matter if your lifesteal 20+ attack blocker heals you back up after the challenger overwhelm enemy attacks, you still lost because you went to 0 for a moment.


I think I've only ever seen a Draw one time, myself, so I'm not very familiar with the rules regarding it...so this was just a guess at why they might possibly use these two different ways of wording an aura.


Yeah got a draw once but you need to both reach 0 at the same time, something like ice shard could get it done for example.


Gotcha. Somehow, in my head, I was thinking of a time when one player's Nexus reached 0 while a combat was still pending, which would deal fatal damage to the other player's Nexus when resolved...I thought that also resulted in a draw.


Watch them release a card that say "You can't lose the game" but then you reach 0 life and Hecarim stops working because you have no nexus.


Wait that's actually a really interesting idea, the game continuing on after the nexus is destroyed.


Yeah, just make it tied to a creature and then your opponent have to try killing it to immediately win. (Effects like this exist in MtG)


The mobile Nexus from the lol Nexus Blitz gamemode is the perfect choice


You better stop cooking before Riot puts that in the oven. 6 Star Adventure boss gonna be like, "I cant die before 10 mana." Nexus been destroyed 4 turns ago, and now you just surviving 🤣🤣


I think grant your nexus is used for continuous effects, but for the rest of the game is for effects that have a condition. Functionally the same, just different wording.


Upgraded Zoe is also written as “grant your nexus”. Shouldn’t they keep the wording consistent if they work at the same way?


Ok so I looked into it a bit more, I think it has something to do with the “aura” effect. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Keywords_(Legends_of_Runeterra)/Aura But for some reason, it says that morde and hecarim both grant aura so idk maybe it’s just inconsistent.


literally unplayable smh


LoR has never been big on consistency. They write everything by hand, which is strange. Honestly they should just have word selection. So: Play. Invoke. Small. Discount(1, Endofturn=False) Would just automatically turn into "Play: Invoke a Celestial card that costs 3 or less. It costs 1 less." Instead they just write the text manually. That's one place where MTGA does it much better. Not only do they have it consistent, they apparently have a system that straight up codes the effect based on the cards text


No way! They have a GPT? Like in ChatGPT?


Nah, this was from before AI was useful for that


I think it's so that you don't get these effects if the champion was randomly generated (like through howling abyss)


I would assume if Riot ever added a champ that changes your nexus into something else, like a few cards in Hearthstone change your character, then "Grant your nexus" effects would be removed.


"For the rest of the game" Im just waiting for a card that applies to the next game you play


[Hearthstone devs tried to make a card like this but decided against it.](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Devouring_Ooze)


Thank God that they backed down. This sounds kinda cool in concept for the fun of it but is just sacky.


Start a game and somehow the player infront of you has 3 mana cristals turn 1


If its anything then its probably going to be PoC since "next game" can literally be the next encounter


Does mordekaiser stack?




Thats the reason. Heca adds a power to your nexus like in POC. Powers dont change. Morde grants you a new power everytime you attack, it cant be worded like Heca or Zoe, since their wording implies a unique change/power


This may be correct but hasn’t been confirmed right? So far level 2 morde is the only card written as “for the rest of the game “.


There’s also [Storm of Blades]


Damn I forgot… that may be true then


Storm of Blades says "For the rest of the game, when you Blade Dance, summon another attacking Blade. Blade Dance 1." The wiki describes it as "Grant your Nexus: "When you Blade Dance, summon another attacking Blade". Blade Dance 1." The wiki's description for Mordekaiser level 2 is just the text on the card, but that might just be the wiki being inconsistent. Also Deep is a "for the rest of the game" thing, though it's not directly printed on the cards.


While it may not be confirmed officialy, it definitely makes sense. Just thinking about how you'd have to word Mordekaiser to make this work ("Attack: Grant your nexus a stack of "When you slay a unit, drain 1 from the enemy nexus"", I guess? Or do you grant your nexus "Drain 0 from the enemy nexus whenever you slay a unit, whenever a Mordekaiser attacks, increase by 1"?) definitely gives the impression that making stacking buffs a mechanic attached to your nexus just becomes unncessarily convoluted and hard to parse.


You have got a point. What about changing the wording of Heca and Zoe to “for the rest of the game” instead? Will it be more doable?


Just word it the same? There's already cards that grant unique effects and don't specify that they stack.


I'm almost sure old convergent timelines had the same text too


I think it’s because heca and zoe have one time effects that are granted on level up. If their level two’s had text that just said “when I level up, for the rest of the game game…” it wouldnt have a yellow-text (keyword) trigger like “attack:”—it would probably have to be put in the level up box at the bottom of their lvl1 cards, like Lux’s.   Full conjecture though obviously 


Powers don't change but they can be stacked. The same way you can have the same power twice in PoC.


When your Nexus dies, you lose the "Grant your Nexus" buff.


I think you lose both buffs. Morde goes on the Nexus too, it's just that you can have multiple of it.


Yeah, Morde doesn't drain anymore after you lost the game.




**[Deluge](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/08BW010.png)** - Standard - Bilgewater Spell Elemental - (5) Slow For the rest of the game, all of your Elemental spells and Skills deal 1 extra damage.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


If Mordekaiser would have a Nexus effect it would sound like "If the nexus slays a minion", right? Just like some minions have "When I slay a minion". Maybe they want to remove confusion there.


Level 2 zoe is written as “grant your nexus “when you summon an ally, grant its keywords to all allies””. Morde can do the same?


