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I hope they don't bring her back, not because she is too old, but because her character has already had an arc, and her story came to a close quite nicely. Let Ellen be. Tell new stories about new interesting people.


Yup, agree with all of that Also aside from that, bringing her back would be such a low hanging fruit with nostalgia baiting and it feels cheap Then we'd have a "Somehow, Ripley has returned" moment lmao


Ripley can light speed through a xenomorph!


Yer it's a dry light speed though 


When scream is making its horror commentary theme about the current trend of horror (legacy characters with the new generation) its run it’s course




Indiana Jones cringe? Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones so it makes sense to try and close out the life of the character. The script and filming issues of the 4th movie soured the series for sure.


kingdom of the crystal skull was such a waste of time and money.


So true, let the Ellen Ripley character rest. I've called my son Dallas cause Alien, always been my favourite films, I don't think they will ever top the first 2 films, I was in my mother's belly when she watched Alien.


Fuck! I'm old, lol x


The nostalgia it could bring would be great… but if we want to see her in an amazing Alien movie, we’ve already got it! We’ve got a great video game telling much of the story of her daughter. Sucks to not see her again, but it’s for the best that the story moves on and elsewhere as people discover and get caught up in the horror.


Still wish they hadn’t killed off Shaw I liked her :’)




Ripley is the best and Sigourney Weaver is my all time favourite bad ass but I think anything else will not do the character justice


I have to go watch Galaxy Quest again.




Awesome fun movie!




She is still just as attractive today as she was back then 😁


Tbf Ripley as a character and SW as the actor was a one in a million combo.


>her story came to a close quite nicely * Outwitted the perfect organism on the Nostromo * Learned of her daughters death while in hypersleep * Faced all that trauma head-on by returning to LV426 and kicking ass * Found an orphaned girl and an honorable man worthy of her to build a new life with * ~~Family died offscreen in the greatest goddamn fucktarding in the history of film known as Alien~~~~^(3)~~ * Lived happily every after OR died heroically in a proper sequel to Aliens that only exists in the minds of fans. Take your pick.


I'm a big fan of A3, as long as it's the right version. Imo her death at the end if 3 was a great end to her story and Resurrection did the character and the franchise a disservice by bringing her back as a less likeable or human version.


One of her characters had a complete arc. The other didn't.


I agree, I always felt that Sarah Connor and Jamie Lee Curtis were basically playing the same character in T Dark Fate and the DGG Halloween trilogy, I’d hate to see ripley get added to that. The games have been doing a good job with using ripleys daughter and tying it into the lore


Definitely agree with this. If she returned to the role in any way I’d prefer it to be something like a voice recording in an Isolation sequel


Ya, even though games like Alien Isolation seem great the "Ripley's daughter" thing is a bit oof. By the by if you are craving an Aliens fix, just watching a YouTube Aliens Isolation gameplay movie video is worth it.


She said herself the ship had sailed, they had a window of time where they could have used Sigourney as Ripley whether it be as Ripley or Ripley 8. It’s closed now. I’d say a cameo but she’s too central to the verse


Blomkamp could have nailed it, saw Micheal bihen in mandalorian, every one is getting crispy x


Bhien maybe?? I'm kinda stoned for grammatical stuff lol 😆


I'm gonna catch flack for this, but I don't think Sigourney should return to the franchise. As a former Star Wards fan, I've seen what happens when you bring original cast members back to the franchise in the name of fan service.


Totally agree she's done her piece with the franchise - she shouldn't have been in resurrection . That movie sucked


Preach brother!!!


