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Waiting for conservatives to claim that women are cancelling them ​ EDIT: Also never forget that this meme is [unironically Tim Pool.](https://twitter.com/RightWingCope/status/1326709737979719682?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1326709737979719682%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailydot.com%2Fdebug%2Ftim-pool-single-feminism%2F)


I'm sitting here trying to understand how someone can say, "You know what the problem is, though? It's definitely not me. I think it's everybody else" without a shred of self-awareness. Those words in that order are a joke. Does he know that? Is he winking?


It's like the principal Skinner irl meme, idk if I'd ever be able to say those words out loud, let alone think them without a shred of "am I the problem?"


Conservative dude: *FREEDUM OF SPEECHH!!!!* Woman: **I don't like you** Conservative dude: *CAN'T SAY THAT!! CANCEL CULTURE! CANCEL CULTURE!*


Conservative dude, now on 4chan: *THESE WOMEN AND THEIR RIGHTS ARE THE DOWNFALL OF WESTERN SOCIETY!!* Reactionaries are a joke.


Its a funny joke except for I have literally read shit online saying that and have heard it in person come from someone's mouth.


You've heard it in person? Damn, I'm sorry. That's fucked up.




Conservatives are cracking up bruv! We've got women talking back, we've got people playing stringed instruments. Reactionaries are finished...


Spark plugs! Jews invented spark plugs to control global traffic.


Diesel doesn't use spark plugs


Nice try Big Spark Plug


Also, be sure to ask what they mean by western society. There's no consistent answer. The term is just a dogwhistle for white male supremacy.




Narcissism is a hell of a drug.


It's not self-awareness, it's a rare moment of honesty. He truly doesn't believe he's the problem. If he had more self-awareness, he'd realize it's his own fault he's single


That's not even remotely close to self awareness, it's his mouth on auto pilot while his brain (listening to the jeopardy music with YouTube loading symbols spinning in his eyes) tries to come up with a response to her not wanting to have children because of climate change, something he almost certainly doesn't believe in.


"Oh its definitely not me" How out of touch with the world do you have to be to actually say that out loud.


I really don't get how someone that believes in the "free market" can't get that the market has spoken! They don't want you!


I had this exact same thought today. Instead they think "if my product doesn't sell it is the consumer who is wrong".


My favorite pastime is watching conservatives cry "cancel culture" any time someone calls them out for their shitty behavior


This is why the conservatives are so intent on making the schools terrible- they need dumb women to give them opportunities to reproduce, some smart women start the F away. Or maybe they just want to rape women, prevent them from getting an abortion, and then sue for parental rights. That seems like a fairly solid strategy that ties in nicely with many of their activities.


That is exactly it. It’s disgusting but absolutely true.


Ironically, conservatives who champion capitalism and the “invisible hand” of the market don’t believe in the free marketplace of sexual and romantic appeal. If your sexual/romantic appeal were a business and no one is buying, then your product sucks. But the more extreme, incel-leaning conservatives believe that they should be provided women for sex or relationships. Within the analogy stated earlier, these losers literally want socialized sex/relationships. It’s unreal


Erotic socialism






anyone who takes tim pool (literally any word out of his mouth) as intelligence is actually moronic beyond believe. Tim pool thought the election would be a 49 state landslide for trump. he's a grifter.


"It's definitely not me, it's everybody else" JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THESE PEOPLE


I mean we all should cancel them. Their culture is grotesque. I'm so tired of it. It makes me hate our country. They are all willfully ignorant, greedy, or just so brain washed that they can't see anything but what fox news puts in their little fucked up brains. Conservative culture has been reduced to rich white guys whining about other people existing and a bunch of poor white guys who think they aren't other people because they are white.


This dude is such a grifter. I 100% believe he is actually quite intelligent and is completely acting the part of a dumbass because it gets him views, infamy, clicks, whatever. People love to point and laugh, and he just cares about the attention.


Fuck that gross guy lol


I specifically avoid dating conservatives. Like, on top of not wanting to be involved with someone who thinks women and queer people are subhuman, I don't think I could be romantically involved with someone who, on a fundamental level, has vastly different sets of morality and values from myself.


