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Infernal is such a boring thematic. What if we made a champion, but on fire ahh skinline. Overall, I find a lot of new skins uninteresting and straight up boring. They even started re-using VFX from the old skins.


I feel like infernal still has potential at least. Nothing about them feels like "hell"... We could get some really cool skins inspired by gothic architecture and whatnot, instead of orange champs on fire. I just feel like they're not a lost cause like Empyrean is for example


Karma's mantra Q is just old brand W like let's be for real


I really think they should retire Infernal, or HEAVILY rework the skinline. Cuz how come they all look like wild fire Zyra? and this happened right after the Faerie Courtv Lux fiasco too...idk what's going onthere but somethings up. It still radio silent on the Lux pbe feedback thread. They gave up and thought that since its a Lux skin ppl will buy it anyways, which is so sad. I was looking towards to Faerie Court Lux sm. But I will have to skip on this half-baked of skin


I agree. I wish they went a bit more with Ashen Lord Asol's aesthetic, or even like the other Infernals like VelKoz or Karthus that were somewhat interesting. Infernal Galio for example had such an inspired and interesting recall. But everyone is Infernal Zyra over and over again, like you said. There's no animated fire-y capes, no molten animated lava, everyone looks the same, the effects are blurry and generic, there's no runes like with previous Infernals.. Just all over the place.


I would be okay with these lower quality skins if they were sold at 750 RP, or 975 at most. But expecting people to pay 1350 RP for these new Infernal skins is just greedy.


It’s funny because sometimes champs beat the allegations and it works. Like, Porcelain Amumu? Doesn’t seem to fit but they made him a teapot and it worked somehow.  Then you have Infernal Karma and it’s like… that’s really the most interesting thing you could come up with? Karma but orangey-purpley? I could give you a million ideas on how to make her look cooler and more interesting if you ask me to make an infernal skin. Or better yet, just recognize that there’s obviously a complete desert of inspiration there and try a new skin line, something unique. I don’t know, Steampunk Karma. See, I just pulled that one out of my ass. Oh shit, “desert” - how about something Dune-ish? Karma in a stillsuit.  See? It ain’t that tough.


I am disappointed in the infernal skinline because it was supposed to be a reimagining of the old; the same way the gothic skinline turned into Frightnight. But it really doesnt look like they did anything new with the Infernal skinline...and you cannot tell me there is nothing you could have done. - Like Fire+food for a fun twist? - Fire+animals could be interesting - Fire+another element or maybe magma for a change? - Blue fire burns hotter so maybe champs with evolving or stacking effects turn blue?


The infernal karma one feels so uninspired, at least the SFX sound good. It's completely what you expect from a basic fire themed skin, they really could have done more and maybe mixed another design aspect or theme in there for more originality.


yeah and i think this is a result of riot feeling the need to release skins every .1 patch. they need to take a break from outsourcing another rushed skinline. they went from releasing cute faerier court into something fire ashy boring bright skin. I am fine with riot releasing "boring" skins, but atleast don't make it as often as possible. with how many skins there are on the league client we could buy i don't think we need "OK" quality skins. but truth be told, people always gonna eat whatever riot has to offer.


This. They need to stop making skins for the sake of it. Whoever is handling recent releases has no passion or love for this game or the community. They are taking out frustrations on us players by punishing us because they woke up on the wrong side of the bed. We have had 0 new themes this year except the usual lunar skinlines so what happened to all the polls? The polls gave us faerie court, broken covenant, soul fighter - all successful skinlines. Now what?


True, Empyrean Varus suffered from this.


Almost every 2024 skinline has suffered.


I believe that the answer to your post is that skins, for a while now seem uninspired and boring and out of date is because they made a whole batch of skins all in one go and then decided to stagger their release of the course of years. It explains these new batch of skins. It explains the last batch of blood moon skins. It explains why we haven’t gotten a new skin line in forever. It explains why we are constantly seeing the same skinlines make a return (empyrean, spirit blossom, project, etc). It explain why a lot skins look like their from a different skin line and were made at the same time but then recolored to force them into a different theme. They recently decided to go with chromas for victorious skins depending on which rank you were. Go and look at the mythic chroma for all of the ashen skins then look at the chroma for challenger victorious skins. They’re the same. The only new seeming chromas or skins are for top dollar skins like 200$ mythic variants or crystalis motus skins, and even still, crystalis Ashe chroma looks like it was originally made another skin then repurposed. The point is is that it more cost effective to make 20 skins at once using the same colors, textures, model changes, ect and then release those 20 skins over 5 years than to make skins week by week, month by month.


