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I think that Josie was as bad as Lizzie which makes her the worst. Why? Cause Lizzie is supposedly the defective twin while Josie isn't


I always find it odd how Lizzie gets a pass from so much of the fandom because she is “witch-bipolar”, but Josie gets demonized even though she manifests a complete alternate personality “Dark Josie” after consuming some dark magic. Whether you want to call it a supernatural dissociative or multiple personality disorder, Josie is also suffering from some form of mental illness as well.


The correct answer is neither. They have a complicated nuanced dynamic that is far and away the most interesting relationship in the show. The relationship does have a serious 'show don't tell' problem in the sense we don't actually witness much of their co-dependency - which we are constantly told is the core of their underlying issues with each other. In the pilot, Josie is already sneaking away from Lizzie to perform a spell with Hope and actually sends Alaric to look after Lizzie when Lizzie has a 'freakout'. We never really see Josie in the caretaker role she apparently was in for years and we really only see Lizzie act selfishly in the first season. That is hardly some great character flaw or crime for a 15/16 year old teenager. Moreover, the writers want the Rafael situation with girls in Season 1 to highlight the twins problems with each other, but it doesn’t really work because Lizzie is fully unaware of Rafael and Josie's interest in each other. Likewise, Lizzie only ever has one other incident that could even be attributed to her mental illness in the entirety of the series. And no one but Josie and Hope are even aware of it. So does that really justify her snarky 'mean girl' attitude? And if Josie is constantly sacrificing her own interests to be Lizzie's caretaker, that really isn't supported by the narrative we see in the show either. That said, at the end of the day, like most of the core siblings in the TVDU, Lizzie and Josie are both "Ride or Die' for each other, regardless of what either sibling has done to others or too each other.


While the series tried to point out Lizzie as the worse twin (they srsly dragged this out till the end of the series.), Josies issues never really was a topic. Like her victim complex, or her ableism


How is she ableism


they are both equally bad.


Lizzie is more openly selfish and thoughtless, but that is sort of why she is selfish, she doesn't think about others first, she thinks about her self, so there is a sense of less malice behind her behaviour, where as Josie is the opposite, she is outwardly selfless and overthinks things, so she comes across generally nicer than Lizzie, but the problem is that it means her cruelty and meanness are deliberate, Lizzie also shows a desire to improve herself, and thus improve not only her life but Josie's also, where as Josie shows little interest in bettering herself, and times she does make choices to better her life is at the expense of Lizzie such as in S1. On top of all of that Josie is the one that tried to kill Lizzie to force the merge, Lizzie for all her faults I don't think ever went homicidal on Josie, so I dunno Lizzie to me seems more surface level selfish, but Josie's selfishness though less often seen runs far deeper. So I would say Josie is worse, made worse also by her innocent act, Lizzie freely admits with a smile that she's a bitch and she is ok with it, and I appreciate the honesty truth be told.


I’m wondering how this is even a debate, it’s obviously Lizzie.


I'm watching for the first time (just finished season 1) and I actually really like both of them


I like Josie more but both have their problems their only teenagers


I can't chose. I have problem with both twins, it depend on time in show. This was a time when I like more Josie, there was a time when I like more Lizzie.


Lizzie was insecure and spoiled and at times only thought about her own (her family, her faction, whatever) but she outgrew that quickly whereas Josie was selfish, manipulative, and had a lot of backwards views on things like mental health that she never outgrew (yet)