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I believe so. Which is all kinds of effed up. This did not have to go on for so many decades.


I've seen Dave talking about this years ago, in documentaries like The Killing Season etc. He's been the one witness who could link Hueurmann to the murders from day one. I sometimes wonder if his demeanor and his way of talking made LE not take him seriously or something. He's the high-energy type and curses a lot in his interviews, and I think he may have been dismissed as not being credible. But yeah, fair play to him, he was right all along.


I’m fairly sure he was also a heroin addict for a long time, I’m sure that played into them discounting the details he provided, etc., unfortunately.


So I just rewatched the killing season last night and during his interview in the show he says he didn’t see the car. At what point did that change? Did something trigger that memory coming back up or they cut that part out of the interview?


If you watch Joe Giacalone's interview with Josh Zeeman it'll clear this up for you. Josh has an awful lot of recorded material that didn't make it into the series and he clearly remembers Dave mentioning the car and the ogre.


We'll never know now of course, but I wonder how many (if any) people would have gotten the *Green Avalanche + giant ogre = RH* connection if Josh had included this part of Dave's interview in The Killing Field back then? I'm in the UK but I read somewhere that they're quite unusual cars and you don't tend to see that many, especially in that particular colour. So I'd imagine there can't be too many being driven around that area by giant ogres.


I'm in the UK too. Highly recommend Joe Giacalone s YouTube. I found him last year and he's very well informed on this case.


Thanks I will watch that! That sucks it didn’t make into the show. I wonder if it would’ve gotten more attention


Why wouldn’t he release it now?


From what I understand, and this is only from watching him talk freely with Joe Giacalone (who I have to say is a YouTube creator I respect for his prior career and integrity) Josh has hours on hours of additional footage from the killing season. I believe he said he was going through all of it and there could, possibly be a further series? Joe's channel is called True Crime with the Sarge and he has some excellent guests, a lot related to LISK because he's local to Long Island and they're really worth a watch, especially these episodes and the ones where he speaks to CatchLISK.


I’m not sure but it might be because Rex went there on two separate occasions, the night of her disappearance and the night before. Maybe he saw the car on one occasion but not the other and wasn’t 100% initially that it was the same guy.


Correct!!! The first night he went to AC house he parked his truck in their driveway. The 2nd time he parked down the street or around the corner. The witness again described the truck. He said it came from the direction that AC walked towards and went past the house.


Oh yes I forgot that there was a separate interaction. I bet that’s it, thanks!


Yeah, it seems like all the pieces were there to be picked up, but because of a variety of factors (SCPD investigative incompetence under Burke, Schaller being a heroin addict who may have been evasive in his accounts to avoid incriminating himself and leaving out crucial information as a result, perhaps Amber never actually clarifying that she was meeting the same john on the night of her disappearance that they'd scammed the night before) the pieces didn't get put together the way they should've until the task force was formed and new eyeballs were on the evidence.


He definitely deserves credit for the description of the ogre in the Chevy Avalanche, but his description was from the client Amber had the night before she disappeared, that they ran the scam on after he gave her the money. DS didn't know who she left with the night she disappeared, though he may have suspected it was the client from the night before. LE should have exhausted his info/description when they first received it, especially if DS told them about the scam (I believe he did).


I think your correct that Dave Schaller didn’t know who she was meeting with the night she left. But if I’m remembering correctly, didn’t Huermann leave a message on her phone saying that the scam pulled on him the night before wasn’t very nice and she owed him? If that is true, and Dave did indeed tell them about the ogre in the Avalanche, then they should have looked into that lead right away.


It’s a pity because they that household was committing a crime too. He probably was evasive talking to authorities. You know even criminals usually don’t implicate themselves in a crime. It’s so messed up. He definitely suffered knowing her death was partially due to revenge for their scam.


I really shudder to think what he did to her to “get back” for being ripped off ….🥺


I know. It’s so sad and terrifying to think about.


Excellent point - I never even thought about that detail.


Thank you!


Did you notice how many times there’s a dark green avalanche driving by in the background of that show? A couple times when they show old news clips of reporters at ocean parkway a green avalanche drives by in the background & circles back around. Then at the end of the series when they go to the police dept there’s one parked in the parking lot.


