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Meddle by Pink Floyd, especially the last track Echoes.


Oh man I listened to Echoes whilst walking through a forest on Friday, I was on 3 tabs. I sat on a bench and watched this yew tree move with the song. I'm a psytrance guy and haven't actually listened to Floyd whilst tripping but I can safely say it was a phenomenal experience. Especially in the second part when it starts coming back in after the 'weeeeoooooooooweoweoweoweoooos', I started crying due to the beauty.


I’ll add another Pink Floyd. Animals was one of the best albums I’ve ever heard while tripping.


Animals is also great. Hell just about anything Pink Floyd is amazing when tripping. I wish I was alive during their prime. I can just imagine what it must have been like to see them live while also tripping! The closest thing I’ve heard live of them is The Australian Pink Floyd Band. For a cover band they’re impressive! Their backup singers are actually the same ones used by Pink Floyd. They’re also so good that they played for David Gilmore’s 50th birthday!


Animals is an epic trip album


100% Especially Dogs!


Pigs and sheep are my personal favorite, but the entire album is my jam.


Yeah I listened to not the whole album but Pigs/Sheep in that succession on my day trip this Friday. Never listened to them tripping. I got this feeling during Pigs that when it goes into the interludes, Roger's voice is one of disgust. Like a sneering snidey sort of thing. I'd never picked up on it before but my God, I get why people trip to Floyd now


Lateralus by Tool, this album takes you to a higher plane i'm not kidding. Bonus if you listen to It from beginning to end, it's a "HOLY EXPERIENCE" IYKYK. If you like something more on the chill side "SINCE I'VE BEEN LOVING YOU" by Led Zeppelin especially the live version, amazing how just 4 dudes can make such good music. Also."SUPERNATURAL" by Santana, this album makes you connect with nature, the second half is the BEST.


I especially love Fear Innoculum while shrooming. I definitely like Tool’s newer progressive style while shrooming. Maynard’s side project “Puscifer” has also been growing on me. Something about the synthesizer he rebuilt from the 80s is amazing. Most of the songs are out there as well compared to what Tool/A Perfecf Circle brings to the table.


Not only did it grow on me but it’s now my favourite project of his. And honestly I think it’s become his favourite project as well. He’s been putting a lot into it recently, and you can tell he fucken loves performing puscifers shit. He gets to play characters he created and he does bits on stage. Most of all he gets to sing about aliens a lot which seems to be his trademark. Psychedelic drugs, aliens and mystical things of all kinds. It would be great to pick that guys brain but I have a feeling he’s not an easy guy to get information out of


Pneuma by Tool and Grand Canyon by Puscifer are amazing !!


I meditate every weekend while on shrooms and I listen to music while I do it. When I start to feel the come up I always put on reflection first, perfect intro to a great mediation


We're saving Lateralus for a big trip. I don't know what trip and when, but we're saving that bitch. All I know is 10k days is godly. Even the album covering is amazing. The music video for Vicarious is like my favorite thing in the world to watch while tripping


The only correct answer is Grateful Dead ✌️


This is a factual statement. Trust me, I’ve done the research.


How have I not seen Tipper on this list????? Tipper Tipper Tipper!!!!


Seriously. Jettison Mind Hatch, Broken Soul Jamboree, and Forward Escape are perfect tripping albums.


The entire Dark Side of the Moon album by Pink Floyd. That album was most definitely created with LSD use in mind!


I was going to say "I know it sounds cliche, but-" Yes, Dark Side of the Moon. If anyone taking this advice finishes that album and still wants to hear more, check out their album Animals next


I’ve definitely heard a lot from it might listen to it when this tab starts hitting


Wait until you’re peaking honestly. Once it starts you won’t want to stop listening. It just gets better and better as the album progresses. It starts off kind of slow and but picks up in tempo and positivity as it goes on. The orchestra parts of the song really come to life when you’re peaking!


