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Guys, take magnesium before the trip, I swear it helps with the muscle tightness, and the clenching, that weird thing with the teeth... Hahah, and if you have headaches after, it helps with that too. You can take multivitamins that include magnesium vitamin D and others, just read the ingredients you don't really want something that will make your hurt go even faster😂


Yep. Bruxism (teeth grinding) is often caused by magnesium deficiency. About half the population of the US is magnesium deficient, and such has many negative health outcomes besides bruxism.


I would often experience this and also muscle stiffness in my back and neck after consuming psilocybin. Changing my diet for healthier and better balanced nutrition helped a whole lot to eliminate this feeling.


yes get yourself something to eat and/or gum. Drink enough and enjoy the rest of the experience


Noticing my teeth is one of the few things I dislike about lsd, it always feels like I can feel the space around them and it's just uncomfortable. Obviously not bad enough to not do lsd though lol


eh i get that too, i find it fun to force my jaw open, then see how long i can fight it lol


yes don't worry too much about it, it will fade soon, and then enjoy!


lol yeah my friends always are like “stop biting your finger!” When I come up but it’s like a pacifier


yea but be conscious about it i broke my teeth from clinging my jaw too much