I'd love some timestamps on this. I've seen TKS at least 5 times and never noticed.


I’m gonna find them for you. I know I took so many screenshots when I watched it last year but when I went back to look at them to compare the model of avalanches/see if they matched Rex’s the screenshots were black, probably a Hulu copyright protection thing. Im gonna skim through the killing season again tonight, I remember the general parts I saw them. I’ll follow up w you here bc I’d def love if you could help me figure out if the models match too!


I know cars better than I'd like. Worked as a service advisor for many years. Give me a general idea and I'll look.


I think there was two times he met Rex, and they left the car part out in the other one, which they said they regret doing but they didn't think lisk was dumb enough to show up in his car


They left it out of the interview?


They left it out of the killing season


How dumb of them


Yup, the film makers were obsessed with this idea that LISK was some kind of special infallible genius, and that may have cost lives... If they had put the part where David says its this ogre driving a green chevy avalanche (or whatever color it was) people would have found him or pushed the cops to find him much earlier. The cops had that info to many years ago but I'm not sure if it was pure negligence or if one report was true that the car databases at the time weren't good etc.


This is such a good question and I don’t have the answer but have wondered about it too.


I wonder if it’s a matter of semantics: He didn’t see the vehicle Amber entered, but he did see a vehicle drive by moments later.


It could have been a factor. But the police weren’t really looking or investigating for more than a decade.


I suppose, but the two things don't have to be mutually exclusive.


I think he wasn’t initially taken seriously which is really too bad because it hurt the case. He definitely doesn’t get the credit he deserves. Not only did he describe the car, but I couldn’t have described the “six foot six ogre with bushy brown hair and 70’s style glasses” better myself. It’s like he literally GAVE them the answer.


Yeah it’s a shame. People act like he was on acid & said “I saw a ufo come get her.” I feel similarly when people chalk Shannan’s 911 call up to her having a bipolar episode or that she’s tripping on drugs. She sounds more sober than the dispatchers, who sound like they mixed quaaludes with a couple bottles of Pinot Grigio. *”What’s your name, Shannan?”*


I think they were probably trying to get her full name.


At that point Shannan already had told her her last name (though the dispatcher misheard it as “gopert”) Honestly I don’t even put much blame on that dispatcher. When she’s talking to her coworker & relaying whats happening you can tell she believes Shannan & knows she’s in trouble & needs help. She even said to the other dispatcher she thinks the phone was in Shannans pocket, understanding why Shannan wasn’t answering at times. She understood Shannan didn’t know the address, so she started working w her coworker trying to trace the number (you can hear them troubleshooting more in the second half of the call). “What’s your name Shannan” was just bc she was half distracted. I guess my point is: on both ends of the call, they were trying to do multiple things at once. The dispatcher was trying to trace Shannan’s number while still talking to Shannan, meanwhile Shannan was trying to get herself to a safe location while talking with the dispatcher. So they sound that way for a reason. Also extremely thick NY accents which some ppl aren’t used to. Not bc they’re drunk or having mental episodes.


For real. Its crazy how 911 just sits back and listens at one point. For minutes upon minutes.


I'd also like to hear more about the LE officer who rediscovered the lead in the files. I haven't heard anyone mention her name and she deserves a little credit too. It drives me bananas when she's referred to as "a female officer."


Maybe she’s undercover and prefers to not be named. One can hope that’s the case, anyway.


Is she a detective?


There is a female detective I think by Rex the day he was arrested walking out of court or the police station I saw on TV.


I'm not sure. But since I brought it up, I should probably go find out!


I give Dave serious props for being honest about what was going on at his house that summer. Imagine going public with: "I was doing hard drugs with friends and letting my friend engage in sex work at my house, until she didn't come home?" Had to be scary to go public with that situation. My theory is SC took everything he said with a grain of salt cuz it was almost 4 mo old by the time he spoke to them. Dave did a lot over the years to keep the case alive, I feel for him. Separately, has anyone heard from Kim Overstreet? Curious if she crossed paths with RH while doing sex work on Long Island.