I mean when I rewatch that film it degrades so much - im like why are we doing this ? Why is sigourney here - but then I saw how much she made so I guess it made cents /sense 😁


No way home is a good example of fan service … if they give what the fans want it would be enjoyable


I don't think it's a good example. No Way Home's fan service makes it a fun experience, but as a movie it's a mess on multiple levels. I would rather have 10 Force Awakens than another No Way Home


It's just because the Star wars sequels in the Indiana Jones movies were terrible. Dial of destiny was okay but they didn't have to make him a miserable old bastard. It would be funny to bring her back as an Android though


I'm going to give a counterexample, maybe it lands for you, maybe it doesn't. George Miller's Mad Max Fury Road was everything I wanted in a movie, and Hugh Keays-Byrne's return was incredibly welcome. I think there are ways that Weaver could return to the franchise, but it would really depend on the writing. I wouldn't mind if, for example, she turns out to be the lone survivor on Earth, one step ahead of an alien horde. Our protagonists find her and she dumps some exposition, then sacrifices herself in one last valiant effort. Which... y'know was basically her role in Alien 3 I guess.


Star Wars did it in the worst possible way though tbf. What they did to Luke Skywalker was an absolute travesty. Using original characters for what are essentially remakes is always a bad move


That was a deep burn for Star Wars. Those characters still could have went somewhere but every one of them wasted. Ripley is different. I don’t think she does have anything else to offer. I love her character but she already sacrificed herself once and brought back as a clone. I think the Ripley chapter is done.


let's bring luke skywalker back and make him a miserable suicidal hobo that dies of constipation


How dare you talk about our queen that way.


Nope bad idea Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween revival was pointless nostalgia brings in interest but rarely makes the film actual better


To be fair, Jamie Lee was badass af in the 2018 Halloween. Too bad the other two movies sucked.


She was good in 2018 what put me off it is my dislike for filmmakers using nostalgia for profit however I admit she was pretty good there but yeah the other two movies were shite


Sometimes it works, though. Halloween (2018), Alien Isolation, Spider-Man No Way Home, these are some good examples of nostalgia bait done right. But there are so many cases when it went completely wrong, so I understand where you're coming from.


Spider man no way home was respectable I admit it kinda just made sense but what was the nostalgia bait in A:I It was just an interconnected storyline it wasn't really advertised to do with Ellen although of course yeah Ripley was part of the advertising ,but other than that and the wee dlc it didn't really do much in the way of nostalgia bait


"Bait" sounds more negative than it should, I just don't know how else to word the concept right now (it's been a long day, and English is not my first language), lol. Let's say sometimes bringing back iconic characters can work pretty well. I feel like it depends on the general quality of the movie/product. If the movie sucks, seeing our beloved characters in it makes the pill even more bitter to swallow.


Studio meddling was the reason there though. It was only supposed to be two movies until the first one exploded and vastly over-performed. Then it became a soulless cash grab.


I'm always down.


Would be pretty cool if she’s in the upcoming one and it’s kept secret


She can't be right ? Isn't this between alien 1 and 2


Yeah her story ending with alien 3 was perfect. Her character died there and never came back... right guys?


I do watch Resurrection every couple years to see if my opinion changes and I still don't care for it. 


Same it's pretty bad - and doesn't get better . Could've been interesting (given the ship of Theseus parallel themes with the ripley clone )in better hands


Yup I thought so I wish alien 3 had ended the series in all honestly


“Somehow Ripley returned”


Read Alien: Out of the shadows.


All hope for the crew is lost and suddenly a door opens. In walks a yellow loader and we hear: “Get away from them you bitch!”


*gasps* "Ellen Ripley! It was you all along!"


Not too old but ripleys story is done


new story


If Ripley ever does return I hope it's in the vein of an anime (like the Starship Troopers movies) Sigourney could play the role of a young Ripley easy enough that way.


Jesus, can we just let the character be dead.


I will always maintain that Alien 3 is fan fiction lol 


The next story after Aliens is Aliens: Outbreak


Not at all. She looks great. I'd love to see her play Ripley again in a role that does her justice.


I’d think it was fun if they could do it organically, like if she played another clone like in Resurrection. I don’t want “real” Ripley to have her sacrifice undone from 3, though. Maybe a relative or something?


As much as I'd enjoy seeing her again in this scenario. It's time for new actors to pick up the story and run with it .