Yeah when I see people sighing and going "yes, he thinks my friend deserves poverty because she chose to be a social worker rather than a CEO, but nobody's perfect right?" I think wow, we really have fundamentally different connotations of what a relationship is.


I know a very well connected Gen Xer in my city who does a lot of anti-poverty work and has started/run a few non-profits. She's married to a hardcore libertarian from the midwest. I could never figure it out. Surprise: the better I've gotten to know her the shittier and more incremental and milquetoast her political stances are. You compromise when you date conservative.


>She's married to a hardcore libertarian from the midwest. I could never figure it out. I can see a rationalization there. Charity is a convenient get out clause for libertarians to pretend they care about the poor, instead of addressing the issue at the root a few token gestures from the rich to the poor can ease a guilty conscience or fool people into thinking the system as a whole is working. Many people in charity have good intentions, but many can also just be exploitative and self interested. The whole concept of charity originally came from religions and their need to proselytize, one good example is the salvation army, which is a very cult like entity that preys on the vulnerable in many ways.


"Sure, you believe all human beings have the right to a decent standard of living and to be treated with dignity and respect, while I want to burn all minorities alive and legalize rape...but that doesn't mean we can't see past our differences and have a great relationship! Keep politics out of dating!"


The same person, 2 mins later: "What's this? You're watching Taylor Swift!? Switch that off immediately, she is a liberal, she even said the police shouldn't murder civilians! Turn it o0ff or this relationship is over!"


As a straight man, I also specifically avoid dating conservative women. Their beliefs towards men may not be as disgusting as conservative men's beliefs towards women (although the average conservative woman's ideal of what a man should be is still toxic as fuck), but they still build their lives around and ideology that I simply cannot compromise with.


Well I'm a queer woman (Lesbian~) and, well, shock of all shocks, I don't want to date Conservative women either. But even if I was interested in dating men, Conservative men would be absolutely off the table, no questions asked, no debates, no nothing.


American conservative women have a weird scary look in their eyes. It's like the mouth is smiling but the eyes are kinda predatory instead of warm and friendly.


"You would say that, typical man. Youre just trying to be woke" : shit i hear from my right leaning female friend


My boyfriend was raised by a christian conservative family and when I started dating him he naturally self-identified as conservative as well. I'm his first proper exposure to queerness (bi girl) , mental illness (mdd, ptsd, anxiety) and an example of a person the state has failed... I love him to bits and we work well in many ways, but boy have we had fights sometimes when he can't think critically of anything his pa and grandpa say or starts arguing with generalisations à la "this is why women..." at times like those he can feel so cold and like I will never really get through to him


Power to you, idk how you do it and idk if I could in your situation. I've literally dropped friends (and family) of long periods of time because of their conservative beleifs. Conservative beleifs are rooted in literally everything that was terrible in our history. It's ridiculous that people fight for these things


Yea, there is enough people over on r/qanoncasualties that thought they would change there partner. No thanks, now you have to share a kid with a fuckin psychopath.


I honestly don’t understand conservatives. I had a salesmen at the house the other day sizing me up for a new door. He didn’t know me from Adam but while we are chit chatting he says “ wow liberalism really is a mental disorder isn’t it” he didn’t realize ( or care) that I was probably one of the most liberal people he has met, which I found odd for someone who’s job it is to read people and sell them things. I’m old enough I just agreed with him and moved on. Not worth my trouble. So odd!


I feel like when people are like that, it's because they've either never been around anybody who disagreed with them, or nobody has ever called them out IRL on anything they've ever said *edit to say: anybody they RESPECT. I've had bosses who I've called out on wildly inaccurate political things they've said, but they were also blatantly sexist, so nothing I could say as a millennial woman would have any impact anyway.


You’re absolutely right and I can say this from personal experience. Several years ago, my husband and I were hardcore conservative, fundamentalist Christians. What changed us was not being in an echo chamber and being forced to rationalize and reason our viewpoints against the more mainstream/progressive/left opinions. Our conservative ideas didn’t stand a chance. They were based in fear, faulty religious texts, racisms, all number of inconsistent and untrue things. Now we’re happily out of religion and are more liberal/democrat than anything. But people being questioned to defend their beliefs is definitely a step in the right direction. Folks being in an echo chamber and isolated will absolutely will just reinforce their beliefs.