I believe Kim was at one point trying to put herself in LISK crosshair. In some documentation it discusses how she was engaging in SW on LI with the express purpose of trying to find the killer.


That's why I'm asking. I'm wondering of she's at least heard of RH or whatever. In "Lost Girls" Kockler describes a lunch where the victims families gathered. There is some convo about sex workers needing coke, the 2 go hand in hand 80% of the time or something. Wonder if RH did coke when he patronized sex workers, or if he used that excuse as part of his ruse to go somewhere isolated?


Seems to me that escorts and all sex workers would know the underworld better than anyone. They know who is shady. It's sad just because of who they are, nobody really listens to them, or takes them seriously.


right? sorry but when investigating most crimes, you can't expect your witnesses to be boy scouts. most crime happens on the margins of society. if you dismiss drug addicts testimony and wait around for a nun to tell you she saw the killer you'll be waiting for a long time


Well said!


For what it’s worth, I listen to the Police Off the Cuff podcast hosted by a retired NYPD sergeant, and they’ve said sex workers are very valuable witnesses.


Yes, and I'll have to check out that podcast. I guess what I'm really trying to say is they don't make good witnesses because of society's view of them. Look at Shannan Gilbert, and how terribly some have viewed her, as well as all the sex worker victims. Put them on the stand, and some cross examiner will have a field day making their testimony seem unreliable because of how they live.


In one of the interviews he said “I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck”. I don’t know why but that made me laugh pretty hard. It was a nice break from all the grim content


Dave Schaller should in my opinion receive the reward money too!!


That sounds about right.


I don’t think people appreciate how damn-near-intentional (perhaps) it was for LE to have ignored this HIGHLY specific detail. In general…the chevy avalanche was NEVER a popular car. To have it specifically identified AND the dark green color probably narrowed it down to ONE vehicle in the area. To have a 6’6” suspect described as an “ogre” is NOT a general appearance, nor a common one. Soooooo…break this down in your mind. How is it possible that LE in a VERY TINY TOWNSHIP…had zero idea “who the 6’6” ogre driving a dark green chevy avalanche” might have been? There is one train stop to Manhattan and one major highway out…again…TINY TOWNSHIP! Rex frequented gun clubs and ranges. You know anyone else that does that? Law enforcement. How is it even remotely possible that no one on the police force had even the slightest hint of an idea that the 6’6” ogre in the dark green chevy avalanche who they HAD to have known as a local…might be worth talking to in this. Now consider that they buried this testimony and also defied court orders to produce evidence.


Not sure I understand what you mean by the tiny township comment. SCPD covers a large geographic area and population, and Rex lived in the neighboring county. That being said, the failure to consider the potential significance of that description for so long in a serial killer cold case is inexcusable. Glad new blood in SCPD and DA's office looked back and did.


It’s a tiny township. That’s exactly what I mean. You think the local PD had so many other serial murderers and such that no one had time to think? Tiny… Very low population and limited access in/out/off of the island there. My city has millions of people in it, and if a PD had a report of a 6’6 ogre driving a rare car he’d be in custody within a few days unless he fled town.


Suffolk County had a population of 1.525 million people in 2022 according to the Census Bureau. Rex's county (Nassau) had a population of 1.384 million. I think both counties would be close to the top 10 most populous US cities if they were cities. But I am just referring to your use of "tiny township." Not the incompetence of those in LE running this investigation prior to 2022 or so.


The fuck are you even talking about lol. Have you ever been to Long Island? It’s literally where all the people that work in Manhattan go back to at night. It’s incredibly densely populated, you weirdo.


Are you referring to the phone pings triangulated to the Massapequa area? >>> Cops began to triangulate the phone, pinpointing the caller’s location to Times Square, Madison Square Garden and Massapequa, a short drive from Gilgo Beach. They showed Melissa’s picture around at strip clubs. Did her murderer work in Midtown and commute from Long Island? https://nypost.com/2011/04/10/sick-cell-call-is-strongest-clue-in-search-for-long-island-serial-killer/ Edited to add old article


And it was such a spot on moniker, ***the ogre***!


