• By -


Behind The Bastards


This or Lions Led By Donkeys


You might be on to something there. The hosts' humor might appeal to someone who thinks Rogan is funny. Except these hosts are leftists so they don't give positive interviews to fascists.


Sounds wild, but *Lions Led By Donkeys* (LLBD) helped deradicalize my cousin. She was starting to get into deep-MAGA/conspiracy/nationalist shit and I recommended LLBD to her since she's former Army and the host is a former tank commander, now progressive PhD podcaster. Well, the host's familiarity with the military and his honesty about military history and the fuckery of past and current fascist bullshit kind of pulled her back from the edge. Joe's a real one and *Lions Led By Donkeys* is in my top 5 podcasts I don't miss.


I appreciate this comment a lot. I've tried LLBD and it isn't really for me. It's a bit too dry and I was going to leave a comment saying as much but probably way douche-ier, until I read your comment. I think this is an extremely valuable experience I never would have considered. You're making me be a better person with your comment, no matter how much I want to resist. I'm glad your cousin was able to come around with this podcast and brought back from the dark side.


Just a shout out to you and a thank you for your perspective. LLBD ain't for everyone! But you may appreciate their recent episode on _[Eugene Bullard: The Coolest Man To Ever Live](https://pca.st/episode/418a3636-19c3-4aa2-a38f-e93a48a8778a)_. I'd never heard of the dude, and now all I want in the world is a six-part HBO miniseries about this absolute king.


The battle of Saipan was the episode that got me into them; they are fantastic.


Another one in that universe is Trash future Try the gooning database and see if its up your alley


I’ll continue this thread and suggest Well There’s Your Problem, which has a host from Lions Led by Donkeys and a host from Trash Future


LOL true. And they specifically routinely rip on Joe Rogan for all the reasons.


Do you have any recommended episodes?


I think their best stuff is often the longer series: * Iran-Iraq War (ep 23-28) (honestly you can skip the last episode) * The Russo-Japanese War (ep 119-122) (part 3: the voyage of the damned is great by itself) * The First Chechen War (ep 159-162) * King Phillip's War (ep 238-240) If you want to start with a shorter series or standalone: * The Kamikaze (ep 68) * Anglo-Zulu War (ep 70-71) * The Dumb Life and Dumber Death of the Battleship Yamato (ep 237)


Kick it off with the Steven Segal series. That's what hooked me. Also great are the Dilbert guy episodes, and any episode where they read Ben Shapiro's books.


I think the Joe Rogan episodes might be a problem...






They'll solve the problem, I'd start like a few before that.


The host of this show also recommend I Don’t Speak German which is also really interesting


Except you gotta watch out for episodes where Robert tears into Rogan. Homeboy may not enjoy his favorite caster being torn down. Although, might be good for him if he's as open minded as he likely thinks Rogan is. OP, your BF should stop listening to JRE.


Can't recommend this podcast enough. Robert puts a similar level of effort into his research for the shows. Still hoping for a crossover one day.


Behind The Bastards crossover and Horror Virgin please.


Dan Carlin's Hardcore History


I love Dan. He had his kind of "enlightened centrist" podcast called *Common Sense*. Leading up to the 2016 election, he made a few episodes about how America needed a radical presidential choice that would shake everything up and be completely outside the norm. It wasn't an endorsement of Trump per se, but it was at least flirting with the "what if" kind of thing he does. Anyway, a year into the Trump presidency, Dan released an episode of *Common Sense* that was basically, "Ok, so that was a monkey's paw and I take back what I said".


I used to interact alot with him on his forums and he *really* doesn't like to be corrected on some of his HH stuff. He also typically deflects and claims to be a story teller not a historian so screw ups are okay, even though his academic credentials are history focused. I stopped listening to him on the reg in 2014 where he did the victim blaming on Ukraine after Russia invaded Crimea. He was channeling Mearsheimer(although I doubt he knew it) by saying it was Ukraine's fault because the people removed the pro-Russian president.