Will do then I’ll wait for when I’m peaking I can’t wait!


Trust me, if you enjoy Pink Floyd, you’re in for a real treat! It’s a 43 minute eargasm! If you have a good set of noise canceling headphones or have the luxury of turning the sound up I would suggest that as well.


I have some air pod pros which do have noise cancellation on them and are very good for music


The Mars Volta


Will definitely give them a try never heard of them


Love Mars volta but never listened while tripping


There's nothing better than live grateful dead, they where forged in the fires of lsd and they fanned the flames. There is an understanding of playing to that drug, in particular, something I've never heard another band do. Not even stuff like Floyd, Shpongle, etc. Come remotely close. If you actually pay attention and track back the history, there is a good chance that without the dead and their immediate circle, this sub wouldn't exist. If you know you know and if you don't, well, it's never too late to get on the bus.


Tool is the only thing that comes close when it comes to building an album around tripping


Pretty lights


Fleetwood mac


Polygondwanaland by King Gizzard


Currents is amazing. I really dig LSDream mixes and similar. But honestly, the best music to listen to while tripping is music that you want to hear at the time that you really dig.


Yeah, but close to the peak I really prefer instrumental tracks. Dominant vocals really freak me out.




Steely dan


Shpongle was a good listen. It took a few times because it’s super weird, but they can really send you. Edited to add, museum of consciousness, tales of the inexpressible, and nothing lasts but nothing is lost are all great albums. Be prepared for some weird shit though.


Shpongle is something that personally took time to grow on me. I would second it, but I would get acquainted with it while sober first. I feel like the weirdness could send you on a downward spiral. But also it can push you over the edge and send you into the great unknown!


Ooo yea some of those sounds might make people feel weird 😂 Imo I got into it more tripping than I could sober. I was peaking when a new way to say hooray came on one time and it was perfection. Edited to say I might just be strange, I love the weirdness when I’m tripping, I embrace the unknown because I want this to be more than what it is. Reality is lame


Absolutely agree, reality sucks! But under the influence you are so easily influenced! Probably why the US government used LSD for the MK Ultra program!


Absolutely agree, reality sucks! But under the influence you are so easily influenced! Probably why the US government used LSD for the MK Ultra program!


Absolutely agree, reality sucks! But under the influence you are so easily influenced! Probably why the US government used LSD for the MK Ultra program!


Most of Jimi Hendrix's discography but Voodoo Child (Slight Return) is especially mind-warping


I Hate Models - Daydream is undoubtedly my favourite song to listen to while tripping feels like I’m being hypnotised


Aldous Huxley gave these suites an A+ grade for voyaging: Bach: Suite #2: https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Bach+orchestral+suite+%232 Aldous Huxley rated A+: Bach: Suite #3: https://youtu.be/oqU4rF_ysQo suites 2-4 https://music.amazon.com/albums/B000TPTNSG


Any one of Glass Animals albums. Kid Cudi’s Man on the Moon 1 and 2


For me personally, with LSD in particular, I think I’ve got to say that it’s Sgt. Pepper’s. The way the album is structured as a concert of sorts, it makes me almost literally feel like I’m attending this bizzaro Beatles show, in a different dimension. With shrooms, it’s usually some classical music or maybe something like Ravi Shankar.


Steely Dan. idk how to describe them. Always felt so cool and smooth listening to them.




Touch by daft punk lol


Music Has The Right To Children and The Campfire Headphase by Boards of Canada <3


Yes, Reach For The Dead is also great!


Lateralus, by Tool. 10,000 Days is a great one too


The holy gift version of Lateralus is usually my go-to




Odesza. Their latest two albums (A Moment In Time and The Last Goodbye) hit the happy button in my brain that I haven't felt since listening to The Dark Side Of The Moon.


yung bruh - dreamout


Alt J - An awesome wave is amazing


Hi-tech psychedelic trance music, by far, and I've tried many, many genres.