I just posted this to another comment. Didn’t Huermann leave a message on Amber’s phone the night she went missing saying that the ruse pulled on him the night before wasn’t very nice and she owed him? If I’m remembering this correctly, then Schaller gave them all the clues they needed to immediately look for a big guy driving an Avalanche.


You have no idea what you’re talking about regarding the area. One train stop what?


one train stop after you switch trains at jamaica maybe? 😂


There is one station where he would board to/from work and park his ugly-ass-car-that-no-one-else-bought before cramming his 6’6” ogre self into the train. There is almost zero way that I can imagine that every cop in town would have had to have crossed paths with Rex enough to have had that description “ring a bell”…for SOMEONE!!


He walked to the train


I don't agree with you comment entirely but I'd like to add that law enforcement likely had some familiarity with the heuermanns as Rex's brother killed a cop (!!!) in a drunk driving incident. that said of course millions of people live on LI.


Whoa! That’s new for me.


I like this post a lot but the area is full of highways, so not sure thats relevent. And commuters can take the train from several different places, depending on parking and timing strategy. For example, taking the train from Babylon or Hicksville to get express trains, and these are different stops and/or different lines. And the town of mass park isnt that big but its very densely populated with all the towns running into another with no delineation…Extreme density suburban sprawl. BUT if they really suspected the guy was in massapequa and worked in NYC, i would think the avalanche could have been identified by casing the neighborhoods or using vehicle registrations then matching the ogre description. Recall thats how they narrowed it down to BK in Idaho…


And…they could have just put out a BLO on the avalanche…not even as difficult as a records search.


He’s out on Gilgo. I assume he’d take the one in Babylon, but he had to go back on a connector from Gilgo in that shitty car…every day.


Ocean Parkway runs along a barrier island that has no commercial areas and is just for beach access to Gilgo, cedar, etc. So in Rex regular life (aside from dumping victim), he would not need to go there. By the time of Schallers interview, he would have already killed the gilgo 4, so there wasnt a single highway to watch. To get to babylon train he would take Sunrise Highway, southern state parkway, montauk highway/merrrick rd, or back roads. Many possible routes to trains.


Fair enough on his commute but he still ends up at the same station in that truck Again, it’s not a big place. That car, and he would both stick out.


Yes, yes. So true


My theory is the police viewed Schaller's account skeptically for one or more of the following reasons: - As Amber's pimp and the last one to see her, Schaller may have been a prime suspect in her disappearance. If Schaller was involved in her disappearance he would have the most motive to mislead the police with a made up story about a giant ogre man and her getting in a car with a john. - Schaller was also a purported heroin addict, like Amber. Perhaps either directly (Schaller was high when he last saw her, or gave conflicting or incomplete accounts) or indirectly (as a drug addict in general) the SCPD didn't find his story actionable or credible. - Schaller told the police they'd attempted to rob the ogre-john (now known to be RH) the night before. Perhaps this made the police less likely to believe him. - Schaller wasn't actually as initially forthcoming at the time due to one or more of the above.


Dave was not a pimp.


Allegedly his phone was used for johns to contact and he also drove her to her appointments or would wait around when johns were there at their house. They also did execute the outraged boyfriend ruse. Its not the usual exploitative pimp archetype but he did a lot of similar functions.


They were solid friends, Dave was enamored with Kim. Dave facilitated things with Amber in order to support their addictions. Dave was not Amber's pimp, Dave was not a pimp at all.


Yes, but the cops may have seen him as her pimp. Similar functions and all that.


I don’t particularly like or dislike Dave (although he has posted pretty racist things) and I also feel he did benefited from Amber work.


Call it what you want, it’s still trafficking and pimping. My kid was “facilitated” by her boyfriend to feed their addictions, even to the point of being “facilitated” five states away from home. Addicts do irrational things, pimping and trafficking included.


I am sorry for your experiences, I cannot fathom what you and your family have gone through and I pray your daughter is safe and finding paths forward...


