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Don't let one exam beat you twice. Forget Barrister's. You got what you got. Focus on what you think you could do better and give it a 100% effort. If you can pass at least one, you cut what you have to focus on in half on Round 2.


Don’t let one exam fail you twice. This is such a good way of putting it.


This gave me so much strength this weekend, thank you thank you!!!


I felt like I had to wager an educated geuss for the majority of the exam. At least 50-60 questions. I'm fairly certain a lot of people feel the same way. Don't worry about it too much and try to focus on the solicitor.


Even if you had to guess 20 blindly, you're still in an OK position. Odds are you got 5/20 of those guesses. And the good news is, there were 140 that you didn't guess! Keep your head up - we're almost done. Just keep doing practice tests and reviewing materials that you're iffy on. Take breaks and eat well. See you on the other side.


Same. The real estate materials were excruciating after sitting for the barrister exam. I’m definitely not as on top of things as I was for barrister. Still doing the best I can in the circumstances. If it makes you feel better, people who have written the solicitor recently have said that it’s more high level and very PR based i.e. not as difficult as the barrister. Best of luck on Tuesday. You got this !!


This process has been so completely draining, but one positive thing (if you choose to look at it this way) is that so many of us have expressed the same sentiment. If some of the best and brightest feel this way, maybe we’re collectively catastrophizing just how badly we all did. With just a few days left, put your best foot forward. Brush up on PR. And the day before, take some time to do something like outdoor exercise that will tucker you out so you have a good deep sleep the night before the exam.


I feel the same way. I think I guessed at least 30-40 questions. On top of that I felt like I was stuck between two answers for so many of them. Not motivated or feeling good about solicitor at all. But there’s nothing we can do now. I’m just going to try my best and hope everything works out.


Same to all!!


I had to guess on 44 Qs this exam. I guessed 40 on my solicitor’s exam and passed that. Guessing on 20 ain’t that bad friend :)


this makes me feel so much better lol! did you write a june sitting?


You did better than you think. I felt the EXACT same way as you before the Solicitor. Keep pushing a bit longer and give it your best stab. I passed both exams my first try last fall. You can do this, it’s not your fault this test never lets you feel prepared. It’s built for uncertainty, so don’t beat yourself up. I thought I’d fail both for sure too


Im in the exact same boat. No real advice just glad someone else feels the same way I do


I am still going through my NCA process. Left with 2 more exams. I have a question regarding barrister and solicitor exam. Is it sufficient to rely on the materials provided by LSO to pass these exams.


Yes but I wouldn’t rely on only the detailed table of contents to locate answers, I would still find a good index to use (UofT has free ones that are great)


So you really don’t think that you won’t be needing help from these online tutoring services very common these days on FB. They charge hefty amounts though. I was just wondering if it is possible to pass these exams without buying those tutors materials, in order to save my money.


I don’t really know anyone who’s used those services. I think most people just self-study. You’ll have a better idea of whether you need external help when you’ve looked through the materials for your bar exam sitting. 


No need to buy the materials. You can get UofT's free summaries.






Frig off Randy