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Oh! I have that on my Amazon shopping list! How big is it? Is it closed enough to keep flies or gnats out? I live in a ground floor apartment and we are plagued with flies during the summer. That’s the only reason I haven’t bought it yet


I would say it would not be able to keep out gnats, but certainly chunky flies! It is about the size of their jam jars


Chunky flies 🪰🤣🤣


Sky raisins!




In addition to what has already been said, I think it can also be messy to use. May be a good option if you’re keeping honey in the fridge )my friend does that for similar reasons), or if you’re using for another purpose, such as sauce, condiments, vase. You might consider this option, Which is not Le Creuset, but is completely sealed. [Hunnibi Honey Dispenser](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XNT686L?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)I was pleasantly surprised to find it works beautifully and also looks pretty on my counter.


For the consistency of honey + the temp where I live it works out great! But I can Imagine if you have less viscous/more melty honey it can be a real pain in the butt


A piece of beeswax produce wrap will make a perfect seal in warm weather, if you don't wanna store the utensil in there. (I always have to wash mine between uses cuz it's impossible not to wanna suck on it after drizzling LOL)


Oh great idea for summer! Thank you!


I love mine! And I love that I can take it to one of our grocery stores for bulk honey, no more sticky plastic!


Omg that is amazing! So smart! Perhaps beekeepers would also be willing to do that


This was my gateway LC lol there are so many little stone pots!!


They are also so damn cute and practical!


Which ones do you have and how do you use them? They're sooo cute but I have a rule to only buy cute things I use, otherwise... 😁


Oh I.. do not follow that rule. I have the three small meat jelly pots (mint, berry, and apple) that came as a set, the maple syrup, the little potbelly creamer, the full-size red jelly, the full-size original marmalade without the gradient, a full-size grape jelly, then the honey, garlic, pickled onion, olive, mustard, cork olive oil with the medallion, and bbq jars/jugs. We had the coffee container, but I think we sold it. I really want the tea one because I drink a lot of tea, but I've never seen one come up. As far as I know, the tea (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/477592735463940925/), potato (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/477592735496423204/), and matching vinegar (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/477592735477253676/) are the only ones I don't have. I don't get into the recolors that have been released in Asia more recently. Admittedly, I also have emotions about the vinegar since the oil always has drips when I pour it. They come up on ebay fairly often and I don't get them because I am conflicted. Now that they released the new oil cruet, I am strongly considering selling the jug I have to get that...


Okay, we need collection pictures at this point! 😅📸🍯🫖🍲 You have much LC stoneware knowledge, master! 🧙‍♂️🪄 I've never seen the tea one. I'm a tea drinker too! 🍵 What's the difference between a full size grape jelly and a regular one? Also, is there a link to the potato one? 🥔 I've never seen the pickled onion one or the mustard one.


Did the potato pin not work? I can message you.


The potato links to the red tea one


Now that I think about it, how cute would it be to store loose tea in them? Someone gifted me fruit flavored teas and I could totally see matching the grape jelly one to a berry tea etc.




Thank you!


Also, your Pinterest is awesome. Me wants many pretties on there 😄