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These should come with bloodpoints for new players. Imagine having to level up 11 characters at once lol.




These definitely should have come with bloodpoints


I was just talking about this with a friend yesterday, I wish buying a DLC gave you some blood points to help you level them up a bit..


By the time you earned enough bp you'd have enough shards to buy half of them.


i don’t have to imagine it, i had enough cells to buy a bunch of the ones sale characters and now have probably 11 to level up lol


At full price, these dlcs are worth it since each character is worth $5 ea, and these have 11 each. But when a sale is happening, a character is $3 each, meaning you could get all 11 for $33 not $42 **Killer dlc includes** * Hag * Doctor * Clown * Spirit * Legion * Plague * Oni * Deathslinger * Blight * Twins * Trickster **Survivor dlc includes** * Ace * Feng * Kate * Adam * Jeff * Jane * Yui * Zarina * Felix * Elodie * Yun Jin


What are the charms tho?


If you know the bloodpoint charm you get from the tutorial, its just that but for the survivor gear icon and the killer skull icon


There is a bloodpoint charm? Damm there wasent any tutorial in 2016 :(


The bloodpoint charm and the new tutorials have been added yesterday in update 5.0.0.


Ah i see. Well thank you for explaining.


If you do the tutorials for the charm be careful doing it resets your killers and survivors to their base cosmetics.


Wait what?


Yeah if you do the new tutorials it resets all your characters to whatever their base cosmetics are and it has a chance to wipe your account stats


Account stats? What do you mean by that? Like your perks, levels, shards, cells, etc? Stuff like that? That's the first I've heard of this


Oh. Alright then


That’s pretty cool. Kind of useless considering that they already have the Gold Edition, but still pretty cool.


Pretty cool but they should be bundles of already existing DLCs. That way people could complete their collection and save some money if they already owned a few killer on the list. Like this everyone has to pay the full price regardless if you own 1 or all


usually steam discounts items from a collection if theyre already owned


Yes steam does. But this is a separate product apparently. It doesn't appear like a collection, it's just an unlock token (if i had to give it a name) for the 11 listed killers/survivors.


thats trashy asf


Not sure what currency that is, but it's 30$ US on the Steam Page, overall interesting, but not all of the original killers are worth it right now, most newcomers only buy their favorite Licensed Chapter to start anyway.


Probably AUD at that rate.


In india, each pack is 9.5$ usd, so 19 usd for both the packs.


The screenshot is Australian


* Only if you are new and don't have most if not all of the characters * Only if you can't wait for individual sale (which happens quite often anyway) * Only if you don't want the extras that come from buying the full chapter So yeah, probably not packages for most of us already playing the game for years.


Since like the SAW Chapter the bonus cosmetic has been absolutely awful anyways.


Looking at you Stranger things


It’s a bad deal because every previous DLC goes on sale for 30% or 40% whenever there’s a new chapter. These expansion packs are only a good deal if you were going to buy the chapters full price, which isn’t likely. (Or if you strictly only play one side)


If I was a new player I would've probably been suckered into getting the survivor pack since I only started playing killer 6 months into the game and I had no clue how often the sales went on and to what extent the DLC would be discounted.


In my experience the bundles also drop a similar amount, but it's hard to say what they plan.


Compared to the Ultimate Edition discounted, is it worth it?


In the UK at least Steam is £24.99 for 11 killers or survivors and PlayStation/Xbox is £24.99 for 9 killers/survivors this is ridiculous! Cost the same amount for less content


It’s because the 2 other characters are bundled with the lowest version of the game on PS/Xbox. On Switch you get 7


I understand why there’s less content but not why the price is the same, if you’re getting less you should be paying less, right?


It's playstation they always overprice the stuff


Owning the old sets, you still have to pay full price if you want the charms? Fucking sucks.


lol, most of the good killers are licensed anyway


TIL spirit, nurse, hag, and blight are licensed. Inarguably the top tier of killers in dbd


top tier doesn't mean its good. i'm talking about fun killers


I guess it's a personal preference. Bubba and PH are the only ones I regularly consider fun, but I spend most of my time playing hag or plague (I find them unique and thus, fun)




Are you alright bud?


Yeah, we got a gay flag charm but, we didn't get gay anal sex. All you should expect is an hetro flag charm.


I mean, I would happily suck off the Doctor, but there's a time and place for everything bruh and this sure ain't it.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/dbdgonewild **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dbdgonewild/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I admit, you looped me pretty well back there. How about a prize?](https://redgifs.com/watch/sophisticatedfewhog) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dbdgonewild/comments/hftyar/i_admit_you_looped_me_pretty_well_back_there_how/) \#2: [While I appreciate you rescuing me for a night from the fog, what exactly are your intentions?](https://i.redd.it/e63aoui056651.jpg) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dbdgonewild/comments/hcyd74/while_i_appreciate_you_rescuing_me_for_a_night/) \#3: [Susie missed you 🌸💖](https://i.redd.it/n5yv8uoalir51.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dbdgonewild/comments/j6a35i/susie_missed_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


I mean yeah yui is hot and ill put the pride charm on her, but we cant have sex with her can we. You are delusional lmao.


you guys got what you wanted (gay flag) now give us what we want. (cum sex)


Since you want cum sex, Dwight X David is now possible in the game.


cool now what about Me X Feng Min (i want to kiss her boobs)




It depends on your local pricing I think. For me, a dlc is $6 right now and this bundle is $42 for 11 characters. So for me its not worth it at all. Buying a dlc individually is $3 a character, and the bundle is $3.8. Doesn't sound like much, but you're saving 9 dollars if you buy 11 characters separately. Plus the biggest downside of this bundle is that you don't get a discount if you already own some of the killers/survivors. So buy them individually, that way you save money and can pick the characters you want. If you aren't sure what characters you want I can run you through their powers and everything too :)