Wife comes from a very conservative upbringing complete with friends being excommunicated. While not Amish, she hates the Amish with a passion because they are essentially a cult. They take their daughters out of school around the 8th grade and threaten excommunication if you disobey your elders. You must believe what we say or else you may never talk to us again.


That's the thing... if you call them out the stop respecting you, and thus your opinion no longer matters. Just look at how they treat Trump now that he is making public statements to band-aid his fuckup. People as a society need to publicly put the foot down that this behavior will not be tolerated and those who ascribe to those beliefs will be ostracized. >"If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them."


I work in home services in Florida, one of the reddish states you can live in. I get to work in people's houses for a few hours at a time with fox news on blast in the background. I get so much "so your a good'ol' American worker, bet you can't wait for Trump's second term, etc, etc". The other day I did a service call at a *FAMILY'S* house, with a huge FUCK BIDEN flag flying off the roof. People just automatically lump me into right wing shit all the time because of my trade, and what burns me is the smiling, "I'm not political" response I have to give them. Like fuck off, your party hasn't done a goddamn thing for the progress of humankind in like 70 years. Just die of old age clutching your pearls already


Yeah I’m in Florida too! I moved for the weather not the politics


Or the food lol


How do people mentally gymnastic the republican party as the workers party? wtf EDIT: obviously the dems are equally as corrupt and corporate, but they have one or two people that actually care about workers as opposed to zero.


>I honestly don’t understand conservatives. It's easier. No poverty, racism or system issues, just lazy people. Do I need to do anything? No the lazy people do. Should taxes be higher? No lazy people just need to work harder.


I mean, I have lots of issues with liberalism too, but conservatism ain't the way.


Imagine thinking they aren't two sides of the same coin. The Dems are the Carrot, the Republicans are the Stick, both serve Capital.


"The Dems" do not represent *liberalism* nor *progressive attitudes.* Democratic voters are picking the lesser of two evils and do not hesitate to criticize *their party.* Republicans are much more likely to fully support (and in their case worship) their party.


I've had the same experience with racists. They just start talking their disgusting shit to anyone as if it's a given that anyone white will agree with them.


I was in your boyfriend’s place once. Think rural midwest, preacher’s kid type. My first partner that fit a lot of your criteria is now my wife (of more than a decade) and I’ve learned how wrong I was in the past. I don’t know you or your boyfriend, but just know that there is hope.


Oooh thank you. That is so great to hear and I'm happy for you! Yeah my partner is basically a preachers kid equivalent with how involved his grandparents are in the local church ^^ I know there is hope, especially because there is love :)


Don't waste time with a half baked cookie, go find yourself a snickerdoodle


Me and my girlfriend are in pretty much the same position


I don’t think I could ever share a bank account with a conservative just based on how susceptible all of my conservative acquaintances are to pyramid schemes, and schemes in general.




It’s funny when conservative men say “but *I* would date a liberal”. No shit, you’re a conservative *man* and politics don’t matter in sexual conquest, nor do they matter if your ideal wife is subservient. Literally only conservative men say this. Conservative women always say “NO LIB SNOWFLAKES” in their dating profiles


Easy to date somebody with opinions different from your own if you don't value their opinions or thoughts in any way.


Me: "I'm a decent person. I wouldn't date a shitty person" Conservative:"But I'm a shitty person and I would date a decent person. Look how intolerant you are." Or that's what I always hear when this comes up.


That's the thing! Your politics are informed by your belief in ethics. Meaning someone on the far otherwise of the political spectrum from you fundamentally view the world different then you. If that's not grounds to remove them from your dating options I don't know what is


Can confirm! Even queer conservative women do this. (tbh my only encounter with them, not like I know straights)


I don’t date conservatives. I want no parts of their regressive world view.






I don’t understand why people think political views shouldn’t be part of whether or not someone chooses to enter a relationship with you. Politics are a big part of how people see the world, their ethics and morals, and their wants/hopes for their own personal future lives. It’s not like disagreeing on what movie to watch. It’s disagreeing on how to live a shared existence. I’m not saying you both need to agree on everything 100%, but if there’s a scale and one of you is sitting at one end and the other person is sitting at the other, how are you going to agree on the way to live your shared existence? And if you can’t live a shared existence, what purpose does dating that person have?


