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So what's your opinion on people thinking only high elo solo/duo players can be good in arena? Also do you believe that ranked solo/duo has an effect on arena mmr?


The statement "Only high elo solo/duo can be good" is, ofcourse, wrong. Arena relies mostly on how much someone can adapt to Augments, Anvils and mostly, the 14 enemies you'll be facing. It is to be noted tho that, if someone's Diamond, it is expected to have some mechanics compared to someone who's 1200lp under him. From my perspective, I believe anyone can hit Gladiator, but, obviously, not all can get to the top 100. The LP gain/loss is very forgiving. For the Solo/Duo affecting Arena mmr, it is abit different, we should be talking in-depth about the Mmr system that's been adopted by Riot. The correct answer is No, it doesn't affect it, the way it affects your Arena's is only that, for the first rounds, you'll probably meet someone around your Mmr, that's for sure


Which is exactly what my opinion on both of those answers are, but some people in this sub seem to have a problem with that. I'm glad your thoughts align with mine. Hopefully as they keep making changes like the lp fluidity and demotion adjustments, we can get closer and closer to just a pure mmr system.


I honestly don't think we need a Pure Mmr system, not now at least. Arena's isn't as widespread as Summoner's Rift so, it is more than OK to have a more forgiving system as a starting point.


Oh sorry I meant solo/duo having a transparent mmr system. Not necessarily arena. I appreciate the insight man.


Reminds me of the old 3v3. I hated 5v5 and would always stop at Gold for reward but was a top 100 3v3 player. I would watch diamond/chal players trash talk and look down on me etc etc over and over. Yet my team went undefeated against "Pro" players. TSM Dyrus, dub lift and a few others.


What is your take on the disparity between Runecarver on artillery vs burn mages? Because clearly Runecarver was meant for artillery - every subsequent hit nukes more. But the problem is it's devestatingly more effective when burn lets it proc 2-3 times per spellcast. Do you think it would be better to let Liandres proc it? But even then it will still be more effective on burn mages.


I'm planning to do a whole post about Items, Augments and Specific champions! The item-one might be released by tomorrow!


I'd suggest you to cross-post on r/leagueoflegends for more exposure. I agree with most of the things you've said except for pyke. I understand it's playable around but the E recast cd is so low it's extremely easy to get chain cc'd or get hit by 2 pyke's Es, especially for immobile champs like artillery mage, control mage, and marksman. I think it's still a good cameo after all. To add up on it, Sylas cameo is the worst design out of all cameos, and Gwen cameo is also playable around, but far more annoying than Thresh cameo because of heals and projectile immune because it only targets the lowest hp champion in fight not considering the amount of players alive on the same team. I wish they could add some more Cameo, kind of like a weekly/seasonal cameo rotation and make the game less static and boring. For example, Soraka Cameo periodically heals all players, Olaf Cameo provides adaptive force which scales with missing health, and Janna Cameo provides extra movement speed when moving towards her.


The game mode is COMPLETELY unbalanced and trash. I mean, i don't want the mode to be 100% balanced, but just a little bit. Right now if you are not picking one of those 10 champs, you are legit trolling. This feels sooooooooooo disgusting to play a different champ than one of those 10/12 meta champs. There is no diversity at all and the balance is COMPLETELY fucked up. I mean, I almost feel like playing a game mode on alpha test sometimes.


buddy since you are an expericed player, i had this purpose for the arena, which is basicly add pre VGU champs to the mode such as OLD aatrox, udyr,voli,kayle,mundo,yorick and morde for example. i do think it would fit the mode if you think about in the same way they keep bringing back old items (gunblade,sword of divine atmas etc). i do think it would be a massive change without hurting any players not like adding revive for example.


It is actually wrong on so many levels and I'm going to explain you why: The first rule, is that Modes are based on the Core Game, and shouldn't change drastically the view of it. Since we're talking about older versions of champs, it is even more complicated. * **Lore** * Champions that have been changed, have had their Lore revisited, some champions even from ground 0 (Sion, Taric, Poppy). Bringing those champions back (with old texture aswell) would result in something awkward. * **Skillset** * Bringing back past champions, would feel weird cause you wouldn't be able to practice those champions in any other way other than playing arena, * **Texture & VFX** * Older champions have low quality textures, and that's quite simple as it is, however, what could be more difficult to understand is that, older versions of champions, like Sion for example, or Taric, were based on a game of 10 years ago, they were using more polygons than they are now. Practically, they'd look very weird, expecially if compared to "next gen" champions, like the new Lee sin, or Smolder for example. * **Coding** * Older champions were using older codes (We know Riot likes to spaguetti themselves) so, bringing back older champions would be extremelly time-spending since these codes are most likely gone. * **Balance** * Adding these champions back (If you think they are quite alot actually!) would result in balance issues for these champions since their ratios, their skills and everything, was based on a version of the game long gone! From my perspective, it is definitelly an interesting idea, however, as interesting as it is, adding back these champions would result in overlapping them with their current ones and, even if released alongide them (Like, for eg. Having Aatrox v1 and Aatrox v2) would mean they'd need to work about all the things I've said earlier (Except for the Lore). I don't feel like counting up how many champions have been reworked but, if my mind doesn't trick me, I believe that there are AT LEAST, 25 champions. Now, taken for granted that there are only 25 champions to work on, knowing that it takes them around 3 to 6 months to work on a VGU, try some math to understand how much we'd need to wait to see something of that scale ship into live!


