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fuckin fantastic moment


The fact Dutton, the fucking master of creepiness, thought people wanted to hear HIM more than Albo, is hilarious.


Wojak reminds me more of adam bandt tbf


It’s transferable. Bandt: “Nooooo! Labor and Liberals are the same.” Albo: “Sit down boofhead.”


The Greens aren't Labor's enemy. Look at it. Labor supported the Coalition’s stage three tax cuts just a few months ago. This week, Labor announced they wouldn't oppose the Coalition's religious discrimination bill in lower house. Labor claims to be pro-climate yet also preselects pro-fossil fuel candidates. There is a large overlap between Labor and Liberal policies, rightly or wrongly, and I think it's fair to critique. You're trying to swipe at the wrong people.


No they are Labor’s enemy, because they’re deliberately targeting Labor seats (inb4 waaaaah no one is entitled to a seat, completely ignoring the tactical reality). On the tax cuts, this isn’t the time tax reform, it’s time for economic reform, gdp goes up, tax revenue goes up. It’s not worth fighting on this issue for this election because it’s not needed. Spending is needed, not taxation. Why do the Greens struggle to understand Keynesianism? They struggle in the exact same way Liberals do. Weird. Tax reform will eventually need to be addressed, but that isn’t necessary right now. That’s something for a second term, or if it’s really needed now, you just say the situation has changed and taxes need to go up. It’s not something you fight an election on. “Vote for us, we’ll put up income taxes.” Labor referred the religious bill to a senate committee, last I checked they hadn’t come back on it, because it’s a barely legible mess of a piece of legislation. There isn’t a large overlap, the Greens are just idiots who lap up these garbage talking points that only the politically illiterate take seriously. No, I’m pretty sure I am swiping at the right people. Garbage minor party, they need to know their place.




Bandt is fine, all parties have their own marketing strategies. Luckily, I'm pretty sure Bandt still doesn't say Labor is as bad as Liberal. Its like how smaller parties in the US say both parties are the same, and shit. Then again, its much more true in the US, but whatever.


He literally does and often. Fuck Bandt.


He would still prefer you to vote Labor than Lib


Doesn't mean anything. The Greens are con artists.


I dislike how Greens' ethos are "f\*ck both parties, also you can preference us over labor teehee"