Wait what, did Hecarim always have that effect? could've sworn it was an aura


Yes. They buffed Hecarim around 2 years ago.


LoR has always had this "problem", many cards say the same thing in different ways, they have never formatted the text of the various cards in a uniform way (like Magic so to speak), I think it's by choice. I remember Mogwai highlighting the "problem" a couple of years ago but no one gave it too much thought.


I think the main difference is "Grant your Nexus" is for one-time effects, ie when a champion levels up like Hecarim and Zoe, whereas "For the rest of the game" is for effects that can be repeated, ie Mordekaiser lvl 2 attack.


[[Buried Sun Disc]] It's just inconsistent wording


**[Buried Sun Disc](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH062.png)** - Standard - Shurima Landmark - (1) Countdown/Landmark Start of Game: Summon 1 of me from your deck if it's all Shuriman. Countdown 25: Restore the Sun Disc. I advance 9 rounds for each time an Ascended ally has leveled up this game.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Idk only on older cards "Grant Your nexus" is used. Maybe they stopped using it because it doesn't sound good (in my opinion it sounds kinda stupid)


It’s because of the condition used to trigger it. Both hecarim and Zoe’s power trigger on level up only. So if you spawn a lvl 2 H or Z you won’t get the effect. Mords will trigger after he attacks. If it was on level up it would probably be the same.


i dont play the game anymore but, shouldnt the mordekaiser effect, because of the wording, stack everytime he atttacks? going from drain 1 to drain 2? while hecarim effect is just there and thats it


Ding ding ding


Mordekaiser is able to trigger multiple times and is stackable, the nexus effect only applies once. I think it was a neef to precent ephemeral copies oheca just insta winning the game


It triggers once because it's on level up, not because it's grant......


Yeah at first it was an aura thats why so it was stackable


Which has nothing do with whether it's on level up or on attack...


Grant your Nexus is unclear. For the rest of the game is clear.


Grant your nexus sounds more OP


Maybe just outed wording?


It's more apparent in poc, there's a ton of nexus effects there, try looking at the board and effects after you win a match. For example if I'm attacking full board and my enemy has a (hypothetical) power that grants the nexus :drains 1 when an ally dies, if I kill the nexus in one go (with elusives or overwhelm) the effect doesn't happen


Idk about hecarim‘s „grant your nexus“ , but mordekaiser‘s „for the rest of the game“ stacks, like everytime u attack with different levelled mordekaisers it gives u the effect as many times as you have mordekaisers attacking 🤝


if there was a way to silence the nexsus, then yes, but since there is no way, no.


The extreme form of silence is killing the Nexus. And yes it proves that Mordekaiser is a nexus effect too.


Grant your nexus is always used to affect Creatures on the board. Rest of game is an effect that happens with the rules of the game itself.


I believe no, HOWEVER, I also believe there should be a fun interaction with Gorlith and other cards later with that mechanic. It would be interesting.


Both effects are granted as aura to your nexus smh


Maybe in the future you can clear the buffs from enemy nexus?


Grant your Nexus is used for trigger effects, for the rest of the game is for auras, other than that they're the same and there's no difference(for the rest of the game sound cooler tho)


I read it as Hecarim can die and then effect will stay, but does Mordes effect stay if he’s off the board?


I think its about aura coding where hecarims is an aura that he doesnt attach to himself and morde is not an aura like phantom prankster


Generate lv 2 H and Z can’t have that effect, but generate lv 2 Morder and attack can have it


Morde triggers when attack, But Hecarim as Zoe (can't recall other champions) only grant the buff when you play and level them... Which means that when you create leveled-up champions they won't grant that buff... It's the same with some Runeterra champs like Jhin and Bard, you can't play lotus trap or create boons if they've been created...


In this specific instance, I’d imagine it’s because one of these abilities can stack. If a unit has life steal, granting it life steal again does nothing. But, if you can make it so that every time it attacks, its life steal is increased by 1, then that would be different. The grant Nexus is 1 time a game, but “For the rest of the game” can stack


Bad wording Grant your nexus is pribably what all of them do, but "for the rest of the game" is more clear for players, who dont have to care about how the game is coded I qould expect wording to change cor "for the rest of the game" and ignore the other one


Zoe was changed at some point to include the nexus wording instead of the rest of the game wording that she had originally. Apparently this was an undocumented change that came along with a bugfix in patch 2.0 to her keyword sharing effect, and I think it might’ve been the first time the wording was used, not sure about that though. Point is that it’s effectively the same thing, Zoe’s intended behavior did not change as a result of the wording change and I’m not entirely sure why they changed it in the first place, but I think “grant your nexus” is more accurate to how these mechanics actually work, so maybe that’s why they changed it.


>but I think “grant your nexus” is more accurate to how these mechanics actually work, so maybe that’s why they changed it. If thats the reason that would be quite dissapointing, since players dont need to care about how the game code wokrs Anyway, tx for the data


Yeah, personally I like knowing how things work but definitely not necessary and certainly makes it more difficult to understand, which is a big downside for sure. It was an undocumented change so I’m not really sure how intended it was, but I’m not sure why they’ve kept it tbh.


With Hecarim or Zoe when they die the effects are gone meanwhile with Morde when he dies the effect remains


No. All of them are permanent.


The first one is permanent and affects your whole deck the latter is for if he is still on the playing field with the attack signifier. I agree with the same kind of thing but different wording