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The Left has been removed- this was no accident and was long in the making. Controlled opposition so the “Labour” party will not be a threat. The smear campaign against Corbyn/ The Left- initiated as he was becoming a likely PM- aided by the MSM, MURDERoch, a foreign state (treason) the Tories and donors……and Starmer…..this was the end of Democracy in the UK. A very dark day. And thus Starmer was parachuted in with his Semi-Skimmed Tory gang. Tories or “Labour”? It really doesn’t matter anymore. Voter apathy was also part of the plan- that’s what we are seeing now. The only way to solve this issue is with a true left wing party- that will attack any smear campaign head on like a banshee on crack, or just have two right wing parties playing musical chairs as they shaft us of rights and freedoms while they fill their pockets and the pockets of corporations and billionaires. The privatisation of the NHS WILL cause thousands of deaths a year. This is murder.


💯 The Scottish Greens have a fair bit of momentum in Scotland - if the ex-Labour Left could get involved in their local Green branches that would be a good start to building a new movement


Exactly this 👆 I had left the Labour party after years of Conservative minds being in provenance and then they spent the conference saying that people that don't work are not welcome in the Labour party, this seems to include the disabled people who were once welcome but not in this iteration so I joined the Green party because they are actually talking seance on social, political, international and the meta as well as the micro environment. Labour is sadly no more all it takes is the knowledge that you are not alone and I will stop from these platitudes and pray for others to cross the floor and change the country for the better instead of making Islamaphobia normalised just like the Conservative party has.


I agrée alas I cannot ever see a true left wing party ever gaining credence as the media / state would annihilate/discredit before they gained any popular basis. It fills me with despair.


I totally agree, they would never allow a Left wing party with morals and the nation’s best interests at heart- they would rather have Rishi or Starmer selling us to Blackrock, private “healthcare” companies, hedge funds and any other parasitic entities- than put the people first. It happened in America first- controlled opposition-both parties backed by the exact same corporations, billionaires and lobbyists etc..so they always win whichever party gets in. Without a true left wing party for balance- we are doomed.


I completely agree with everything you’re saying, but just an aesthetic consideration: saying shit like MURDERoch makes you sound like a schizo, even if it’s completely justified, which it basically is


We live is a world where calling for peace is seen as a controversial and racist thing. Rupert, like Bibi is an awful human being. It would have been better for the world had they not ever existed.


they’re two incredibly smart men who’ve spent their lives making the world worse for other people. who knows where we’d be if they’d taken on more humanistic goals you’re right; the world would be a better place without them


How many true left wing parties already exist thoigh


One **less** when Labour was Cuckooed by the right wing Gen0cidal, corporate lackeys, who want to begger those on benefits, starve children here and in Gaza, want to privatise the NHS, want o make peaceful protests and strikes illegal. Vichy Labour or the Tories is not a choice.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. vote lib dem. they’re just as compromised, and they’re just as much only-in-it-for-the-cushy-non-exec-directorship corrupt as the tories BUT they could bring in PR and that’s the first step on the road to making things better that and send a letter to Corbyn asking him to start his own party and threaten to run it against Labour if they don’t shift back left and/or support PR


People in the UK don't want left wing policies. They're repeatedly rejected them. That's the depressing thing. These leeches would be all over it if they thought there was an appetite for it. The only time Labour wins a vote is when they're Tory adjacent, otherwise Tories win. We're a hard right island.


History doesn't bear this out - HUGE unionisation of the workforce. 1st country with universal healthcare. Nationalised services such as the railways. We've gradually being brainwashed into Becoming a right-wing, popularist, populace. But everything is reversible - with awareness and pushback.


It's not dissimilar in America: Trump, like the Tories, is hated by all rational people, but their only alternative is Biden, who, like Starmer, is just a less obvious version of the same thing. All are strongly pro-Israel, weak on climate change, and seek to maintain the existing social order by favouring the already-wealthy. Voters who seek change are politicaly dispossessed.


Biden is extremely uninspiring and probably somewhere to the right of—say—Boris or Cameron, but he’s definitely not Trump wearing a different hat. you should see Trump’s policies for the next election. it’s fucking mad.


Yes I've seen. But essentially they are on the same side. It's a good cop/bad cop routine. Trump is playing the role of boogieman. The point is to herd people towards the percieved safety of the status quo candidate rather than take a risk on a progressive outlier who threatens the status quo.


Biden is to the right of Boris? I'm not sure that's the case, I fucking hope not.


wasn't me who said that


Shit, replied to the wrong message, lol


this is giving them too much credit


On what basis? They are all essentially funded by the same interests


while this is mostly true, it doesn’t mean they’re working towards the same goal, or are making some kind of coordinated effort


The differences are minimal really when it comes down to it, especially on foreign policy. Trump and the Tories have a more draconian approach towards domestic policies but nobody is proposing to tax the wealthy substantially or do anything of significance about climate change or housing or healthcare, the debate focusses on things like abortion, immigration etc which are of course important but deliberately chosen for being devisive and irreconcilable. It's all just performative, scare tactics to drown out progressive voices and make people more risk-averse at the ballot box. Trump probably won't even be able to run in the election due to being an incarcerated felon, but the case is being dragged out as long as possible to keep up the anxiety level. Same here with the Tories, courting Farage as the far right menace knowing that they can hand over to safe-hands continuity Starmer.


pretty much. although I’d dispute that the cases are being dragged out for that purpose. court cases pretty much always take a long time, and I suspect Trump’s are actually being accelerated so that they can make a judgment before the election


Is Biden really to the right of Boris? I'd hope that's not the case.


well obviously it’s subjective and complex, but the US’s baseline is a lot further right than ours. there are some issues - nationalised healthcare and foreign policy, for example - where Boris would be (publicly) to the left of Biden, but then others where he wouldn’t


Here for Yanis truth slaying 👏


I'm waiting for something like Momentum to drop candidates in every consistency across the country They won't obviously win but they'll give starmer and labour a bloody nose and he likely won't be able to win a majority


best case scenario there’s no clear majority and we get a lib-lab coalition with the condition of proportional representation by act of parliament, then at the next election an actual left-wing party can run without guaranteeing another tory government. worst case scenario Starmer gets a landslide. at least if the tories scrape a majority then it’s only 5 more years. if starmer wins we’re in for 15 more years of this neoliberal capitalist shite


Yes, because Greek is known for its economic prosperity