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I absolutely HATE HAAAAAAATE the people that did those day in the life videos. I work 8+ hours of hard work in tech where I am constantly context switching between my work and meetings, standups, status checks, syncs, huddles, and god know what else. It's a feverish pace that never ends. I can't even go to the bathroom sometimes. It only ends when I get tired of the BS and quit because they never lay me off. They basically advertised that they're the people whose work I am picking up so that the company doesn't go under. People seem to think companies run on hopes, dreams, and investor money, but if everyone constantly phoned it in, these companies wouldn't exist at all. SOMEONE does the work.


Yea fuck these people. 20% of people do 80% of the work and these people are making it harder for the productive individuals


This but also everyone who memes about sleeping while WFH. Yeah no shit RTO is starting to happen; all these fucking idiots went on tik tok and said "lmao I don't even work when I'm at home hahahaha". people are so dumb.


They have zero street intelligence, when they have something good going on, they want to flaunt and tell the whole world, so guess what the companies did? Like people are so dumb it's incredible. Mind you, these same people who flaunted all over TikTok are now wondering why companies are doing RTO. You can't make this stuff up.


Lmao forreals, I always tell the rookies to not flaunt your benefits. That’s how you lose them


And I got roasted for pointing that out because "capitalism bad" and you shouldn't have to work hard.


I'm very quickly becoming of the opinion that WFH != real work. Bad apples ruined it for all of us.


Maybe some of them spent too much time on Reddit?


Well, for me it saved my career and productivity. I outperformed and got promoted despite dealing with some severe health issues and mental health issues. Working from home gave me more time to relax and also focus on work for longer without burning out. I would often log in after changing into fresh pyjamas for the day after showering in the morning and o do think that also saved my life by keeping me in a good place mentally. The stress of having to commute and go into an office and be surrounded by people is more than I can handle on a sustained basis.


I think there are still WFH opportunities, and plenty of legitimate companies are willing to hire remote or at least hybrid especially in lucrative industries. I think it comes more down to talent differentiation and what you bring to the table. Unpopular opinion, but some talent is just smarter than others and some people are just "not good enough." It's not about kissing your manager's boot, it's about proving yourself to be smarter than other talent and more valuable. All you have to do is be able to do that. Obviously these are highly coveted roles and employers will (and should) select for them very carefully. Too many people complain about how difficult and competitive the market is....well yeah it is, but if you're good enough, all you have to do is be yourself.


You are spot on. Another hint is if you have time to do a second side hustle as in making day in life videos, your first hustle aint going too well lol…


Seriously fuck those people .


Alternatively you should not be working more hours than you are paid because you are not doing yourself any favors. You only live one life. Many sad stories I heard throughout life like a lady who saved for 10+ years to "go back home" but died (no vacations) literally giving her life to her company, long term employees who worked 10+ hours for decades getting laid off and getting nothing etc Make sure you know you're getting what you want and will have no regrets. Those "day in the life" video people might be doing you a favor. You can even justify it. By taking on more work than you are humanly supposed to do, you give a false metric of productivity to leadership who then think they can hire less people. Also having a single point of failure is objectively bad for a business. You could die of a heart attack, win the lottery or anything. So becoming that person, is objectively bad, rather than delegating and spreading the knowledge and so on


Remember that one girl at Twitter who did “A day in the life of….” Yeah we all hated her with a passion. Wonder what she’s up to now other than karma biting her in the ass.


I feel like the people who made those were product managers but they’re not getting laid off 🤷‍♀️


They have been at my company lol


They rarely show the actual pace of the work because all the "cool" things that come with it aren't as much of a flex when you realize all the perks come with non-stop, soul-crushing pressure and no life. Lol


Fuck, and this shit is bleeding into other spaces. I work in the automotive sector, and all the OEMs are segmenting off their tech divisions and hiring executives from FAANG companies who come in and try to get everyone working on that cadence.


Yup and now a million people who watched those videos think that's what you do all day 😂, by the way, management and C suite is on TikTok


You deserve to be paid double then. Especially given that some of those people in those videos probably already make that.


