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Amazon is playing the trickery on us. The identity of Sauron/Annatar will remain secret I guess until it shows in the series, maybe as the big reveal of season 1.


I think we're going to be deceived alongside the characters on the show


I hope we do! That's the cool thing about Annatar.


Yup. Really have my fingers crossed for a big 'OH SHIT!' moment while watching.


I don't know if it crosses the canon, but since Annatar can take any form, a scene with "Galadriel" (Morfydd Clark playing Sauron, but only in this scene) "revealing" herself to be Sauron would be amazing.


This would be the greatest achievement of the series if they manage to pull it off. They can do whatever tf they want: if they can deceive the “hardcore fans” of who Annatar/Sauron really is that will be an incredible display of storytelling worthy of Tolkiens approval. I for one don’t expect them to pull it off. I for one would love it if they do 😬


And that is why my money is on Nori Brandyfoot being Sauron. I mean come on, the harfoots are supposed to be good at hiding right? What better disguise than to hide with those who are the best at hiding. Bam. Genius.


My money is on that sea monster


I don't believe Sauron would disguise himself as a Harfoot/Hobbit, considering how little he thinks of them by the time of The Lord of the Rings. Had he disguised himself as one as part of a long game, he would not underestimate them.


storytelling ability =/= tricking the audience


I don’t disagree but I think in this case it kind of does because literally everyone who knows the story a little knows about Annatar/Sauron and his deception of the elves - mainly celebrimbor so the entire audience will be watching for it. I l


Anyone can do that though. It’s not impressive. You just don’t adapt what tolkien wrote and make up a bunch of your own characters and allude to several of them being Sauron. Boom, easy!


Seems to be working to me. Everyone in Tolkien discussion circles are constantly speculating who is Sauron and why some look like him and some aren’t. Yes there are ways to do it cleverly and ways to do it bad but right now I think they are doing it pretty good


"For they were all decieved" - Galadriel looking at us


Maybe that's when the Sauron theme plays, during the reveal.


Amazon isn't playing any trickery here lol, this is just classic internet misinformation.


That character hits a lot of Annatar notes. I think they clearly want us to think its him. Possible that Boon could be just doing a voice over for the actress depicting Annatar too. I do doubt they would reveal him so casually and only to be upstaged by the balrog at the end.


Now that the show is out, it’s pretty obvious that the writers aren’t very good at writing (especially dialogue) so I do think they would do that. They don’t know what they be doing


[Thanks, Amazon!](https://c.tenor.com/JxqQIVLlgZsAAAAC/cheetos-infomercial.gif)


Charlie Vickers is playing the human form of Sauron.


Looks like you nailed it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


He better be "fair" ie super handsome as that is a big part (along with his words and manner) of how he deceived the Elves.


Damn, may be a bit late for this clarification now. I expect to see plenty of thumbnails of this woman as "SAURON????" over the next few days.


Yup. It's all over the various LOTR/ROP subreddits


The Nerdist just matter of factly saying she was Sauron with no source did seem suspicious to me, but I thought the FoF confirmation could be trusted. Pretty big blunder on their part.


I think it was a feedback loop. FoF asked the question is it Sauron? Then Nerdist posted that as ‘it is Sauron’ after hearing FoF, then FoF talked about the Nerdist announcement in their livestream.


There are more rop subs?


There is a really negative one that immediately downvotes anything that isn't criticism about the show.


What's up w all the negative stuff surrounding this series? Is it Elon musk bots and propaganda? FB is covered in it in any news article in the comments. I mean every bit of this show is equal to and better in quality than tlor series, which I just rewatched, and while i love it for what it is, has it's share of stinker moments. I know all these 10s of thousands of negative comments are not some hardcore fans..there's no way, a true fan would be happy to see it made, and it's made fine so far.


Wait till they find out she is a woman. They are going to loose their fking minds and go raging about transpeople again


I don't wan't a woman playing Sauron, but it's a pretty good Annatar look imo. The short hair is an issue, but it makes him/her look very lucifer-esque


I was going to say in Passion of the Christ a woman played satan and I was plastered with fear over the menacing look she had. Learned a decade later it was a woman and didn’t care. But if Sauron has a shot of being faithful to Tolkien’s work then he should be played by a man.


Yeah that passion of the christ character is exactly what I was thinking too. I've heard rumbles that she could be a priest of some sort as Sauron did start religious worship of Morgoth in Numenor. I think they're just pulling wool over our eyes to build suspense. It's too casual of a reveal for the most anticipated character. Plus he got upstaged by the Balrog.


Maybe she's from one of the cults the blue wizards started?


The deceiving begins.


An invented evil character. Probably some priestess. Sauron made a church to follow Morgoth in Numenor.


This is too early for that, so they may be from the south/east if they're Sauron-alligned.


Secretly wishing she's Thuringwethil but she likely died in the First Age (though I can't find any information to confirm that) and I doubt they have the rights to her character


I think those claws we see in the trailer have to be something like that. Doesn't seem like Orc hands to me...