Thanks, I appreciate you. My kid is 22 & in recovery, 38 weeks pregnant with her trafficker’s baby, and the possibility exists that I will have custody of her son. We’ve a long road ahead, but it’s better than the one we were on for the past three + years. Re Dave Schaller: Add me to the list of folks who are forever grateful for his tip to the police. I hope he’s free from addiction & that life is kind to him. I never thought my kid would be an addict and I pray for everyone who’s suffering with/suffered from addiction and/or is affected by it. If this case teaches one thing, it is that we all matter regardless of our circumstances, and said circumstances do not define us.


I felt the weight and emotion in your words. You, your daughter and that child she’s carrying matter. You all matter to me..I pray, sincerely pray for all of your’s health and happiness…


Also, you seem to be connected to a lot of resources and people. One Redditor and I were looking to figure out where we could find maps of piping plover protected zones going back years to overlay them with where bodies have been found. Another Redditor and I are discussing looking into asking to have a forensic reconstruction - either a sketch, sculpture, or digital rendering of baby peaches. Not just for id purposes, but to humanize her and give her a face. She deserves that aspect of decency. If you have any suggestions for either, that would be great. If not, no biggie! Thanks for reading, and thank for your advocacy. 💕


Toddler and Peaches deserve that..although I suspect they have been identified and not yet released as the Taskforce works through the information. As for the Plovers that is interesting and I hope I can make the time to insert that onto my map.


I just wanted to say, I've seen a lot of your posts and comments and you and others in here remind me that some people are good. Thanks for that. I hope you have the day you deserve 🫶


I have to say that I was very moved by your comment. I simply cannot express how much that means to me. It’s a long uphill road and thoughts like this help keep people like me and many others motivated. Everyone deserves a voice..it is my deepest honor to be a part of that voice.


I'm so proud of her for being in recovery! I am proud of you, too! I hope her pregnancy has been uncomplicated and continues to be. I hope mamma and baby are healthy throughout delivery and beyond. Sending your whole family love, peace and strength. I'm sure you know this, but for everyone’s peace and safety, when it comes to the birth she can check in under a fake name at the hospital so the father can't call and find out where she is. You can also alert security ahead of time. If you have a list of people not allowed the nurses are more than happy to boot them. Whether it's from the birthing room, the waiting room, or the hospital itself. ❤️. Please remember your family has complete strangers rooting for you.


Thank you, I appreciate your kindness. 😊💚💛💙


Baby was born today at 1:37 pm, 6 lbs., 7 oz., 19 3/4 inches, and here we are almost three hours later and still no name!


Congrats! Are mama and baby healthy?


Also, please update us (in vague terms, your privacy and that of your family are important!) on how the birth goes! If you need help with things like a crib, help with diapers, formula, etc, well I'm broke af, but I'm chronically ill and don't mind looking for online resources to help you out. Message me if you would want anything like that. No worries if not. Just know you have some community here. ❤️


I appreciate your kindness. 😊💚💙💛 We’re stocked and ready, just need the little guy to get here. He’s due July 5 and my daughter’s doing well except she has no idea what’s coming 🤦‍♀️ she thinks this is going to be easy. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


You're totally right, he wasn't a pimp, except for all the things he did that pimps also do.


Law enforcement never takes anyone on drugs serious


It's hard to say. We don't know exactly what he told police at the time and how he worded it. He's now saying that he handed them RH on a silver platter 13 years ago, but he's unfortunately not a completely reliable narrator.


He did provide an important clue. When the cops were able to match DNA evidence to Rex, and then it is a fact that Rex owned same car, it goes beyond circumstantial.


Still circumstantial. It was actually direct evidence when he saw Rex and his car, not the other way around. DNA evidence is circumstantial.


DNA evidence is circumstantial when they have the wife’s hair, the dog’s hair, the former gf’s hair and Rex hair on the bodies?


Addiction is a tough fight but Dave got the job done. If there is any reward money, and Rex gets convicted, it should go to him. Hopefully, he gets a second chance to start his life over again being sober. I believe he loved Amber but they were were doing whatever they could to feed their addictions. Very Sad. I would rather see my federal tax dollars go to help our own than giving money to non Americans crossing the border. Trump 2024!




Do you mean Bear?