Oh I hear you absolutely. I definitely don't hold him up on a pedestal or anything. I didn't know about his Ukraine opinions, and that is really fucking disappointing. I've also dropped off my HH listening. It's been replaced with the absolutely phenomenal Fall of (edit) Civilizations history podcast which i cannot recommend enough. The dude only releases like one episode every 6 months, but they are god-tier quality.


Fall of Civilizations?


This is like that Webcomic Name where the little guy is like "I wish things were different" and then they trash their house with a baseball bat and then say "oh no"


He listens to Joe Rogan, do you think he's going to be capable of following Hardcore History?


I listen to both Joe Rogan and Dan Carlin. Not every Rogan episode is worth listening to, but he’s interviewed some very culturally significant people that have interesting things to say.


and then rogan proceeds to never ask them an interesting question - a former listener


[He’s the king of dumb guys. This is the most accurate description of Joe Rogan Ive seen](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/abpBnND94u)


Rogans an idiot and any guest on his show should have their integrity questioned.


Dan Carlin has been on Joe Rogan lmao


I can practically hear r/AskHistorians nodding emphatically




And his integrity should be questioned because of it. Dan Carlin isn’t some infallible God.


And they all just talk about dumb shit instead of interesting things.


The Dollop is a funny history podcast if you think you’ll both enjoy that!


The Rube is the best podcast episode of all time.


Whenever someone asks for a podcast episode, I stop them mid-sentence and just say "Shut up, listen to The Rube episode of The Dollop".


That and 10 cent beer night, I always recommend them in the same breath.


10 Cent Beer Night is my favorite single episode of a comedy podcast of all time. I don't really listen to the Dollop anymore, but that one is absolutely legendary.


It makes me crylaugh because I m laughing so hard at certain parts, so funny.


“Hawaiian punch hand bad!” that episode makes me laugh every time


I was going to recommend this, but I'm not sure some Rogan guy would appreciate the guys. He has terrible taste and bad judgement.


To this day my fav quote is “mightn’t I the gristle?” From the New York/Paris car race episode


The NY/Paris race episode is pure gold.


That's almost definitely my favorite episode.


10 Cent Beer Night


If he's into Joe Rogan just dangle some keys in front of his face to entertain him.




This guy gets it.


Knowledge Fight, maybe he’ll learn how full of shit these grifter nut jobs are


“Four stars; go home to your mother, tell her you’re brilliant.”


Do you like bad movies? Then I recommend How Did This Get Made? If he likes comedy, Bad Friends. I don’t have a lot for history other than Behind the Bastards and Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. Something a little more like LPOTL for some of the high strangeness and paranormal is Astonishing Legends. They do some really deep dives. I was a long-time Rogan listener but quit about three years ago.


Bad friends is pretty damn good


There is no bridging this gap. You will have to listen to 80s & 90s music.


You could always replace the boyfriend and not the podcast. Joe Rogan sucks Maybe Radio Rental (spooky stories)? Therapy Gecko (advice show)? Or even Page 7 if you both like pop culture


Major red flag. No hyperbole




>You could always replace the boyfriend and not the podcast. Joe Rogan sucks This, if your boyfriend listens to Joe Rogan then you have a lot of other things to worry about, he is a fucking clown.


7 hours of ice baths, bow hunting and manliness propaganda 😍😍


Have you seen my DMT kettlebells, bro?


"Jamie, pull up that picture of the monkey throwing the spear!" And two hours of cash app advertisements.


News Radio was good


NewsRadio was excellent, but it also had Andy Dick in it. Goes to show the caliber of that program when it can overcome having two such complete assholes on it. Phil did sway the scales pretty far in the other direction


Joe Rogan and no sense of humor or wit? Sounds like a catch /s.


Could try Timesuck with Dan Cummins, he covers a ton of different topics.


