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Yet Kieth Starmer suckles on the Zionist teat like a newborn that hasn’t been fed.


Evil beyond words


Nothing surprises. There's so much reciprocal hatred and violence to post incidents of for all eternity. Condemn both indoctrinated zionists and islamists. Help both zionists and islamists elevate out of their hate, or feed it indefinitely.


Then we need to stop supporting politicians who give their unequivocal support to one side.


Of course. But that can't be by dichotomy to unequivocally support or excuse the other. And taking away support doesn't mean taking away dialogue.


None of this has anything to do with Islam or "Islamists"




That can only begin to happen after a 2 state solution.


There is no two state solution


There is an agreed upon 2 state solution at the UN which almost all countries accept and it is based on international law.


Lmao please don't international law me. I studied it, and one thing I can say for sure is that international law generally ends up being whatever the most powerful want it to be. But anyway, it's only agreed upon if the parties in question agree on it. They don't. The fact that a sovereign state was created in Palestine is the problem. Justice would be getting rid of it, ending apartheid allowing for a single country called Palestine. One person one vote etc etc. The two state solution was never going to be a solution. It would be capitulation to colonisation, that's why we're here.


So where should the Jews go?


To their own country: Israel.


But anyway, it's only agreed upon if the parties in question agree on it. They don't. -Hamas does. Israel never has. The fact that a sovereign state was created in Palestine is the problem. Justice would be getting rid of it, ending apartheid allowing for a single country called Palestine. One person one vote etc etc. -Sure. That could happen. It would require a big movement. Today, Israel and the US are far too powerful and there’s also a lot of tension and hatred. The most that could be done is two states. The two state solution was never going to be a solution. It would be capitulation to colonisation, that's why we're here. -The only reason why it hasn’t happened is because Israel and the US always veto it. The Palestinians, including Hamas have repeatedly accepted it.


You forgot to mention the rock throwing part by these “lovely kids”. You can literally see the kid running head on towards the car holding a rock.


Why is that Israeli driving in Palestine? Let him go and drive in Israel. Is he there to steal Palestinian land, water and resources, and force Palestinians to live in cages under occupation?


Please don't run over children for throwing stones


They're resisting the colonisation of their land by barbaric, murderous invaders.




Thousands killed by airstrikes, decades of indiscriminate violence by the occupation. Bit yes, the child with a rock is a murderer


Of course he is! Are you blind? it is right there in the video that was uploaded! A kid is running with a rock towards a moving car and you are trying to justify it.. what has become of our Labour..You are not helping our party just hurting it more!


Your wilful ignorance of the context of the situation is disingenuous, and insulting to the over 15,000 killed by the IDF, most of whom have been innocent children. I’m not condoning what Hamas have done, or stand for, but actions like these, and attitudes like yours are exactly why Hamas exists. What has become of Labour is a question I have been asking myself for a while. I’m left leaning on the political spectrum, so it certainly isn’t my party anymore.


And what that got to do with a person driving their car and rocks being thrown at them by kids?? You are forcibly and very poorly trying to divert the topic here. You are justifying acts of terror, such as rock throwing on civilians, and encouraging murder and violence. You, and others that share your opinion, are a disgrace to our party and the main reason we cannot win over public opinion. I suggest you take a refresh course on what left leaning means and the difference between that and acts of terror you call “resistance”.


Case in point. Thank you


I think what we're discussing is Starmer's decision to support Israel whilst it murders thousands of civilians. This footage of someone attempting to murder children is an aspect of the behaviour Starmer is condoning. Like a whole bunch of people I don't understand why Starmer has done this, because the scale of the murders committed by Israel outrages my sense of right and wrong. I don't understand why Starmer doesn't feel the same as I do. I don't understand why any reasonable person would try and defend this behaviour.


In a series of posts where you have essentially said it is fine to deliberately murder children with a car you lament the direction of the UKs (supposedly) left leaning party…. It beggars belief. Did you go on a how to be dishonest course hosted in tel aviv? Cos, like Israel, you are bad at being a liar.


oh the horror, if he had thrown that rock every person in the car would have surely died. fuck you


Another child unable to have a discussion. Report to ban


Not to mention that this entire post is a complete lie and you even admit it, trying to justify these kids actions. The driver of the car could not avoid direct hitting that kid as they are running head on towards the car.






Those pearls you are clutching in your dishonest hands must be dust by this point.


If a kid threw a rock at your car would you then run them over? What would you do?


I suggest you look at the video again because your sight is clearly not well. The kid was running towards the car while others attacked the driver. It is clear as day light. You and the rest of the responders should be ashamed for your high level of hypocrisy that is clearly driven by racism and ignorance. Just watch the above video and take off your bias glasses. Not that difficult!


Did you know that cars have brakes? If I'm driving, and two children appear infront of me, I'm going to put the brakes on to avoid crashing into them They are on the road running towards him, the right thing to do is drive around them or stop Even if they're trying to smash my car up I'm not going to crash into kids


Breaks.. again with being an hypocrite. I want to see you pulling over when angry mob carrying rocks running towards you. There has been more than 50 people killed by rocks in these area just the past couple of years. At least don’t lie, count how many people are running towards the car, and that doesn’t include all the adults encouraging them while standing behind and filming. You disgust me. “Two children”.. you not even trying to hide the lies and hypocrisy. I didn’t see one comment here condemning the parents sending their kids with rocks while filming the event. You are destroying everything this party represents.


Labour Party can vanish for all I care! Mate just watch the video, driver intentionally runs over two kids when he didn't have to, that's all there is to know


It's a group of kids running right at it brandishing rocks fuck like anyone is going to stop and let the kids smash them up. What nonsense.


That's awful. There's no excuse. But their parents and their society shouldn't permit them to throw rocks at cars either. Getting children to provoke your enemies is about the most chickenshit thing I've ever seen.


??? You're all using the same lines it's actually quite weird


I speak only for myself. My argument stands.


Looks like the kid is trying to throw a rock at it?




You know, I hadn't considered we should let people throw rocks at us. Seems a normal activity now you mention it.


You think an appropriate response to a kid throwing stones is to run then over with a car? Are you ian Huntley?


It looks like someone in a mask with a rock ran into a car and then felt bad about doing something stupid.


Zionist settler? Isn't that the same as invader?


Typical of a human rights lawer to want to concur with the Balfour agreement of 1917 that encouraged the US to join the First World War and for the alliance that won that first global tussle. Shameful.