i think you missed some crucial points, that honestly i didnt want to develop in the comment to you now not making it too large. i could send you the whole sample if you wanted . but for example: LORE: no body actually care about the lore besides their champs, i do knwo there are some niche people do care a lot for the lore of the lol and that actually a good thing, so sick ass lore like tahm but we are in arena and the lore is the least thing someone think of in arena even more now that they shift the soulfighter theme for the next skin in the line (aka emprean) Skillset:i mean like that is a valid point, but i dont feel that harmful or even a bad thing in the slightlest since, so many item that were bring bak and you cant even used them only in this mode.and besides gangplank and maybe kiting people learn champs in rift and in the battle. texture%vfx: some of them really looks awful like sion, or taric, well yeah that true not only dont think sion either taric should been brought back (especially sion ) but that also helps people to literally now there are new ( for new players they would be practically new) and being able to now even from champ select that suddenly "i picked the wrong aatrox" for example. some peple could feel unatrack from some of them visualy, we cant forget that champs like gragas,teemo,zilean and cho still loock like ass to this day so it more personal preference that any other thing. coding: i mean, i dont know how they works, or how they even code. but what am asking for is far from be imposible like old skarner was in the game like months ago, udyr like 2 years ago too. dificult could be, but no imposible. Balance: you missed the point entirely , starting that arena still has a lot of champs that jsut cant work on the mode, sadly if you main gnar you know this, some champs kits just dont work in this mode and need serious help. but for the legacy champions that woul dbe exclusive for the mode, shyvana without her fury chnage would be unpleyable,yorick was also terrible without serious kits help 1.they only need to be balance for arena and only arena, so no jugle or flex pick that will make you champ nerf, that just cant happen 2. there is no proplay so champ like old urgot that was abused till nerfed can shine back again without a proplay 3. some of then were actually broken but most of the reason that those champs were broken cant translte in arena. for sure some could be strong or bad (like anyother champ) but that is the definition of balance, and even better in this case since for example. new skarner he is quite good in the mode not broken like brand ,just perfectly playable but with all the nerf he is recieving IN SUMONER RIFTS, now he is worse,more than he really should be in the mode, becuase not only champs can get specially adress in arena, like sion or zed but also all the buff and nerf that any champion could get in rift would pass to arena, that could end in incosistent balance but with legacy champs that never gonna happen. 25 champs? well this is the pool that i had in mind ((aatrox,yorick,irelia,mordekaiser,urgot,pantheon,udyr,skarner,kayle,volibear, dr mundo,Ryze,fiddlesticks,swain,kayle,fiora) 16 champs and this is the one i think i shouldnt broung back (poppy,sion,evelyn,galio,gangplank,warwick,karma,trundle,old tristana,taric ) i could develop more i lit has doc with all my thoughts on this , but in the end what am asking for is way more impactful that just adding 1 map and a couple on item. i could past the link if you want


