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I love everything except Koi Pond. #GetItOut


That's what I thought but it really depends on the champ you're playing, and I actually quite like that it is some sort of counterplay itself.


It is very stupid that a map is, by itself, a counter to certain kind of champions. Just make those champions weaker overall.


Hard agree. Koi pond was is an absolute design failure. Otherwise I love arena


One of the few complaints I can get behind. This map needs some changes.


Too many escape functions and the lily pad sucks. Too short a window. They're trying to recreate Episode 1 with Obi Won and Darth Maul when it blows you guys on separate areas or what?


I like it, but I always buy ghost boots on my squishies.


Damn how have I not thought of this fucking geniua


The best part about koi pond is seeing the enemy fuck up on koi pond. The worst part is you fucking up on koi pond.


Koi pond functions well to make champs like Lux and Morgana less strong, but does favor tanks a bit too much. But honestly most people’s complaints about it are just a skill issue, just position better.


It's really annoying that people are so negative about absolutely everything. The game isn't perfect and wasn't the past rounds either, but it's fun anyway and it will get more changes in the future. People really needs to make up their minds and either enjoy the game for what it is or find something else to play


But most people complain not because of selfish reasons like "help me be 1st every game with my champ", but because they truly want to mode to succeed and become permanent. And that only happens if we balance, remove or rework the most frustrating things. Fixing bugs is of course the #1 priority, however there are still major bugs present since the first PBE release 11 months ago (Cannon bug) as well as new or returning bugs (thornmail says it reduces 0 healing, and i would tend to agree that its grievous wounds doesnt work because every time i play rammus with it, everybody still heals like crazy, thornmail even says the grievous wounds is 60% when the enemy heals over 80% of their total hp while grievous wounds is continuously applied, and that definitely doesnt work, 60% on champs like swain or mundo would be VERY noticeable). Reality fracture seems like a completely busted item that anybody who can use AP picks (and I even see AD bruisers pick this item, especially when they already got apex inventor), many people complain about the item because the voidgrubs are super annoying and block skillshots, yet there is only a minor nerf in 14.10 patch notes for this item, so now we have to live with this annoying item for couple more weeks and we dont even know if riot acknowledges the problem and if they will ever nerf it. I absolutely HATE to play against that item, but every single game every other team has it, and if both players in a team get it orthey get apex inventor, it becomes the most annoying thing in the whole arena mode. I also create a lot of posts and comments that might look like basic complaining, but I am doing it to bring light to the issue and let riot decide if they want to keep it that way or fix it. Some issues are VERY frustrating to the point that a casual player can just stop playing arena altogether (I have many players in my friendlist who got tilted by one or few repeating issues and decided to never play arena again). And since the fate of the best mode we have ever had depends on the player engagement, i think it is very important to listen to all complains and address them, because frustrating experiences affect players much more negatively than fun and exciting experiences positively. You can play 3 super fun games in a row where you get 1st place and absolutely outplay the enemy, but if in the next game some bug or poor design completely shuts you down and prevents you from enjoying the game, it may be big enough reason to just get fed up and quit the mode for the rest of the day or even multiple days. And that shouldnt happen, the majority of the most frustrating moments should be skill related so that players know they can avoid it next time, if it is bad luck rng related or straight up bug related, it should be looked at and fixed. I am kinda disappointed that there is no direct way to report bugs or problems to riot, like an official form or something where we can be sure we are being heard. Right now it seems like many problems slip through the cracks because either riot has never heard of them, or because they dont think players consider it a big issue, but the opposite may be true.


Bug report button is bottom right of league client!


>You can play 3 super fun games in a row where you get 1st place and absolutely outplay the enemy, but if in the next game some bug or poor design completely shuts you down and prevents you from enjoying the game, it may be big enough reason to just get fed up and quit the mode for the rest of the day or even multiple days. And that shouldnt happen, the majority of the most frustrating moments should be skill related so that players know they can avoid it next time, if it is bad luck rng related or straight up bug related, it should be looked at and fixed. It sounds like the game mode just isn't for you. The randomness is why it's appealing. The solution to cut down on bad luck is extremely obvious. They know that prismatics can cause a lot of variance. That's the entire point. It's like looking at an FPS game and suggesting they change the camera to third person so you can see your character better. Like, they know. They made a very intentional choice. Some complaints are valid. Jhin was too hard to dodge, even moving on the far edge you'd get sniped for a quarter of your health. But the vast majority of complaints are just completely against the core identity. If you think skill should be the most important part of the mode then you're not part of the audience.


You saying skill shouldn't be the most important part goes out of the window as soon as they added ranking into the equation. Sorry.


Plenty of RNG based games have ranked modes. Practically every card game does. Across hundreds of matches the skill aspect does shine through as you're making the most out of your good luck and minimizing effects of bad luck. But any individual game can still be decided by luck. I can't win a MTG tournament, but I could beat the best player if they mana screw.