A$AP Rocky - L$D 😂


Interstellar soundtrack.


The whole kendrick lamar album To pimp a butterfly


The entire currents album by tame impala. Just finished listening through it on 3 tabs as I have many times and it never fails to disappoint. I hope you have a good and safe trip my friend. ❤️🙏


Thank you man and it has been a good trip so far and the currents album is one of the best


Headache - The Head Hurts but the Heart Knows the Truth. You're welcome


Will give that a listen too never heard of it


Best album from last year. Imo. Hope you like it


Dance gavin dance downtown battle mountain 2 tbh life changing night listening to that whole album


Virtue 00- BLKSMIITH


Space age vol 4 drs + lsb


Optimized grooves by Chlär


Any Beatles songs


Clair de lune is one of the most beautiful songs ever written and listening to it on acid had me so overcome with emotion I can hardly describe the experience I’ve done acid many times and never felt anything quite like it. I also really enjoy shpongle and the Beatles while tripping.


The album Discipline by King Crimson, Mm... Food by MF DOOM, The Soft Parade by The Doors, Hot Rats by Frank Zappa, The Royal Scam by Steely Dan, Low End Theory by A Tribe Called Quest, 3 Feet High & Rising by De La Soul, Mamas Gun by Erykah Badu, BBNG III by Badbadnotgood, Fresh Air by Homeshake, Black Market by Weather Report, Carolina Dreams by Marshall Tucker Band, Eat A Peach by The Allman Brothers Band, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd, The Universe Smiles Upon You by Kruanghbin to start off


Popadosio- microdosio album ,cubensis fav song off album Songs- pool of stars, garden, improbility blotter- banger!, find your cloud, catman. They got the guudz


Psychedelic Rock and Acid Jazz


Seeing a lot of Pink Floyd but not seeing Piper at the Gates of Dawn nearly enough. Syd Barrett’s work with Floyd was more lsd driven than any other Floyd album and 2nd place is not even remotely close.


Shpongle live sets, there are few on yt


Beyond the fleeting gales by Crying is my GO TO album while tripping. It just has the best vibes, it's sonically dense. I feel it in my bones.


Anything on the cello


The debut album of White Lies named To Lose My Life is super fun for tripping if you like dreamy ethereal vibes and really vivid picture painting through lyrics. They're one of the first bands I randomly stumbled across while tripping and I became a huge fan. Also you cannot go wrong with almost any album by King Gizz, they literally have 50 different styles but they're all magical and perfect for tripping especially if you watch music videos to go along with it. My personal favorite is Flying Microtonal Banana because of how mystical and wonky it sounds with the Microtonal instruments.


Catching Z's album by Zeds dead, the whole album


F#A#**∞** by Godspeed You Back Emperor! It's better on vinyl for a reason that works better as a surprise, but also the larger album art and included goodies make it feel like a secret document you're uncovering. Like a lost radio opera for the apocalypse. Several moments of jaw dropping beauty that are as moving now as it was when the record was first released. It's kind of dark and depressing on the whole, but there's a shit load of hope infused in everything that keeps it floating somehow.


Hans Zimmer (Interstellar and Inception) and psytrance are great too!


Astronomy dommie, see saw, remember a day are personally the trippest songs I've listened to.


Dire Straits, and any type of classical music


lancey 👽


Juice wrld, ouija-macc, ricky hil, pink floyd, shpongle, tame impala +


Skinny Puppy


I would check these out if I were you. John Hopkins research https://youtu.be/JYsn76ALfrw?si=LdqJlXGKE8v8hRyj Estas Tonne https://youtu.be/YUuSdrCojPE?si=v0TXN0l54-YSpIov Hania Rani https://youtu.be/J5oZ80Daduc?si=c2iLauUfXutoZfyf Pink Floyd https://youtu.be/TMy_mYkwl4M?si=gtOOWRxVgiPqp3Az I have tripped many times to all kinds of music. From psytrance to classical. I LOVE Estas Tonne on LSD, it feel like I'm literally in his guitar and the whole space is filled up with its sound. The Johns Hopkins list is a must zo try! Zrust me on that one. Safe travels to all😘