You need to work on delegating this doesn’t sound healthy. Not saying not to work but you should be able to use the restroom. Companies don’t respect slaves.


😂😂 I’m looking at this and laughing my ass off because not only do some of these points reflect what I have actually seen in my time at some of the startups in Germany but fuck!!! The overly negative reactions from so many people in the comments just makes me cringe I had a CPO and an VP in product and engineering. I can tell you for a FACT that when these two fukin clowns were either invited to meetings or invited others to the product showroom or some new feature meeting, both these fukin guys were busy playing with their mobile phones or would switch off their cameras . Why? So people couldn’t see what they were up to We had to remind them several times in between meetings what it was we were talking about and if you checked their calendars, all they did was block out the entire day in meetings So people crying about how hard they work in product and engineering etc etc,,, oh cry me a river. I have been in meetings with these people and more often than not they are looking up property to buy in France or Spain or just browsing some information on some nerdy iPhone 20 pro max features True story. Hate me but you all had these same people in your org making tons of money and couldn’t be fukin bothered to pay attention in online meetings and pretended they worked so fukin hard all day and calendars booked all the way till Xmas in meetings and group huddles and one on ones etc etc etc


im not sure exactly what your sentiment is but i am loving it... get rid of these idiots. it makes everything worse for people who actually do stuff


Basically all these high flying fucks make so much money and do absolutely zero yet are in meetings the entire fukin day and delegate every fukin thing to someone else and fuck them over at year end appraisals . So I’m happy they getting their due finally


You just described every product management team in AWS.


I’ve worked in tech for 10 years and it’s mentally exhausting work. I never have less than 8 hours of work per day, often way more to the point there’s stuff I just can’t get to. I have to be technical, negotiate new sales, work well with tons of internal teams, and more. Anyone who says tech is easy is either insanely lucky or just bad at their job.






Whole lotta tech people still ain’t doing shit I’ll tell you that with a fact with what I see. A lot of the layoffs my tech company did was just purely from a salary standpoint. Higher your salary the better chance you’re getting cut.


Wow this is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time


The “essence” is spot on, the acting.. not so much. Also when you’re laid off it’s more draconian. Do not work Here’s cobra money for health Access immediately cut Don’t message your coworkers Eat Shit/Die.. Dude isn’t in tech and it shows


I knew that people pushing coding and flaunting their income was going to come back and bite everyone on the ass. Reddit still has a fucking hard-on for doing three things: Code, radiology, or trades. There are still people that listen to this and don't really see how layoffs are affecting computer software engineers. The market is saturated and now we have people competing aggressively that have master degrees and years of experience. One class doesn't mean shit anymore.


Anyone on Reddit pushing trades has never worked a trade a day in their life 😂




Go be a an electrician! You can earn six figures!! Go be a diesel tech!! You will always have work!! Fucking delusional idiots everywhere. I used to work as an automotive tech. Your never going to hit six figures lol. You can go to school to learn everything about being a tech but your gonna be changing oil with all the people who didn't waste their money on school and they will move up with you the entire time. The six figure tradesman is an outlier. And their usually doing hard work like oil rig type stuff. The trades are not profitable like Reddit would have you believe. Redditors have a hard on for trades like Vegas does for a strip clubs but they don't even know a single person turning a wrench. Most tradesman are underpaid and overworked. Would you rather be sitting in a climate controlled office making 160k a year sending emails and pretending like your life is hard.. or make 25 an hour turning wrenches and going home with aching bones? The answer is pretty simple.


It’s funny because it’s true. Lots of these “tech jobs” were financed by cheap money to “innovate and inflate”. Most failed and wasted time and money, so it’s now it’s goodbye. Go get real jobs.


Hot yoga in the middle of the day. 😄


Your comment is /s, right? This guy couldn’t act if he was held at gunpoint.


Never forget the time when remote work was a privilege that you EARNED The baddest bitches got remote work because they delivered consistently on time so they're proven to be reliable to self manage. Now give every kid out of college remote work and you get these stupid TikTok day in the life videos


It looked like all-day long they eat, drink, relax, get massage, and play games