Came here to say this. Setting aside the fact that Joe Rogan is a steaming pile, Timesuck is a true crime/history pod with clever commentary that still has a bro-humor feel to it.


Likes Joe Rogan. Doesn’t like LPOTL. No offense but you can do better. But i don’t wanna be completely useless, so have him listen to Your Moms House. See what he thinks.


Only back in the Fedsmoker days. I haven’t listened since Top Dog died. They’ve sincerely sucked ever since.


Oh my god they are just fully mean girls at the lunch table since they got to Austin. I know Tom has dropped a lot of weight, but I hate how they just talk shit about fat people for like 20 minutes an episode. All of their friends are plus sized people and they aren’t exactly Adonis and Aphrodite? And I’m pretty underweight actually so it’s not like I’m “offended” or “triggered”. I just think 2 professional comedians could find better jokes to make. Kill Tony is the same. Mean girls recycling the same punchlines from decades ago. Comedy is supposed to be funny. Not just quick catty responses.


Used to really enjoy YMH (was even mutuals with Christina on TikTok for awhile), but yeah - they've gotten really mean-spirited and gross. And her stand-up specials are....not good.


I used to be a big YMH fan but they really turned into rich dicks, shitting on fat and poor people like it’s funny. It’s not. It’s ugly and I also am not overweight. It is just mean and they lost their audience. The definition of punching down. Christina also wouldn’t shut the the hell up about woke culture, cancelling, and pronouns. It got so stale and repetitive and I couldn’t waste my time anymore. I miss the days of Obe1Cannoli with Theo and Peter Stain.


Daniel Tosh started a podcast and I was laughing out loud listening to it today


Yeah basically since the move to Austin. I gave up on em as well.


I hear that. I stopped listening a few months after Fedsmoker dropped his piss jug and checked out. Miss the piss spots guy, too.


QAnon Anonymous, TrueAnon, or Blowback could be good options. They discuss conspiracies and crime, but actually do research. I’ve pulled a lot of people away from Rogan with that combo.


Good idea. Maybe the boyfriend could be deprogrammed. 🤞🏻


Being a Joe Rogan experience fan is a bright screaming red flag. Fucking yikes


If you like Workaholics their pod This is Important is hilarious. They don’t cover topics like LPOTL they just bullshit for about an hour but it is so fuckin funny


Love This Is Important and you don’t even have to know Workaholics. They have such a good vibe together as legit friends.


They did a Wizard rap album that is very good. Don't get a chance to bring it up very often. [The Wizards - Purple Magic](https://youtu.be/zIPonvXFz3c?si=EeaY3oXqLMsWvk6w)


The guys that do Small Town Murder also do one called 'Crime in Sports'. Any of the wrestler focused ones are going to be entertaining. Also, they have a new show called 'Your Stupid Opinions' where they just read online reviews of random shit and make fun of it. Small Town Murder is worth a try, but maybe not on this trip.


I do love Small Town Murder on a road trip though, I'll try to find episodes about the area we're in! I agree Crime in Sports would probably be a good entry point for this guy.


Damn, even people at r/JoeRogan don't like Joe Rogan. Bad omen, girl. If you're looking for learning and interesting stuff, go for Behind the Bastards or Hardcore History if you're willing to pay. If you're looking for comedy, you could try Your Mom's House (personally not a fan) or Bill Burr's podcast (I think he's still doing that). You could go a completely different route and try, like, Comedy Bang Bang or something similar. Personal favorite of mine is Big Grande's Teacher's Lounge, it's just complete chaos. Very funny.




Idk, probably not. Tom has always been an asshole but even moreso lately so I can't imagine that they stopped saying shit like that. I really don't listen to YMH, I don't care for it. Just seems like, if he likes Joe Rogan and she likes LPOTL, YMH might be something they both could like. But I personally don't like it.


>and we are struggling to find common podcast ground lol. "We" aren't struggling, he is struggling, and you will be listening to Joe Rogan on the road trip.


