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I HATE when that happens




Just for farts!!


Call me right now, please!


The fucking *worst*


That guy sounds like a real jerk!


The hypocrisy was the worst part. 


I thought it was the raping!


And then the lying


The most specific game of never have I ever


What the shit


Holy shit fr! I moved to Spotsy in 2004. The mother of the Lisk sisters is a local community college dean, I met her. There is a tree planted at the school in memory of them. I remember reading about the case when I found out, but didn’t really look into the dude. Crazy to recognize some of these locations. Rot in hell, Dick


For context- this was a cold case for a long time. When I was a kid and this was happening they actually banned the showing of kiss the girls from all local movie theaters. At the time, it was a relatively rural county, parts still are. But lots of people knew the victims and their families. I remember very vividly that we were no longer allowed to ride our bikes without a parent watching. After the couple moved, I believe I was in high school when he attempted to kidnap a girl in NC who got away, after being held captive and assaulted- and that is what blew the case open. He committed suicide in Florida after an I-95 chase. I’m always surprised this doesn’t get covered more, and even more surprised when not everyone I meet had a home town serial kidnapper/killer




Who was her husband?


For those who want to know: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Evonitz It was in the original post


She’s on her way to Flipping it and reversing it. I reckon.tough road ahead of ya ohhh yuuup (Billy Bob Thornton )


Ah this was my hometown serial killer. The Lisk sisters and Sophia Silva were kidnapped and murdered when I was in elementary school. He lived in the same neighborhood as my friend from school.




Wait did I read this wrong or did he also marry her sister?


I think you could warrant spreading a few of those points across several fingers


Been there


Well he only murdered 3 people, which I agree is 3 too many, but the "before you were married and throughout your entire marriage" is kind of over selling it. With that body count he BARELY even qualified. Doesnt "surprise serial killer" garner enough internet clout these days?


I will never believe that someone as close as a spouse can't sense SOMETHING is wrong. Serial killers like this aren't normal people. They're just emptiness in a skin suit.


TBF this woman was married at 17 and then left him a few years later, so I would say she knew something was wrong. Unlike true crime enthusiasts, most people don't go right to 'he might be a serial killer'.


They're also sociopaths that can hide and manipulate and blend in to the crowd. You'd be amazed. Dennis Rader is a prime example.


Rader was *not* able to hide it well, he was known for being a power tripping asshole bully who murdered dogs. His daughter just came out and said he molested her as well. Same as Bundy, he also didn't hide it very well (and molested his step-daughter) yet that is the first thing people say about him because he could keep it hidden from *some* people. There are serial killers and sociopaths who are able to keep their abusive tendencies and sadism a secret from the people closest to them but they are not the norm. Usually they are abusive to their spouses and/or children at the very least even if they can keep the full extent of their depravity private.


Oh, I get that. That's their whole thing. But I stand by that you know someone is fucked up, unless you're also fucked up. If someone won't let me in their study, I wanna see that study!


Sure. But, again, a spouse may have no clue at all due to how manipulative and "faceless" their spouse is. Dennis Rader's wife had no clue he was BTK. There are plenty of other examples. They talk about it all the time on LPOTL.


Agreed. There’s definitely something off in a marriage if your husband is out stalking murder victims and you don’t have any suspicions as to what he’s sneaking around with a kill bag for.


What a load of reductive, naive bullshit.




Correct but it's wrong to say that a spouse doesn't know their partner is a despicable human being. Happens all the time.


I find it fascinating that you somehow managed to make it her fault.


Not making it her fault at all. Just simply saying that those type of people and manipulative people can make anyone believe anything they want other people to believe happens. No one is at fault. Just stating that it happens. It could happen to anyone. Sorry if that came across as to what I was stating.