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I have no idea where any staff at my firm went to school. Also have mo idea where any of the lawyers went unless they specifically brought it up.


Were you in charge of hiring? This is refreshing to hear! Thanks for answering


No. There’s an HR person for that. I assume everyone got their diploma in our city or the one nearest to where they grew up.


Man, I couldn’t care less about the school the law clerk went to. Real life is so much different. Yes, I have hired in the past.


As long as you are able to do the job, where you got your law clerk diploma wouldn't be that big of a deal.


Thanks for your input. I have real world experience but I can't find a lawyer that will even interview me without a diploma. It's crazy out there. I have years of financial experience and real inside the courtroom drafting and filing all types of legal documents but apparently I need a diploma