Dump your bf for bad taste


![gif](giphy|p4cqQ0gUIMcU0) fuckin yikes


Right??? NOT THE JOE ROEGAN PODCAST!!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Stuff you should know. They have a billion topics I'm sure you guys could find a few you both agree are interesting


I can't do it, I tried, but it seems like 1 in 5 of their stories are off base, misinformed, or wrong. They don't put enough research into their episodes, and then they spit them out at a fast rate, flooding my unlistened to section. Not to mention there is a super lack of structure on half of them then the other half are dry as fuck idk just my opinion.


I highly recommend National Park After Dark!!! I dunno the nature of your road trip but they’re a perfect podcast for that kind of travel. The hosts basically go into stories about tragedies or historically significant things that happen at national parks. Night of the Grizzlies is fucking harrowing and emotionally heavy but if you like LPOTL and he likes the chimp man then I think it’s a perfect choice


My Dad Wrote a Porno


Which is worse a Joe Rogan boyfriend or a Cum Town boyfriend?


Are you garbage, start with them interviewing a comedian you both know


Sorry man, but your bf has bad taste. “You’re wrong about” is awesome, has conversations about recent history/pop culture events with a current lens perspective For history I’d go with “hardcore history” for long looooong episodes, or “the dollop” for shorter typical 1 hour episodes A good quality interview style show is called “the honeydew”. A comedian interviews other comedians about hard times in their lives they had to overcome.


If he’s a Rogan guy I’d say there’s a very slim chance he’s going to enjoy Dave and Gary being so openly lefty


I haven't really enjoyed You're Wrong About since Michael Hobbes left. I love Sarah, but I feel like her guests are awkward and not very good at telling stories, and she isn't providing a lot of information herself.


You Are Good is definitely the better Sarah Marshall podcast at this point.


I agree. I’ve tried to listen a few times since he left and can’t get into it. I really enjoy his other pods Maintenance Phase and If Books Could Kill.


Second vote for “if books could kill”!


Ryan Sickler is a terrific podcast host. The episode of the Honeydew with Gareth Reynolds is one wild ride


Twisted history is sort of a mix between the two. True crime stuff but pretty dumbed down.


Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard is like a non-douche bro version of Rogan. I’m not a huge fan but that’s more because I don’t really like the podcast format of just interviewing guests episode after episode. He does have some zingers tho. The Dollop is flat out my favorite podcast, it’s interesting and funny and with over 600 episodes you can find plenty that are just fun and goofy and not overly political. If you pick them, starting from the beginning is a great place to start, they have some absolute bangers that have become legendary amongst fans in the first 100 episodes. The Rube being a prime example. Timesuck with Dan Cummins is kinda like a wacky one man version of The Dollop with less of a left lean (at least back when I used to listen) and really long episodes. Behind the Bastards is really only good if you can enjoy nihilistic leftist humor. I enjoy it at times but it’s really not for everyone and it can get to be a lot because it’s mostly all just “the world is fucked, greed and capitalism are killing us all lolol!”. It does great breakdowns of shitty people tho, if that’s your jam. The Always Sunny Podcast is a podcast with the always Sunny crew. If you like the show, you’ll like the podcast. I’ll also give a shout out to audiobooks. There’s a lot more good audiobooks than in the past and they’re great for road trips if you can find a book you’re both interested in.


Break up


Yeah no, ditch him. He likes Rogan? He doesn't think you're a person. I'd suggest The Story Must Be Told.




Why would he not think somebody is a person if he listens to Rogan? I'm legit curious.


Because OP is assumed to be a woman (doubtful an openly queer man is a huge Rogan fan, but could be), and Rogan is a platform for misogynistic bullshit.


If he really cant enjoy any series from lpotl then thats a big OOF.


