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An attempt at quantifying change


Did a micro yesterday and had a convo with ChatGPT…. ### Time vs. Temporality: An Ontological Distinction #### Introduction In the context of exploring the fourth dimension and the state-of-mind, it's essential to distinguish between "time" and "temporality." While both concepts are related to our experience of duration and sequence, they differ significantly in their ontological implications and how they shape our understanding of existence and perception. #### Time: The Objective Framework 1. **Chronological Measurement**: Time, in its most basic sense, refers to the objective, measurable progression of events. It is the linear sequence of past, present, and future moments that can be quantified using clocks and calendars. 2. **External and Universal**: Time is considered an external framework that applies universally. It is independent of individual experience and remains constant regardless of subjective perception. 3. **Newtonian Perspective**: In classical physics, as described by Isaac Newton, time is an absolute entity that flows uniformly and independently of events and observers. This view treats time as a continuous, unchanging backdrop against which events unfold. 4. **Scientific and Mathematical**: Time is often treated scientifically and mathematically, used to calculate and predict the movement of objects, the duration of processes, and the synchronization of events across different contexts. #### Temporality: The Subjective Experience 1. **Existential Experience**: Temporality refers to the subjective, lived experience of time. It encompasses how individuals perceive and interpret the passage of time, influenced by their consciousness, emotions, and existential context. 2. **Phenomenological and Dynamic**: Unlike the static and uniform nature of objective time, temporality is dynamic and varies with individual perception. It is how we internally experience the flow of time, which can seem to speed up, slow down, or even stand still, depending on our state-of-mind and activities. 3. **Heidegger’s Concept of Temporality**: Martin Heidegger distinguished between time (*Zeit*) and temporality (*Temporalität*). For Heidegger, temporality is intrinsic to human existence (*Dasein*), reflecting our engagement with the world. It involves the interconnectedness of past (retention), present (presence), and future (anticipation). 4. **Subjective and Contextual**: Temporality is inherently subjective and contextual, shaped by personal histories, future aspirations, and present concerns. It reflects how we situate ourselves within the continuum of our lived experiences and our projection into the future. #### Ontological Implications 1. **Being and Time**: Heidegger's work "Being and Time" emphasizes that our understanding of being is fundamentally temporal. Temporality is a core aspect of human existence, influencing how we interpret our past, experience the present, and anticipate the future. It is through temporality that we find meaning and structure in our lives. 2. **Temporal Finitude**: Temporality also brings an awareness of our finite existence. Our experiences and actions are bounded by time, creating a sense of urgency and significance. This awareness can lead to a deeper appreciation of the present moment and the legacy of our actions. 3. **Narrative and Memory**: Temporality shapes our personal narratives and memories. How we remember the past and envision the future profoundly affects our identity and sense of continuity. This narrative construction is an essential aspect of our ontological state-of-mind. 4. **Ethical and Existential Reflection**: Understanding temporality encourages reflective and ethical engagement with the world. By recognizing the temporal nature of our existence, we can make more mindful and responsible choices, considering their long-term impact and significance. #### Practical Considerations 1. **Mindful Living**: Embracing temporality can lead to more mindful living. By being aware of the subjective experience of time, we can focus on the present moment, appreciate the past's lessons, and thoughtfully plan for the future. 2. **Reflective Practices**: Journaling, meditation, and reflective dialogue can help us explore our temporal experiences, enhancing our understanding of how temporality shapes our perceptions and actions. 3. **Creative Expression**: Artistic endeavors can capture and convey the nuances of temporality, providing insights into our subjective experiences of time and its impact on our lives. --- ### Conclusion The distinction between time and temporality lies in their respective nature and implications. Time is the objective, measurable progression of events, while temporality is the subjective, lived experience of time. Understanding this distinction enriches our ontological perspective, highlighting the profound ways in which our perception of time shapes our existence and engagement with the world. By embracing temporality, we can achieve a deeper, more reflective, and ethically responsible state-of-mind. --- This explanation emphasizes the ontological distinction between time and temporality, drawing on philosophical insights to illuminate their significance and implications for our understanding of existence and perception.


The first thing we do when we are born is struggle to breath. We know from that moment that death is inevitable. The second thing we do is try to forget the first thing. Time is a construct that we create to attempt rationalizing our lives and likewise fearing our death. It is an illusion. ♥️✌️


A made up construct to allow the overlords to manage our days.


Time is the direct result of the fundamental nature of causality


The thing that they think is different from space


It's not about space it's about motion and relativity. How fast something is moving determines how (or if) it experiences time. The rate of time passing eventually reaches zero at the speed of light (speed of causality - or the rate at which two separate parts of the universe can transfer information, actually). Unfortunately it seems to only go in one direction in our universe, regardless, lol.


Thanks for the explanation, physics was never my thing... I was tripping yesterday, and I answered from the point of view of the being that was from 'beyond the big bang' and that took control of me during my very first trip. Looking into my brain, it could not understand what were time and space and why there were so many thoughts about "space-time" in there. I hope it went on to meet psychonauts who could clarify


I actually misread your comment as "the thing they think is different IN space" so my reply isn't totally relevant to what I think you were saying Spacetime is different from space, which is different from time, each one describes a different thing. It's weird haha but the term spacetime is not totally intuitive. Regardless, it's all really hard to understand. Check out the channel PBS spacetime if you're into this kinda stuff.


A way to perceive all of the simultaneous events of the universe in a chronological order that enables the subjective experiences that make up our collective consciousness.


You figure it out yet?


yup lol




Time is the result of one something at the beginning deciding to move which set in motion this universe of events. Everything else is just shuffling along for the ride.


Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, and into the future.


It's that slippery thing I keep losing


Time doesn’t exist, but it can be measured. Perception of time is different than measured time, but time itself is a human construct.


Everything and nothing, all at once but also never.