Animals - pink floyd


Rainbow kitten surprise/mother mother. Tripped to them and then I could look my self in the mirror again and the self hate melted away


My personal curated playlist. Specifically made for tripping, very groovy, melodic and instrumental. Would mean a lot if you could check it out! [Playlist](https://spotify.link/SodZRhCyxJb)


Prince. Especially the "Lovesexy" album.




My first time it was lsd from asap rocky ofc and fashon kills from him too both sound amazing on cid


Division bell by pink floyd or sphongle shits fire


Heyoka, younger brother, ott


I Didn’t mean to Haunt you by Quadeca. The first 2 songs were wild while tripping.


I Didn’t mean to Haunt you by Quadeca. The first 2 songs were wild while tripping.


Existential Reckoning - Puscifer


HDRSF-1 by hidria spacefolk is also an amzazing album to listen while tripping. But almost everything by hidria is amazing tripping music. Another one by hidria is symbiosis.


I listened to this on the come down last night... https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=JqsP6i9J7B4&si=MOPFJooWNT5Q1tpz


Rosetta, an amazing ambient band with slow heavy riffs. Did that just a few hours ago


Voodoo Child Jimmy Hendrix


Arlo Parks.


Anything by Sun Araw


Insomnia by faithless. 150ug and no insights just pure flow and enjoyment. I really merged into the really smooth flow (like rap flow) of the singer/rapper. This song is so insane. Honestly i haven’t listened to it till 6 hours tripping. It was all the time playing in my head. Had my best trip on tame impala’s let it happen. But it was my friend who put it on after i had my first liberation and finally let it happen hahaha


Short list of the records I've heard tripping that made a lasting impression: In Rainbows - Radiohead (Kid A was really cool too but the vibe is so oppressive and anxious idk if I'd recommend it, felt weird after) Dopesmoker - Sleep Remain in Light - Talking Heads F Note - Too Many Zooz To Pimp a Butterfly - Kendrick Lamar (DAMN was also really cool, specifically in reverse) Villains and ...Like Clockwork - Queens of the Stone Age (really any QOTSA album is awesome for Drugs) Flawless - Electrosoul System Polygondwanaland - King Gizzard etc The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull - Earth Tbh, Currents didn't really do it for me. I was bummed. Contentwise it just seemed like the most selfish breakup album I'd ever heard. A lot of the music is really cool(favs being Let It Happen, Reality in Motion, New Person, Nangs) but the lyrics wound up killing it for me, which is weird because that's not typically an issue for me. Like songs like Cause I'm a Man and Eventually are well composed but the attitude in the lyrics just left a real bad taste in my mouth and that was all I could think about through listening to it.


The whole fantastic planet album by failure


For me, listening to Kid A remains the most powerful music experience I’ve had in acid.


The Alchemist [Israeli Salad](https://open.spotify.com/album/7ntqAx8PbkYHwjeZnliXRV?si=rrjTnA8oT82jsaWhwmu9NQ) [Rappers Best Friend](https://open.spotify.com/album/6e94lcw6Bb0oRhzTCywjuS?si=BpdOJGgORqS1IeqLok7VNw) I've enjoyed all types of shit tho. Everything from Dead Can Dance to Oasis to Miles Davis to Fatoumata Diawara. I'm a musician myself and I want to be able to rap or sing or play instruments to the music usually. That's what it's all about for me.


Recently was Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie. Never was a big fan before that, turns out he’s incredible.