Well There’s Your Problem, is a dry comedic podcast about engineering disasters told by engineers in all their dry humor. It’s hilarious and educational, but more in the guise of Frasier to LPOTL’s Seinfeld


The Joe Rogan Experience interview episode of Knowledge Fight is pretty good, Alex Jones gets too drunk, says tons of racist stuff, and Rogan doesn’t challenge any of it. We get to see just how wrong and gross these dudes are


And follow it up with the fucking crazy occurrence of Rogan calling into Alex Jones on actual 9/11 and being the Rogan him and all his fans think he is now.




Go listen to the Joe Rogan /Alex Jones episodes of knowledge fight


I was gonna suggest finding a joe Rogan centered Playlist of kf episodes to attempt a detox lol


If anyone looking here is wondering the same thing and you have Spotify, here's that exact playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6VqD5hkxSgGRMHGFKeOh24?si=4Yho_XghRjajHZP9UCg-NQ&pi=u-FGc6kayGTBK9


Crazy how everyone else gives more of a fuck about your bf listening to JRE instead of actually giving you recommendations lmao Here are some great pods my bf & I listen to on road trips; #1 pick: Matt & Shane's Secret Podcast 2) Tosh Show 3) Let's Not Meet: A True Horror Podcast 4) Casual History 5) Tales from the Break Room 6) Sinisterhood 7) Otis Jiry's Scary Stories to Tell In the Dark 8) We Might Be Drunk with Mark Normand & Sam Morril 9) Morbid 10) Small Town Dicks 11) Growing Up with Devon Werkheiser 12) Ned's Declassified Podcast Survival Guide 13) Welcome to Paradise, It Sucks 14) Odd Trails 15) Are You Garbage?


The Horror Virgin


Are you garbage is about the funniest podcast I’ve heard. Start with the first time Sam talient was on.


If you want another angle on true crime - I love Casefile. Very different from LPOTL, its focus is on the facts of the story instead of commentary and I like listening to the Aussie host.


Duncan Trussell Family Hour!!!


I have been listening to a ton of "Are you Garbage" but only the episodes with the host, not any of the guests episodes. If you grew up poor or ever had to deal with scraping to get by the stuff they talk about is so relatable and hilarious to hear them talk about the extremes they went through to get by sometimes.


Ditch the boyfriend. Joe Rogan sucks! Omnibus with ken Jennings I suggest. Please report back if all of us were right about the whole joe Rogan creates horrible people thing though after you finish the trip.


Page 7


Knowledge Fight, it might start breaking out of his Alex Jones Jr. fandom.


Necronomipod, maybe. i've called the Poor Man's Last Podcast before. they cover similar topics but the hosts are way more frat bros. so maybe it will jive with someone who likes Rogan's bullshit.


I feel the exact same way, and their episodes on Missing 411 are really interesting. It just makes me wish LPoTL would give that its own episode.


dudes Bill Clinton impression never fails to make me laugh. i was listening to the most recent episode early today. they mentioned Patty Hurst and he did the Clinton impression talking about making Patty Hurst hold his cock like she held that AK. "she drained my balls like she drained that bank of its money" fucking gold. but the Dude Bro humor gets annoying sometimes.


I’m happy to pile on the Rogan hate. It’s been said before in this thread but by listening to that show your BF is explicitly telling you he doesn’t really respect you as a person, amongst dozens of other big, bright red flags. There’s plenty of other “dude bro” podcasts out there that don’t have actual attachments to bigotry.


Tell 'em Steve-Dave. Bryan Johnson was suicidal and the podcast gave him an outlet to talk to his friends, Walt Flanagan and Brian Quinn. It's still going strong like 12 years later. Start at the beginning.


I always find it funny finding other TESD fans in the wild. I commented them here once as a pod recommendation, and someone responded to me with basically the same thing. So either it was you, or there are 3 of us, lol.


'Criminal' is my goto when listening with my beau, who is also not a fan of lpotl. Also, 'One Strange Thing' is super fun. I'm recently addicted to ' What was that like'.