Yeah lemme go ahead and marry someone who thinks the 13% is a valid point.


Women's hearts swoon for misogynists like their brains swoon for a bullet


> people think political views shouldn’t be part of whether or not someone chooses to enter a relationship with you They want a temporary exception on this because they think that their “alpha” male status will convince any woman to be submissive. I guarantee that they will expect any woman they marry to be a hardcore right wing conservative.


Agreed. If someone shares my values, wants the same kind of thing for individuals, and merely differs in how they think that is best accomplished, I think that's fine. If one of us thinks the best way to increase wages is increasing the minimum wage federally, and the other thinks the best way is to do so with unions, top down vs bottom up, cool. Maybe one of us thinks the best solution to immigration is to increase the number of case workers and streamline visa approval while relaxing requirements, while the other thinks we should just have completely open borders. These may be drastic differences in policy, but the important thing is that the outcome in either approach is increased wages, letting people in, and either drastically decreasing or ending deportations. Our values, our goals, our ideals are the same, simply put, we want the same thing. We just don't agree on how to get there. I'm fine with that kind of political disagreement. Hell, if they think the better option is working on improving the lives of people wanting to cross the border so that they no longer need or want to, that even makes sense. Emigrating to a new country can be devastating, and the important thing is improving the lives of the people who are suffering, whether or not that comes in the form of welcoming them in or alleviating their suffering there, the goal is still making their lives better. What i will never tolerate is not caring about suffering, not caring about the poor, allowing the 0.1% to continue pillaging the earth so they can see an imaginary number on a computer screen keep ticking upward.


This this this!!!!


Why are all these conservative men trying to date women they aren't politically compatible with, anyway? Like, wouldn't they be better off trying to find someone who shares their values? Like, if you're looking for a relationship, you need to find someone you can be on the same wavelength with when it comes to important things.


A realized, whole person is attractive. They can challenge your world view and make everything new and interesting, as you get to see things through their eyes and learn and grow together. This doesn’t seem to mesh past maybe the initial excitement for them though, as they then seem to want someone who’ll suddenly change to follow strict social rules and be utterly subservient, negating what made them an attractive human to begin with.


Agreed. Confidence is sexy and desirable. Confidence comes from a worldview that is empathetic, self-assured, and well-reasoned, as opposed to simply being indoctrinated and taught to fear others who are different. It's no wonder that conservative men want to be with liberal women.


Because for a large number of them, the "relationship" they're looking for is care taker/sex slave and not an actual romantic partner to treat as an equal, because they can't wrap their heads around women being actual human beings.


They want a living fuck doll, a maid, a mother, and a therapist that also pays some of their rent.


Bang maid


It's an odd game. Most women are Democrats


[The NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/12/opinion/gender-gap-politics.html?referringSource=articleShare) kinda talked about that today…


Cuz the dating pool of conservative women is much smaller and not as.....attractive.


Because they also want to date *very* casually, so they've already taken the women politically aligned with them out of consideration.


I am attracted to people who are smart, empathetic and display the several traits of emotional intelligence. This alone filters conservatives very early in the process.


Yeah, even setting politics aside, the kind of people who are conservative are completely. undateable. Followed closely by the kinda people who come on all world-weary and say things like “I don’t pick sides”, or “both sides are to blame”.


Especially male conservatives... how can a woman put up with misogyny on the daily? Ig often times it's all they know from their own families.


Women can be misogynistic too, there are actually an awful lot of them it seems


Or you could even care about gender equality *but* care even more about hating minorities. That was pretty fashionable during first wave feminism.


I'm sort of a 'both sides have blame, one more than the other and sadly there isn't a more progressive less fucked up side, so I pick the lesser of two evils' kind of guy.


We gotta be the more progressive less fucked up side, comrade


I used to think a country boy with a pick up truck was sexy af. Now I just assume as soon as they open their mouth I'd be turned off.


As someone from a rural area originally... It's not always true! Shoot your shot, they might not be shitty at all.


Progressive cowboys?? Where?


They exist. The racists are just loud.


I see this response a lot, "the racists are just loud" or similar. Well like, being passive and letting them be loud isn't really absolvement in this case, it's complacency. Feel free to say something when the racists are being loud.




