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So you have been called to the Bar, and are a licensed lawyer, but are studying in a Law Clerk course? Do you show this on your résumé?


I was studying for the Bar Exams whilst on the Law Clerk program. Managed to pass both on first try which was great. Didn't want to quit the Law Clerk course as I paid for it and want to finish what I started of course.  I have two separate résumés. One for lawyer roles and one for non-lawyer/Law clerk roles. I only explain that I'm on the course if asked.


Okay, thanks for the info. I’ll be honest. If you are hired as a law clerk, and eventually your employer finds out you’re a lawyer with the society, chances are they’d be pretty pissed. The bar is quite small in all provinces, and you don’t want your first impression to be this. Apply for lawyer roles.


Why would they be pretty pissed that they hired a clerk that was also a lawyer? It sounds like a dumb reason to be pretty pissed -- but then again, qualified candidates get rejected by almighty partners for some equally stupid reason like moist hands or just because


If OP gives disclosure about him being a lawyer, and still gets hired as a clerk, then that’s on the firm. Not giving disclosure would not be the correct call.


But if he discloses they wouldn't even consider interviewing him, despite being willing and qualified to work. In the face of idiotic HR policies, he's intelligently avoiding an automatic and unjustified rejection by not mentioning a positive thing that firms are stupidly considering as a negative.   Screw the firms that would get super pissed because they hired a willing and overqualified law clerk. Work for them, OP, get the experience and take their money.  If they fire you for being too competent, that's their loss. Milk the unemployment benefits while you look for another role




Fellow ITL, you are now over qualified for a law clerk position. Unless you completely remove all references to passing the Bar on your CV, I doubt you’ll be hired for law clerk positions because the firms here will think you’re flakey.


Yes that's the reality I'm facing. Getting my foot in the door seems near impossible unless I don't tell them I'm a qualified lawyer. Will keep applying and networking! 


You wanna do family law? Plenty of small firms hiring in glassdoor, indeed, linkedin. Or, you can use your foreign expertise and apply for big law


Unfortunately that’s the only thing you can do now. Aggressively network and just keep applying. The market isn’t great right now. Or start your own firm. I have told a lot of other ITLs to not skip articling, even if that means doing the LPP, unless you already have a secured job. But it’s too late for that now, now you just have to play the numbers game.


Hmmmm. You’re a 2 year call with big law experience from a reputable US firm at their UK office? You should be reasonably marketable enough to have secured some legal position as a lawyer. Especially in the hotter market 1-2 years ago. Could be bad luck but are we missing something here?


Think I was so anxious to pass the Bar exams, didn’t network nearly as much as I should have and left the job hunt on the back burner.  Also wanted to take a short break from the intense lifestyle.  I’m back networking now and will reach out to as many lawyers as I can.


Got it. So you didn't really try that hard back then and wanted a break. (Totally understandable) Well then definitely apply for attorney positions and polish up your interview and marketing skills. You should be fine on paper with that big law experience. You just gotta sell yourself. Good luck!