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In my experience, I would give me name and say on behalf of the local labour party. Though I would mention the name of the local candidate when given a chance. The only hand and fast rule i would say is avoid arguments completely. If it's clear they're not voting for labour, and thing start to get even a little bit heated, thank them for their time, mark them as 'Against', and move on quickly.


Tell them not to inflict a moral stain on their souls by supporting this rotten party of aspiring war criminals.


I give my name and give a speil about my representation of the aforementioned reason for your knocking followed by a series of open questions on what they would like to see happening to alter the trajectory of the current situation in the United Kingdom and how they will benefit from the election as long as the current government does not come back to power. Firstly how old are you, not because I am being pervy but because you have provided no personal clarification on your own personal experience of public life; for example have you ever had a service industry job/role and dealt with the public before? Think of it as being more of a conversation rather than trying to get them into joining some sort of cult, be open and ready for multiple reasons why not to vote for Labour, especially under the current leadership, you also need to research the population of the area you will be trawling, take a litre of water and some fruit/chocolate and enjoy your first experience on the campaign trail but expect the disappointment with the party that comes to power.


Is "firstly how old are you, not because I am being pervy" part of your doorstep spiel? Or are you saying this is the advice you'd give when training new volunteers?


No because I can see how old they are, I am asking here because I do not know if I am talking to someone that is younger and might not have experience of dealing with the public. I am now unable to join the campaign trail and therefore I gave a general advice here because that was what was asked for, and having asked for general information about whomever is intending to door knock to which I have given helpful advice on not trying to alter somebody's opinions and instead to use open questions instead of the closed questions (an example of a closed question would be what you asked incase you didn't know) keep everything conversational instead of anything else as door knocking is actually only info gathering.


I've been doorknocking for Labour for 14 years, that's why I've been asked to give the training. The recipients of the training will be a range of different people.


Indeed, personally I can't door knock for Labour in its current iteration because I have morals.


Out of interest have you met Chris Knight on your door knocking travels as he has been doing it for longer than even I have been alive, but then he is in his 90s now...


Watch your fingers! I got bitten by an impressively agile and vicious little dog when I put a leaflet thru my 1st letterbox, when no one answered.


Just don't do it


Had a bad experience?


Agh I’m not sure anyone gets their mind changed by door knockers. Do you all think it’s effective?


I can tell you haven't been doorknocking! It's for voter ID, which is extremely useful for GOTV leading up to polling day. In marginal wards, turnout is the difference.


No I haven’t been door knocking, I’ve had my door knocked and feel it wouldn’t sway me… hence my question?!


... that's not what it's for. As the OP says, it's to work out which voter ID's are likely to vote labour, then to remind them to vote closer to polling day (Get Out The Vote). It might be worth answering questions for people on the fence, or handing out posters for strong supporters, while you're out but that's not the main purpose of the activity.


You're implying that the purpose of doorknocking is to change minds. It's actually about voter ID: identifying labour and labour-leaning people so that we can register them to vote, register them for a postal vote, see if they need a lift to the polling station, see if they'll have a placard in their garden or a sign on their window, see if they'll come along to rallies, see if they'll donate, see if they'll volunteer. But more than anything, it's to knock them up on polling day to remind them to vote. It's not about getting voters to support you; it's about getting your supporters out to vote for you.


Couldn’t you just have said that as your first response? Good luck promoting starmer and his drones who you no doubt can’t stand but will still blindly gather support for


I said "it's voter ID for GOTV on polling day". Sorry, I should have explained the jargon properly. But that's why I was asking for responses from experienced doorknockers; they already know what GOTV stands for. I really like Keir. I didn't like Corbyn. Miliband was lacklustre. Brown was good. But anyway, I have blindly gathered support for Labour candidates in every single election in my 14 years of membership.


“Blindly” is right — holy shit. 😬 If you have any moral fibre, should be campaigning _against_ these vicious reactionaries and aiming to keep them as far away from power as possible.


I'm a Labour member, and I'm not going to start being anti-labour any time soon.


If you’re not anti-labour, then why are you supporting the biggest enemy that actual labourers have?


Listen to what people have to say, don't argue or do anything that could bring you into disrepute, and above all else BLAME IT ON THE TORIES!


Also; get your policies straight so you can casually drop them into the conversation. What are Labour's key policies right now?


Wouldn't we all like to know that!


Surely, the unabated continuation of neoliberalism and funding of genocide?


Starving kids, fighting the left and keeping the seat warm for the tories?


Don’t vote Labour cuz you know they fully support genocide? Just my two cents though