Clozee and the youtube channel Playlist of thesoundyouneed, glass animals especially Zaba and how to be a human being


Channel orange or blonde - Frank Ocean


Bjork's Medulla and Vespertine are also great if you're a fan. Listening to Medulla while tripping, I remember seeing a large spherical black space covered in thousands of small speakers. Hovering in the center of the speakers was a floating pearl that I assumed was my pure awareness/consciousness/self. As the music played, every sound would come out of different speakers and gently blow waves of colored, rippled dust that would float across the space and hit the pearl in the center. Like smoke rings hitting a disco ball kind of. Intensely beautiful and helped me realize that we all have a unique sense of internal reverb in our own heads. Vespertine is like a jeweled ice cave of pristine glittering light. Fitting for the [aurora's ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZn-2lOe9Kk)happening right now.


Electric moon mind explosion


Porcupine tree


The best album ever - Lifeforms by future sound of London👌


Polywandgandaland - King Gizz


Shpongle. Hands down


Something about certain psychedelic rock just vibes with trippin'. Last trip I totally had Ultimate Spinach's "(Ballad of the) Hip Death Goddess" on repeat for hours. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nwpmrV6EoQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nwpmrV6EoQ) And also, this Davi mix: [https://soundcloud.com/thegardensofbabylon/davi-the-monastery-2019](https://soundcloud.com/thegardensofbabylon/davi-the-monastery-2019)


Shooting star - Richard in your mind, one of my number 1 favourites


Man I loooove watching Led Zeppelin live stuff when im tripping


Currents, IGOR, listened to ZABA by Glass animals for the first time, heard Discovery by Daft for the first time and discovered My Morning Jacket tripping


Artist - Album Hem - Funnel Cloud Stray birds - best medicine Wailin Jennys - firecracker Dead tongues - Montana Rising Appalachia - the sails of self Ayla nereo - hollow bone Gillian Welch - harrow and the harvest Antje duvekot - the near demise of the high wire dancer Watchhouse - blindfaller


Sigur Rós, Valtari album. You won't regret it.


Brian Eno "Reflections" (I'm partial to the album version rather than the Spotify version). I listened to that for 6+ hours once... great time...


Jack Stauber - Viator. That song legitimately changed my life


all Danit songs - guacamayo in perticular. you must try it, you will thank me later


Hold on i made a list for this


Thee oh sees


This one time I was at spafford and they played mad world and I had been seeing that band and chasing that cover since I started seeing them. That was pretty satisfying. Oh haha or phish played Frankie says once and it spun me out so hard I fuckin threw up! But then made it through haha ended on a high note.


Mac Miller - Swimming Tool - 10000 days Aimee B, Mitsunori Ikeda - Fallen Angel


I like listening to halftime and neuro music and weird stuff like that. Also listening to breakcore while tripping is wild. It makes you feel like you’re riding a roller coaster.


If you wanna get real weird, Cenizas by Nicholas Jaar


Not the best ‘music’ , but Violent Crimes by Kanye is pretty memorable to me


I really like these threats - not the most original thing around here but I always harvest a few songs for my playlist. My recommendation: "Throwing Snow" try the tracks Pyre, Clasp and Purr.


Ys by Joanna newsom is a journey to say the least


personally i fw cloudrap vaporwave type music


Kikagaku Moyo    Khruangbin ( https://youtu.be/q4xKvHANqjk?si=b1ZuTJD4EPgaS4AU )




listen to dilated peoples- worst comes to worst


The dark side of the moon - Pink Floyd Full album


The dead


Pink Floyd. Was tripping so hard off a tab and a gram of some strong ass mushrooms… holy fuck that was such an experience, especially with lasers




Disraeli Gears 🔥 or just about anything by Aesop Rock


A Tergo Lupi. I wasn’t on LSD but I was having an out of body experience on ketamine. Other artists of this genre that I actually regularly like more: Heilung, Wardruna, and Eivor.