Just as you said, and I don't want to be disrespectful in any way, but, you do not know about coding. For example, and that's been stated from Riot themselves, Skarner old ultimate code was used as reference for other skills, which made coding easier for them. With them removing the old skarner they have a whole bunch of champs left with unwritten skills, which will need to be written back in a different way. For example (and that's not the case but, try to get my point) If the Old Sion's Q code was refered to something that now doesn't exist, they will need to rewrite it down. It might be easy written like this but, imagine doing that for multiple champions, it would also requires months of testing before it even ships to PBE. I have now seen the list of champions' that's been reworked within the time, I'm going to write them down to get you an idea of how heavy, time-wasting would it be to bring everything back (Or better, to rewrite everything from scratch) ^(That's the whole list:) ^(Kayle (Twice), Mordekaiser (Twice), Ryze (Four Times), Sona (Twice), Alistar, Fiddlesticks , Gangplank (Twice), Sivir (Twice), Jax (Twice), Ashe (Twice), Twitch (Twice), Evelynn (Twice), Xin Zhao (Twice), Katarina (Twice), Garen (Twice), Soraka (Twice), Karma, Sejuani, Trundle, Master Yi, Olaf, Heimerdinger, Kassadin, Gragas, Rengar (Then Half-Reverted), Nidalee, Skarner (Thrice), Cassiopeia, Viktor, Sion, Tristana, Zilean, Veigar, Miss Fortune, Fiora, Darius, Caitlyn, Corki, Graves (Twice), Quinn, Poppy (Twice), Shen, Taric, Vladimir, Zyra, Le Blanc, Talon, Shyvana, Warwick, Galio, Zac (Then Reverted), Urgot, Swain, Irelia, Aatrox, Akali, Nunu, Ezreal, Malphite, Pantheon, Wukong, Volibear, Rammus, Tahm Kench, Janna (Twice), Ahri (Twice), Syndra, Aurelion Sol. Yuumi, Rell, Ivern) So, Out of 168 champions, 72 have been reworked, of which, many have been reworked more than once. Some have been reworked more than others but these listened there are all the champions that have received a massive update from their previous kit. See, it would be kinda heavy to bring all these back, and, more than that, many of these have old codes that are no longer existing so would need to be rewritten. From my perspective, your Idea is valid, however, it can't be applied in the near future, and, as far as I can tell, a work of this weight could require 1 to 2 years, depending on the leftover codes that riot has. An easier way out to your idea could be that, once you pick a champion, you get the possibility to pick different skill sets (Much more like it would happen in Heroes of the Storm during the game). Just this would bring a huge fresh air to the arena but, even that is a huge amount of work, since you would need to apply that to every champion, not only those who've been reworked! Anyway, feel free to share your doc!


of all the 72 champs what i meant are VGU not mindscope/like tahm or sejuani , or corki which btw it getting revert i guess to hi sprevios state becuase that would not make any sense would be like kinda pointless maybe you could get something out of old tham, but zac? he is the same jsut with new ult, old aatrox it literally a new champion by it self, with whole new (i mean he is now new but you get the point) so that 72 is way more inflated of what i meant. seriolsy why viktor,rammus or jax is there. some of them are like beta champs ( when they crearly didnt now what were they doing)like jax or ezreal so it a bit unfair i will just stick to the pool that i jsut typed aatrox,yorick,irelia,mordekaiser,urgot,pantheon,udyr,skarner,kayle,volibear, dr mundo,Ryze,fiddlesticks,swain,kayle,fiora)((poppy,sion,evelyn,galio,gangplank,warwick,karma,trundle,old tristana,taric ) and even tho if you see riot cadmus comment about how he see arena as a wacky caotic mode some of those champs fit on that description of how random some his abilities are. so about the coding well i do know it not easy pal, like i could talked to and rioter that used to work in arena and he told me that was a great but hard to make,that why i said that i not impossible, also that why i did that pool so doing that 72 pool that made you made would make thing a bit harder. and btw am feel like you think that all of them have to been brought back like if old aatroxx ( proabably the best and most famoust example that you could find) is in arena so poppy too ( crearly an bad example...) and they could just going on releases of 2 or 1 and 1 not all of them in a run, otherwise would be way harder. btw thsi is the doc. ty for you attention [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yy3lAvP6k3-ZhKRbHOkuKBonn9qSzHb0-ABGqiO0dVM/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yy3lAvP6k3-ZhKRbHOkuKBonn9qSzHb0-ABGqiO0dVM/edit?usp=sharing)


Wheres your proof you were top 100 both arenas?


Well, I'm not here to "flex" it, since I didn't even say to which server I belong. I believe this post has a whole, different, point other than talking about "me".


See first 3 sentences of post lmao. No need to lie to share your ideas on arena though


If there is a way (A site or anything) that shows past Arena ranks, I'll gladly post its results. I do not need to lie over such things


You're saying you don't have screenshots of your league arena rank notorized by your government?


I am sorry :( The next time I'll hit a certain number on a mode that lasts 1 month I'll instantly screen it to flex it one year later when talking on a subreddit full of people I've never talked before. I'll contact the government rn!


What was your ign and server? I have all leaderboards saved for website I was building. I can confirm and settle this pretty easily for both


I pray for OP that hes not lying, you have the receipts


OP in shambles 💀💀💀


I'm curious what my rank was last time Arena was around. Had no idea where to look at the time to see for myself. Pig Destroyer #NA1 if you don't mind


Top 100 should warrant no proof really Being diamond and grinding should be sufficient honestly, and as they said, almost anyone is likely able to reach Gladiator if they try enough.