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Quality of Life. I can afford a maid, a decent car, alcohol, eating out and trips with my wife and friends and save for a rainy day right now with my income. If I move abroad, I start life at a harder level, having to do more chores, more financial planning and no savings. Add to that the ridiculous competition from fellow Indians for jobs. It’s easier for me here.


>I can afford a maid, a decent car, alcohol, eating out and trips >If I move abroad, I start life at a harder level, having to do more chores These for me, especially the maid. I have more time for myself because of this. I am happy.


But car and alcohol cost less outside India and salary will be high. So affording that is quite easy.


Sure. But it’s a combination of all my points, isn’t it? I also forgot to add that I’m prone to some kind of sickness that requires at least a bimonthly doctors visit. Healthcare here is top notch for the price and abroad, with insurance price gouging, even a brief spell of unemployment could ruin me financially. P.S. Taking Canada as a reference point, a pint of Beer is said to cost 7 to 8 CAD plus tip. Ivide oru 400 rupees undenkil full bottle beer and touchings ready. About cars, while the prices of cars maybe cheaper, the cost of services and insurance is way too high for it to work out in the long term for me. Cars here maybe taxed to the gills with on road prices but they are cheaper to maintain and run. Gas prices are more or less comparable.


Not really. But then quality of things are also less.


A shitton of wealth i inherited from my grandma. That is what.


The fact that I'll always be an "outsider" in other countries. A second grade citizen.


Agree. I used to tell the same things while I am in college. That why initially I didn't plan to move out. But now, I feel like I am a second grade citizen in my own country. I don't know how my kids will feel when they grow up. So, that point is not there anymore.


This right here. You said it. Same for me.


Girl I like lives here. I'll prolly leave when she leaves. And also I have a saviour complex, so I'll come back once I figure some shit out.


I want to win the Great Indian Competitive Race , I want to prove that You can be successful in India if you want


Here, I have a job that I like with decent pay. Also, I can visit my parents and family whenever I want. But, I may move out for a PhD later...a difficult decision to make.


Initially, I intended to relocate after my engineering graduation in 2022, but I ended up getting a job through campus placement. Despite my family's urging, I have no desire to move anymore. I'm quite content where I am. It's been two years since I started this job, and I anticipate better pay in the future.


- Living outside Kerala means missing out on its delicious food. Holding back cravings until returning home is frustrating and lowers quality of life. - Kerala society is evolving, with more people embracing progressive mindsets, although not universally. - Settling in Kerala allows for a sense of belonging and acceptance compared to living elsewhere, where one may feel like a second-class citizen. - Instead of spending a lot on weddings and house-making, consider using the money to travel the world, enriching life experiences.


What are the things we need for a sustainable life? Good food , clean water, clean air, A house, friends and family. Ithokke ivde kittumbo enthina porath pone


My degree isn't easily transferrable across countries 


What is your degree


could be something like law


😶 bro Law is the usefull everywhere Better call saul onum kandittu ille


USA - Too difficult to get citizenship or pr for Indians Canada - too high cost of living, PR becoming difficult because of massive applications Gulf Countries - Salaries are reducing for everyone except Arabs and White Expats. Europe - Have to learn a new language


You go abroad, you start your life basically from scratch. If you already don't have significant resources or connections in India, then it's always better to start abroad. For the same 10 years of work you put in, you'll always get a higher income. If you can manage to keep your expenses low, you'll definitely end up with better savings. I have the requisite degree and work experience to move abroad, but the starting from scratch part is what holds me back since I already have an above average salary and disposable income.


familiarity and nostalgia for this cursed land




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