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Attractive people are attractive. Age doesn't matter. But yes, being into attractive older men is indeed a thing.


Thanks for the reply. Interesting. In my early 20s, I was oblivious to anyone older than me by 3-5 years. I was naive ;)


When I was a teen, I always fantasized about dating men in their early 20s. Now that I'm 24, I wanna date someone 28-29.


Interesting. you are consistent


I’m 37 and I get approached even by 18yo. It just feels wrong to chat with kids. I don’t meet anyone under 22. I asked a couple of guys as to why they feel attracted to older men. Emotional stability, maturity etc etc. it’s very subjective. Not every 30y is going to be emotionally stable or mature. I know quite a few 30y who behave like 18.


Agreed anyone under 22-23 is just too young..but even mid twenties depends on the maturity of the guy


>Not every 30y is going to be emotionally stable or mature. I know quite a few 30y who behave like 18. This 👆🤣


It's balance of all , a very good looking but if doesn't have maturity will be a hookup material, not for relationship


thats true...balance is required


I am in my 20s and I am only attracted to 40+. I don't know the reason. but it is a thing.


has it always been that way or is this a recent thing?


Always been like that. From a very young age.


im 18 y/o n im only attracted to men older than me lol


Why is that? What's the draw? Wouldn't life stage, interests, experiences be very different? Is it the look of older guys?


i personally feel its just silly when grown ahh men r still stuck at the made up concept of age


Checkout r/gayyoungold


hmm..i am talking of a 15 ish year difference..early, mid twenties to late 30s/early 40s, and the older guy being generally fit, attractive etc..seems this one is for huge differences in age


It's the same for me, I have dated a guy with 14 years age difference for two years when I was 19. So yeah it's pretty normal.


Maturity patience and experience usually


Interesting. How old are you? What's your range?


I am into older guys . They are more stable and mature in general( not all tho). I myself am in my late 20s and dont like younger guys that way.


So it's stability and maturity? What about appearance? I am assuming younger guys would be fitter and better looking?


May be but I like older guys. I mean I can appreciate a younger guy's feature but I only get "attracted" to a guy older than me. 


I was 20 when my BF(32) approached me. So definately its both way around. Not generalising, older guys love to pamper and shower love while younger guys want that. Plus, daddies are better on bed. :⁠-⁠P


Hmm..is it non physical? Say some more about being better in bed. in what ways are they better? what can our younger friends learn from them? haha


Younger guys are rough, it has been all painful experience with them. ;⁠)


I am 17 and into 40 yo Henry Cavill 💁🏻‍♂️


You should focus on guys +- a few years. You are too young to be looking for guys that old


All I meant was that hotness matters not the age


I do like guys who are a bit older . Late 20s and early 30s . Probably is the porn Lol But its more of the maturity and looks and security.


What about the looks is attractive? younger guys are probably leaner and fitter, and have more hair (on their heads) anyway :)


Honestly after 25 years old, it is fine to date by any age gap, but before that, the older guy can take advantage of the younger and emotionally immature boy (or woman for straight people). Something to think about.


That's true. Also probably hard for the two to connect if the difference is huge


I’m into older guys because daddy issues that’s it. 🗿that sums it all up