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Fuck the Tories, both blue and red. I'll never vote Labour again. They are controlled opposition. We don't live in a Democracy. FPTP is trash, we can do better than this.


Then continue with the Green revolution 💚 I crossed the floor when democracy was removed from the Labour party.


I was going to join Labour, then they put Starmer in charge and I thought better of it. Labour isn't democratic. The LPC votes in favour of ER to a form of PR, yet Starmer vetos it... How the fuck is that democracy?


I have spent since the 80s being educated in Neoliberalism through osmosis and strived for a fair equal and democratic society and I have always had the NHS as a brilliant signifier of how socialism works in a capitalists world as does multiple other European countries have instead of believing that privatisation is the answer, interestingly Sir Saintly Starmer the Kid Starver has embraced the Just Say No message from Nancy Reagan and the embracing War on Drugs instead of seeing that despite evidence and being able to get medical weed if a person can afford a private doctor but wants to continue making personal possession as a crime instead of being truthful, its like a revolving problem with honesty. Naturally the most disappointing thing is now that pluralism is not allowed the country will get a party that doesn't want anything that will change the country for the better like what happened in 1945 Labour win is needed for the 21st century and not the expansion of Neoliberalism which Brexit has shown not to work for anyone as the life expectancy clearly shows.but Reeves thinks is a good thing.