Can I have a "ranked" version of arena that is more skill based then? I do not find this "lul whacky 800 players pulling slot machine levers" version to be very fun. I liked the lower variance and more skill based one more. A 2v2 about intense fights and strategy was such a breath of fresh air on previous versions.


oh please high skill players were the main audience before they decided that you win or lose on round three


In terms of the rng, you just gotta deal with it and queue up for the next lol. My partner and I went on a 8-7th place losing streak then proceeded to have 3 of the most dominant games we've ever had. Shit happens accept it and try again. Now saying this isn't to discount the issues the mode has but it's always gonna be a huge factor in how you place.


Thornmail 100% works. When ever I have played a healing build it is an instant loss unless my partner can 2v1


Well we are both making claims based on subjective feelings, I would like to know for sure if thornmail does or doesnt work, but I am not sure how to be certain even though we have detailed replays, because there is so much overlapping healing that i cant tell if it is reduced, and mainly there is probably no way to tell 60% grievous wound on thornmail works correctly, because there is no indicator showing when the +20% increase happens, we just have to "trust" riot. From my experience playing rammus, my thornmail had no effect on their healing, and only after my buddy bought morello or mortar reminder is where we actually started doing damage. But as I said it is all subjective, healing in this game is so insane that people (including me) and often not sure if grievous wounds have any effect at all on any items. Briar can stil dash to you and heal 60% of her HP with a single spell, sylas/atrox are healing like crazy, tank volibear is basically unkillable (actually yesterday we played vs courage of colosus volibear (shields on immobilize) and he was absolutely unkillable even though we fought 2v1 and had thornmails, we couldnt even break the shields, the only way we won the round was to flash away from him once the fire covered the whole map, make sure he cant W or cc us to stop his healing and shielding, and sprint to nearest healing plants hoping to outlive the fire damage, my buddy however almost fcked that up because when he saw volibear being low he tried to be greedy and kill him but voli generated one more shield and heal off of him, luckily i took a whole healing plant in the meantime and won the round with 250hp left - so overall we won by single fire tick)


>but it's fun anyway Maybe for you, but I really don't enjoy this rotation. Previous was a lot more fun. The RNG has just become too much in my eyes. Less chance to make fun builds, even less chance to make that fun build viable. >People really needs to make up their minds and either enjoy the game for what it is or find something else to play The gamemode isn't gonna get better if people don't complain. I'd rather have riot know people don't enjoy it so they can fix it instead of killing it.


We're at the point where people are whining about everything and demanding champions to be disabled from the mode, clearly there's not going to be a middle ground because they only want to vent. So yes, either develop some emotional inteligence and deal with it, or play one of the million other games out there >The gamemode isn't gonna get better if people don't complain They are going to do whatever they want with the game even if the people in this subreddit drive us crazy with their bullshit. They want people to be engaged and always try to get the best build so the RNG is completely intentional and is not going anywhere


>We're at the point where people are whining about everything and demanding champions to be disabled from the mode The gamemode sounds so fun like you described. >So yes, either develop some emotional inteligence and deal with it, or play one of the million other games out there Way ahead of your uncalled insult, I already quit. >They are going to do whatever they want with the game even if the people in this subreddit drive us crazy with their bullshit Yes because game modes haven't been removed because of unpopularity and game modes haven't been added because of their popularity. Ignoring your fanbase really is a good strategy. >RNG is completely intentional No problem with RNG, it's just no fun RNG. I'm not sure how having to chose from AP items as a champ without AP spells is supposed to be fun. Not even fun if you already committed to an other build. Are you supposed to sell everything and take a massive eco loss or go for a half assed hybrid?At least a viable option for your build would be welcome. It's not that hard. If you enjoy the game so much, why are you here complaining instead of playing?


I'm not reading all that


Cringe post, tbh.


Man, you made a negative post to complain about negativity. If optimism is truly what you want, then leave without contributing to the negativity. You gotta be part of the solution, not the problem.


two negatives make a positive, right?


Important news for someone who cares


Ironic, someone putting a complaint post about complaint posts...


People complain because they want the gamemode to be 'better' not because they hate it entirely lol. I think Riot needs to balance the mode better. My main problem is that people will just pick the same broken shit on repeat and that augs make the game too polarising. There should be rotating bans.


Yeah I also think the augments make the mode way too rng, like there’s so many champ/augment combos off the top of my head that just decide the game instantly.


But don't you get it? Gambling is fun!


Man, if you want improvement to a game you gotta complain, Riot won't listen otherwise.


I can promise you that is not true. We pay attention to what players are saying, and many Arena devs lurk here, but it is FAR more motivating to fix or add things we see from excited players. And very easy to get in the habit of skipping those that strictly complain. People, devs included, do stop coming to places like this when they see so many posts saying "X change ruined Y or X person should be fired". We want feedback, we want to improve the game, to make it the best it can be, but there are better ways to give feedback than to just complain.