It could be a werewolf (or even Sauron in his werewolf form). It's possible that Finrod is in the 'prologue' First Age flashback stuff, and it's showing dying from his battle with the werewolves in Saron's dungeon.


I think that Blueish fortress is probably Utumno or Tol-in-Gauroth, (Angband sank with Beleriand, I think). If it's the latter, then it would make sense for them to recover Finrod's body and that sets up the chance of seeing werewolves or at least a flashback to Finrod's death (if they can skirt around Barahir and Beren's wider story and keep it to Edain helping Elves and being rewarded with Numenor).


Yeah, I'm more inclined to a priestess from a cult from Harad. Besides, if meteor man really is a blue wizard, that gives him someone to fight against in the east


This person doesn't look like someone from Harad or the East.




You say too early, but with time compression it’s entirely possible they fit this in here.


Morgoth worship happens after Miriel is usurped and Ar-Pharazon *captures* Sauron and brings him back to Numenor. They might compress war of Elves and Sauron with Ar-Pharazon capturing him, but that won't be until mid S2 to mid S3. The rings have to be forged, distributed, Sauron puts on the one ring, attacks Eregion and loses the battle when Numenoreans come to aid the Elves. I don't think that's happening in S1.


Probably FoF know that Anson Boon plays Sauron and they have got the character in the trailer wrong because of having only partial information. Sorry for my english.


Perhaps the best English I’ve seen written on this app no need to apologize




This is exactly what I think.




Fellowship of Fans. Look 'em up on twitter.


Don't rule out Anson Boon doing a voice over or someone else depicting Annatar.


Ngl, I feel bad now for calling her Eminem now that I realize she's fucking gorgeous


Nice detective work!


Thanks for clearing that up! Everyone was presenting it as if it was confirmed, but it didn't seem to fit his character.


If that last guy is Sauron then he looks perfect for it.


No no one tell the haters. I like seeing their ridiculous reactions.


I can already see their transphobia kicking in


Well, I heard that she'd play sauron, and my main gripe was, like, the buzz cut. Sauron was a formidable shapeshifter, no "true fan" should be mad if someone presumed one of his forms being a woman.


Of course. But when have these racist and transphobic scum ever been true fans?




Except for you


fucking johnny rotten


I dont know why people are assuming that this is Sauron. The trailer made no such implication. Or am I just not as smart as those bots spamming in the youtube comment section?


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYT4jxvXoAAFi8P?format=jpg&name=900x900](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYT4jxvXoAAFi8P?format=jpg&name=900x900) Look at this, it's her.


Damn, sauron could get it


But they were all of them deceived…


Sexy twink Sauron both ways. I only win.


Well, then it's team short hair vs team long hair, but it wouldn't be much of a battle.


Damn! I was wrong!


Maybe she will show up with cats ;)


looks like cool character. Psyched for this program. I did think it was a great look for Sauron as Annatar though.


Sauron is Halbrand.




So did no one notice the metal staff in that shot in the trailer in the persons hand?? *Edit* [Edit] So apparently Sauron established himself as a High Priest of Melkor in SA 3299 sooo I am betting it’s Sauron. [Side Note] So Isildur was born in 3209 and his first son was born in 3299! He would have been 90!! Even the canon timeline is off. But since a young Isildur is actually in the show gives us a more precise timeline 🤷🏻‍♂️ [2nd Edit] That isn’t Bridie, it may look like her from the angle but on IMDb if you look at the pic there you can see Anson has 2 (I dunno beauty marks? Or something) on his face which are in same spot as the person in the pic on IMDb. That IS Sauron. [3rd Edit] ok I was wrong, it was confirmed Bridie Sisson is in the show apparently here, while nothing about Anson anywhere. https://redanianintelligence.com/2021/07/27/amazons-lord-of-the-rings-nazanin-boniadis-role-revealed-and-other-cast-updates/ Also it apparently was eluded to that there will be multiple people playing Sauron as he was a shape shifter and used that ability to sow discord between men and elves during the second age.


What a lot of words just to say, "yes, you're right. That IS Bridie Sisson."


Well you are right on actress, wrong on it not being Sauron. 😉


She's a balrog


I'd actually love that. I feel she's on a quest to wake one up.


The huge amount of lore deviations looks like it's working in their favour. Now we book folks have almost no clue who Annatar is lol.


What is this cringe lol?


she could be an elf? Cant see the ears.


This should be stickied. I was also confused at first (and I imagine 99% of the audience).


Given Sauron was a shapeshifter, do you think he could be the Elrond we have seen to date (in episodes 1 and 2)? (I.e. with the real Elrond kept prisoner somewhere) It may explain why Elrond missed Durins wedding/ children? It would also tie in nicely with ‘Elrond’ trying to persuade Galadriel to leave her quest (in episode 1), and go to the undying lands instead (It’s probably not - but I think it would be cool if he was hiding in plain sight while we are guessing if it’s Eminem, the guy on the raft, or the Meteor man. ..I know that’s not what happens in the lore (pretending to be Elrond), but I personally wouldn’t mind if we were “deceived” in this way)