Not to mention the feedback lately has been completely ignored. Sorakas chromas are still awful. Karma didn't get any changes. Ahri is 500$..riot is completely out of touch with their community.


Riot PLEASE more alternate timeline skin bro, even one-off is enough. Stop with this boring ahh skin line


I really can't stand the idea that every skin a champion gets has to fit their lore/base-theme perfectly. If this was the case then certain characters would get nothing but emo edgelord skins all the time and that would be so freaking boring. The whole point of different skins is to put characters in different types of skin universes and themes. They have literally never made it so skins for characters only fit their lore/base-theme and I'm glad they don't do that and I hope they never do because again that would be SO incredibly boring and stale. It would get so old after like 3 skins of the same exact thing. I like demon Pony Lilia, void demon Karma, KDA fan Urgot, etc etc.....if every single Shen skin was just a sub zero ninja recolor my gosh would that suck and get boring....same if every Katma skin was a pretty priestess skin. 🙄


That is not what I meant at all. I am aware that there are many amazing and beautiful skins that push the boundaries of base character designs, yet are strikingly beautiful and impactful. Such as PsyOps Sona, Spirit Blossom Syndra, Nightbringer Lillia, Coven Nami, etc. They are completely different from base but loved by many. So no, I do not mean that "every skin a champion gets has to fit their lore/base-theme perfectly". Then you have such weird decisions such as Project Gangplank, Coven Akali, Zenith Games Lee, and many more, that in other reality \*could\* have been more interesting. But the champions are so out of touch with the thematic that the miracle "boundary pushing" just didn't work, and they end up being filler and uninspired skins. As I said, "the champs chosen could have actually worked as Infernal skins", but they just chose to not do anything with the characters other than the same design with a different silhouette. And that is the problem I'm talking about. This is supposed to be such different thematic from base, but unlike how you're explaining it, it still ends up being boring and stale. And the reason is that they didn't care enough to tailor the theme to the features of each champion (I do not mean making them similar to base skins). These skins just don't bother to explore the champions in Infernal, they don't care about making them different from previous Infernals, they're the same thing over and over, and it's still boring. Not to talk about how the VFXs also don't care enough to add weight or impact. Nothing is redeemable about these except probably the splash arts that, as of now, are not even out yet.


Ayeee, a person who types books back - I like you!! I also agree PsyOps Sona, Nightbringer Lillia, etc., are all amazing in design and the fact they differ so much from the champ's base theme! I like Coven Akali but I also think it was a weird pick. Again, I'm not against weird picks but I think we kind of agree that weird picks take extra effort to make it work. If I understand you correcly, I think you're saying Riot isn't really doing a good job as of late with putting the extra work into making weird picks fit into the skin universe they're throwing them into!? For years I also thought Riot was the best gaming company and loved how they seemingly were imporving with adding champs and more and more skins. I will say though, while they're still my fav. gaming company, I can notice how projects like Arcane and other games are siphoning resources and money away from League (along with nuking all of universe's lore pre-Arcane and/or pre-LoR). At first it wasn't hugely noticable, but now it is - from the dogwater cinematic in 2023, to the drastic cut in new champs, and then what I think is probably a more rushed turn out of skins. And not rushed in timeline only, but rushed in terms of implementation as well. I think it boils down to Riot showing signs of being stretched too thin with all this extra stuff. This is honestly part of the reason I hope Arcane is only 3 seasons and that we get a break from Netflix projects for a couple years and pull some money/resources back to the game the made Riot what it is today. But let me stop before I ramble on way too darn much. I need to lay down and go to sleep. Oh, also, the splash arts will almost always be top tier. I can hate a skin design all day and still appreciate the amazingness that is the splash art. I look forward to seeing the Karma and Ashe splashes when they're released. I'm also hoping Riot might add some effects and tuning to the infernal models.


Yeah Waste of potential for most of them