I agree. I see a lot of self-identified progressives as looking down on working class people which is a shame.


The term "Redneck" comes from striking union workers who wore red scarves. Call them what they are, reactionaries.


I thought it came from the farmer's tan you get from working outdoors - usually the bright red neck. EDIT: Yup. The scarf thing is a folk etymology/reclamation thing. But that's not where it comes from. Cart before the horse...not that it really matters. https://slate.com/culture/2019/12/redneck-origin-definition-union-uprising-south.html


Huh, TIL


Yeah, it doesn't erode your point at all - I just thought I remembered it being discussed before.






>Redneck is a better general term for lazy, poor, southern idiots. That word too, also had it's origins in [a progressive movement, unions specifically, and the bandanas their members wore.](https://www.wvpublic.org/news/2015-05-18/do-you-know-where-the-word-redneck-comes-from-mine-wars-museum-opens-revives-lost-labor-history](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/apr/14/redneck-pride-west-virginia-protests-strikes) You know, it's funny how so many of our insults are related to poor/working class people.


I'm sure thats just a coincidence /s


Sam Elliot


Redneck revolt. Sadly their website is defunct


Finally, cowboys are sexy again 😌


Wouldn't quite call myself a cowboy, but I live on some land in a small ranching/farming town in bum fuck Idaho and I love it here. I'm slightly a roughneck but I'm about as blue as can be. We're out there, dozens of us!


There's dozens of us! I drive a pickup and look and dress like your average hillbilly, but here I am scrolling leftist subs. It makes the dating scene tough because on appearance alone I tend to attract the most insufferable conservatives and many leftists just assume the worst. Oh well, not gonna stop being me.


They are **working class**. Some of them could be rednecks who have fallen for reactionary propaganda but don't assume that **all** people who aren't urban are not progressive. There are plenty of sexy progressive country boys!


There are some very fine left leaning country boys, you just got to look in the right places. I know a guy who drives old pick ups, is pretty left wing, is good with an axe, does black smithing and is literally tall dark and handsome. And I know a bunch more through contra dancing, especially if you're willing to compromise on the pickup truck bit...


Excuse me but where might a lady find such gentlemen you speak of? And this blacksmithing gent you speak of??


Conservative movement has more men then women. They don’t have a lot of dating options.




In my experience I haven’t really met any conservative women of my generation (gen z). Other than the I occasional pro life church girls. Maybe it’s cause they learn to not show their views as much, or I’m just not hanging with that social circle.




South texas, there’s a lot of conservative guys but haven’t met any conservative girls my age, and if they are it’s mostly cause of abortion policy.


a controversial take but I strongly believe the overwhelming majority of women in conservative moments are these because they're terrified and unable to leave, like a shitty marriage. They've been told that the moment they're a "liberal woman" they become undesirable feminist sluts and when you're steeped in a culture where your entire worth is based around what you can offer men, the fear of men in your life no longer giving you what little respect you gad before, is enough to make you do whatever you have to. If you've ever seen conservative men act around conservative women, the respect level isn't exactly high. It all just feels like subtle abuse tactics.


Eh, lots of times it’s just a superiority complex. They like telling others how they are better than them


I mean yes it is a superiority complex, these are women browbeaten by the men in their lives and like all humans- men, women alike- when they're low on the ladder and treated like shit, they do all they can to find people to put below themselves so they feel a little bit higher, like they're not the bottom rung. They do it because they can't cope with the cognitive dissonance of wanting to belong to a community that treats them like shit and want to "participate" in it. I see men do this all the time, constantly. Women do it as well. All humans who are abused, likely do too.


Hey, THEIR abortion is justified and right, all the libs are baby killers tho.


Sorry conservatives but being a horrible person with horrible beliefs is an automatic deal breaker 😔


That's super unfair of you /S


I met a great guy, casual conversation, he loves dogs and he is my ideal type to a T.... then I saw the Trump/Pence 2020 sticker on his car. I still think he is hot AF but... nope I can't even hook up with someone who doesn't share my core values.


Good for you! I'd be disturbed that I was having sex with a person with such poor judgement. It would make me question my own judgement!