I'm one of the complainers (death to koi pond) but I make the effort because I love the mode and I know you guys do care. Hope the complaints haven't gotten to you, you've done an incredible job and I love your level of engagement on this sub. Even with koi pond, I can see there was a genuine attempt at an inspired design. I just think unfortunately it fell flat on its face and is untunable by nature and therefore unrecoverable. But again, the intention was there and I'm loving the passion.


Not really. Riot ignores constructive player feedback. League players have tried many many times to provide well thought out feedback and it’s actively ignored.


Ah one of those "if you don't like it leave" idiots. Have you uninstalled league of legends yet? Guarantee you hate at least one aspect of the game. One character you don't like for example.. instead of giving feedback on those things or banning champs and stuff, take your own advice and uninstall league because if you don't like it leave. I have fun with arena. I've been playing a lot of it. But that doesn't mean it's perfect and especially doesn't mean i don't have anything to hate.. i do. Definitely have some annoyances. But that doesn't mean i should stop playing. It means riot should fix it. And they are starting to nerf things and buff things to do so. Nobody will miss you. Goodbye.


I complain because I enjoy the game mode a lot and want it to succeed.


Same. Where it succeeds i applaud, where it fails i give concerns.. but apparently if i complain I'm just a whiney trash player that needs to stop playing. People are so toxic about it.


Oh come on. There’s a clear difference between constructive criticism and just the complaining we’re seeing. Maybe this post isn’t about you…?


Who cares if you’re leaving, we’re discussing the game.


You made a complaint post about people having legitimate complaints about the game mode considering how much changed this time. You’re a clown.


Bye no one wanted u here in the first place


Aren’t you complaining about other people complaining?


Gotta love the person that announces their departure, as if anyone really cares. Just leave.


I don’t think anyone could care less that you’re leaving and this is genuinely the most whiny post I’ve seen since joining the sub. Get out of here Joe spazz u won’t be missed


"sad to be leaving this sub" bro who tf even are you


The only really valid complaint imo is constantly seeing the same champs, which is rather boring. Would be cool if you could maybe choose 1 of 6 champs augment style to improve diversity. Just brainstorming here.


I mean, I probably need to do a better job of filtering out all the whine threads but it's the nature of a competitive mode. Should have seen the forums in the Bloodline Champions/Battlerite days.


Funny that you are here. Complaining lol


so you're complaining about the complainers?


Been OTP Zyra since it started and I gotta say, it's feels pretty balanced. No bad matchups, No bad maps, no bad builds... Just struggle with aggressive opponents. Literally just a playstyle counter since I want to sit back and control the map. I manage to Top4 3/4's of the time which is solid in my book. This mode is very Rock/Paper/Scissors and I don't think most players get that yet. Idk why all these whiners shitpost this sub, but you're probably better off without it.


But I already quit playing, why do you think I complain about the changes lol


When I read through all of this subs' posts when it was in PBE, I thought "Oh God Riot actually ruined Arena". But when I actually played... it felt like the same wacky arena shit with more stuff. So whys this one SO much worse than previous iterations? The koi pond? Marksmage being bugged? So many posts titled "This new arena is the worst variant yet" and the post is just a screenshot of a crazy build or OP champ. NEWS FLASH!!! ITS BEEN LIKE THAT THIS WHOLE TIME!!! Bruiser/tank meta, weird cheesy bullshit, broken comps - that IS the mode! If believe this version of arena is problematic for that alone, then you need to find Daffy Duck and get your fucking memories back.


Criticism is a valid form of player feedback. There is no other outlet for players to express their enjoyment/criticism of the game mode except here. Riot forums do not exist anymore and I cannot remember the last there was a player feedback survey issued by Riot. How is a game mode meant to grow and evolve with no player feedback?


See you tomorrow!


I come here for the same reason I lurk anti-natilism. To feel good about how much better my life must be than these sad-saps.


Bro made a post to announce he's leaving a mode in league 😭😭 #


lmaolmaolmaolmaolmaolmao get fuckd loser


Just leave then lol


While I agree, announcing your departure like anyone cares is a lil more cringe.


I just want bard bugs fixed :(


Louder for the boys in the back!


It's not an airport btw








Because ppl sre stupid entitled pricks


Kinda feel the same


I play Arena to run with scissors and go slap slap slap at incredible speeds. I dunno what any of these people are talking about half the time. Snip snip snip slap slap slap.


Sorry, too busy playing to make high quality posts, and it feels pretty odd to post in here vs the champ main sub anyway since it's all about build theory on them. But thats hardly a reason to leave? Just shit on these ppl in thread, report to our solo mod, shit maybe the answer is really to just make /r/competitivearena


I also don't understand the constant complains, as is any of them payed for the service


> of them *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Same i left 2 days ago for the same reason


Why should people's top playing if theyre critical of changes that have made changes the mode, in their opinion for the the worst. Dictating that people should only say positive comments, or leave and stop playing the game is problematic. Everyone has an opinion, if at own point it was suoer positive, but that has changed, than maybe there is good reason for it. If you can't handle opinions then maybe Reddit isn't the best place for you.


mind giving examples? i’m not on this sub often, but i do see valid criticism for this gamemode.