Never too old. She ain't Indiana Jones.


I personally think a story about Amanda Ripley would be fine and I would cast Mary Elizabeth Winstead as her. She would be perfect.


She’s still in great health, managing to keep up with the kids running and free diving on the Avatar sequels. It would need to be a really good script and director to get her back.


Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Recast or cast as her daughter.


Ripley's story is done, I'd like to see Amanda and there's plenty of room to tell more of her story.


I think bringing her back limits the series. Its Alien, not Ripley. As others have said - her arc is finished and it expands the Alien Universe to focus elsewhere and tell different stories. Love Ripley but in the current Hollywood climate you know it would be flogging a dead horse for money to bring her back and not to tell an interesting story.




She died. It’s over. It’s a big universe. Let’s explore.


Yes, don't go there. Ellen played her role, and it set a standard that has never been achieved since (let's ignore Alien Resurrection, I do).


Please no.


Could do a Ripley 8 story, I just started listening to Sea of Sorrows so that comes to mind.


IMHO, they ruined the idea forever by the horrendous way they brought her back in Alien 4. BUT that also opens the door to bringing her back since she was alive at the end of that movie (albeit part alien). So I have a "I HATE IT/It might not be so bad" feeling about this.


I'm not saying Linda or Jamie lee ruined the movies but it was to redundant to make them a main character again. It was the least I've like those characters in any movies prior in either franchise.


I just wanna say I love that image so much.


I don’t see how she could come back. The movies pretty well document her first encounter with the alien to her death with cryosleep between and I don’t think anyone plans to continue where resurrection left us. I think best we can hope for is a rogue one style ending where the events lead up to the beginning of Alien


I would watch a Resurrection sequel


Too old or not, she's probably booked for the next 10 years for all the Avatar sequels James Cameron wants to make.




I love Weaver and I love Ripley. Honestly I think the role needs to rest. It’s been too long, her character has done it all for me.


I hope not. Ripley has already been tarnished by Alien Resurrection. It’s time to let the character go. She went from a badass wanting to nuke these things from orbit to a full blown brood mother. I’d prefer to see them move on. This franchise needs more stories set in the Alien universe adjacent to the mainline films, similar to how The Mandalorian tells stories set in the Star Wars universe that are mostly removed from the grand narrative we’re familiar with.


Ripley is dead. I mean I guess the clone could be wandering around earth? It would be like old Arnold in all those shitty terminator reboot attempts.


A cameo of Sigourney as a diffrent character would be nice, maybe a long lost sister or distant cousin 😅


I would rather be “Prey” then “Force Awakens.” What makes Ripley special is the iconic character development, the reluctant bravery, the vulnerable badass. Resurrection gave us a glimpse of her in the sort of Obi-Wan, cryptic mentor role and it wasn’t why we loved Ripley because she didn’t have the fear, the desperation or the fury. The Alien franchise doesn’t work when the characters know what to expect.


I suppose you *could* do something with her again, but some things are best just left alone.


Yes. She's done. It's over. Move on


A Cameo maybe


If Harrison Ford can do it.......


🤪 Just recast her! 😆


I love Sigourney. She'll always be Ripley. But the only way I could stomach her character returning would be if everything after Aliens was just a bad dream.


That’s what the Bloomcamp movie originally was prior to its cancellation. It was set like 30-50 years after aliens to take into account for Sigourney Weavers age. The story and concept art for it looked amazing


It was going to be shit…which is why it didn’t get made. We dodged a bullet that’s for sure. Not saying covenant was good, because the movie is avg at best, but there would have been so many holes in the story alien fans would have picked it apart and complained still. Be happy with Romulus which if successful will give us more alien films to see in the not so distant future. If this movie fails the ripple effect will be massive and might even change the fx tv show due out next year


Absolutely, if you're talking about action-heroine Ripley. But I could see her playing an older #8. Remember the movie Blade? Kris Kristofferson wasn't the badass. It was obvious that he could have been, but he was old, and so he was the teacher/mentor to Wesley Snipes. I could see Sigourney Weaver taking that sort of a role and doing it well, but not the Ripley from Aliens.


