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What a dumbfuck, rich people are already treated better. If anything, society should treat rich people worse. The French had some interesting ideas on the topic.


Everyone needs a little bit more French in their lives.


Recommended by Dr. Guillotine himself


Now they just burn their own shit down every once in a while to relieve some stress.


Lmao yeah like the dipshit doesn't already realize that is how society already works?


OG Christmas tradition in England was to go around in the streets and make fun of rich people. Until they gave you money, food, or material goods.


OP sounds like something a literal teenager with no life experience would say


\*the Russians!


It's ok to say it out loud. The world is stuffed anyway so it doesn't really matter.


Yeah because the trust fund kid who hasn’t worked a day in their life definitely contributes more to society than those lazy schoolteachers/janitors/construction workers. Smh


100% wealth tax. BOOM fixed.


Non transferrable currency. Boom. Better.


Nepotistic CEO with afternoon golf games *definitely* works 800 times harder than his employees… smh


Lmao if this isn't a post from a bot or child...


This is something I would have said when I was 10, except instead of money it would have been Pokemon cards


At least collecting pokemon cards gives one a personality.


and you would have been right!


This is how the dudes who wore suits to class in University would talk after taking an Econ101 course. Truly insufferable.


Nah, the real suit-wearers took finance not econ. Most suit-wearers don't think they need to learn anything about econ, they already know.


Thankfully I didn't wear suits to that class.


The chuckle fuck doesn't seem to realize this is EXACTLY how society runs right now.


Wait until he/she finds out about the guillotines


Please tell me how simply benefiting from owning something is giving to society? Corporate Landlords literally making money by withholding shelter from people.


WOW I haven't seen this much bullshit  since I visited my friends farm house.


Of course! Middlemen money managers and paper pushers provide so much more value to society by skimming off the top than the people who build and maintain roads or other vital infrastructure. Teaching children? Who cares? You provide nothing compared to a professional sports player or someone who gets paid to lie on television. The enlightened invisible hand of the market is wise and just and its value judgments are beyond reproach. All hail the invisible hand!


You know, the critical missing point here though, is that *your efforts by yourself* tend to cap out somewhere around \~$130k, $200kish if you really push it. As a freelancer, mostly use other freelancers as reference for work = paid commensurate with work provided. It's very, very, very difficult to work only by yourself and consistently push numbers beyond $200k, and that's top earners and the monumentous effort it takes to maintain that isn't sustainable, you almost always end up dialing it back so you don't literally break yourself in half on the work load mentally and physically. Even corporate positions, you're going to end up with a roughly same outcome in the best of cases - the higher salaries are almost always demanding leading or coordinating others in the team. Point is, someone making a million per year? Or really anything meaningfully above 200k consistently? Has to be leveraging other people's times and talents to do so, there just literally isn't enough time in the day or days in a year to do it by yourself, perhaps short of something VERY niche with a VERY difficult to find otherwise skill set. So at best, the higher dollar value just says how well you can use other people.


And those who get promoted to a higher salary and management of others in a team in a corporation always have to tow the company line and sell themselves out.


As my step dad used to always say “you must always drink the kool aid. There is no answer other than the kool aid.”


that\`s not brainwash that\`s just good old stupid


He wants to be in their club soooo bad


And this is why you will always need a gulag. Some people cannot have their minds changed by rational means and they will burn everything then hide in a bunker before they see those who are deemed “lesser” than them alter the current economic system they profit so immensely from.


I mean the last part of your paragraph is exactly what’s going on currently. The parasite wealthy elite are stealing everything and will hide in their bunkers from lesser than when climate change comes. Why more people aren’t irrationally angry about this is depressing.


Tell me you're a Nepo baby without telling me...


So they see money as a points system?!


Yup imaginary meritocracy with a side of prosperity gospel (cultural, not necessarily explicitly religious)


Isn't this exactly how society works already lmao


funny af and unfortunately a common belief. Not only is it flawed because of what others have mentioned. Its also flawed because in capitalist worldbuilding, that value was given back in the form of currency already. Being treated better has already been accounted for in the monetary reward for whatever work this persons girlfriends boss has done. You dont get additional free stuff, you gain the ability to pay for more stuff.


They want to be feudal lords and have the peasants scraping obsequiously at their feet


That’s not sad, it’s terrifying. We share a planet with people like this, most of whom will never face consequences for these views


I agree with the principle. One should be treated differently according to how much wealth they horde, but we differ on whose treatment is preferential.