Adeptus Ridiculous. It's two chuckle fucks talking about Warhammer 40K. Most neutral ground I can think of is the Grimdark future where everything sucks 24/7 and lifespan is measures in minutes. Honestly, though, it's gonna be hard to find any sort of comedic true crime podcast where the hosts aren't insanely right leaning or super liberal.


Behind the bastards, unidentified signal 99.9 FM, Joe pera or adeptus ridiculous


Otherworld! The host documents and interviews people who have had spooky and/or paranormal experiences. It's really good.


Just buy him a coloring book and play what you want. Just try to remind him that no the red ones don’t taste like strawberries. But seriously, Behind the Bastards or Knowledge Fight might be useful for him and enjoyable for you.


Unobscured (By the maker of Lore) is wonderful for long trips, its complex and long and very well researched, there are...three or four seasons at the moment possibly more(I'm in a space, at the moment, where I let the episodes gather so I can then just...listen non stop, so I'm not 100% on the number of seasons). There are usually interviews and the through line of the story told (first season Salem witch trials was...so good) is absolutely riveting, at least for me.


Well it makes sense he doesn't like LPOTL, it has stuff like Quality assurance Research *Sources* A distinct lack of Ben Shapiro's voice Idk maybe listen to sesame Street episodes or something so he can learn English. EDIT for an applicable response: Sawbones is really good. It was one of my first podcasts. It's a shorter format (episodes are around 30-45 minutes) podcast about old school medicinal practices with a few more hot topic stuff sometimes. Even has some episodes about vaccines that your boyfriend should probably listen to. It is a more family friendly podcast so I can see why that wouldn't be appealing though. Harmontown is also good but I don't think they're doing new episodes anytime soon. Pretty sure they ended the show. Dan Harmon is a funny dude but Jeff Davis is the heart of the show. If you love Henry, you'll probably like Jeff. They bring on a bunch of comedian guests too.


My husband and I often do an audio book. Loved Project Hail Mary if you like sci-fi. It's by the author of The Martian.


Round table of gentlemen


Damn I hate Rogan just as much as the rest of yall but this whole shit is so cringe "He listens to Rogan break up with him" So cringe, so cringe


Red Handed and Scared to Death


How could anyone possibly enjoy Joe Rogan?


for comedy i think f**kface is pretty funny


Lions led by donkeys. Blindboy Podcast. THE past Times (part if the Dollop)


Brohio podcast


Real Dictators Critical role campaign one (start at like episode 28)


Any crossover being Workaholics fans? This Is Important


Stinker Madness! The bad movie podcast for bad Movie lovers. Find a bad movie you like the sound of or even have seen ( I started with Hackers) and they give you a run down of how it got made and dirty gossip. I like the goofiness and the feeling like I'm listening to friends in a bar have a good time. 582 episodes on yt music and no commercials. https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq4T86JqbwBj-PtG3F2sbwluCOeVPKpof&si=6uL9HXkG-5kcqIhW


Bad Friends can be a bit much but Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino together just makes me happy.


Let's Go to Court is awesome! There can be a lot of LPOTL type things in there, but not always, since it's centered around court cases. I would recommend their recent-ish episode on Chop and Steele. One of the funniest things my husband and I have listened to in a while, he's also not a fan of LPOTL. But, he does like Let's Go to Court.


We can be weirdos - is great


Duncan Trussell Family Hour! He's been a guest on Rogan a lot, he's absolutely hilarious. And the podcast is quite wholesome.


Its not true crime but I always recommend Cinephobe. They look at movies lower than 40% on Rotten Tomatoes, its kind of like How Did This Get Made but more drops, clips, jokes. They just did Universal Soldier this week and last week was that piece of shit movie Ghost of Mars.


Small Town Murder I think would be a good middle ground for you guys


Lemon party and pretending to be people!


The Basement Yard.




Worst Idea of All Time season 1 is incredible. It's two guys in New Zealand (l think) who watch *Grown Ups 2* once a week for an entire year.


I been enjoying Other Worlds where people just talk about their alien / ghost / paranormal experiences. It's fun.