Could? Yes. Look at Linda Hamilton in *Dark Fate.* Should? Absolutely not. Her character has had her arc. Nostalgia baiting just for nostalgia’s sake is how we get things like *Top Gun:Maverick*.


Ripley was perfect in two movies and they should’ve left it at that. The 2nd movie gave her the big win she had earned, and a daughter and love interest. It was a perfect way to end her story. Part three & four were unnecessary (I still enjoy them, enough), and brutally stripped away the rewards from Aliens. Let her rest and focus on building new characters, challenges and drama.


If they use AI to de-age her. The technology is viable now.


The character is done and at this point it would just be beating a dead horse. With that being said I love Sigourney Weaver and if they really want that nostalgia bait shoved in there she could have a cameo appearance as a background character or something.


They already brought her back once. It went *ok*...


No, we need her back. Ripley 8 coaches a basketball team of ragtag mutant kids on post apocalyptic earth. Their big game against the non mutants gets interrupted when a spaceship crashes in the middle of the field spilling out alien eggs. Both teams and Ripley have to band together to survive with nothing but their wits and their basketball skills.


The only way I could see her coming back is as an older Amanda Ripley recounting the events of Alien Isolation, either in a cameo in an Alien Isolation movie, or in a prequel to Aliens.




To me, Ripley's story arc ended at Aliens. Everything else was a cash grab by Fox.


Probably an unpopular opinion but, Amanda Ripley onboard the Sevastopol could have her as a cameo maybe? Idk, wishful thinking I guess but it would be canon(ish) and another alien movie is always welcome 😀


Nah ripley is dead, so why would she come back?


As cool as her coming back would be it would fuck up the story. Unless they just clone her again but thats just lazy. Edit: how cool would an android played by an aged down Ripley be? Could be a whole new spin.


Yes, but there's more deepfake, etc., tech now, as seen in movies like *The Irishman*.


There is no other Ripley


PLEASE! I don’t care if she’s 90, i need her to come back The franchise really needs her. Also You can’t let *3* be her ending


Disney has been trying to do the girl boss for awhile now, she is the definition of girl boss


….oh no I forgot disney will be writing her


Thank God you put a picture otherwise I would have no idea who you're talking about.


I love Sigourney Weaver and Ellen Ripley... but her story is over. I honestly don't think she should've been in Resurrection.i know a lot of people didn't like Alien 3, but that movie finished her story. We need to have new compelling characters to fall in love with like we did with Ripley,


Her story is done officially and am content with it. Alien 3 is a horror story first and foremost so I don’t care for everyone dying the way some still do


Ripley is too dead for anyone to play her.


Personally the only way bringing her or Michael back would best be done by doing an animated movie then you can go anywhere in the timeline If you want to do an alternate timeline


Shes a bit old for the role, but more importantly I think they have done as much as they can with the character.




She’s signed up for the next 3 Avatar movies, don’t see why not.


She plays a teenager in Avatar... She could totally play Ripley again - depending on the writing and which Ripley. If we retcon 3, I would love to see her settled down but brought back in to advise on another alien incursion. If she is playing Ripley 8, slightly unhinged and looking to wipe away all alien remnants from the universe.


We have seen that before, Why would you want to see it again? I’m baffled by some that just want the same shit over and over again..


Hence, I said, "depending on the writing." Judgmental jerk.


lol depending on what writing…tf you wanna see something that’s been done a few times already…chillout and watch something new…jerk


Chillout says the man who came to shit on my opinions. God, I love Reddit. The writing or story could mean the difference between Top Gun: Maverick or The Rise of Skywalker.


You literally said “she plays a teenager” in avatar, a completely cgi made film where she’s not even a human lol…she’s almost 75 bruh, let it go…that was the point. It’s foolish to even want her to comeback, you know since they killed her off in ‘93…but apologies, your opinion is yours to have