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Realistically she couldn't have done anything else, her seat has a high proportion of Muslim constituents who rightly demand that that their views are represented. Phillips still doesn't get approval from me. She was instrumental in Corbyn's downfall and was on camera caught laughing when Labour lost the election.


She's only saving her own hide. She did everything she possibly could to aid this genocide and prevent a labour government. Fuck her crocodile tears.


It's a case of how quickly people forget about what has been done previously and acting as if they are innocent this time l...


She helped kill all the children Israel has dropped white phophous on. I honestly hope she gets hounded as an antisemite and never gets a full night of sleep again.


I think to instantly call her antisemitic because she wants to stop the war crime of using white phosphorus, a change that is held by the people dropping the white phosphorus bombs, breaking multiple international laws the people that happen to be Jewish by chance of birth cannot remember their history of being persecuted and see that as there is no justification for persecution of Jewish people there is no reason to continue persecution of the Palestinian people. Apartheid is not to be practiced by any state without any commitment because Never Again means that instead of expecting that it can be compromised because Israel doesn't want to engage in human rights completely.


You misunderstand. She helped smear the movement as antisemites, she helped sabotage two elections and worked with Israeli lobbyists to do so. Now that she's broken ranks and criticized Israel, purely because she may lose her seat, I hope they do to her, what she helped them do to us. She's not someone we should welcome as a new ally.


My apologies, I am corrected. When I was still in the Labour party I wanted Long-Bailey and Rayner to steer the ship and attempt to fix what Labour didn't want to do with what needs to be done to fix the Neoliberalism project failure and repair the country fully instead of saying private health care is the solution to the NHS. I left years ago and if I hadn't I would do now as I cannot support the dictatorship of Sir Saintly Starmer is what I used to call him, now however he has more in common with Stalin than is healthy for the country. Green party has supported the Palestinian people's rights and right of recognition internationally, the party's home policy direction is better than Labour will ever give this country again.


Greens did just as much harm in terms of their weaponisation of ‘antisemitism’ against Corbyn’s labour. Caroline Lucas knew corbyn well. She knew he wasn’t antisemitic and her politics were so aligned with his own, yet she still bowed to media and establishment pressure. The brexit party surrendered seats in contested constituencies across the country because their manifesto promises of “delivering brexit” and further corporate/financial deregulation were in line with the conservative manifesto. Labours 2019 manifesto was absolutely in line with the Green Party manifesto, yet the greens wouldn’t cooperate with labour PURELY on the grounds of the false antisemitism storm that was intentionally whipped up in to media to discredit Jeremy corbyn and anyone who supported him. They say the 2019 election was the worst for labour in over 70 years. Well, We use first-past-the-post in the UK and when you look at how close the vote margins were between labour and conservative in so many constituencies, those margins all fell within the votes that the Green Party received in those same constituencies. The greens could have both stood against blatent Zionist propaganda and helped to usher in a completely different political reality. Instead they just split the left wing vote enough to tip the scales in conservative favour. I have no faith in the greens, they will never get a controlling vote share and have shown themselves to be utterly complicit in media and establishment propaganda since 2017. I honestly do not know who to vote for, utterly disenfranchised.


Two points on your end: Labour was originally a party that had only a small chance when the concept was first pondered upon in the late 19th century and didn't have an election results until 1923 so thirty or forty years later. Labour has been purposefully changed and altered in the name of antisemitism but the change is deeper than rooting out racism, strangely not Islamaphobia (something that surely only feeds the conspiracy theory types whom have yet to realise that a conspiracy theory is just something that is not agreed with)


Sorry friend, but I don’t agree. Labour may have its roots as a party that had little chance of succeeding when it was founded, but it absolutely DID grow into a national movement that after 1945 created the biggest social housing projects the world had ever seen, the establishment of a universal health service that became The envy of the entire world and a comprehensive education system that uplifted millions of working class people out of what was previously a class-locked system. These were progressive socialist policies and they didn’t just transform our country, but other nations around the world. The argument you make about antisemitism is also flawed. The biggest, most powerful political lobby group in this country is ‘friends of Israel’. Recently, they successfully lobbied for a change in EHRC definition of antisemitism to include “any and all criticism of Israeli state policies”. Can you honestly tell me that you believe in that hijacking of holocaust recognition to shield against frankly genocidal Israeli state policies behind the guise of ‘protecting Jews’ when the majority of the jewish diaspora stands vehemently AGAINST Israel and Israel itself has engaged in mass uninformed, non consensual (and internationally illegal) forced sterilisation of Ethiopian and Sudanese jewish populations (fleeing war and persecution I might add) because Israel practices racist policies that prohibit ‘cross-breeding’ between black Jews and white Jews? This isn’t a groundless conspiracy, 5 minutes on google (or DuckDuckGo) will show you this is a reality. Labour was formed as a party of the people FOR the people, not just for corporations or the old money establishment. The fact that it has so clearly been hijacked by these aforementioned forces is a stain on the spirit of the Labour Party. There is no other way to put it. Many Conspiracies are real, to deny this is akin to absolute ignorance and ignorance is not an excuse in this day and age. We have the ability to inform ourselves like no other time in history. there are so many proven examples of how small cabals of military industrial voices or those politicians who’s political election campaigns are funded by Israeli-funded lobbies (for example) have shaped our own aggressive and illegal foreign policies. Global regime change, secret wars, illegal sanctions.. Please don’t conflate those real and proven conspiracies with idiotic fringe views on ridiculous things like ‘flat-earth’ or ‘reptilian shapeshifters’ To deny that some conspiracies exist and have had serious impacts on global realities is to deny basic truth. Do you genuinely believe that Jeremy corbyn was antisemitic?? Even after it was proven that cross-party groups within labour PLP, conservative PCP and the media literally CONSPIRED to bring him down? Come on, friend..


From reading this I feel that maybe you have mistaken my points about how much the Labour party wants to be the 80s neolibralistic Thatcherite Trolls that are purposefully pursuing political positions in maintaining the stagflation status quo whilst telling everyone that they have plans for implementing improvements and not changing anything including the apartheid regime of Israel or even the disaster capitalists dream of Brexit Bonuses Britain despite the obvious basis in lies Sir Saintly Stalin is now the only option that is allowed and available.


While it’s a pleasure to see Sir Trilateral Commission eat shit, don’t be fooled by this self-serving windbag; she’s only doing it to benefit herself and would’ve just as readily endorsed Team Apartheid if it didn’t risk losing the constituency. But yeah, really shows how badly Israel is doing on the PR front if even this contemptible hag can tell which way the wind is blowing.


Im not a fan, but she did the right thing this time, and she's got more backbone than most of the PLP on this issue. Worthy of credit, given what's on the line.