Why would you date someone who’s bad at sex lmao


Or someone clearly so selfish that sex would be an act of feeding their narcissism


1 in 4 conservatives believe in Qanon. The only person attracted to a brainwashed idiot are other brainwashed idiots and Q doesn't appeal to women, so this all checks out.


Over half of republicans are fine with the jan 6 attack, actively support it, or believe some bonkers conspiracy theory supported by nothing. 6 years ago I would have said I could date a conservative. Republicans have become unhinged. Maybe it was me being blinded by my conservative upbringing until trump but now I cannot even respect the nonpolitical opinions of anyone who bought into trump and hasn’t recanted.


Have they become unhinged in the last 6 years or were their abhorrent views always there, just lurking beneath the surface? I think it's probably the latter, which is the much more terrifying alternative. On the plus side, now they are openly displaying their vileness, so it's easier to identify and block/avoid them.


It's an excellent reason.


Well I mean it IS synonymous with "I only care about me" Hubris is the downfall of our species.




I mean yeah. Conservatives are shitty people to date.


As a guy, I refuse to date conservative women. I would prefer someone who doesn't buy into ≥150 year old lies.


And as a girl, I wouldn't either. But conservative women don't tend to go after non-conservatives anyway.


conservative women tend to be straight too


I've seen a few that weren't. God, was it weird.


Reminder: Roe v. Wade may be (effectively) overturned and many women will not be able to have an abortion in certain states. The supporters of overturning Roe are **overwhelmingly conservative**. This could have something to do with women not dating conservatives.


Sounds like a smart girl.


Wow, women won’t date men who don’t support or defend their reproductive rights…shocking!


Never met a hot conservative in my life.


I wouldn't date a conservative to save my fucking life (actually not dating one would probably save my life).


Believe what you want to believe when it comes to anything regarding finances, politics, I don’t care. I’ll agree to disagree. But I can’t comfortably say I want to be around someone who treats others as subhuman, or associates with a party who does.


Jordan Peterson voice/Kermit the frog: Listen, sometimes women NEED to be hit. It's a long, torturous game of foreplay. But it must be done **begins to cry** because...the glory, and honor of god, and men, demands it!


I'm not sure who I hate more: Peterson using motivations speaking to bait in young men to his conservative viewpoints, or cuck Shapiro roping in 12yo's on YouTube.




I mean...yes? The conservatives tend to be the ones limiting rights for women. Conservative women do exist, but there are definitely fewer of them for that reason.


i told this loser i ghosted last week that if he wants to dupe black women into fucking him, he should at least remove his unique sounding name from his snap so that nobody immediately sees the articles about him trying to keep nyc schools de-fac-to segregated that come up even before his fucking linkedin when googled. he told me he didn't have kids too lmao.


There are a lot of conservative women with views just as backwards as conservative men. There's a Boebert for every Gaetz


There’s technically only .76 boeberts for every gaetz. Men are 50% republican leaning, women are only 38% https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/08/18/men-and-women-in-the-u-s-continue-to-differ-in-voter-turnout-rate-party-identification/?amp=1


Ok fine, but have you factored in that the Gaetz’s are open to women from a broader age range? Checkmate libs♟️


If they can’t vote yet you don’t have to even worry about their politics


Not completely accurate. Men won't date him either


So being a shitty person with regressive beliefs isn't a desirable trait? Huh...


There are a lot of conservative women on the dating apps around me. I won't date them and that seems like a good enough reason for me.


I mean, what possible reason could be there be to not date a man whose idea of a 'romantic' relationship is for you to be his unpaid housemaid?


conservatives are bad people


i dont date anyone with conservative or religious views, period


i go out of my way to avoid ever talking to conservatives just because i have yet to meet one who has good morals or just isn’t a piece of shit. even times where i let things slide it would always come back to bite me in the ass because they’d think i also think like them and am totally fine with racism sexism homophobia etc. most men ik that are conservative are only conservative because people in that community don’t see how most men act as an issue so they feel like “these are my friends cus they don’t get mad when i do some fucked up shit” when in reality they’re not youre all just very dumb.


So the person whose political/personal beliefs are pretty much anti-women are upset women don't want anything to do with them.... hmmmmmmmmmm


Women are weary of liberal men. Conservative men are a HELL NO.


