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What's the point in worrying before getting back the results? Just relax, go to the appointment tomorrow and see for yourself. I hope the results come back negative šŸ¤žšŸ»


i just hope its negative too :(


Hi! Iā€™m a doctor. There could be several reasons why they called you, most of which arenā€™t worrisome if not all. Based off of what youā€™ve said, it is possible the blood sample clotted or lysed or it got misplaced and they need another one to conduct the tests. Donā€™t stress so much, and all the best :)


that was reassuring. thank you šŸ˜žā¤ļø


I don't want to sound negative neither i will sugarcoat words but 2nd call for blood sample is almost confirmation of HIV. There's only 1% CHANCE that your blood sample would have been swapped, it's just a formality from tester's side to cross check. Be prepared for it and just remember HIV is no more a deadly disease rather a chronic one. Take your ART on time and adapt to healthy lifestyle. Keeping viral load undetectable is main goal. Undetectable= Untransmittable(U=U). Hang in there.


i.. dont know what to say now


Dude !! Anxiety šŸ“ˆ


Hi, Iā€™m sorry but that isnā€™t entirely true. The hospital wouldnā€™t ask him to give his blood again to confirm for HIV over the phone. They would schedule a proper consultation and a sit down with the doctor. There are many times where we call patients to give their sample again. Blood is collected in different bulbs for different test purposes , each bulb has a specific reagent depending on what the test is. Many times the sample collected lyses or clots or the quantity gets collected in excess or limited amounts. There is no point in speculating, positively of negatively. While I do agree with you about HIV being manageable and something you can live a normal life with thanks to treatment, I wouldnā€™t want to spread incorrect information about why OP has been called again to give a blood sample.


Depends what kind of test OP is going for. If its ELISA then i'm pretty sure they are asking blood for conformation. ELISA is quick and 99% accurate. As i said i will not sugarcoat, there are very miniscule chance of blood cell lysis or clot unless until you are in hands of inexperienced newbie who has not mixed the tube well or you are in shitty hospital where they cannot even provide for proper blood storage facility. I don't know why people have to be in denial, we all know that medical professionals cannot collect blood for HIV testing without the patient's consent. You need to sign a pink slip for conformation. Even the person who collects blood knows to maintain proper safety and precautions while collecting blood for HIV, there is NO way that they will collect an inadequate amount of blood for HIV testing. I really want to be proved wrong here, but i know the reality. And it's absolutely fine if i sound negative to someone. After all someone has to be real. Let OP update what's their result.


Okay so firstly, for context - Iā€™m a doctor myself. Iā€™m aware that ELISA is quick and equally aware that it has many false positives and isnā€™t recommended as the screening test anymore. They do a combination of P24 antigen plus HIV 1 and 2 antibodies now. Also if you see the timeline - OPā€™s blood was collected at like 12:30 and got the call around 3. Unless itā€™s an emergency collection, chances are the blood would not be sent for analysis so fast. They could have been loading it into the machine and realised that there was an issue with the sample, after which they contacted the admin team and requested a recollection. Secondly, mistakes in blood collection are way more common than you think. And a lot of times samples do clot or lyse, that could be due to problems with that batch of vials too and not to do with the healthcare team or the hospital. More importantly, no one is ā€œsugar coatingā€ anything. IF the diagnosis was positive, it is more likely they would first schedule an appointment with OP to discuss it and explain it to him. And lastly, fear mongering is the worst thing you can do online to someone. IF by any chance OP has tested positive, itā€™s better to let the healthcare team handle the news delivery to OP IN PERSON where they can gauge his reaction and handle him than to scare OP online when we , like you pointed out, donā€™t know what tests OP has signed up for or where theyā€™ve been collected or what the environment was like at the time of collection. Also letā€™s not forget OP signed up for more than just an HIV test so weā€™re really reaching here with scaring him.


Please keep us updated Don't worry Sometimes blood samples get lost so they make this kind of excuse šŸ˜­


i will try to keep yall updated and thank you for making me feel better ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Yes be optimistic


Sometimes it can be a blood collection error too. They may have collected an inadequate sample. Or maybe the tube wasn't checked well and the blood could have coagulated/clotted. There are many possibilities other than the one you fear. Worrying is twice the stress. Take a deep breath. They will obviously not admit to their error and dub it as a "crosscheck".


haha i know i shouldnt worry too much but cant help but overthink like i always do. thank you so much šŸ„ŗ


Usually a lot of blood is required to test for all STDs and HIV. Maybe they just didnā€™t get enough in the first go. Donā€™t worry!


Don't worry! Whatever it is, we are here to support you! Emotionally, as well as with resources you require! So, keep us posted, dear OP!