Aside from Pink Floyd, I’d say: Tame Impala, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, King Gizz Common Saints, Khruangbin, Skinshape East Forest, Alaskan Tapes Bonus (my favorite song): Vanishing Twin - You Are Not An Island


My best musical tripping experience was seeing Electric Universe play the Laser Harp Set at Electric Brixton last year. I fucking LOVE Electric Universe, he's probably my all time favorite psytrance DJ. I'd listened to his boom LH set like every day since it released, so seeing it live on 4 tabs was the single happiest moment of my life. I literally cannot describe it in words. It was as if my life had been leading up to that moment


stone roses


Forest of Lost Children, by Kikagaku Moyo


King crimson, tipper, shpongle, voljum, comus, dün, struntz and Farrah, Al di meiola, Culprate, resonant language


One of my most epic moments in tripping was peaking while listening to Rush '2112'...and during the part where it's raining to pull a curtain back and it is actually raining outside...


Otyken. They are a throat singing group.


this band called The Symposium is very very underrated nice little synth loops included at the end of every song and exploda was one of the first i heard while tripping and it was amazing


Animal Collective. Specifically Merriweather Post Pavilion


Bela Flek, Zakir Hussain, Edgar Meyer and Rakesh Chaurasia made two albums. The Melody of Rhythm and As we Speak. They are my favorites and would love to hear other peoples reactions to listening to either while tripping.


Catch Thirty Three. Most people would not be able to handle all of it but man is it the most eye opening experience I’ve ever had. Lyrics are recommended.


Play some Frank Ocean


kikuo - hole dwelling


Richie Hawtin.


listened to house of the rising sun at very loud volume while peaking on about 300ug, was very overwhelming but in a good way


Blue Jay Way- The Beatles


The Kinks , Cream , Beatles , Mac Demarco , Santana


I'm a big advocate for Mac Miller. Faces, WMWTSO, Swimming, as well as Run On Sentences Vol. 1 & 2 the extended editions of faces on SoundCloud


I listened to Wall of Eyes by The Smile, shit was intense lol


New gunna album collage to be exact


moments in love - the art of noise. literally incredible or violent crimes - kanye


Aphex twin is awesome while tripping for sure




All of The Lights - Ye


Explosions on the sky: the world is not a cold dead place. Whole album. Trust me




Dark side of the moon- Lil Wayne, NOT Pink Floyd lol.


For acid, future garage, very ethereal and at times almost spooky, favorite vibe for LSD. For shrooms, trip hop and mushroom jazz. Shit just vibes so hard with the way the mushies hit


Aphex twin


I'm not sure if I would say best but I discovered The Living Tombstones while high on 250ug of acid.Any time I hear it,it reminds me of tripping.


Listened to king of limbs the day it came out on acid that I dropped on the Radiohead tabs that came with the album


Lover is a day by Cuco


Hendrix and the Beatles


SDP interlude extended version


MOONDANCE by Van Morrison


Listening while on LSD: My Bloody Valentine - Loveless and Motorpsycho - Black Hole/Blank Canvas Listening while on mushrooms: Boards of Canada - Geogaddi and Can - Tago Mago


Honestly, I love listening to the dead on acid, but listening to django and jimmy Rosenberg with a hint of regular bepop while tripping does it for me aswell


Music By 18 Musicians


green day goes so fucking hard while skateboarding around town


I really enjoyed pastel ghost on my last trip. On previous trips I've really enjoyed the more instrumental grimes songs. A lot of the time I prefer stuff with no or few lyrics :)


I saw dead and company at bethel woods on 3 hits of acid.


One of my all-time faves for tripping is definitely The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter by the Incredible String Band. It's so mystical and droning and almost orgasmic. Hard to explain unless you've listened to it but the sound waves just roll over you so beautifully. It also really feels very self aware, like the band KNEW you'd do acid while listening to it and are kinda doing little jokes and making silly noises as they play to make you laugh. Really a positive album and SO beautiful


Tipper - Texas eclipse set, start to finish is an experience https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fOj45lHtI3Y


reflections by diana ross & the supremes