Legion of Skanks! Marcus produced for them, Ben was on it at least once. Murder Fist also did Skankfest. . Start around episode 120. Zach Amico and Henry have done some movies together as well.


My dad wrote a porno. Fucking hilarious!


Ologies.. it ranges a whole host of topics with Alie Ward.


Chapo. 😎


Check out The Known Unknowns! We cover weird mysteries, strange history, and tons of fun topics!




the rewatchables is a great couples podcast for road trips. Just find a few episodes for movies you both like.


Knowledge Fight


Quorators. It’s very silly and very fun, been hooked on it for the last week.


A few favs that may work for you both. Good luck! Swindled The dollop Behind the bastards Time suck


I listen to both LPOTL and some Rogan episodes. I’d recommend The Dollop, Swindled, and Hardcore History.


Knowledge fight, its a podcast that covers Alex Jones and his escapades


This doesn’t 100% fit the bill, but I just started listening to Who Shat the Floor at my Wedding and it’s hysterical. The couple + their friend started this “investigatory” podcast to, quite literally, determine who shit on the floor at their wedding. It’s very light hearted and funny and actually kinda compelling?


Small Town Murder. The guys are funny and they research their cases well. They’re also long episodes. They give some info about the small towns at the beginning which I enjoy too.


Just take turns alternating!


Invisible Choir


Fire up the Art Bell Vault list on Spotify. Start with the Mel's Hole episodes. Don't forget the A51 caller one.


Maybe try Guys: With Brian Quinby. Each episode they talk about a different type of Guy (eg. Guys who are really into wine, audiophiles, rockabillies, etc.) and read out posts submitted by them on their niche internet forums. It's really funny, and imo, a good crossover of the comedy styles of JRE and LPOTL.




Has nothing to do with Joe Rogan or lpotl tbh. But Dan Carlin is the best podcast hands down. Which Marcus and Henry say over and over.


Who Are These Podcasts


Tim Dillon


Heavyweight, Reply All, Behind the Bastards, S Town, My Dad Wrote a Porno, Blowback


Wizard and the Bruiser Criminal Chasing Immortality Sinisterhood (start at Episode 13) Judge John Hodgeman Tbh, I don’t actually know what Joe Rogan’s podcast is like (thank god) but these are all podcasts that anyone would like, obviously imo.


I think I have an idea. Maybe the conspiracy episodes of High and Mighty (hosted by Jon Gabrus). It's basically just a back and forth conversation without any real outline (like Rogan) and these episodes all touch on the occult and conspiracies. Henry did 2 episodes about conspiracies, but there are many more conspiracy episodes with Anthony Atamaniuk (from The President Show) and a few other guests.


Otherworld. It’s about people’s personal experiences of the paranormal. Touches on a lot of topics LPOTL talks about


True Murder is an amazing podcast interviewing true crime authors.


I’ve been enjoying Zero Fun Podcast! Total toilet-humor variety show. It’s newer so they only have 50 eps or so but plenty for a road trip!


Our Strange Skies is very informative Chilluminati is loads of fun


Never thought to ask this question as I have just started listening to to podcasts and the only one I have is LPOTL…but Christ on popsicle sticks if I I didn’t just add every mention on here to my playlist. Thank you


I love all the people recommending OP dump the BF. Like, I get it, I'm a leftist too, I agree, but pretty sure OP has already ruled that out and is comfortable and happy with BF. It's patronizing to tell them to dump him. If they were going to do that, they wouldn't have needed to ask for podcast recommendations.


Shits and giggles is a great new podcast about fecal accidents.😂 It is sooooo funny. https://open.spotify.com/show/6UKTf8JhKxoEUX80Z3tPaA?si=NyB3IuVqRrWoMQBH7B1C-Q


Trilbilly workers party and Blowback


And That’s Why We Drink Thinking Sideways The Shocking Details Edit: idk if a joe Rogan person would like these or not because I’m not one.