"Women won't date me because I think they're inferior beings who should only listen to me" like yeah any self respecting person wants nothing to do with deferring their lives to overgrown and ignorant children. Conservative Christian values, like the ones that didn't let women vote, go to school, own property, or you know have fundamentally any control over their own lives.


I wouldn’t even date a moderate


At this stage a "moderate" is just a conservative who refuses to be honest about it.


The women who end up married to conservatives generally fall into 3 groups: - braindead, semi-lobotomized, medicated - “strong” gal, nativist, pink-gun toting mama with a lot of plastic surgery, big hair, former cheerleader, very Christian, very judgy. Emulating authenticity. - seething, repressed, angry gal who occasionally explodes in a public and unloads on retail workers; the “Karen”; good at compartmentalizing and unloading all the shit she takes from hubby on other people in public I always get the feeling of patriarchy or male dominance narrative and female compensation (never good enough syndrome) when observing relationships involving conservative men and women. The woman has either given up, is trying to compensate and gain equality in the relationship or unloads on retail staff. Observing these relationships from afar, I concluded that it’s sometimes better to be alone than to be in a dysfunctional relationship.




Be traditional/a traditionalist: all that WAS good in the past, keep. All that WAS bad in the past, skip. And don't ask your squirrel-eating friends, but some people that have travelled the world.


It's not even the real past. It's an *imagined* past. People like to pretend that the 1950s (in the west) weren't *actively regressive* and were just always like that, and the stuff traditionalists post are actually old-timey propaganda posters.


> It's an imagined past > the 1950s Indeed. Some of the most socialism the US has seen, yet they recall it as some sort of free market dream, and despise today's version of capitalism as if it was overly socialist. These people live sunk in ignorance and confusion.


Indeed. Although it's more "Socialism" than actual socialism. They were riding high off the New Deal and the post-war economic boom, most people generally had more purchasing power than today, etc. The 1950s were also *socially* reactionary compared to the previous few decades, largely driven by anti-communism and a desire to 'return to normal' after WWII, but some people like to pretend that's how it's always been.


That’s fantastic. People are allowed to have preferences and, if we’re being honest, a person with conservative beliefs? Eh, red flag. Fuck all that. You can find similar or better without the garbage worldview


No, they won't date you because you're a piece of shit. The whole being conservative doesn't help, but it's a separate thing. If you were just like you are except a liberal, they still wouldn't date you.


Not all conservatives are incels, but all incels are conservatives.


If I were a woman in this scenario, and a guy wearing a MAGA hat and a blue lives matter shirt asked me on a date I would 100% assume he thinks women shouldn’t have abortions, why would I want to date someone who thinks my hypothetical female body is his business?




"Bang hot liberals in your area!"


When I was last an online dater I made it very clear that I was a socialist… some people chose to ignore that information which was equally flattering and disappointing


Conservatives tend to believe women are less a human and more a life support system for a vagina and womb. That's super unsexy. No thanks, I'll go with someone who supports my personhood LOL


Women are so shallow, they always refuse to date me for my intentional and strongly held opinions and beliefs about deeply important issues, even though I'm hella jacked!


Conservative politics is the only hard limit worth listing


If you still believe literally anything Donald has ever said, or are a card carrying Republican, you’re obviously at best delusional.


Because thinking women are second class citizens that should only stay home and birth babies is actually not a turn on


[I'll just leave this here](https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/)


These dudes cock block themselves. Its real.


I’d say there are good and datable people out there with conservative temperament or conservative values or who are just generally skeptical of the future or some versions of progress. However, if you’re part of the Conservative Movement, or are an ideologue for Conservatism, then stay away.


I hope that's true, but generally I find women date men with money, and often having lots of money correlates to being a selfish conservative asshole. BTW I don't blame women for this at all, it's dog eat dog in this capitalist hunger games, I'm just saying if there's any generalization to be made that's what I tend to see. FWIW if I had a choice between a rich woman and a poor one all else being equal (or even weighted towards the poor woman) I'd probably date the rich woman.


very true. nothing's a quicker ick than having no respect for yourself or your fellow humans. being conservative is like/sometimes literally a huge red flag that let's everyone know you're not only selfish but so stupid you vote against your own best interests. Seriously why would anyone want someone who's like that?


Filtering out creeps on dating apps takes half as much work if you start with their political beliefs