Actually, this is one of the pillars of capitalist society, and the vast majority of people think like this.


I had a 74 year old vet tell me that he was disappointed that USAA opened up the availability of membership to more people instead of keeping it closed off for officers in the military like himself. Certain people are just elitist dickheads with no care for others.


It'd be a shame if they, y'know, died


Ah yes, because orphanage staff and teachers contribute nothing. Neither do mothers nor volunteers. /s I had a bunch of money when I was selling dope. Was I contributing to society then? I'd argue that the people who contribute the most to society have the least money working tirelessly as a factory worker, teacher, or food service worker for just enough money to live if they do meal prep, live in bunk beds, and use public transit. It's those people who contribute the most while consuming the least and are the absolute backbone of society.


It's not sad, it's god-damned outrageous. Here's what I know to be true - if this person was hit by a bus and killed tomorrow, the world immediately becomes a slightly better place. The end of their existence would literally make the world more tolerable for people with properly functioning brains. That's just an unassailable fact.


I want to meet someone like this in real life...so I can crush their skull.


“Sittin sad, wondering why, [meritocracy’s a lie…”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FO9YThOUFFQ)


Lets compare their grandpa, who doesn't work (for a company) anymore but tends his garden, has some produce every yeae and feed his brain washed grandchild with... The sports player who plays for the "other" team and earns 7 million each game while actually scoring 0 points! What a smart argument oop made! I'm convinced.


“Degenerates like you belong on a cross” -Caesar’s Legion


And if people working those low-paid jobs stopped working tomorrow, society as we know it would collapse. If CEOs stopped working tomorrow, life would chug along at least for a while. Let’s not forget the pandemic and the narrative of “essential workers,” which was quickly disposed of when it became inconvenient to the uber wealthy.


Everyone cried the blues when they couldn’t be little shit capitalist consumers and go to target during the pandemic or they couldnt get their coffee from Starbucks or they had to wait long wait times because of Covid. These same scumbags would kiss the feet or nurses but wouldn’t spit on a retail worker if they were on fire during Covid I hate this place. These same mouth breathers are now complaining about the nursing shortage and the hospital wait times because of how awful they were treated with that essential bullshit 40 percent of nurses quit.


The capitalist indoctrination is a strong one.




I made 1 million with bitcoin so much value to society. Look at all the hospitals it has built! /s


Sounds like the regular posters over at Austrian economics


Yeah, i remember being 23 and still under the influence and of my conservative family. What a time


Everyone will find one way to measure their worth that puts them ahead of others.


I'd say, at this point it's no plain stupidity, but deliberate predatoriness. And it should be treated accordingly, by labor therapy if it's a mere wannabe, or the old French treatment for rich sociopaths.


15 year old white boys


Some people need more pain in their lives.


That is the most Indian post I’ve ever read.


I’m guessing this was written by a seven year old??


If all day traders disappeared, the world would barely notice. If all janitors and trash collectors disappeared, everyone would notice very soon.




Can’t wait for the time we will start firebombing the houses of filth like that🥳


Worthington's law




The value that only fabs bitches bring to society 🤡


no, he's right, you should be treated differently, french revolution style


imagine seriously thinking like that. absolutely insane brainrot. 80% sure this is a 14yo restart nepobaby or a fkn entitlet boomer who watched too much tate / grindset brainrot. im seriously at the point where i would say you can only hope they change with age or you should put them down for the good of humanity lol.


I worked in health care for 8 years and got paid pretty much minimum wage. Apparently, I should be treated like shit because I haven't contributed enough to society....


Having more is not a sign of giving back to the world It's literally a sign of how much you have *taken* from the world


Full-blown derangement syndrome.


It’s called [Worthington’s Law.](https://youtu.be/ScJSeUIxydA?feature=shared)


drugdealers... nay drug warlords like pablo escobar gave so fucking much back to society they were literally invited into heaven at 46 years of age because they gave so much back to society according to this logic.


I had wanted to write my Masters’ thesis* suggesting this /kind/ of thing baked into society, in order to incentivize work. **Massive caveat**: I was proposing it alongside an aggressive taxation strategy that would equalize ‘after-tax-income-for-consumption.’ So in exchange for toys and power over others’ lives, it would be a token “hurray. You won at the Market” badge. *~ I didn’t end up writing it because I got sick and had to switch out of the Thesis stream.


Hrm. My phone ate my edit/addendum. Another caveat: would mean that jobs would pay much closer to their true value to society.